
1、ARToolKit, 知名度很高的AR库了,可以商用,免费开源 遵循GPL协议,C风格的函数库; 被转换成了很多其他语言和平台像Android, Flash 还有Silverlight; 被广泛的应用到增强现实的项目开发中。

2、GRATF,开源库 遵循 (GPLv3)协议, 支持C#,可以用于字形识别,3D姿态评估,3D增强现实中。

3、ArUco, 一个基于OpenCv的mini增强现实库; 开原协议: BSD,支持平台有: Linux, Windows

4、mixare, 增强现实开源库 主要增对Android和Iphone,遵循开源协议(GPLv3) ; 通过一个自治的应用提供服务,可以在Android Market下载该app。

5、OpenMAR, 一个塞班平台的增强现实库 ,官网貌似挂了 大家可以去搜搜, 在 EPL协议下发布; 一些关于它的信息。

6、Argon, 增强现实浏览器 由 Georgia Tech’s GVU 中心出版,允许混合使用 KML and HTML/JavaScript/CSS 来开发增强现实应用; 当前版本只支持iphone。

7、Goblin XNA, BSD协议,为了研究3D用户交互的一个平台, 包含移动增强现实和虚拟现实, 强调于游戏应用. 基于Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3.1。

8、PTAM, 全称PTAM (Parallel Tracking and Mapping)服务于增强现实的一个摄像机追踪系统. 不需要标记, 预置地图, 已知模板, 或者重力感应器。
  Type iOS Android 3D Object Tracking GPS IMU Sensors Marker VisualSearch Website
DroidAR Open Source Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes http://bitstars.github.io/droidar/
ARmedia Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes http://www.inglobetechnologies.com/
Vuforia Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes http://developer.qualcomm.com/dev/augmented-reality
ARLab Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes QR code Yes http://www.arlab.com/
Beyond Reality Face Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes http://www.beyond-reality-face.com/
D'Fusion Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes http://www.t-immersion.com/
instantreality Free + Commercial SDK option http://www.instantreality.org/
Metaio SDK Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes http://www.metaio.com
Viewdle Commercial SDK only Yes http://www.viewdle.com/
Luxand FaceSDK Commercial SDK only http://www.luxand.com/
Xloudia Commercial SDK only Yes Yes Yes Optionnally Yes Optionnally Yes http://xloudia.com
ARPA Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes http://arpa-solutions.net/en
ALVAR Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes http://virtual.vtt.fi/virtual/proj2/multimedia/alvar/index.html
AndAR Free Yes Yes http://code.google.com/p/andar/
AR23D Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes http://www.ar23d.com/
ARMES Commercial SDK only Yes http://www.armes-tech.com/
ARToolkit Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes http://www.artoolworks.com/
ArUco Open Source Yes http://www.uco.es/investiga/grupos/ava/node/26
ATOMIC Authoring Tool Open Source Yes http://www.sologicolibre.org/projects/atomic/en/index.php
Aurasma Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes http://www.aurasma.com
Awila Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes  
BazAR Open Source http://cvlab.epfl.ch/software/bazar/index.php
BeyondAR Open Source Yes Yes http://beyondar.com/platform
Catchoom Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes http://catchoom.com/
Cortexia Yes Yes Yes http://www.cortexica.com/
Designers ARToolkit (DART) Free Yes http://ael.gatech.edu/dart/index.htm
flare* Free + Commercial SDK option Yes http://www.imagination.at/en/?Products:Augmented_Reality_for_Flash
FLARToolkit Open Source Yes http://www.libspark.org/wiki/saqoosha/FLARToolKit/en
Goblin XNA Open Source Yes http://goblinxna.codeplex.com/
Google Goggles Yes Yes Yes http://www.google.com/mobile/goggles/
HOPPALA Free http://www.hoppala-agency.com/
idee Yes http://ideeinc.com/
IN2AR Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes http://www.in2ar.com/
Kooaba Yes http://www.kooaba.com/
Koozyt Commercial SDK only Yes Yes Yes  
layar Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes http://www.layar.com/tools/
LibreGeoSocial Open Source Yes Yes Yes http://www.libregeosocial.org/
LinceoVR Commercial SDK only http://www.seac02.it/
linkme http://www.linkmemobile.com/
Microsoft Read/Write World Yes http://readwriteworld.cloudapp.net/
Minerva Open Source Yes http://sourceforge.net/projects/minervaproject/
mixare Open Source Yes Yes Yes http://www.mixare.org/
Morgan http://www.fit.fraunhofer.de/services/cvae/morgan.html
MXR Toolkit Open Source Yes http://mxrtoolkit.sourceforge.net/
NyARToolkit Open Source Yes Yes http://nyatla.jp/nyartoolkit/wp/
Obvious Engine Commercial SDK only Yes Yes http://obviousengine.com/
omniar.com Commercial SDK only Yes http://omniar.com/
OpenSpace3D Open Source Yes http://www.openspace3d.com/
osgART Open Source Yes http://osgart.org/
PanicAR Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes http://dopanic.com/solutions/panic_ar.html
PointCloud Free + Commercial SDK option Yes - (Under dev) Yes http://www.pointcloud.io/
popcode Commercial SDK only Yes Yes http://www.popcode.info/
PRAugmentedReality Yes No https://github.com/promet/PRAugmentedReality
PTAM Other http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~gk/PTAM/
Qoncept AR Other Yes Yes Yes Yes http://www.kudan.eu/
Robocortex Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes http://www.robocortex.com/
SLARToolkit Open Source Yes http://slartoolkit.codeplex.com/
snaptell Yes Yes Yes http://www.snaptell.com/
SSTT Other Yes Yes Yes http://technotecture.com/augmentedreality
String Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes http://www.poweredbystring.com/
Studierstube Open Source http://studierstube.icg.tugraz.at/
Studierstube Tracker Yes Yes Yes http://studierstube.icg.tu-graz.ac.at/handheld_ar/stbtracker.php
UART Open Source Yes Yes https://research.cc.gatech.edu/uart/
Wikitude Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes http://www.wikitude.com
Win AR Free + Commercial SDK option http://r2m.nus.edu.sg/cos/o.x?c=/r2m/license_product&ptid=5730&func=viewProd&pid=22
windage Other Yes http://code.google.com/p/windage/
xpose visual search Commercial SDK only Yes Yes Yes http://www.buzzar.net/index.asp
yvision Free + Commercial SDK option Yes Yes Yes http://www.yvision.com/
Zenitum Feature Tracker Commercial SDK only Yes Yes Yes Yes http://www.zenitum.com/en/research/
2、Augmented Reality SDK Comparison




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