声音和数据之间的调制解调 —— 电报机和电传打字机如何影响计算机的演变


The Squeal of Data

The through line between the telegraph and the computer is more direct than you might realize. Its influence can be seen in common technologies, like the modem.


Today in Tedium: My favorite sound in computing is one that I haven’t actually had to use on a computer in nearly 20 years. The modem was a connection to a world outside of my own, and to get that connection required hearing the sounds of a loud, abrasive handshake that could easily be mistaken for Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music. I’d like to compare it to another kind of sound for a little bit—the noise of a “straight key” used for a telegraph. Both technologies, despite more than a century in age difference, seemingly turned data into sound, then into electrical pulses, and back into sound again. It’s no wonder, then, that you can actually trace the roots of the modem back to the telegraph, and later the teletype machine. Data and wires, simply put, go way back. And it’s not the only example of the telegraph’s quiet influence on modern computing. Today’s Tedium draws a line between the modern computer and the pulses that inspired it. — Ernie @ Tedium
今天的 Tedium:我在计算机中最喜欢的声音是一个我近 20 年来实际上没有在电脑上使用过的声音。调制解调器是通往外部世界的连接,而要获得这种连接,需要听到一种响亮、刺耳的握手声,这种声音很容易让人联想到卢·里德的《金属机器音乐》。我想把它与另一种声音进行比较——电报中使用的“直键”的噪音。尽管这两种技术相隔超过一个世纪,但它们似乎都将数据转化为声音,然后再转化为电脉冲,再返回为声音。因此,调制解调器的根源可以追溯到电报,后来又延伸到电传打字机,这并不奇怪。简而言之,数据和电线的历史由来已久。而这并不是电报对现代计算机影响的唯一例子。今天的Tedium勾勒出现代计算机与那些启发它的脉冲之间的联系。——埃尔尼 @ Tedium

Today’s GIF is from the movie WarGames, one of the few films to show off the acoustic coupler-style modem.
今天的 GIF 来自电影《战争游戏》,这是为数不多的展示声学耦合器式调制解调器的电影之一。


A telegraph key. (Matthew Boyle/Flickr)

The roots of the modem can be found in the telegraph 调制解调器的根源可以在电报中找到

As noted above, the modem, at least in its telephone-based forms, represents a dance between sound and data. By translating information into an aural signal, then into current, then back into an aural signal, then back into data once again, the modulation and demodulation going on is very similar to the process used with the original telegraph, albeit done manually, where information was input by a person and translated into electric pulses, where another person would receive the result.

Modems work the same way, except no additional people are needed on the other end.

And considering that context, it makes sense that, for a time, the evolution of data transmission and voice transmission were on a parallel path. You could make the case that, before Alexander Graham Bell came up with the telephone, he was effectively working on a modem of sorts. Here was the problem that he was working on before the first phone call was made: The telegraph system, with its limited communication style of dots and dashes, limited the amount of information that could be transmitted at once. In the mid 1870s, Bell was exploring the idea of something he called a “harmonic telegraph,” which allowed for multiple pieces of data to be sent at once, as long as the sounds being created had a different pitch.
考虑到这一背景,可以理解的是,在一段时间内,数据传输和语音传输的演变是并行发展的。可以说,在亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔发明电话之前,他实际上是在研究某种形式的调制解调器。在进行第一次电话通话之前,他面临的问题是:电报系统以摩尔斯电码的有限通信方式限制了可以同时传输的信息量。在 1870 年代中期,贝尔正在探索一个他称之为“谐波电报”的概念,这种系统允许同时发送多个信息,只要所产生的声音具有不同的音调。

Bell wasn’t the only one working on an idea of this nature—other inventors were toying with the idea of using harmonics to send multiple telegraph messages at once, including Western Electric founder Elisha Gray—who notably was a major personal competitor of Bell.
贝尔并不是唯一一个提出这种想法的人 —— 其他发明家也在考虑使用谐波同时发送多个电报信息,包括西部电气公司的创始人伊利沙・格雷(Elisha Gray)—— 他显然是贝尔的主要个人竞争对手。

There’s a lot of story in there, including a conflict about ownership that makes Bell look like a thief—I’ll let someone else tell it—but long story short, the concept of the harmonic telegraph being used to send data through electric lines had been overshadowed by the fact that voice could be sent in the same way.

The idea of improving data transmission never faded, however, and by the early 20th century was improving by leaps and bounds in a more sophisticated form: The telegraph gained the ability to multiplex, or spread multiple pieces of information at once on the same line. This ability particularly proved important in newspapers, which became increasingly reliant on wire services around the country. Per the Encyclopedia of American Journalism:
然而,改善数据传输的想法从未消退,到 20 世纪初,它以一种更复杂的形式突飞猛进地改进:电报获得了在同一条线路上多路复用或同时传播多条信息的能力。这种能力在报纸中尤为重要,因为报纸越来越依赖全国各地的电讯服务。根据《美国新闻百科全书》:

Telegraph news became such a pervasive presence that it transformed journalism beyond the big cities. Many small-town papers increased their frequency to daily production once they received a steady diet of telegraph news. The distribution of news by telegraph also gave rural newspapers an edge in competing with city publications; they obtained news by wire and published it for local readers before city papers with similar reports could circulate in the countryside.

Helping with this was a device called the teletype, that could not only distribute messages, but also send them. This idea evolved from the 1869 creation of the stock ticker, which was one of the first devices that used telegraph technology to produce text.

A Telex machine. (ajmexico/Flickr)

Eventually, the teletype allowed for the primitive distribution of a limited data set using a limited variant of binary code known as the Baudot code, or the International Teleprinter Code. This five-bit binary code effectively built upon the basic ideas of Morse code and allowed for the distribution of a full character set. It can best be described as the predecessor of ASCII, which was developed from this telegraph code and became the bridge technology for more modern encoding technologies such as the modern Unicode standard.
最终,电传打字机使得使用一种有限变种的二进制编码(称为 Baudot 码或国际电传打字机编码)进行有限数据集的原始分发成为可能。这种五位二进制代码在摩斯电码的基本思想基础上有效构建,允许分发完整的字符集。它可以被视为 ASCII 的前身,ASCII 是从这种电报编码发展而来的,并成为现代编码技术(例如现代 Unicode 标准)的桥梁技术。

While not exactly the same as the data that gets pushed through our internet in the modern era, it borrows from many of the same concepts, and the lineage is clear. It’s not the only way in which telegraph/teletype technology clearly inspired computing, either.

The generally accepted speed of the teletype network in the United States in baud (or data channel speed). This speed was equivalent to 60 words per minute. Other parts of the world were slightly faster, however—in Europe, the generally accepted speed was 50 baud, or around 66 words per minute. While initially used to communicate directly between devices, the use of teletype eventually evolved into the Telex network, which effectively made it possible to distribute data through a telegraph wire or via the radio. Telex launched in Europe in the early 1930s, and AT&T launched its own version of the network starting in 1931.
在美国,电传打字机网络的公认速度为每秒 60 波特(baud),相当于每分钟 60 个单词。然而,世界其他地区的速度稍快 —— 在欧洲,普遍接受的速度是 50 波特,大约相当于每分钟 66 个单词。最初,这种技术用于设备之间的直接通信,但电传打字机的使用最终演变为 Telex 网络,使得通过电报线或无线电分发数据成为可能。Telex 在 1930 年代初在欧洲推出,而 AT&T 则从 1931 年开始推出自己的网络版本。


The RS-232 serial port, a wildely used computing port that can interface with some teletype machines. (Seth Morabito/Flickr)

The teletype directly influenced early computer connectivity and an iconic operating system 电传打字机直接影响了早期的计算机连接和标志性的操作系统

When people were plugging modems into their computers for the first time, they were generally doing so through an RS-232 serial port, a port that was effectively a bridge between the past and what was then the present.
当人们第一次将调制解调器插入计算机时,他们通常是通过 RS-232 串行端口进行的,该端口实际上是过去和现在之间的桥梁。

First introduced in 1960 by the now-defunct Electronic Industries Association, was first released into the wild, the RS-232 standard is fundamental to the growth of the modem, as it set out a standardized way for a data terminal to communicate with a communications device.
RS-232 标准于 1960 年由现已解散的电子工业协会首次推出,它在调制解调器的发展中起到了基础性作用,因为它为数据终端与通信设备之间的交流设定了一种标准化的方法。

It also set the basic appearance and approach for the serial port, the most common external expansion port before the rise of USB. (The standard is paywalled, but the Internet Archive has a document dating to the 1980s from the National Bureau of Standards that covers the same territory, if you feel like reading details about an outdated technical standard.)
它还设置了串行端口的基本外观和方法,串行端口是 USB 兴起之前最常见的外部扩展端口。(该标准是付费的,但互联网档案馆有一份可追溯到 1980 年代国家标准局的文件,涵盖了同一领域,如果你有兴趣了解过时技术标准的详细信息,可以去阅读。

But it’s worth noting that RS-232 was designed for the machines that were common at the time of its creation—teletypes, which effectively worked akin to terminals to some degree, except with ink instead of pixels. It’s weird to think about in our screen-friendly world, but before screens were the norm, we used paper, and teletypes were our dumb terminals. (Case in point: When monitors first came out, they were called “glass teletypes.”
值得注意的是,RS-232 是为其创建时常见的机器设计的——电传打字机,这些机器在某种程度上有效地充当了终端,只不过使用墨水而不是像素。在我们这个以屏幕为主的世界中,想想这一点确实有些奇怪,但在屏幕成为常态之前,我们使用纸张,而电传打字机则是我们的“哑终端”。(例如:当显示器首次问世时,它们被称为“玻璃电传打字机。”)

The lineage of the RS-232 port is highlighted by what preceded it. Before the first serial port, the interface style generally used with teletypes was something called a current loop interface, which relied on current to push data through wires, rather than voltage, which tends to be the way data is distributed through wires in the modern day. You can actually still buy a converter that turns RS-232 serial signals into current loop signals.
RS-232 端口的传承可以追溯到它之前的技术。在第一个串口出现之前,与电传打字机一般使用的接口风格被称为电流环接口,这种接口依赖于电流通过电线传输数据,而不是电压,这是现代数据通过电线传播的方式。实际上,你仍然可以购买将 RS-232 串行信号转换为电流环信号的转换器。

(I would pay money to see someone convert HDMI to USB-C to USB-A to PS/2 to RS-232 to current loop and then plug it into a teletype, just to see what happens. That’s my idea of fun.)
(我会花钱看到有人将 HDMI 转换为 USB-C 到 USB-A 到 PS/2 到 RS-232 转换为电流环路,然后将其插入电传打字机,只是为了看看会发生什么。这就是我的乐趣。


A Zenith Z19 “dumb” terminal, which in some ways was an evolution of the teletype. The device used an RS-232 serial interface. (ajmexico/Flickr)

This kind of relationship between the teletype and the computer also showed itself in another important way—in UNIX, the operating system on which most other modern operating systems are based.
电传打字机和计算机之间的这种关系也以另一种重要方式表现出来 —— 在 UNIX 中,大多数其他现代操作系统都基于这个操作系统。

The structure of UNIX, a piece of software originally designed for AT&T, was directly inspired by the continued existence of the teletype at the time, even though the computer was seemingly designed to replace it. As UNIX evolved into something of a philosophical basis for operating systems, this structure never went away. A 2008 blog post from software engineer Linus Åkesson highlights how deeply AT&T’s legacy association with the teletype directly inspired the operating system:
UNIX 的结构,这款最初为 AT&T 设计的软件,直接受到了当时电传打字机持续存在的启发,尽管计算机看似是为了取代它而设计的。随着 UNIX 演变成操作系统的一种哲学基础,这种结构却始终没有消失。2008 年,软件工程师林纳斯・阿克森(Linus Åkesson)在一篇博客中强调了 AT&T 与电传打字机的传统联系直接激发了操作系统的灵感:

In present time, we find ourselves in a world where physical teletypes and video terminals are practically extinct. Unless you visit a museum or a hardware enthusiast, all the TTYs you’re likely to see will be emulated video terminals—software simulations of the real thing. But as we shall see, the legacy from the old cast-iron beasts is still lurking beneath the surface.
现在,我们发现自己身处一个物理电传打字机和视频终端几乎灭绝的世界。除非你去博物馆或硬件爱好者的地方,否则你可能看到的所有 TTY 都将是模拟的视频终端 —— 真实设备的软件仿真。不过,正如我们将要看到的,来自这些老式铁制设备的遗产依然潜伏在表面之下。

There’s a lot there, too much to summarize, but let’s put it this way: If you write “tty” into a terminal screen on a UNIX-based operating system like Mac OS or Linux, it will list the name of the terminal device being used by the current system.
那里有很多,太多了,无法总结,但让我们这样说:如果你在基于 UNIX 的操作系统(如 Mac OS 或 Linux)的终端屏幕上写 “tty”,它将列出当前系统正在使用的终端设备的名称。

TTY stands for teletype, and the teletype eventually evolved into the terminal emulator—the same one that’s probably easily accessible on your computer right now.
TTY 代表电传打字机,电传打字机最终演变成终端模拟器 —— 现在可能在您的计算机上可以轻松访问的那个。

Beyond the terminal, of course, the teletype made an even more direct imprint on the computer—thanks to an inventor who was trying to get around a monopolistic telecom giant.
当然,除了终端之外,电传打字机在计算机上留下了更直接的印记 —— 这要归功于一位发明家,他试图绕过一家垄断的电信巨头。

Robert Weitbrecht, showing off his acoustic coupler-based modem. (via [Gallaudet University](https://tap.gallaudet.edu/Presentations/KPStrauss-Doctor Lecture_files/textmostly/slide6.html))

How the needs of Deaf culture—along with the teletype—helped shape the modem 听觉障碍者文化的需求——连同电传打字机——如何帮助塑造了现代社会

Robert Weitbrecht, who was born Deaf, knew early on of the benefits of technology and how they could help him better connect with the world—and get past his disability.
天生失聪的罗伯特・维特布雷希特 (Robert Weitbrecht) 很早就知道科技的好处,以及它们如何帮助他更好地与世界联系,并克服他的残疾。

At the age of 15, he had built his own radio, which was believed to help him with his hearing and was considered an impressive enough feat that it was featured in his local newspaper. His curiosity would follow him throughout his life—especially through inventions that helped fellow Deaf people communicate.
15 岁时,他建造了自己的收音机,据信这台收音机可以帮助他的听力,并且被认为是一项令人印象深刻的壮举,以至于他在当地报纸上进行了报道。他的好奇心会伴随他的一生,尤其是通过帮助听觉障碍者同胞交流的发明。


Weitbrecht, in a newspaper article dating to his teen years. (Santa Ana Register/Newspapers.com)
维特布雷希特(Weitbrecht)在一篇可追溯到他青少年时期的报纸文章中。(圣安娜登记册 / Newspapers.com)

Weitbrecht eventually worked his way into a role with the Stanford Research Institute, a university-affiliated facility that played important roles in the inventing of numerous technologies, including ERMA, an early check processing computer I wrote about a while back. Weitbrecht’s role at the institute eventually put him in a position where he invented a device that would prove fundamental to bringing interactive computing into the home: the acoustic coupler.
维特布雷希特最终在斯坦福研究所担任了一个职位,该研究所是一所大学附属机构,在众多技术的发明中发挥了重要作用,包括ERMA,一种早期的支票处理计算机 ,我之前写过。维特布雷希特在该研究所的角色最终使他有机会发明一种设备,这种设备对于将交互式计算引入家庭至关重要:声学耦合器。

Most people may not be aware of this device, which was already out of style by the time that the average person got a chance to get on the internet using a modem for the first time. But the acoustic coupler, which effectively converted audio noises from a telephone receiver into data, was an important evolution of traditional teletype technology, which used a separate network to communicate from the phone system.

Weitbrecht’s invention essentially made it possible to bring the basic general capability of a teletype machine into homes, where Deaf individuals could use the devices to communicate on the same lines that hearing people had been able to with the telephone for nearly a century prior.

Now, you might be wondering, why didn’t he just create a simple box to do this, rather than going through the additional trouble of an acoustic coupler? That thing added a whole bunch more parts for the simple purpose of making the noises come through an actual phone; technically, it shouldn’t have been necessary, right?

Well, part of the problem here was regulatory in nature, not just technical. See, at the time Weitbrecht was developing the acoustic coupler, AT&T had a tight grip on the way its network could be used—and legal precedent had not caught up with the available technology. A 1968 decision called the Carterfone decision, which I referenced in this piece about cell phone ringtones, would allow outsiders to make devices for the phone network that weren’t approved by AT&T.
这里的部分问题本质上是监管,而不仅仅是技术问题。在维特布雷希特开发声学耦合器时,AT&T 对其网络的使用有着严格的控制——而法律先例并未跟上现有技术的发展。1968年的 Carterfone decision 允许外部厂商制造未经 AT&T 批准的设备连接到电话网络,这为后来的创新和竞争铺平了道路。我在这篇关于手机铃声的文章中提到过这一点。

斐夷所非 注

Carterfone decision,源于1968年的一起案件,涉及美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)和卡特电话公司(Carterfone)。

案件起因 :卡特电话公司发明了一种设备,允许用户将非贝尔(Bell)制造的设备(如调制解调器)连接到电话网络中。贝尔系统当时拥有电话网络的垄断地位,并限制了其他制造商的设备接入。

裁决结果 :FCC裁定,卡特电话公司的设备可以合法地连接到公用电话网络,这使得用户能够使用各种类型的设备,而不必受限于贝尔公司的产品。

Carterfone 裁决打破了贝尔公司的垄断,改变了电话行业的格局,推动了技术创新和竞争,使得其他公司可以开发和生产不同的电话设备,数字通信技术得到了迅速发展,为后来的互联网和现代通信技术接入和互通奠定了基础。

But Weitbrecht didn’t have that advantage at the time. Per ‌A Phone of Our Own: the Deaf Insurrection Against Ma Bell, a book about early efforts to build a TTY system, Weitbrecht spent significant amounts of time trying to come up with a solution to the problem that would avoid conflict with the phone giants:
但当时的维特布雷希特并没有这种优势。根据《我们自己的电话:听觉障碍者对马贝尔的反抗》一书,这本书讲述了早期建立 TTY 系统的努力,维特布雷希特花费了大量时间试图找到一个解决方案,以避免与电话巨头发生冲突:

Weitbrecht faced several obstacles as he set out to develop the telephone modem. First, the telephone modem could not be connected directly to telephone company equipment. The telephone companies were strict about “foreign attachments.” They were concerned that when a customer connected another device directly to the telephone lines, there might be electrical interference with the company’s signals. AT&T’s restrictions on direct connections frustrated Weitbrecht’s attempt to find solutions. He knew that a direct connection to the phone line would reduce garble in the TTY messages. But anyone who attempted a direct connection ran the risk of having telephone services stopped. In an attempt to satisfy AT&T, Weitbrecht spent years conducting experiments with a modem that avoided a direct connection.

维特布雷希特在着手开发电话调制解调器时遇到了一些障碍。首先,电话调制解调器不能直接连接到电话公司设备。电话公司对 “外国附件” 非常严格。他们担心,当客户将另一台设备直接连接到电话线时,可能会对公司的信号产生电气干扰。AT&T 对直接连接的限制挫败了维特布雷希特寻找解决方案的尝试。他知道,直接连接到电话线可以减少 TTY 消息中的乱码。但是,任何试图直接连接的人都冒着电话服务停止的风险。为了满足 AT&T 的需求,维特布雷希特花了数年时间对一种避免直接连接的调制解调器进行实验。

This led to Weitbrecht’s Eureka moment with the acoustic coupler, which effectively converted the sounds of data, pushed through phone lines, into audio, then back into data. There were limitations in terms of how fast this kind of connection could be, of course—this added step of conversion created a point of degradation—and, for much of its history, the acoustic coupler modem topped out at a mere 300 baud, only later seeing an upgrade to 1200 baud.
这促使维特布雷希特产生了 “尤里卡” 时刻,发明了声学耦合器,它有效地将通过电话线路传输的声音数据转换为音频,然后再转回数据。 当然,这种连接的速度是有限制的 —— 这种转换的额外步骤造成了一个退化点 —— 在其很大一部分历史中,声学耦合器调制解调器的速度仅为 300 波特,后来才升级到 1200 波特。

斐夷所非 注

Eureka moment: “尤里卡” 时刻:面对复杂问题,突然灵感瞬间顿悟一个简单有效的解决方案时。

Eureka moment 源于古希腊数学家阿基米德(Archimedes)在浴缸中发现浮力定律时欢呼 “Eureka(尤里卡)”。

在科技和创新的背景下,“尤里卡” 时刻也常用于描述那些引发重大突破或创造性想法的瞬间。

Despite the Carterfone decision legally making it so that modems did not need to go through this extra step, the acoustic coupler remained in use for a number of years, in part because connector standards weren’t put into place until the late 1970s. Those RJ11 jacks that you plug into phones today, while invented in the 1960s, did not come into standard use until after Jimmy Carter (who had no affiliation with the Carterfone, by the way) was president and regulatory precedent made something like them necessary.
尽管 Carterfone decision 使得调制解调器不再需要经过这一额外步骤,但声学耦合器仍然在多年中继续使用,部分原因是直到1970年代晚期才制定了连接器标准。今天你插入电话的那些 RJ11 插孔虽然是在1960年代发明的,但直到吉米·卡特(顺便说一下,他与卡特丰没有任何关系)担任总统之后,监管先例使得类似的东西成为必要,才成为标准使用。

(It’s arguable that the RJ11 connector was something of a prelude to the breakup of Ma Bell—the antitrust suit that eventually led to the “Baby Bells” was taking place at the time the FCC implemented the RJ11 standard.)
(可以说 RJ11 连接器是贝尔公司分拆的序曲 —— 当 FCC 实施 RJ11 标准时,反托拉斯诉讼案件正在进行,这最终导致了 “小贝尔” 的出现。)

*A teletype machine of the type Weitbrecht helped to popularize. (Sclozza/Wikimedia Commons)

Nonetheless, the acoustic coupler and its attached modem was a revelation, and its speed limitations were not a problem for the original intended use case. Weitbrecht and his fellow inventors, James C. Marsters and Andrew Saks, were able to retrofit old teletype machines to be used over the phone system, creating a new use case for the telephone system that opened it up for use by Deaf individuals. Later iterations came with the acoustic coupler built right in—and some of which are even sold by Weitbrecht Communications, a company, founded by Weitbrecht and Marsters, that to this day sells TTY devices to the Deaf community.

尽管如此,声学耦合器及其附带的调制解调器仍然是一个重大发现,其速度限制对最初预期的使用案例并不是问题。维特布雷希特和他的同事詹姆斯·C·马斯特斯(James C. Marsters)以及安德鲁·萨克斯(Andrew Saks)能够对旧的电传打字机进行改造,使其可以通过电话系统使用,从而为电话系统创造了一个新的使用场景,让听觉障碍者也能使用。后来的版本则将声学耦合器直接集成在设备中,其中一些甚至由维特布雷希特通讯(Weitbrecht Communications)公司销售,该公司由维特布雷希特和马斯特斯创立,至今仍向听觉障碍者社区出售TTY设备。

By the time I first got to use a 2400 baud modem with a computer, this technology was already very mature, and my dial-up terminal programs of the day could actually still technically dial the same teletype machines that saw wide use within the Deaf community. The modem reached that point of maturation thanks in no small part to a couple of inventors who saw a way to extend the life of the teletype in a valuable way.
到我第一次使用 2400 波特调制解调器时,这项技术已经相当成熟,而我当时的拨号终端程序实际上仍然能够拨打在听觉障碍者社区广泛使用的电传打字机。调制解调器之所以达到这种成熟程度,离不开几位发明者的努力,他们找到了以有价值的方式延续电传打字机生命的方法。

Looking at a dim terminal screen, staring at stark green letters or dull gray characters, remains a preferred way of directly communicating with our computers, despite the later success of the graphical user interface and the touch screen.
凝视着昏暗的终端屏幕, 盯着鲜明的绿色字母或暗淡的灰色字符,尽管图形用户界面和触摸屏后来取得了成功,这种直接与计算机交流的方式依然被许多人所偏爱。

The first question someone staring at a screen like this for the first time might have is, “What do I do next?” Rarely do we consider the question of “How did we get this?”

Perhaps we should, at least a little bit more. While it would be a stretch to call a telegraph or a teletype the direct inspiration for a world that gave us the smartphone or augmented reality, the truth is that modern computers share more lineage with pre-computing technology than we give them credit for.

We may not discuss our connectivity speed in baud anymore—not when we can measure data by the gigabits per second—but these points of evolution have clearly had an impact on what we, as modern computer users, actually got to use at the end of the day.

A trackpad is, of course, infinitely more functional than a straight key, but if you squint hard enough, maybe you’ll see the resemblance.






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