判断实体边的凸凹性 Convexity Value Example convex PK_EDGE_convexity_convex_c concave PK_EDGE_convexity_concave_c variable the convexity varies along the edge PK_EDGE_convexity_variable_c smooth flat parallel surface normals, both faces have zero face curvature PK_EDGE_convexity_smooth_flat_c smooth convex edge convexity is smooth, both faces have positive curvature (or one has zero, one has positive) PK_EDGE_convexity_smooth_cvx_c smooth concave edge convexity is smooth, both faces have negative curvature (or one has zero, one has negative) PK_EDGE_convexity_smooth_ccv_c smooth inflection edge convexity is smooth, faces have opposite curvature PK_EDGE_convexity_smooth_inf_c smooth variable edge convexity is smooth, some parts are smooth convex, some parts are smooth concave PK_EDGE_convexity_smooth_var_c knife convex surface normals are anti-parallel and the sum of the curvatures is non-negative PK_EDGE_convexity_knife_cvx_c knife concave surface normals are anti-parallel and the sum of the curvatures is non-positive PK_EDGE_convexity_knife_ccv_c