


简介: VTM中AreaBuf,UnitBuf,PelStorage描述了二维视频信号在内存中的操作,可以根据位置来访问到相应的信号值。






template<typename T>
struct AreaBuf : public Size
  T*        buf;     //定义一个指针变量
  int       stride;    //定义一个步长
  // the proper type causes awful lot of errors
  //ptrdiff_t stride;

  AreaBuf()                                                                               : Size(),                  buf( NULL ), stride( 0 )          { }
  AreaBuf( T *_buf, const Size &size )                                                    : Size( size ),            buf( _buf ), stride( size.width ) { }
  AreaBuf( T *_buf, const int &_stride, const Size &size )                                : Size( size ),            buf( _buf ), stride( _stride )    { }
  AreaBuf( T *_buf, const SizeType &_width, const SizeType &_height )                     : Size( _width, _height ), buf( _buf ), stride( _width )     { }
  AreaBuf( T *_buf, const int &_stride, const SizeType &_width, const SizeType &_height ) : Size( _width, _height ), buf( _buf ), stride( _stride )    { }

  operator AreaBuf<const T>() const { return AreaBuf<const T>( buf, stride, width, height ); }

  void fill                 ( const T &val );
  void memset               ( const int val );

  void copyFrom             ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other );

  void reconstruct          ( const AreaBuf<const T> &pred, const AreaBuf<const T> &resi, const ClpRng& clpRng);
  void copyClip             ( const AreaBuf<const T> &src, const ClpRng& clpRng);

  void subtract             ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other );
  void extendSingleBorderPel();
  void extendBorderPel      (  unsigned margin );
  void addWeightedAvg       ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other1, const AreaBuf<const T> &other2, const ClpRng& clpRng, const int8_t gbiIdx);
  void removeWeightHighFreq ( const AreaBuf<T>& other, const bool bClip, const ClpRng& clpRng, const int8_t iGbiWeight);
  void addAvg               ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other1, const AreaBuf<const T> &other2, const ClpRng& clpRng );
  void removeHighFreq       ( const AreaBuf<T>& other, const bool bClip, const ClpRng& clpRng);
  void updateHistogram      ( std::vector<int32_t>& hist ) const;

  T    meanDiff             ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other ) const;
  void subtract             ( const T val );

  void linearTransform      ( const int scale, const int shift, const int offset, bool bClip, const ClpRng& clpRng );

  void transposedFrom       ( const AreaBuf<const T> &other );

  void toLast               ( const ClpRng& clpRng );

  void rspSignal            ( std::vector<Pel>& pLUT );
  void scaleSignal          ( const int scale, const bool dir , const ClpRng& clpRng);
  T    computeAvg           ( ) const;
        T& at( const int &x, const int &y )          { return buf[y * stride + x]; }
  const T& at( const int &x, const int &y ) const    { return buf[y * stride + x]; }

        T& at( const Position &pos )                 { return buf[pos.y * stride + pos.x]; }
  const T& at( const Position &pos ) const           { return buf[pos.y * stride + pos.x]; }

        T* bufAt( const int &x, const int &y )       { return &at( x, y ); }
  const T* bufAt( const int &x, const int &y ) const { return &at( x, y ); }

        T* bufAt( const Position& pos )              { return &at( pos ); }
  const T* bufAt( const Position& pos ) const        { return &at( pos ); }

  AreaBuf<      T> subBuf( const Position &pos, const Size &size )                                    { return AreaBuf<      T>( bufAt( pos  ), stride, size   ); }
  AreaBuf<const T> subBuf( const Position &pos, const Size &size )                              const { return AreaBuf<const T>( bufAt( pos  ), stride, size   ); }
  AreaBuf<      T> subBuf( const int &x, const int &y, const unsigned &_w, const unsigned &_h )       { return AreaBuf<      T>( bufAt( x, y ), stride, _w, _h ); }
  AreaBuf<const T> subBuf( const int &x, const int &y, const unsigned &_w, const unsigned &_h ) const { return AreaBuf<const T>( bufAt( x, y ), stride, _w, _h ); }


template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::fill(const T &val)
  if( sizeof( T ) == 1 )
    if( width == stride )
      ::memset( buf, reinterpret_cast< const signed char& >( val ), width * height * sizeof( T ) );
      T* dest = buf;
      size_t line = width * sizeof( T );

      for( unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++ )
        ::memset( dest, reinterpret_cast< const signed char& >( val ), line );

        dest += stride;
  else if( T( 0 ) == val )
    if( width == stride )
      ::memset( buf, 0, width * height * sizeof( T ) );
      T* dest = buf;
      size_t line = width * sizeof( T );

      for( unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++ )
        ::memset( dest, 0, line );

        dest += stride;
    T* dest = buf;

#define FILL_INC        dest      += stride
#define FILL_OP( ADDR ) dest[ADDR] = val


#undef FILL_INC
#undef FILL_OP

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::memset( const int val )
  if( width == stride )
    ::memset( buf, val, width * height * sizeof( T ) );
    T* dest = buf;
    size_t line = width * sizeof( T );

    for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
      ::memset( dest, val, line );

      dest += stride;

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::copyFrom( const AreaBuf<const T> &other )
#if !defined(__GNUC__) || __GNUC__ > 5
  static_assert( std::is_trivially_copyable<T>::value, "Type T is not trivially_copyable" );

  CHECK( width  != other.width,  "Incompatible size" );
  CHECK( height != other.height, "Incompatible size" );

  if( buf == other.buf )

  if( width == stride && stride == other.stride )
    memcpy( buf, other.buf, width * height * sizeof( T ) );
          T* dst         = buf;
    const T* src         = other.buf;
    const unsigned srcStride = other.stride;

    for( unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++ )
      memcpy( dst, src, width * sizeof( T ) );

      dst += stride;
      src += srcStride;

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::subtract( const AreaBuf<const T> &other )
  CHECK( width  != other.width,  "Incompatible size" );
  CHECK( height != other.height, "Incompatible size" );

        T* dest =       buf;
  const T* subs = other.buf;

#define SUBS_INC        \
  dest +=       stride; \
  subs += other.stride; \

#define SUBS_OP( ADDR ) dest[ADDR] -= subs[ADDR]


#undef SUBS_OP
#undef SUBS_INC

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::copyClip( const AreaBuf<const T> &src, const ClpRng& clpRng )
  THROW( "Type not supported" );

void AreaBuf<Pel>::copyClip( const AreaBuf<const Pel> &src, const ClpRng& clpRng );

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::reconstruct( const AreaBuf<const T> &pred, const AreaBuf<const T> &resi, const ClpRng& clpRng )
  THROW( "Type not supported" );

void AreaBuf<Pel>::reconstruct( const AreaBuf<const Pel> &pred, const AreaBuf<const Pel> &resi, const ClpRng& clpRng );

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::addAvg( const AreaBuf<const T> &other1, const AreaBuf<const T> &other2, const ClpRng& clpRng )
  THROW( "Type not supported" );

void AreaBuf<Pel>::addAvg( const AreaBuf<const Pel> &other1, const AreaBuf<const Pel> &other2, const ClpRng& clpRng );

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::linearTransform( const int scale, const int shift, const int offset, bool bClip, const ClpRng& clpRng )
  THROW( "Type not supported" );

void AreaBuf<Pel>::linearTransform( const int scale, const int shift, const int offset, bool bClip, const ClpRng& clpRng );

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::toLast( const ClpRng& clpRng )
  THROW( "Type not supported" );

void AreaBuf<Pel>::toLast( const ClpRng& clpRng );

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::removeWeightHighFreq(const AreaBuf<T>& other, const bool bClip, const ClpRng& clpRng, const int8_t gbiWeight)
  const int8_t gbiWeightOther = g_GbiWeightBase - gbiWeight;
  const int8_t log2WeightBase = g_GbiLog2WeightBase;

  const Pel* src = other.buf;
  const int  srcStride = other.stride;

  Pel* dst = buf;
  const int  dstStride = stride;

    if(!(width & 7))
      g_pelBufOP.removeWeightHighFreq8(dst, dstStride, src, srcStride, width, height, 16, gbiWeight);
    else if(!(width & 3))
      g_pelBufOP.removeWeightHighFreq4(dst, dstStride, src, srcStride, width, height, 16, gbiWeight);
      CHECK(true, "Not supported");
    int normalizer = ((1 << 16) + (gbiWeight > 0 ? (gbiWeight >> 1) : -(gbiWeight >> 1))) / gbiWeight;
    int weight0 = normalizer << log2WeightBase;
    int weight1 = gbiWeightOther * normalizer;
#define REM_HF_INC  \
  src += srcStride; \
  dst += dstStride; \

#define REM_HF_OP_CLIP( ADDR ) dst[ADDR] = ClipPel<T>( (dst[ADDR]*weight0 - src[ADDR]*weight1 + (1<<15))>>16, clpRng )
#define REM_HF_OP( ADDR )      dst[ADDR] =             (dst[ADDR]*weight0 - src[ADDR]*weight1 + (1<<15))>>16


#undef REM_HF_INC
#undef REM_HF_OP

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::removeHighFreq( const AreaBuf<T>& other, const bool bClip, const ClpRng& clpRng )
  const T*  src       = other.buf;
  const int srcStride = other.stride;

        T*  dst       = buf;
  const int dstStride = stride;

  if (!bClip)
    if(!(width & 7))
      g_pelBufOP.removeHighFreq8(dst, dstStride, src, srcStride, width, height);
    else if (!(width & 3))
      g_pelBufOP.removeHighFreq4(dst, dstStride, src, srcStride, width, height);
      CHECK(true, "Not supported");

#define REM_HF_INC  \
  src += srcStride; \
  dst += dstStride; \

#define REM_HF_OP_CLIP( ADDR ) dst[ADDR] = ClipPel<T>( 2 * dst[ADDR] - src[ADDR], clpRng )
#define REM_HF_OP( ADDR )      dst[ADDR] =             2 * dst[ADDR] - src[ADDR]

  if( bClip )

#undef REM_HF_INC
#undef REM_HF_OP


template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::updateHistogram( std::vector<int32_t>& hist ) const
  const T* data = buf;
  for( std::size_t y = 0; y < height; y++, data += stride )
    for( std::size_t x = 0; x < width; x++ )
      hist[ data[x] ]++;

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::extendBorderPel( unsigned margin )
  T*  p = buf;
  int h = height;
  int w = width;
  int s = stride;

  CHECK( ( w + 2 * margin ) > s, "Size of buffer too small to extend" );
  // do left and right margins
  for( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
    for( int x = 0; x < margin; x++ )
      *( p - margin + x ) = p[0];
      p[w + x] = p[w - 1];
    p += s;

  // p is now the (0,height) (bottom left of image within bigger picture
  p -= ( s + margin );
  // p is now the (-margin, height-1)
  for( int y = 0; y < margin; y++ )
    ::memcpy( p + ( y + 1 ) * s, p, sizeof( T ) * ( w + ( margin << 1 ) ) );

  // pi is still (-marginX, height-1)
  p -= ( ( h - 1 ) * s );
  // pi is now (-marginX, 0)
  for( int y = 0; y < margin; y++ )
    ::memcpy( p - ( y + 1 ) * s, p, sizeof( T ) * ( w + ( margin << 1 ) ) );
template<typename T>
T AreaBuf<T>::meanDiff( const AreaBuf<const T> &other ) const
  int64_t acc = 0;

  CHECK( width  != other.width,  "Incompatible size" );
  CHECK( height != other.height, "Incompatible size" );

  const T* src1 =       buf;
  const T* src2 = other.buf;

#define MEAN_DIFF_INC   \
  src1 +=       stride; \
  src2 += other.stride; \

#define MEAN_DIFF_OP(ADDR) acc += src1[ADDR] - src2[ADDR]



  return T( acc / area() );

template<> void AreaBuf<Pel>::subtract( const Pel val );

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::subtract( const T val )
  T* dst = buf;

#define OFFSET_INC       dst       += stride
#define OFFSET_OP(ADDR)  dst[ADDR] -= val


#undef OFFSET_OP

template<typename T>
void AreaBuf<T>::transposedFrom( const AreaBuf<const T> &other )
  CHECK( width * height != other.width * other.height, "Incompatible size" );

        T* dst  =       buf;
  const T* src  = other.buf;
  width         = other.height;
  height        = other.width;
  stride        = stride < width ? width : stride;

  for( unsigned y = 0; y < other.height; y++ )
    for( unsigned x = 0; x < other.width; x++ )
      dst[y + x*stride] = src[x + y*other.stride];




template<typename T>
struct UnitBuf
  typedef static_vector<AreaBuf<T>,       MAX_NUM_COMPONENT> UnitBufBuffers;
  typedef static_vector<AreaBuf<const T>, MAX_NUM_COMPONENT> ConstUnitBufBuffers;

  ChromaFormat chromaFormat;       //枚举类型
  UnitBufBuffers bufs;      //  AreaBuf型的数组,数组中有size信息,指针和步长信息

  UnitBuf() : chromaFormat( NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT ) { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const UnitBufBuffers&  _bufs ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs( _bufs ) { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat,       UnitBufBuffers&& _bufs ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs( std::forward<UnitBufBuffers>( _bufs ) ) { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const AreaBuf<T>  &blkY ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ blkY } { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat,       AreaBuf<T> &&blkY ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkY) } { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const AreaBuf<T>  &blkY, const AreaBuf<T>  &blkCb, const AreaBuf<T>  &blkCr ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ blkY, blkCb, blkCr } { }
  UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat,       AreaBuf<T> &&blkY,       AreaBuf<T> &&blkCb,       AreaBuf<T> &&blkCr ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkY), std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkCb), std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkCr) } { }

  operator UnitBuf<const T>() const
    return UnitBuf<const T>( chromaFormat, ConstUnitBufBuffers( bufs.begin(), bufs.end() ) );

        AreaBuf<T>& get( const ComponentID comp )        { return bufs[comp]; }
  const AreaBuf<T>& get( const ComponentID comp )  const { return bufs[comp]; }

        AreaBuf<T>& Y()        { return bufs[0]; }
  const AreaBuf<T>& Y()  const { return bufs[0]; }
        AreaBuf<T>& Cb()       { return bufs[1]; }
  const AreaBuf<T>& Cb() const { return bufs[1]; }
        AreaBuf<T>& Cr()       { return bufs[2]; }
  const AreaBuf<T>& Cr() const { return bufs[2]; }

  void fill                 ( const T &val );
  void copyFrom             ( const UnitBuf<const T> &other );
  void reconstruct          ( const UnitBuf<const T> &pred, const UnitBuf<const T> &resi, const ClpRngs& clpRngs );
  void copyClip             ( const UnitBuf<const T> &src, const ClpRngs& clpRngs );
  void subtract             ( const UnitBuf<const T> &other );
  void addWeightedAvg       ( const UnitBuf<const T> &other1, const UnitBuf<const T> &other2, const ClpRngs& clpRngs, const uint8_t gbiIdx = GBI_DEFAULT, const bool chromaOnly = false, const bool lumaOnly = false);
  void addAvg               ( const UnitBuf<const T> &other1, const UnitBuf<const T> &other2, const ClpRngs& clpRngs, const bool chromaOnly = false, const bool lumaOnly = false);
  void extendSingleBorderPel();
  void extendBorderPel      ( unsigned margin );
  void removeHighFreq       ( const UnitBuf<T>& other, const bool bClip, const ClpRngs& clpRngs
                            , const int8_t gbiWeight = g_GbiWeights[GBI_DEFAULT]

        UnitBuf<      T> subBuf (const UnitArea& subArea);
  const UnitBuf<const T> subBuf (const UnitArea& subArea) const;



template<typename T>
void UnitBuf<T>::fill( const T &val )
  for( unsigned i = 0; i < bufs.size(); i++ )
    bufs[i].fill( val );

template<typename T>
void UnitBuf<T>::copyFrom( const UnitBuf<const T> &other )
  CHECK( chromaFormat != other.chromaFormat, "Incompatible formats" );

  for( unsigned i = 0; i < bufs.size(); i++ )
    bufs[i].copyFrom( other.bufs[i] );

template<typename T>
void UnitBuf<T>::subtract( const UnitBuf<const T> &other )
  CHECK( chromaFormat != other.chromaFormat, "Incompatible formats" );

  for( unsigned i = 0; i < bufs.size(); i++ )
    bufs[i].subtract( other.bufs[i] );

template<typename T>
void UnitBuf<T>::copyClip(const UnitBuf<const T> &src, const ClpRngs& clpRngs)
  CHECK( chromaFormat != src.chromaFormat, "Incompatible formats" );

  for( unsigned i = 0; i < bufs.size(); i++ )
    bufs[i].copyClip( src.bufs[i], clpRngs.comp[i] );

template<typename T>
void UnitBuf<T>::reconstruct(const UnitBuf<const T> &pred, const UnitBuf<const T> &resi, const ClpRngs& clpRngs)
  CHECK( chromaFormat != pred.chromaFormat, "Incompatible formats" );
  CHECK( chromaFormat != resi.chromaFormat, "Incompatible formats" );

  for( unsigned i = 0; i < bufs.size(); i++ )
    bufs[i].reconstruct( pred.bufs[i], resi.bufs[i], clpRngs.comp[i] );

template<typename T>
void UnitBuf<T>::addWeightedAvg(const UnitBuf<const T> &other1, const UnitBuf<const T> &other2, const ClpRngs& clpRngs, const uint8_t gbiIdx /* = GBI_DEFAULT */, const bool chromaOnly /* = false */, const bool lumaOnly /* = false */)
  const size_t istart = chromaOnly ? 1 : 0;
  const size_t iend = lumaOnly ? 1 : bufs.size();

  CHECK(lumaOnly && chromaOnly, "should not happen");

  for(size_t i = istart; i < iend; i++)
    bufs[i].addWeightedAvg(other1.bufs[i], other2.bufs[i], clpRngs.comp[i], gbiIdx);

template<typename T>
void UnitBuf<T>::addAvg(const UnitBuf<const T> &other1, const UnitBuf<const T> &other2, const ClpRngs& clpRngs, const bool chromaOnly /* = false */, const bool lumaOnly /* = false */)
  const size_t istart = chromaOnly ? 1 : 0;
  const size_t iend   = lumaOnly   ? 1 : bufs.size();

  CHECK( lumaOnly && chromaOnly, "should not happen" );

  for( size_t i = istart; i < iend; i++)
    bufs[i].addAvg( other1.bufs[i], other2.bufs[i], clpRngs.comp[i]);

template<typename T>
void UnitBuf<T>::extendSingleBorderPel()
  for( unsigned i = 0; i < bufs.size(); i++ )

template<typename T>
void UnitBuf<T>::extendBorderPel( unsigned margin )
  for( unsigned i = 0; i < bufs.size(); i++ )
    bufs[i].extendBorderPel( margin );

template<typename T>
void UnitBuf<T>::removeHighFreq( const UnitBuf<T>& other, const bool bClip, const ClpRngs& clpRngs
                               , const int8_t gbiWeight
  if(gbiWeight != g_GbiWeights[GBI_DEFAULT])
    bufs[0].removeWeightHighFreq(other.bufs[0], bClip, clpRngs.comp[0], gbiWeight);
  bufs[0].removeHighFreq(other.bufs[0], bClip, clpRngs.comp[0]);


template<typename T>
UnitBuf<T> UnitBuf<T>::subBuf( const UnitArea& subArea )
  UnitBuf<T> subBuf;
  subBuf.chromaFormat = chromaFormat;
  unsigned blockIdx = 0;

  for( auto &subAreaBuf : bufs )
    subBuf.bufs.push_back( subAreaBuf.subBuf( subArea.blocks[blockIdx].pos(), subArea.blocks[blockIdx].size() ) );

  return subBuf;

template<typename T>
const UnitBuf<const T> UnitBuf<T>::subBuf( const UnitArea& subArea ) const
  UnitBuf<const T> subBuf;
  subBuf.chromaFormat = chromaFormat;
  unsigned blockIdx = 0;

  for( const auto &subAreaBuf : bufs )
    subBuf.bufs.push_back( subAreaBuf.subBuf( subArea.blocks[blockIdx].pos(), subArea.blocks[blockIdx].size() ) );

  return subBuf;




typedef UnitBuf<      Pel>  PelUnitBuf;
typedef UnitBuf<const Pel> CPelUnitBuf;
struct PelStorage : public PelUnitBuf

  void swap( PelStorage& other );
  void createFromBuf( PelUnitBuf buf );
  void create( const UnitArea &_unit );
  void create( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const Area& _area, const unsigned _maxCUSize = 0, const unsigned _margin = 0, const unsigned _alignment = 0, const bool _scaleChromaMargin = true );
  void destroy();

         PelBuf getBuf( const CompArea &blk );
  const CPelBuf getBuf( const CompArea &blk ) const;

         PelBuf getBuf( const ComponentID CompID );
  const CPelBuf getBuf( const ComponentID CompID ) const;

         PelUnitBuf getBuf( const UnitArea &unit );
  const CPelUnitBuf getBuf( const UnitArea &unit ) const;
  Pel *getOrigin( const int id ) const { return m_origin[id]; }


  Pel *m_origin[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];


PelStorage::PelStorage()      //构造函数
  for( uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; i++ )
    m_origin[i] = nullptr;      //将所有的指针置空


void PelStorage::create( const UnitArea &_UnitArea )
  create( _UnitArea.chromaFormat, _UnitArea.blocks[0] );

void PelStorage::create( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const Area& _area, const unsigned _maxCUSize, const unsigned _margin, const unsigned _alignment, const bool _scaleChromaMargin )
  CHECK( !bufs.empty(), "Trying to re-create an already initialized buffer" );

  chromaFormat = _chromaFormat;

  const uint32_t numCh = getNumberValidComponents( _chromaFormat );

  unsigned extHeight = _area.height;
  unsigned extWidth  = _area.width;

  if( _maxCUSize )
    extHeight = ( ( _area.height + _maxCUSize - 1 ) / _maxCUSize ) * _maxCUSize;
    extWidth  = ( ( _area.width  + _maxCUSize - 1 ) / _maxCUSize ) * _maxCUSize;

  for( uint32_t i = 0; i < numCh; i++ )
    const ComponentID compID = ComponentID( i );
    const unsigned scaleX = ::getComponentScaleX( compID, _chromaFormat );
    const unsigned scaleY = ::getComponentScaleY( compID, _chromaFormat );

    unsigned scaledHeight = extHeight >> scaleY;
    unsigned scaledWidth  = extWidth  >> scaleX;
    unsigned ymargin      = _margin >> (_scaleChromaMargin?scaleY:0);
    unsigned xmargin      = _margin >> (_scaleChromaMargin?scaleX:0);
    unsigned totalWidth   = scaledWidth + 2*xmargin;
    unsigned totalHeight  = scaledHeight +2*ymargin;

    if( _alignment )
      // make sure buffer lines are align
      CHECK( _alignment != MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, "Unsupported alignment" );
      totalWidth = ( ( totalWidth + _alignment - 1 ) / _alignment ) * _alignment;
    uint32_t area = totalWidth * totalHeight;
    CHECK( !area, "Trying to create a buffer with zero area" );

    m_origin[i] = ( Pel* ) xMalloc( Pel, area );
    Pel* topLeft = m_origin[i] + totalWidth * ymargin + xmargin;
    bufs.push_back( PelBuf( topLeft, totalWidth, _area.width >> scaleX, _area.height >> scaleY ) );

void PelStorage::createFromBuf( PelUnitBuf buf )
  chromaFormat = buf.chromaFormat;

  const uint32_t numCh = ::getNumberValidComponents( chromaFormat );


  for( uint32_t i = 0; i < numCh; i++ )
    PelBuf cPelBuf = buf.get( ComponentID( i ) );
    bufs[i] = PelBuf( cPelBuf.bufAt( 0, 0 ), cPelBuf.stride, cPelBuf.width, cPelBuf.height );

void PelStorage::swap( PelStorage& other )
  const uint32_t numCh = ::getNumberValidComponents( chromaFormat );

  for( uint32_t i = 0; i < numCh; i++ )
    // check this otherwise it would turn out to get very weird
    CHECK( chromaFormat                   != other.chromaFormat                  , "Incompatible formats" );
    CHECK( get( ComponentID( i ) )        != other.get( ComponentID( i ) )       , "Incompatible formats" );
    CHECK( get( ComponentID( i ) ).stride != other.get( ComponentID( i ) ).stride, "Incompatible formats" );

    std::swap( bufs[i].buf,    other.bufs[i].buf );
    std::swap( bufs[i].stride, other.bufs[i].stride );
    std::swap( m_origin[i],    other.m_origin[i] );

void PelStorage::destroy()
  chromaFormat = NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT;
  for( uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; i++ )
    if( m_origin[i] )
      xFree( m_origin[i] );
      m_origin[i] = nullptr;

PelBuf PelStorage::getBuf( const ComponentID CompID )
  return bufs[CompID];

const CPelBuf PelStorage::getBuf( const ComponentID CompID ) const
  return bufs[CompID];

PelBuf PelStorage::getBuf( const CompArea &blk )
  const PelBuf& r = bufs[blk.compID];

  CHECKD( rsAddr( blk.bottomRight(), r.stride ) >= ( ( r.height - 1 ) * r.stride + r.width ), "Trying to access a buf outside of bound!" );

  return PelBuf( r.buf + rsAddr( blk, r.stride ), r.stride, blk );

const CPelBuf PelStorage::getBuf( const CompArea &blk ) const
  const PelBuf& r = bufs[blk.compID];
  return CPelBuf( r.buf + rsAddr( blk, r.stride ), r.stride, blk );

PelUnitBuf PelStorage::getBuf( const UnitArea &unit )
  return ( chromaFormat == CHROMA_400 ) ? PelUnitBuf( chromaFormat, getBuf( unit.Y() ) ) : PelUnitBuf( chromaFormat, getBuf( unit.Y() ), getBuf( unit.Cb() ), getBuf( unit.Cr() ) );

const CPelUnitBuf PelStorage::getBuf( const UnitArea &unit ) const
  return ( chromaFormat == CHROMA_400 ) ? CPelUnitBuf( chromaFormat, getBuf( unit.Y() ) ) : CPelUnitBuf( chromaFormat, getBuf( unit.Y() ), getBuf( unit.Cb() ), getBuf( unit.Cr() ) );







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


