电子历史大事记 1745-2021


Electronics History Timeline

Electronics History Timeline – Timeline of Discoveries and Inventions in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from 600 BC to 2011
电子历史时间表 – 公元前 600 年至公元前 2011 年电子和电气工程的发现和发明时间表

Electronics History Timeline – Timeline of Discoveries and Inventions in History of Electronics & Electrical Engineering from 600 BC to 2011.
电子历史时间表 – 从公元前 600 年到 2011 年的电子与电气工程史上的发现和发明时间表。

What is Electronics?

Electronics is the branch of science that deals with the study of flow and control of electrons (electricity) and the study of their behavior and effects in vacuums, gases, and semiconductors, and with devices using such electrons. This control of electrons is accomplished by electronic components that resist, carry, select, steer, switch, store, manipulate, and exploit the electron.

Electronics Definition

The branch of physics that deals with the emission and effects of electrons and with the use of electronic devices**. Electronics** refers to the flow of charge (moving electrons) through non-metal conductors (mainly semiconductors), whereas electrical refers to the flow of charge through metal conductors.

Electronics History Timeline (600 BC to 2007)

History of electronics dates back to 600 BC. Let us now have a look at the timeline of discoveries and inventions in the field of electronics and electrical engineering fro 600 BC to 2011.
电子产品的历史可以追溯到公元前 600 年。现在让我们看一下从公元前 600 年到 2011 年电子和电气工程领域的发现和发明的时间表。

  • 600 BC – Thales of Miletus discovered static electricity by rubbing fur on amber.
    公元前 600 年——米利都的泰勒斯通过在琥珀上摩擦毛皮发现了静电。
  • 1600 – William Gilbert coined the word electricus that was later termed as Electricity by Benjamin Franklin in 1752.
    1600 – 威廉·吉尔伯特 (William Gilbert) 创造了 electricus 一词,后来被本杰明·富兰克林 (Benjamin Franklin) 于 1752 年称为电力。
  • 1720 – Stephen Gray discovered insulator and conductor.
    1720年——斯蒂芬·格雷(Stephen Gray)发现了绝缘体和导体。
  • 1745 – Ewald Georg von Kleist and Pieter van Musschenbroek invented Leyden jars.
    1745 年 – Ewald Georg von Kleist 和 Pieter van Musschenbroek 发明了莱顿罐。
  • 1752 – Benjamin Franklin discovered that lightning is electrical by flying a kite, and explained how Leyden jars work.
    1752年——本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)通过放风筝发现了闪电是带电的,并解释了莱顿罐的工作原理。
  • 1783 – Charles Augustin de Coulomb formulated Coulomb’s law.
  • 1800 – Alessandro Volta invented battery (Dry Cell).
    1800年——亚历山德罗·沃尔特(Alessandro Volta)发明了电池(干电池)。
  • 1820 – Hans Christian Oersted discovered magnetic field.
    1820年——汉斯·克里斯蒂安·奥斯特德(Hans Christian Oersted)发现磁场。
  • 1820 – André Marie Ampère published his law of electrodynamics called Ampère’s law.
    1820年——安德烈·玛丽·安培(André Marie Ampère)发表了他的电动力学定律,称为安培定律。
  • 1825 – William Sturgeon developed the first electromagnet.
    1825 年 – 威廉·斯特金 (William Sturgeon) 开发了第一个电磁铁。
  • 1826 – Georg Ohm introduced Ohm’s Law.
    1826 年 – Georg Ohm 引入了欧姆定律。
  • 1827 – Georg Ohm introduced the concept of electrical resistance.
    1827 年 – Georg Ohm 引入了电阻的概念。
  • 1831 – Michael Faraday published the law of induction.
    1831年——迈克尔·法拉第(Michael Faraday)发表了感应定律。
  • 1931 – Michael Faraday invented transformer.
  • 1831 – Joseph Henry developed a prototype DC motor.
    1831 年 – 约瑟夫·亨利 (Joseph Henry) 开发了一种原型直流电机。
  • 1836 – Nicholas Callan invented transformer.
    1836年——尼古拉斯·卡兰(Nicholas Callan)发明了变压器。
  • 1844 – Samuel Morse developed telegraphy and the Morse code.
    1844年——塞缪尔·莫尔斯(Samuel Morse)发明了电报和摩尔斯电码。
  • 1856 – Charles Bourseul proposed telephony.
    1856年——查尔斯·布尔苏(Charles Bourseul)提出电话。
  • 1862 – James Clerk Maxwell published four equations bearing his name “Maxwell’s equations“.
    1862年——詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦(James Clerk Maxwell)发表了四个以他的名字命名的方程“麦克斯韦方程”。
  • 1876 – Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone.
  • 1877 – Thomas Alva Edison invented phonograph.
  • 1878 – Joseph Swan invented Incandescent light bulb.
  • 1879 – Thomas Alva Edison introduced a long lasting filament for incandescent lamp.
    1879 年 – 托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生 (Thomas Alva Edison) 推出了一种用于白炽灯的长效灯丝。
  • 1887 – Nikola Tesla invented the first induction motor.
    1887 年 – 尼古拉·特斯拉 (Nikola Tesla) 发明了第一台感应电机。
  • 1888 – Heinrich Hertz proved that electro magnetic waves travel over some distance.
    1888年——海因里希·赫兹(Heinrich Hertz)证明了电磁波在一定距离内传播。
  • 1890 – Thomas Alva Edison invented fuse.
  • 1897 – Karl Ferdinand Braun invented cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO).
    1897 年 – 卡尔·费迪南德·布劳恩 (Karl Ferdinand Braun) 发明了阴极射线示波器 (CRO)。
  • 1901 – Guglielmo Marconi made first transatlantic radio broadcast.
    1901年——古列尔莫·马可尼(Guglielmo Marconi)进行了第一次跨大西洋无线电广播。
  • 1904 – John Ambrose Fleming invented diode.
  • 1906 – Lee de Forest invented triode.
  • 1912 – Edwin Howard Armstrong developed Electronic oscillator.
    1912年——埃德温·霍华德·阿姆斯特朗(Edwin Howard Armstrong)开发了电子振荡器。
  • 1915 – Albert Einstein published the Theory of Relativity.
  • 1928 – First experimental Television broadcast in the US.
    1928 – 美国首次实验性电视广播。
  • 1929 – First public TV broadcast in Germany.
    1929 – 德国首次公共电视广播。
  • 1941 – Konrad Zuse developed the first programmable computer.
    1941 年 – 康拉德·祖斯 (Konrad Zuse) 开发了第一台可编程计算机。
  • 1943 – Eisler invented the Printed Circuit Board.
    1943 – 艾斯勒发明了印刷电路板。
  • 1944 – John Logie Baird developed the first color picture tube.
    1944 – 约翰·洛吉·贝尔德 (John Logie Baird) 开发了第一台彩色显像管。
  • 1958 – Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit (IC).
    1958 年 – 杰克·基尔比 (Jack Kilby) 发明了集成电路 (IC)。
  • 1960 – Theodore Harold Maiman invented the Laser.
    1960 年 – 西奥多·哈罗德·迈曼 (Theodore Harold Maiman) 发明了激光器。
  • 1962 – Nick Holonyak Jr. invented the LED.
    1962 年 – Nick Holonyak Jr. 发明了 LED。
  • 1962 – Hofstein, Heiman, and RCA invented MOSFET Transistors.
    1962 年 – Hofstein、Heiman 和 RCA 发明了 MOSFET 晶体管。
  • 1964 – Kemeny and Kurtz introduced the BASIC programming language.
    1964 年 – Kemeny 和 Kurtz 推出了 BASIC 编程语言。
  • 1970 – INTEL introduced the first Microprocessor.
    1970 年 – 英特尔推出了第一款微处理器。
  • 1971 – Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore formed Intel.
    1971 年 – Robert Noyce 和 Gordon Moore 创立了英特尔。
  • 1973 – John F. Mitchell and Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola invented the first mobile phone.
    1973 年 – 摩托罗拉的 John F. Mitchell 和 Martin Cooper 博士发明了第一部手机。
  • 1976 – Seymour Cray defined the supercomputer.
    1976 年 – 西摩·克雷 (Seymour Cray) 定义了超级计算机。
  • 2007 – Apple introduced the first iPhone.
    2007 年 – Apple 推出了第一款 iPhone。
  • 1946 – 2021 (Going on) – Ray Prasad contributed to Surface Mount Technology.
    1946 – 2021 (进行中) – Ray Prasad 为表面贴装技术做出了贡献。


History of Electronics – 1745-2021

History of Electronics Dates back to 1745 with Invention of the Layden Jar followed by identification of electron in 1897 and then invention of the vacuum tube.
电子学的历史可以追溯到 1745 年,当时发明了 Layden Jar,随后在 1897 年发现了电子,然后发明了真空管。

Here I will briefly describe history of electronics from 1745-2021 and inventions made by popular scientists during this period and uses and importance of these inventions.

Table of Contents: 目录:

Brief History of Electronics – 1745-2021

Here is Brief History of Electronics from 1745-2021, Greatest Engineers, Scientists, Physicists and Inventors along with details of their Contribution to Electronics and Importance of their Discoveries, Inventions and Works in Field of Electronics.
以下是 1745-2021 年的电子简史、最伟大的工程师、科学家、物理学家和发明家,以及他们对电子学的贡献以及他们在电子领域的发现、发明和工作的重要性的详细信息。

1745 – Discovery of the Layden Jar 1745 年 – 发现莱顿瓶

Ewald Georg von Kleist and Pieter van Musschenbroek discovered the Layden Jar in 1745. It was the first electrical capacitor– a storage mechanism for an electrical charge. The first ones were a glass jar filled with water-two wires suspended in the water. Muschenbrock got such a shock out of the first jar he experimented with that he nearly died.
埃瓦尔德·格奥尔格·冯·克莱斯特(Ewald Georg von Kleist)和彼得·范·穆申布鲁克(Pieter van Musschenbroek)于1745年发现了莱顿瓶。这是第一个电容器——一种用于存储电荷的机构。第一个是一个装满水的玻璃罐——两根电线悬在水中。Muschenbrock从他实验的第一个罐子中受到如此大的冲击,以至于他几乎要死了。

Later, the water was replaced with metal foils wrapped so that there was insulation between the layers of foil-the two wires are attached to the ends of the sheets of foil.
后来,用包裹的金属箔代替了水,使箔层之间有绝缘层 - 两根电线连接到箔片的末端。

Musschenbroek working with Leyden jar

Ben Franklin (1706-1790) 本·富兰克林(1706-1790)

Benjamin Flew kites to demonstrate that lightning is a form of Static Electricity (ESD). He would run a wire to the kite and produce sparks at the ground, or charge a Leyden jar. This led Franklin to invent the lightning rod.

Franklin also made several electrostatic generators with rotating glass balls to experiment with.

These experiments led him to formulate the single fluid (imponderable fluid) theory of electricity. Previous theories had held there were two electrical fluids and two magnetic fluids. Franklin theorized just one imponderable electrical fluid (a fluid under conservation) in the universe.

The difference in electrical charges was explained by an excess (+) or defect () of the single electrical fluid. This is where the positive and negative symbols come from in Electric Circuit.
电荷的差异是由单一电流体的过量 (+) 或缺陷 (–) 来解释的。这就是电路中正负符号的来源。


Benjamin Franklin (Ben Franklin)
本杰明·富兰克林(Ben Franklin)

Charles Augustus Coulomb (1736-1806) 查尔斯·奥古斯都·库仑(1736-1806)

Invented the torsion balance in 1785. The torsion balance is a simple device – a horizontal cross-bar is mounted on a stretched wire. A ball is then mounted on each end of the cross bar. Given a positive or negative charge, those balls will then attract or repel other objects that carry charges. The balls responding to these charges will try to twist the wire holding the cross bar.
1785年发明了扭力平衡。扭力摆轮是一个简单的装置 - 水平横杆安装在拉伸钢丝上。然后将球安装在横杆的两端。给定正电荷或负电荷,这些球将吸引或排斥其他携带电荷的物体。对这些电荷做出反应的球将试图扭曲固定横杆的电线。

The wire resists twisting, and how much twisting occurs tells you how much force the attraction or repulsion exerted. Coulomb showed electrical attraction and repulsion follow an inverse square law. The unit of charge (Coulomb) is named after him.

Charles Augustus Coulomb

Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) 亚历山德罗·沃尔特(1745-1827)

Announced the results of his experiments investigating Galvani’s claims about the source of electricity in the frog leg experiment. He undertook to prove that he could produce electricity without the frog. He took the same bimetallic arcs (many of them) and dipped them in glasses of brine.

This was Volta’s Couronne des Tasses- his first battery.
这是 Volta 的 Couronne des Tasses——他的第一个电池。

The voltaic pile was an improved configuration for a battery. With it he showed that the bimetallic arcs were the source of electricity. The unit of voltage is named after him.


Alessandro Volta 亚历山德罗·沃尔特

André Marie Ampère (1775-1836) 安德烈·玛丽·安培(1775-1836)

Gave a formalized understanding of the relationships between electricity and magnetism using algebra. The unit for current (ampere) is named after him.


Andre Marie Ampere 安德烈·玛丽·安培

Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851) 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·奥斯特(1777-1851)

In the year 1820 in Denmark demonstrated a relationship between electricity and magnetism by showing that an electrical wire carrying current will deflect a magnetic needle.
1820 年,丹麦通过证明携带电流的电线会偏转磁针来证明电和磁之间的关系。

The CGS unit for magnetic field strength (Oersted) is named after him.

Hans Christian Oersted

George Simon Ohm (1789-1854) 乔治·西蒙·欧姆(1789-1854)

He wanted to measure the motive force of electrical currents. He found that some conductors worked better than others and quantified the differences.

He waited quite some time to announce “Ohm’s Law” because his theory was not accepted by his peers. The unit for resistance (Ohms) is named after him.


George Simon Ohm 乔治·西蒙·欧姆

Michael Faraday (1791-1867) – Great Contribution to History of Electronics 迈克尔·法拉第(1791-1867)——对电子史的巨大贡献

In 1820s Faraday postulated that an electrical current moving through a wire creates “fields of force” surrounding the wire. He believed that as these “fields of force” when established and collapsed could move a magnet. This led to a number of experiments with electricity as a motive (moving) force.
在 1820 年代,法拉第假设电流穿过电线会在电线周围产生“力场”。他认为,由于这些“力场”在建立和坍缩时可以移动磁铁。这导致了许多以电作为动力(移动)力的实验。

In 1821, Faraday built the first electric motor – a device for transforming an electrical current into rotary motion.
1821 年,法拉第制造了第一台电动机——一种将电流转换为旋转运动的装置。

In 1831, Faraday made the first transformer – a device for inducing an electrical current in a wire not connected to an electrical source, also known as Faraday’s Ring. It was powered by a voltaic pile and used a manually operated key to interrupt the current.
1831 年,法拉第制造了第一台变压器——一种用于在未连接到电源的电线中感应电流的装置,也称为法拉第环。它由伏打电堆供电,并使用手动操作的钥匙来中断电流。

The unit of capacitance (farad) is named after him.


Michael Faraday 迈克尔·法拉第(Michael Faraday)

Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) Wilhelm Eduard Weber (1804-1891) 卡尔·弗里德里希·高斯(1777-1855) 威廉·爱德华·韦伯(1804-1891)

Gauss is known as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. At very early age he overturned the theories and methods of 18th-century mathematics. Beginning in 1830, Gauss worked closely with Weber. They organized a worldwide system of stations for systematic observations of terrestrial magnetism.

The most important result of their work in electromagnetism was the development, by others, of telegraphy. Weber, a German physicist, also established a system of absolute electrical units.

His work on the ratio between the electrodynamics and electrostatic units was crucial to Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory of light.

The CGS unit of magnetic field density in named after Gauss.

The MKS unit of flux is named after Weber.


Karl Friedrich Gauss and Wilhelm Eduard Weber

Joseph Henry (1797-1878) 约瑟夫·亨利(1797-1878)

He was a professor in a small school in Albany, New York. He worked to improve electromagnets and was the first to superimpose coils of wire wrapped on an iron core. It is said that he insulated the wire for one of his magnets using a silk dress belonging to his wife.

In 1830 he observed electromagnetic induction, a year before Faraday. He was roundly criticized for not publishing his discovery, losing the distinction for American science. Henry did obtain priority for the discovery of self induction, however.

He received an appointment at New Jersey College (later Princeton University) and in 1846 became the first director of the Smithsonian Institution.
他获得了新泽西学院(后来的普林斯顿大学)的任命,并于 1846 年成为史密森学会的第一任主任。

The unit of induction [henry (H)] is named after him.


Joseph Henry 约瑟夫·亨利

Heinrich F.E. Lenz (1804-1865) 海因里希·伦茨(1804-1865)

Born in the old university city of Tartu, Estonia (then in Russia), He was a professor at the University of St. Petersburg. He carried out many experiments following the lead of Faraday.

He is memorialized by the law which bears his name – the electrodynamics action of an induced current equally opposes the mechanical inducing action- which was later recognized to be an expression of the conservation of energy.


Heinrich F.E. Lenz 海因里希·弗·埃·伦茨

Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791-1872) 塞缪尔·芬利·布里斯·莫尔斯(1791-1872)

He brought a practical system of telegraphy to the fore front using electromagnets, and invented the code named after him in 1844.
他利用电磁铁将实用的电报系统带到了最前沿,并于 1844 年发明了以他的名字命名的代码。

Although in 1837 the development of an electric telegraph system making use of a deflecting magnetic needle had already been developed by Sir W. F. Cooke and Sir Charles Wheatstone, who installed the first railway telegraph system in England, Morse overcame both electrical design flaws and information flow restrictions to enable the telegraph to become a viable system of communication.


Samuel Finley Breese Morse

Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824-1887) 古斯塔夫·罗伯特·基尔霍夫 (1824–1887)

He was a German physicist. He announced the laws which allow calculation of the current, voltage, and resistance of electrical networks in 1845 when he was only 21. In further studies he demonstrated that current flows through a conductor at the speed of light. Read: What is a Resistor
他是一位德国物理学家。1845 年,他宣布了允许计算电网电流、电压和电阻的法律,当时他只有 21 岁。在进一步的研究中,他证明了电流以光速流过导体。阅读:什么是电阻器


Gustav Robert Kirchhoff

James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) 詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦(1831-1879)

He wrote a mathematical treatise formalizing the theory of fields in 1856: On Faraday’s Lines of Force. Most researchers at the time did not believe in Faraday’s lines of force, but James Clerk Maxwell did
他在1856年写了一篇数学论文,将场理论正式化:《论法拉第力线》。当时大多数研究人员都不相信法拉第的力线,但詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦(James Clerk Maxwell)相信

Between 1864 and 1873 Maxwell showed that 20 simple mathematical equations could express the behavior of electric and magnetic fields and their interrelated nature.

In the year 1873 Maxwell published Electricity and Magnetism, demonstrating four partial differential equations that completely described electrical phenomena. Maxwell also calculated that the speed of propagation of an electromagnetic field is approximately that of the speed of light.
1873 年,麦克斯韦出版了《电与磁》,展示了四个完全描述电现象的偏微分方程。麦克斯韦还计算出,电磁场的传播速度大约是光速的速度。

He proposed that the phenomenon of light is therefore an electromagnetic phenomenon. Because charges can oscillate with any frequency, Maxwell concluded that visible light forms only a small part of the entire spectrum of possible electromagnetic radiation.


James Clerk Maxwell 詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦

Hermann Lud-wig Ferdinand von Helmholtz (1821-1894) 赫尔曼·路德维希·费迪南德·冯·亥姆霍兹(1821-1894)

He was an all round universal scientist and researcher. He was one of the 19th centuries greatest scientists.

In 1870, after analyzing all the prevalent theories of electrodynamics, he lent his support to Maxwell’s theory which was little known on the European continent.


Hermann Lud-wig Ferdinand von Helmholtz

Sir William Crookes (1832-1919) 威廉·克鲁克斯爵士(1832-1919)

Investigated electrical discharges through highly evacuated “Crookes tubes” in the year 1878. These studies laid the foundation for J. J. Thomson’s research in the late 1890s concerning discharge-tube phenomena and the electron.
1878 年,研究了通过高度真空的“克鲁克斯管”进行的放电。这些研究为 J. J. Thomson 在 1890 年代后期关于放电管现象和电子的研究奠定了基础。

He also discovered the element Thallium and made the radiometer.


Sir William Crookes 威廉·克鲁克斯爵士

Joseph Wilson Swan (1828-1914) 约瑟夫·威尔逊·斯旺(1828-1914)

Joseph Swan demonstrated his electric lamp in Britain in February 1879. The filament used carbon and had a partial vacuum and preceded Edison’s demonstration by six months.
1879 年 2 月,约瑟夫·斯旺在英国展示了他的电灯。该灯丝使用碳并具有部分真空,比爱迪生的演示早了六个月。


Joseph Wilson Swan 约瑟夫·威尔逊·斯旺

Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) – One of the Greatest Scientist and Inventor in History of Electronics 托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(1847-1931)——电子史上最伟大的科学家和发明家之一

In 1878, Edison began work on an electric lamp and sought a material that could be electrically heated to incandescence in a vacuum. At first he used platinum wire in glass bulbs at 10 volts. He connected these bulbs in series to utilize a higher supply voltage; however, he realized that independent lamp control would be necessary for home and office use.
1878 年,爱迪生开始研究电灯,并寻求一种可以在真空中电加热到白炽灯的材料。起初,他在 10 伏特的玻璃灯泡中使用铂丝。他将这些灯泡串联起来,以利用更高的电源电压;然而,他意识到,对于家庭和办公室使用来说,独立的灯控制是必要的。

He then developed a three-wire system with a supply of 220 volts DC. Each lamp operated at 110 volts, and the higher voltage required a resistance vastly greater than that of platinum.
然后,他开发了一种三线系统,电源为 220 伏直流电。每盏灯的工作电压为 110 伏,更高的电压需要的电阻远大于铂的电阻。

Edison conducted an extensive search for a filament material to replace platinum until, on Oct. 21, 1879, he demonstrated a lamp containing a carbonized cotton thread that glowed for 40 hours.
爱迪生进行了广泛的搜索,以寻找一种长丝材料来代替铂金,直到 1879 年 10 月 21 日,他展示了一种含有碳化棉线的灯,该灯可以发光 40 小时。

Edison installed the first large central power station on Pearl Street in New York City in 1882; its steam-driven generators of 900 horsepower provided enough power for 7,200 lamps.
爱迪生于1882年在纽约市珍珠街安装了第一座大型中央发电站;其 900 马力的蒸汽驱动发电机为 7,200 盏灯提供了足够的电力。

He consistently fought the use of alternating current AC, and continued to market direct current DC systems. This eventually destroyed this arm of his marketing empire due to inadequate technology. During his experiments on the incandescent bulb, Edison noted a flow of electricity from a hot filament across a vacuum to a metal wire. Read: Types of Electric Current | AC (Alternate Current) | DC (Direct Current)
他一直反对使用交流电,并继续销售直流直流系统。由于技术不足,这最终摧毁了他的营销帝国的这一臂膀。在对白炽灯泡进行实验时,爱迪生注意到电流从热灯丝穿过真空流向金属丝。阅读:电流的类型 |AC(交流电)|DC(直流电)

This effect, known as thermionic emission, or the Edison effect, was the foundation of the work later refined by Lee De Forest to create the Audion.
这种效应被称为热离子发射或爱迪生效应,是后来由李·德·福雷斯特(Lee De Forest)改进以创建Audion的工作的基础。


Thomas Alva Edison 托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生

Oliver Heaviside (1850-1925) 奥利弗·赫维赛德(1850-1925)

He worked with Maxwell’s equations to reduce the fatigue incurred in solving them. In the process, he created a form of vector analysis called “Operational Calculus” that replaced the differential d/dt with the algebraic variable p, thus transforming differential equations to algebraic equations (Laplace Transforms). This increased the speed of solution considerably.

He also proposed the ionized air layer named after him (the Heavisids layer), that inductance can be added to transmission lines to increase transmission distance, and that charges will increase in mass when accelerated.


Oliver Heaviside 奥利弗·赫维赛德

Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (1857-1894) 海因里希·鲁道夫·赫兹(1857-1894)

He was the first person to demonstrate the existence of radio waves. His inspiration came from Helmholtz and Maxwell.

Hertz demonstrated in 1887 that the velocity of radio waves (also called Hertzian waves) was equal to that of light. The unit of frequency (Hertz) is named after him.
赫兹在 1887 年证明无线电波(也称为赫兹波)的速度等于光的速度。频率单位(赫兹)以他的名字命名。


Heinrich Rudolph Hertz

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) – Great Contribution to History of Electronics 尼古拉·特斯拉(1856-1943)——对电子史的巨大贡献

He devised the polyphase alternating-current systems that form the modern electrical power industry. In 1884, Tesla emigrated to the United States. He worked briefly for Thomas Edison, who as the advocate of direct current became Tesla’s unsuccessful rival in electric power development.
他设计了构成现代电力工业的多相交流电系统。1884年,特斯拉移民到美国。他曾短暂地为托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)工作,作为直流电的倡导者,爱迪生成为特斯拉在电力开发方面的不成功竞争对手。

In 1888, Tesla showed how a magnetic field could be made to rotate if two coils at right angles were supplied with alternating currents 90 degrees out of phase with each other at 60 hertz.
1888 年,特斯拉展示了如果为两个直角线圈提供 60 赫兹相差 90 度的交流电,如何使磁场旋转。

George Westinghouse bought rights to the patents on this motor and made it the basis for the Westinghouse power system at Niagara Falls.
乔治·威斯汀豪斯(George Westinghouse)购买了该电机的专利权,并将其作为尼亚加拉大瀑布西屋电气系统的基础。

Tesla’s other inventions included the Tesla coil, a kind of transformer, and he did research on high-voltage electricity and wireless communication. In 1905, he demonstrated a wireless remote control boat, while at the same time Marconi was still transmitting Morse code.

Despite his many patents and genius, he died poor. Congress declared Tesla the “father of radio“, (not wireless as Marconi was), because Marconi’s four tuned circuit radio used Tesla’s 1897 radio patent describing the four tuned stages, two on input and two on output.
尽管他拥有许多专利和天才,但他还是穷困潦倒。国会宣布特斯拉为“无线电之父”(不像马可尼那样是无线的),因为马可尼的四调谐电路收音机使用了特斯拉 1897 年的无线电专利,描述了四个调谐阶段,两个在输入端,两个在输出端。

The unit of magnetic field density (Tesla) is named after him.


Nikola Tesla 尼古拉·特斯拉

Charles Proteus Steinmetz (1865-1923) 查尔斯·普罗透斯·斯坦梅茨(1865-1923)

Discovered the mathematics of hysteresis loss, thus enabling engineers of the time to reduce magnetic loss in transformers.

He also applied the mathematics of complex numbers to AC analysis and thus put engineering design of electrical systems on a scientific basis instead of a black art.

Along with Nikola Tesla, he is responsible for wresting the generation of power away from Edison’s inefficient DC system to the more elegant AC system.
他与尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)一起负责将发电从爱迪生低效的直流系统转移到更优雅的交流系统。


Charles Proteus Steinmetz

Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) – Father of Wireless in History of Electronics 古列尔莫·马可尼 (1874-1937) – 电子史上的无线之父

Known as the “father of wireless“, He was an Italian national who expanded on the experiments that Hertz did, and believed that telegraphic messages could be transmitted without wires.

In 1897, Marconi formed his wireless telegraph company, and in December 1901 he did the first trans Atlantic radio transmission in Morse code. When Marconi died all the radio transmitters in the world were silent for two minutes.
1897 年,马可尼成立了他的无线电报公司,并于 1901 年 12 月首次用摩尔斯电码进行了跨大西洋无线电传输。当马可尼去世时,世界上所有的无线电发射机都沉默了两分钟。


Guglielmo Marconi 古列尔莫·马可尼

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923) 威廉·康拉德·伦琴(1845-1923)

Discovered X rays, for which he received the first Nobel Prize for physics in 1901. He observed that barium platinocyanide crystals across the room fluoresced whenever he turned on a Crooke’s, or cathode-ray discharge tube, even when the tube was shielded by thin metal sheets.

Roentgen correctly hypothesized that a previously unknown form of radiation of very short wavelength was involved, and that these X rays (a term he coined) caused the crystals to glow. He later demonstrated the metallurgical and medical use of X rays which later brought a revolution in medical science.

The unit of radiation exposure (rad) is named after him.


Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

Sir Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940) 约瑟夫·约翰·汤姆森爵士(1856-1940)

He is universally recognized as the British scientist who discovered and identified the electron in the year 1897. Thomson demonstrated that cathode rays were actually units of electrical current made up of negatively charged particles of subatomic size.
他被普遍认为是在 1897 年发现并鉴定电子的英国科学家。汤姆森证明,阴极射线实际上是由亚原子大小的带负电粒子组成的电流单位。

He believed them to be an integral part of all matter and theorized the “plum pudding” model of atomic structure in which a quantity of negatively charged electrons was embedded in a sphere of positive electricity, the two charges neutralizing each other.


Sir Joseph John Thomson

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) – Great Name in History of Electronics 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 (1879-1955) – 电子史上的伟大名字

In the year 1905, Einstein elaborated on the experimental results of Max Planck who noticed that electromagnetic energy seemed to be emitted from radiating objects in quantities that were discrete.
1905 年,爱因斯坦详细阐述了马克斯·普朗克的实验结果,他注意到电磁能似乎是从辐射物体中发射的,其数量是离散的。

The energy of these emitted quantities – the so called “light-quanta” was directly proportional to the frequency of the radiation which was completely contrary to classical electromagnetic theory, based on Maxwell’s equations and the laws of thermodynamics.

Einstein used Planck’s quantum hypothesis to describe visible electromagnetic radiation, or light. According to Einstein’s viewpoint, light could be imagined to consist of discrete bundles of radiation. He used this interpretation to explain the photoelectric effect, by which certain metals emit electrons when illuminated by light with a given frequency.

Einstein’s theory, and his subsequent elaboration of it, formed the basis for much of Quantum Mechanics.

Albert Einstein 爱因斯坦

Sir John Ambrose Fleming (1849-1945) 约翰·安布罗斯·弗莱明爵士(1849-1945)

He made the first diode tube, the Fleming valve in the year 1905. The device had three leads, two for the heater/cathode and the other for the plate.
他在 1905 年制造了第一个二极管管,即弗莱明阀。该设备有三个引线,两个用于加热器/阴极,另一个用于板。


Sir John Ambrose Fleming

Lee De Forest (1873-1961) 李·德·福雷斯特(1873-1961)

He added a grid electrode to Fleming’s valve and created the triode tube, later improved and called the Audion. This increased the distance that radio could be received by two orders of magnitude.
他在弗莱明的阀门上添加了一个栅极,并制造了三极管,后来进行了改进并称为 Audion。这使无线电可以接收的距离增加了两个数量级。

He was a prolific inventor, and was granted more than 300 patents in the fields of wireless telegraphy, radio, wire telephone, sound-on-film, picture transmission, and television.
他是一位多产的发明家,在无线电、无线电、有线电话、有声电影、图片传输和电视领域获得了 300 多项专利。


Lee De Forest 李·德福雷斯特

Jack St. Clair Kilby (1923-2005) 杰克·圣克莱尔·基尔比(1923-2005)

Developed the integrated circuit while at Texas instruments. While conducting research into miniaturization he built the first true integrated circuit, a phase-shift oscillator with individually wired parts. Kilby received a patent in 1959.


Jack Kilby 杰克·基尔比

Robert Norton Noyce (1927-1990) 罗伯特·诺顿·诺伊斯(1927-1990)

Developed the integrated circuit with a more practical approach to scaling the size of the circuit. He became a founder of Fairchild Semiconductor Company in 1957.
采用更实用的方法来扩大电路的尺寸,从而开发了集成电路。他于1957年成为Fairchild Semiconductor Company的创始人。

In 1959, he and a co-worker developed the design of a semiconducting chip; the same idea occurred independently that same year to Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments. Noyce and Kilby were both granted patents.
1959年,他和一位同事开发了一种半导体芯片的设计;同年,德州仪器(TI)的杰克·基尔比(Jack Kilby)独立地提出了同样的想法。Noyce 和 Kilby 都获得了专利。

In 1968 he formed Intel with Gordon Moore, and in 1971 Intel designer Ted Hoff developed the first microprocessor, the 4004.
1968 年,他与戈登·摩尔 (Gordon Moore) 一起创立了英特尔,1971 年,英特尔设计师泰德·霍夫 (Ted Hoff) 开发了第一款微处理器 4004。


Robert Norton Noyce 罗伯特·诺顿·诺伊斯

Seymour Cray (1925-1996) 西摩·克雷(1925-1996)

Also known as “The Father of the Supercomputer“, along with George Amdahl, defined the supercomputer industry in the year 1976.
也被称为“超级计算机之父”,与乔治·阿姆达尔(George Amdahl)一起在1976年定义了超级计算机行业。


Seymour Cray 西摩·克雷

Ray Prasad (1946-Still Going 2019) 雷·普拉萨德 (1946-仍在 2019)

Ray Prasad is Author of the textbook Surface Mount Technology: Principles and Practice. He is an inductee to the IPC Hall of Fame, the highest honor in Electronics Industry for his contribution to the electronics industry. He is also the recipient of the IPC President’s Award, SMTA Member of Distinction Award, Intel Achievement Award, and Dieter W. Bergman IPC Fellowship Medal.
雷·普拉萨德(Ray Prasad)是教科书《表面贴装技术:原理与实践》的作者。他入选了IPC名人堂,这是电子行业对电子行业贡献的最高荣誉。他还是IPC总裁奖、SMTA杰出成员奖、英特尔成就奖和Dieter W. BergmanIPC奖学金奖章的获得者。

As the lead engineer, Mr. Prasad introduced SMT into airplanes and defense systems at Boeing, and as SMT program manager, he managed the global implementation of SMT at Intel Corporation. You can Read more about Mr. Ray Prasad.
作为首席工程师,Prasad 先生在波音公司的飞机和防御系统中引入了 SMT,作为 SMT 项目经理,他在英特尔公司管理 SMT 的全球实施。你可以阅读更多关于雷·普拉萨德先生的信息。


Ray Prasad 雷·普拉萨德

History of Electronics Timeline – 2000 – 2021

  • 2006 – The First WII and PS3 Gaming Console were Launched.
    2006 年 – 推出第一款 WII 和 PS3 游戏机。
  • 2007 – First Apple iPhone and iPod were Launched.
    2007 年 – 推出第一款 Apple iPhone 和 iPod。
  • 2008 – First Android OS for Smartphones was Launched.
    2008 – 推出第一款适用于智能手机的 Android 操作系统。
  • 2008 – The Large Hadron Collider.
    2008 – 大型强子对撞机。
  • 2010 – The First Apple iPad and Xbox 360 Gaming Console were Launched.
    2010 – 推出第一款 Apple iPad 和 Xbox 360 游戏机。
  • 2011 – Solar Panel Revolution as Alternate and Renewable Source of Energy.
    2011 – 太阳能电池板革命作为替代和可再生能源。
  • 2011 – Curiosity, the space vehicle launched by NASA landed on Mars.
  • 2014 – Microscale 3-D Printing Available.
    2014 – 微尺度 3D 打印可用。
  • 2018 – Parker Solar Probe Launched by Nasa.
    2018 – 美国宇航局发射的帕克太阳探测器。
  • 2019 – India Launched Chandrayan-2 to the Moon.
    2019 年——印度向月球发射了 Chandrayan-2。
  • 1946 – 2021 (Still Going On) – Ray Prasad contribution to SMT.
    1946 – 2021 (仍在进行) – Ray Prasad 对 SMT 的贡献。

PS: If you think I have missed something important in the Brief History of Electronics then feel free to Remind via Comment. I will try to Edit and Add. Thanks!

Video: History of Electronics Timeline, Evolution, Famous Invention (1745-2021) 视频:电子历史:时间线、演变、著名发明(1745-2021)

History of Electronics (1745-2021) Electronics History Timeline, Evolution, Famous Invention - YouTube


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