算法的演变 —— 起源和历史


Evolution of Algorithm – Origin and History

Evolution of algorithms has taken a long time. It is an ancient notion. We utilize algorithms all the time, whether we realize it or not. You may think of them as an inseparable element of each activity we take in our daily lives. Algorithms are not only fascinating to study, but they are also critical to the functioning of our modern, digital world.

Algorithms, as you may be aware, are frequently employed in mathematics and computer science. However, you may be shocked to find that you yourself utilize them on a daily basis. An algorithm is a recipe for any food dish. Planning a tour and fixing routes is also a potential algorithm. Planning family functions is also an algorithmic process.

Algorithms are utilized in current applications such as mathematical determinations, data processing, and automated reasoning, to mention a few. Simply said, without them, the modern world would function quite differently.

In this article, we will look at the interesting and extensive history of algorithms in a nutshell. We’ll look at the history of algorithms, including their etymology (origin of the word), and then look at some of the most significant ones. We’ll also take you on a brief tour of some of their contemporary applications.

Etymology of the Word “Algorithm” “算法” 一词的词源

We will discuss the evolution of algorithms from etymology to evolution to recent trends in algorithms.

There is an interesting history behind the name “Algorithm“. Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, a 9th-century scholar, astronomer, geographer, and mathematician, became well-known for his contributions to the study of algebra.
“算法” 这个名字背后有一段有趣的历史。穆罕默德・伊本・穆萨・花剌子模 (Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi) 是 9 世纪的学者、天文学家、地理学家和数学家,因其对代数研究的贡献而闻名。

Al-Khwarizmi authored a book about Hindu-Arabic numbers in Arabic, which was eventually translated into Latin. Later, this book was translated in Latin with the title “Algoritmi de numero Indorum”. After then, the Latin word ‘algoritmi’ was translated into English as ‘algorithm’.
花剌子模用阿拉伯语写了一本关于印度教 - 阿拉伯数字的书,最终被翻译成拉丁文。后来,这本书被翻译成拉丁文,标题为 “Algoritmi de numero Indorum”。此后,拉丁语 “algoritmi” 被翻译成英语为 “算法”。

Some refer to Al-Khwarizmi as “the Father of Algebra,” and he is largely regarded as the scholar who introduced advanced mathematics to the West following the fall of Rome.
有人称花剌子模为 “代数之父”,他被广泛认为是罗马沦陷后将高等数学引入西方的学者。

Surprisingly, Al-Khwarizmi appears to have built on the work of an older Indian polymath known as Brahmagupta.

The term “algorithm” is now used to refer to any technique of computing. This is especially true since the mid-twentieth century when it was frequently employed with respect to computing.
术语 “算法” 现在用于指代任何计算技术。自 20 世纪中叶以来尤其如此,当时它经常被用于计算。

The term “algorithm” was coined by the Persian mathematician al-Khwarizmi in the ninth century.
“算法” 一词是由波斯数学家花剌子模在九世纪创造的。

Muhammad al-Khwarizm - Evolution of Algorithm

Muhammad al-Khwarizmi

Image Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/videos/why-algorithms-are-called-algorithms/p07gdlwf

Evolution of Algorithm 算法的演进

According to historical documents and archaeological evidence, the Babylonians may have constructed the first identifiable algorithm about 1600 BC. These algorithms, which were recorded on clay tablets in a form of cuniform, were used for factorization and determining square roots, among other things, and were quite simple by today’s standards. This could be stated as the first step in the evolution of the algorithm.
根据历史文献和考古证据,巴比伦人可能在公元前 1600 年左右构建了第一个可识别的算法。这些算法以 cuniform 的形式记录在粘土板上,用于因式分解和确定平方根等,按照今天的标准来说非常简单。这可以说是算法发展的第一步。

In approximately 300 BC, the great Euclid created his renowned “Euclidean algorithm,” which was followed by Eratosthenes in 200 BC with his so-called “Sieve of Eratosthenes.” Lui Hui described Gaussian elimination in 263 AD, while Brahmagupta created Chakravala in 628 AD.
大约在公元前 300 年,伟大的欧几里得创造了他著名的 “欧几里得算法”,随后埃拉托色尼在公元前 200 年推出了他所谓的 “埃拉托色尼筛子”。吕辉在公元 263 年描述了高斯消除,而婆罗门笈多在公元 628 年创造了脉轮。

The contemporary algorithm saw significant development throughout the mid-to-late industrial revolution. During this period, George Boole famously created binary algebra, which served as the foundation for contemporary computer coding.
当代算法在整个工业革命中后期都取得了重大发展。在此期间,乔治・布尔(George Boole)创造了著名的二进制代数,为当代计算机编码奠定了基础。

With his iconic Turing machine, Alan Turing formalized the idea of the algorithm for the first time in 1936. The world of computation has been totally changed since then.
1936 年,艾伦・图灵 (Alan Turing) 凭借其标志性的图灵机首次正式确定了该算法的想法。从那时起,计算世界已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。

The first-ever algorithm was proposed by an unknown Indian mathematician who used the concept of zero and decimal position of numbers. This algorithm provided a basis for many basic arithmetic operations, such as square roots, and cube roots.

During the 1940s and 1950s, research was oriented toward building efficient computer systems, so that they could be used in scientific, commercial, and engineering problems.
在 1940 年代和 1950 年代,研究面向构建高效的计算机系统,以便它们可以用于科学、商业和工程问题。

Structural programming came into existence after Alan Turing introduced the idea of Effective Procedure in 1936.
结构编程是在艾伦・图灵(Alan Turing)于 1936 年提出有效程序(Effective Procedure)思想之后出现的。

People realize that effective programming is as important as hardware resources.

The application of computers in diverse fields has led to the search for more efficient algorithms and the study of tractable and non-tractable problems.

Turing’s algorithm logic also laid the basis for variable-based operations. The calculation of the preceding symbols determines the value of the following symbol. Progressive algorithms are born as a result of this. “We may now design a machine to do the task of this computer,” Turing stated in his hypothesis.
图灵的算法逻辑也为基于变量的运算奠定了基础。前述符号的计算决定了后一个符号的值。渐进式算法由此而诞生。“我们现在可以设计一台机器来完成这台计算机的任务,” 图灵在他的假设中说。

Donald Knuth – Father of Algorithms 唐纳德・克努斯(Donald Knuth)—— 算法之父

Donald Ervin Knuth is an American author. is an American computer scientist, and mathematician, and was a professor at Stanford University. He received the ACM Turing Award in 1974, which is regarded as the “Nobel Prize” in computer science. Knuth has been named the “Father of Algorithm Analysis.”
唐纳德・欧文・克努斯(Donald Ervin Knuth)是美国作家。是美国计算机科学家和数学家,曾是斯坦福大学的教授。他于 1974 年获得 ACM 图灵奖,该奖被誉为计算机科学界的 “诺贝尔奖”。Knuth 被誉为 “算法分析之父”。

father of algorithm analysis - Evolution of Algorithm

Donald Knuth – Father of Algorithms

Image Source: https://www.frontiersofknowledgeawards-fbbva.es/galardonados/donald-e-knuth-2/

Knuth authored the seminal “The Art of Computer Programming” as an associate professor at Caltech, a seven-volume collection that rapidly became a go-to book for anybody interested in the how’s and why’s of computer programming.
作为加州理工学院的副教授,Knuth 撰写了开创性的《计算机编程的艺术》,这是一本七卷本的合集,迅速成为任何对计算机编程的方式和原因感兴趣的人的必读书。

Analysis of Algorithm 算法分析

The branch of the study of tractable and non-tractable problems is known as complexity theory. Algorithms are being analyzed on various bounds. The focus of researchers was on minimizing the lower bound running time of algorithms.

Later, they developed formal methods of specification, which describe the precise nature of input to verify the correctness of the algorithm.

Typically, algorithms are designed to solve specific problems only, so they are bound to operate on specific inputs only. No algorithm works on every input. So, with the development of algorithms, it has been essential to specify the limits of input and expected output of the algorithm.

The study and development of efficient algorithms led to another aspect called the time-space trade-off. This opens up the study of problems that are both tractable in time and tractable in space. Tractable problems are those which can be solved in a reasonably acceptable time.

Approximation algorithms came into the picture to provide an approximate solution to non-tractable problems in a reasonably acceptable time.

Randomized algorithms have given a new direction for solving many time-consuming problems. Randomness can be thought of as an integral part of many algorithmic strategies, like simulated annealing and genetic algorithms.

Quicksort is sufficient to explain the importance of randomness. Quicksort runs in quadratic time for sorted data, but with randomized pivot selection, it can be reduced to n.log2n.
Quicksort 足以解释随机性的重要性。对于排序的数据,Quicksort 以二次时间运行,但使用随机透视选择时,可以将其简化为 n.log2n。

Algorithms in Daily Routine 日常生活中的算法

Even if computers did not exist, it is probable that algorithms of some type would still play a significant part in your daily life.

We utilize algorithms in our everyday routine, whether we realize it or not. Any task, from simple to complicated, may be seen as a potential algorithm.

Having stated that, below are some examples of algorithms in use in everyday life.

Planning a Tour 计划旅行

Before you start on your journey, you will undoubtedly consider a lot of factors, including location, the best time to visit the location, method of transportation, nearby tourist attractions, accommodation, and so on. This action sequence is referred to as an algorithm.

Solving an Assignment 解决作业

When a student needs to solve an assignment, he must follow a specific sequence of steps. For example, if he receives an assignment from his professor, he must find the right book or resources to answer the question. Students may use Google or ask their friends for assistance before completing the task. As a result, the entire procedure is an algorithm.
当学生需要解决一项作业时,他必须遵循特定的步骤序列。例如,如果他从教授那里接到作业,他必须找到合适的书籍或资源来回答这个问题。学生可以在完成任务之前使用 Google 或向他们的朋友寻求帮助。因此,整个过程就是一个算法。

Organizing functions 组织功能

It’s your birthday next week, and you’ve decided to treat your pals. What are your plans? You consider the ideal venue, you will confer with someone about the theme of the party, the menu of the party, which cake should be excellent, the order of events, timings, and so on. Everything is meticulously planned by you. You go through your plans several times to ensure that they are as effective as possible. This process of ensuring desired output is nothing but an algorithm

Basic Arithmetic operation 基本算术运算

You get milk bottles from the milkman every day, and you have to pay him the whole sum at the end of the month. So you’ll take the number of milk bottles you purchased over the past month and multiply it by the cost of each individual bottle. This will give you the entire amount you spent on milk over the course of a month.

When you go to a party with friends, and after dinner, when you compute the portion of each member from the overall cost, that method also follows the algorithm.

Thus, the evolution of algorithms has taken a shape from cuniform to digital computers.

Short Questions on Evolution of Algorithms 关于算法演进的简短问题

Q: Who is the pioneer of the study of Algorithms? 谁是算法研究的先驱?

Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi, a 9th-century scholar, astronomer, geographer, and mathematician, became well-known for his contributions to the study of algebra.
穆罕默德・伊本・穆萨・花剌子模 (Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi) 是 9 世纪的学者、天文学家、地理学家和数学家,因其对代数研究的贡献而闻名。

Q: Who is known as the father of linear algebra? 谁被称为线性代数之父?

Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi is known as the father of linear algebra

Q: Who is known as the father of algorithms? 谁被称为算法之父?

Donald Ervin Knuth is an American author an American computer scientist, a mathematician, and a professor at Stanford University professor is known as the father of algorithms.
唐纳德・欧文・克努斯(Donald Ervin Knuth)是美国作家,美国计算机科学家,数学家,斯坦福大学教授,被称为算法之父。

Q: Name the famous book of Donald Knuth 唐纳德・克努斯(Donald Knuth)的著名著作

“The Art of Computer Programming” is a well-known book written by Donald Knuth.
《计算机编程的艺术》是唐纳德・克努斯(Donald Knuth)写的著名著作。

Q: Enlist a few daily routine activities that can be described as an algorithmic process 列出一些可以被描述为一个算法过程的日常活动

Any routine work takes predefined steps, we can consider them all as an algorithmic processes such as,

  • Making a tea/coffee 泡茶 / 咖啡
  • Prepare food 准备食物
  • Be ready to go to the office 准备好去办公室
  • Clearing the examinations 通过考试
  • Go on tour with friends 和朋友一起去旅游
  • Attend/arrange functions 出席 / 安排活动

What is Algorithm? – Nutshell Explanation 算法简释

What is Algorithm? 什么是算法?

The algorithm is a set of rules defined in specific order to do certain computation and carry out some predefined task. It is a step by step procedure to solve the problem.

Evolution of algorithm has gone through lone way. The term Algorithm was coined by the Persian mathematician Al-Khwarizmi in the ninth century.

Given the algorithm, it is easy to program the solution. It bridges the gap between natural language description of the solution and syntax of programming language. It is a set of rules which are used to solve real-life problems. It provides a loose form of a solution in a pseudo-programming language. We can treat it as a set of finite instructions which solves a particular problem when applied it is applied to that problem with legal inputs.

The first-ever algorithm was developed by Babylonians for factorization of a number and to find roots of the equation. Euclid had proposed a famous algorithm for finding Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two numbers.

Initially, the solution to the problem is thought as a natural language description, whose syntax is too far from the programming language. Before the actual problem solved in a programming language, natural language description of the solution is first represented as an algorithm. It is then converted to programming syntax. The process of solving a problem is depicted in following figure

problem solving using algorithm

Problem Solving using Algorithm

If the algorithm is correct, then the program should produce correct output on valid input, otherwise, it should produce an appropriate error message. For example, to find the division A/B, correctly written program would return value of A/B for B > 0, and it would show the error message like “Invalid divisor” for B = 0.
如果算法是正确的,那么程序应该在有效的输入上产生正确的输出,否则,它应该产生适当的错误消息。例如,要找到除法 A/B,正确编写的程序将返回 B > 0 的 A/B 值,并且当 B = 0 时,它会显示类似 “无效除数” 的错误消息。

Properties of Algorithm 算法的属性

A good algorithm should have the following properties/characteristics:
一个好的算法应该具有以下属性 / 特征:

Properties of Algorithm

Properties of Algorithm

Input: The algorithm may take zero or more input arguments. Depending on the problem, the input may be a scalar, vector, array, tree, graph or some other data structures

Output: The algorithm reads input, processes it and produces at least one output. Depending on the problem being solved, the output may of the form scalar, vector, array, tree, graph or some other data structures.

Definiteness: All instructions should be unambiguous and simple to interpret. There should not be multiple ways to interpret the same instruction. Each instruction should be precise and concise

Finiteness: Every algorithm must terminate after a finite number of steps. If the algorithm contains a loop, the upper bound of the loop must be finite. Recursive calls should have a well-defined base case for the termination

Effectiveness: The algorithm should be written with a basic set of instructions. The operations should be basic enough to perform exactly using a basic set, just like one can perform them with pen and paper. Complex operations should be performed using a combination of basic instruction. For example, multiplication should be performed using loop and addition, sorting should be carried out using looping, comparison, swapping etc.

Types of Algorithmic Complexities 算法复杂性的类型

Algorithms are analyzed using two types of complexities

Types of algorithmic complexity

Types of algorithmic complexity

Time complexity: It is the amount of time taken by the algorithm to solve the given problem.

Space complexity: It is the amount of memory required by the algorithm to solve the given problem.

Problems Solved by Algorithms 算法解决的问题

Algorithms are not developed just to solve problems like sorting, factorial, GCD etc. The scope of the algorithm is much wider than that. Few of the real-life problems are listed here for which the design of an efficient algorithm matters a lot
算法的开发不仅仅是为了解决排序、阶乘、GCD 等问题。该算法的范围远不止于此。这里列出了一些现实生活中的问题,对于这些问题来说,高效算法的设计非常重要

Such problems may not be solved effectively using traditional approaches and even if they are solvable, the answer may not be optimal or it may take a too long time. Various class of algorithms are :

  • String matching algorithms: Can be useful in text search, editors, compilers etc.
  • Number theory and numerical algorithms: Useful in the statistical analysis of data.
  • Divide and conquer: Used to solve sorting, convex hull, min-max problem.
    分而治之:用于解决排序、凸壳、最小 - 最大问题。
  • Linear programming: Can be useful in solving many optimization problems.
  • Dynamic programming: Solves the optimization problems like subsequence, super sequence, assembly line scheduling, cruise scheduling etc.
  • Greedy methods: Provides a suboptimal solution to the problems like make a change, minimum spanning tree, Huffman code, job sequencing etc.
  • Sorting: Useful to sort numerical or string data.

However, the list is far more exhaustive, but we listed here a few of the most common problems appear in real life.

How to Write Algorithm? 如何编写算法?

The algorithm consists of two parts:

Head and body. Head part consists of name, description of the problem being solved, input to the problem and expected output. It may also include the explanation of the input argument and output variable. The description provides a clear idea to the user about the functionality of the algorithm.

Body part includes a logical sequence of statements involving various constructs like conditional statements, expressions, loops, breaks, function calls etc.

Structure of Algorithm

Structure of Algorithm

An algorithm is a lucid form of program and it does not have rigid restrictions on the syntax. One can write it using his own terminology and syntax

However, some of the common rules followed for writing algorithms, which are stated below :

  • The algorithm should start with the keyword Algorithm, followed by its name, followed by a list of arguments to be passed.
    该算法应以关键字 Algorithm 开头,后跟其名称,后跟要传递的参数列表。
Algorithm FIND_SUM (A, B)
  • Comments start with //sign. In the very next line, we should specify the description and input-output.
    注释以 // 符号开头。在下一行中,我们应该指定描述和输入输出。
// Problem Description : Add two integer numbers.
// Input: Two numbers A and B on which sum is to be performed.
// Output: Sum of given two numbers.
  • Next comes the body part, which contains various logical statements in the proper sequence. These statements may contain control statements, loops, expressions etc.
  • Compound statements are enclosed within the opening and closing curly brace i.e. { … }
    复合语句括在左大括号和右大括号内,即 { … }
  • Use the left arrow for assignment
C ← A + B
  • Array index usually starts with index 0 or 1.
    数组索引通常以索引 0 或 1 开头。
  • Relational operations are performed using relational operators like <, >, ==, !=, ?= and <=
    关系运算是使用关系运算符(如 <、>、==、!=、?= 和 <=
  • Logical operations are performed using logical operators like and or and not
    逻辑运算是使用逻辑运算符(如 AND 或 NOT )执行的
  • Input and output are performed using read and write a statement.
    输入和输出是使用 read 和 write 语句执行的。
read (A) /read “A”
write (A) /write “A” 
print (A) /print “A”
  • Control statements are written as follows :
if (condition) then 
if (condition) then 
  • Multiple statements are enclosed within { … }
    多个语句包含在 { … } 中
  • While loop is written as follows :
    While 循环的编写方式如下:
while (condition) do
  Do some work
  • Sometimes curly braces are omitted and a block is closed with the end keyword
while (condition) do
 Do some work
  • For loop is written as follows:
    For 循环的编写方式如下:
for index ← FirstIndex to LastIndex do
  Do some work 
  • Sometimes curly braces are omitted and a block is closed with the end keyword
for index ← FirstIndex to LastIndex do
  Do some work 

Examples: 例子:

Write an algorithm for finding the factorial of number n.
编写一个用于查找数 n 的阶乘的算法。

Algorithm FACTORIAL (n)
// Description: Find factorial of a given number
// Input: Number n whose factorial is to be computed
// Output : Factorial of n = n x (n – 1) x … x 2 x 1

if (n == 1) then
	return 1
	return n * FACTORIAL (n – 1)

Write an algorithm to perform matrix multiplication

// Description: Perform matrix multiplication of two matrices.
// Input : Two matrices A and B of size n x n.
// Output : Resultant matrix containing multiplication of A and B

for i ← 1 to n do
	for j ← 1 to n do
		C [i][j]0
		for k ← 1 to n do
			C [i][j] ← C [i][j] + A [i][k] * B [k][j]

However, there is no strict rule to follow these standards. Its syntax may vary from person to person.

Short Questions: 简短的问题:

Define the term: Algorithm 定义术语:算法

The algorithm is a set of rules defined in specific order to do certain computation and carry out some predefined task. It is a step by step procedure to solve the problem

State the properties of Algorithm 声明 Algorithm 的属性

Following are the properties of algorithm:

  • Input 输入
  • Output 输出
  • Definiteness 定性
  • Finiteness 有限性
  • Effectiveness 有效性

Define the term: Time Complexity 定义术语:时间复杂度

The amount of time required to solve the given problem is called the time complexity of that algorithm

Define the term: Space Complexity 定义术语:空间复杂性

The amount of memory required to solve the given problem is called the space complexity of that algorithm

Enlist few problem solving strategies 采用一些解决问题的策略

Following are some of the popular problem solving strategies:

  • String matching algorithms
  • Number theory and numerical algorithms
  • Divide and conquer 分而治之
  • Linear programming 线性规划
  • Dynamic programming 动态规划
  • Greedy methods 贪婪的方法
  • Sorting 排序

Correctness of Algorithm – Concept and Proof 算法的正确性 —— 概念和证明

Why correctness of Algorithm is essential? 为什么算法的正确性至关重要?

Proving correctness of algorithm is crucial. For many problems, algorithms are very complex. The reliability of an algorithm cannot be claimed unless and until it gives the correct output for each of the valid inputs.

Tracing the output of each possible input is impossible. The correctness of an algorithm can be quickly proven by checking certain conditions.

Programming languages are an effective means of implementing complicated packages and applications. Complex systems, such as banking and e-commerce, are difficult to design and evaluate and are frequently incorrect. Much has been said regarding the creation of an effective tool for developing dependable software.

We consider software to be “right” if it performs precisely what the programmer and user want it to do. Millions of lines of code are used in modern software, which includes thousands of states and state transitions. Claiming the dependability of such software is not a simple process; it must go through all possible input scenarios to determine whether or not it is giving the proper output.
如果软件准确地执行程序员和用户希望它做的事情,那么我们认为它是 “正确的”。现代软件中使用了数百万行代码,其中包括数千种状态和状态转换。声称此类软件的可靠性不是一个简单的过程;它必须遍历所有可能的输入场景,以确定它是否提供了正确的输出。

Rather than checking all instances of input, correctness can be proved easily by mathematical models.

Confirming Correctness of Algorithm 确认算法的正确性

The well-defined computational problem is a triplet of
P (I, O, R) such that I is the valid input set, O is the accepted output set, and R defines the relationship between I and O. R can be considered as a mapping function, which translates I to R. Let i ∈ I is a problem instance.
定义明确的计算问题是 P (I,O,R) 使得 I 是有效的输入集,O 是接受的输出集,R 定义了 I 和 O 之间的关系。让我∈我是一个问题实例。

The algorithm to solve problem P is correct if and only if for all the problem instance i ∈ I, it terminates and produces correct output o ∈ O, i.e. (i, o) ∈ R.
当且仅当对于所有问题实例 i ∈ I,它终止并产生正确的输出 o ∈ O,即 (i,o) ∈ R。

It is necessary to prove the correctness of the algorithm. The simplest way of doing so is to test the algorithm for different input combinations and compare the results with manually computed or already available ground truth values

However, a testing algorithm for all inputs is not possible, or it may take too much time. Let the algorithm consist of a series of n steps.
但是,不可能对所有输入进行测试算法,或者可能需要太多时间。让算法由一系列 n 个步骤组成。

One way to prove the correctness of the algorithm is to check the condition before (precondition) and after (postcondition) the execution of each step.

The algorithm is correct only if the precondition is true, and then the postcondition must also be true.

Consider the problem of finding the factorial of a number n. The algorithm halts after doing (n – 1) multiplications. Proving the correctness of this problem informally is very simple. But for large inputs, it becomes tedious to store a huge output.
考虑求数 n 的阶乘问题。 算法在执行 (n – 1) 乘法运算后停止。非正式地证明这个问题的正确性非常简单。但是对于大输入,存储巨大的输出变得乏味。

Algorithms for real-life problems often involve a loop. The correctness of such an algorithm is proved through the loop invariant property. It involves three steps:

correctness of Algorithm

Steps to prove loop invariant property

Initialization: Conditions true before the first iteration of the loop

Maintenance: If the condition is true before the loop, it must be true before the next iteration.

Termination: On termination of the loop, the invariant gives us a useful property that helps us prove the correctness of the algorithm.

Correctness does not involve analysis of the algorithm

Prove the correctness of Insertion sort 证明插入排序的正确性

The algorithm for insertion sort is given below.

Algorithm INSERTION_SORT (A, n)

for j ← 2 to n do
 Key ← A [j]
 i ← j – 1 
 while i > 0 && key < A [i] do
  A [i + 1] ← A [i]
  i ← i – 1
 A [i + 1] ← key

First, j cards are always sorted in array A [1…j – 1]. The remaining A [j…n] cards are unsorted.
首先,j 张牌总是在数组 A [1…J – 1]。剩下的 A [j…n] 卡片未排序。

Let us try to prove the correctness of INSERTION_SORT using three-loop invariant properties.
让我们尝试使用三循环不变属性来证明 INSERTION_SORT 的正确性。

Initialization: 初始化:

The loop invariant holds before initialization. For j = 2, subarray A [1…j – 1] contains only one element, i.e. A [1]. This is a trivial case of sorting. It proves that the loop invariant is true before the first iteration.
循环不变性在初始化之前保持不变。对于 j = 2,子数组 A [1…j – 1] 只包含一个元素,即 A [1]。这是一个微不足道的排序案例。它证明了循环不变性在第一次迭代之前是正确的。

Maintenance: 保养:

In each iteration, the algorithm finds the correct position of the key to insert the element A [j] by moving A [j – 1], A [j – 2],… elements. After the loop, A [j] element will be inserted into the correct position. After the loop, A [1…j] contains elements the same as in A [1…j] before the loop, but now they will be in sorted order. Thus the invariant is held in attendance too.
在每次迭代中,算法通过移动 A [j – 1]、A [j – 2] 来找到键的正确位置以插入元素 A [j,… 元素。循环后,A [j] 元素将入到正确的位置。循环之后,A [1…j] 包含与 A [1…j] 在循环之前,但现在它们将按排序顺序排列。因此,不变性也出席了会议。

Termination: 终止:

The loop terminates when j = n. Each iteration inserts A [j] on the correct location, so after n iteration, all elements will be in their right position. After the loop, A [1…n] contains elements the same as in A [1…n] before the loop, but now they will be in sorted order.
当 j = n 时,循环终止。每次迭代都会在正确的位置插入 A [j],因此在 n 次迭代后,所有元素都将位于其正确的位置。循环之后,A [1…n] 包含与 A [1…n] 在循环之前,但现在它们将按排序顺序排列。

Short Questions: 简短的问题:

Q: Why proving correctness is important? 问:为什么证明正确性很重要?

Tracing the output of each possible input is impossible. The correctness of an algorithm can be quickly proved by checking certain conditions.

Q: Which are the steps for loop invariant? 问:循环不变的步骤是什么?

Loop invariant involves:

  • Initialization: Conditions true before the first iteration of the loop
  • Maintenance: If the condition is true before the loop, it must be true before the next iteration.
  • Termination: On termination of the loop, the invariant gives us a useful property that helps us to prove the correctness of the algorithm.

pproaches for Efficiency Analysis of Algorithm 算法效率分析方法

In this article, we discuss three most common approaches for efficiency analysis of algorithm.

The term “algorithm analysis” refers to the process of determining the resources required by the algorithm. Time, space, power usage, communication bandwidth, computer hardware, and so on are examples of resources.
术语 “算法分析” 是指确定算法所需资源的过程。时间、空间、电源使用、通信带宽、计算机硬件等都是资源的示例。

The running time of an algorithm is proportional to the size of the problem. The amount of resources required grows in the order of linear, quadratic, factorial, and so on.

There may be more than one way to address the same problem. As a result, researchers are concerned with determining the optimal method. The efficiency of an algorithm is assessed by the amount of resources it requires.

Algorithm analysis provides an estimate of the resources necessary to tackle the given task. This aids in determining the optimal algorithm from among the set of candidate algorithms.

We don’t worry about performance if the problem is to be solved for a small number of instances. We could select the algorithm with the least amount of programming complexity. However, if a problem has to be solved repeatedly for a large number of instances, efficiency is important.

So, how should the optimal algorithm be chosen? All potential algorithms’ performance must be compared. The candidate of choice is the one who takes the least amount of time.

We are generally uninterested in space complexity because memory is no longer a major barrier, and it is becoming increasingly cost-effective. As a result, researchers are primarily concerned with increasing time complexity. Any algorithm can be analyzed in three ways:

Approaches for Efficiency Analysis

Approaches for Efficiency Analysis

Empirical approach 实证法

An empirical approach is applied to the program. Various problem-solving strategies, such as greedy algorithm, dynamic programming, incremental approach, and so on, are turned into the programme and then tested on the computer for various input cases.

This method is also known as a posterior approach. It is also possible to test an algorithm for a large number of instances.

Theoretical approach 理论方法

The necessary resources are estimated mathematically in this approach. This strategy is also known as the priori approach because it is immediately applied to an algorithm that has yet to be changed in the program.

The algorithm is evaluated for many scenarios. The size of the problem is not measured in bits or bytes, but in the number of items in the problem.

In sorting issues, the size of an instance is the number of elements to be sorted. The size of the challenge for traversing the linked list is a number of nodes. The size of a graph problem is determined by the number of edges and vertices.

A character, integer, float, double, or any other data type may be used as an input element. We aren’t concerned with how much RAM each piece of the input list takes up.
字符、整数、浮点数、双精度型或任何其他数据类型都可以用作输入元素。我们不关心输入列表的每一部分占用多少 RAM。

Advantages: 优势:

  • As this approach is assessed on paper, it is independent of the programmer’s talent, the capacity of the machine, the strength of the programming language, and everything else.
  • It saves a lot of coding time because it has already been tested.

Disadvantage : 缺点:

  • Because the algorithm is tested on hand in this approach, it cannot be traced for huge input.
  • It is impossible to comment on the behavior of an algorithm until it has been tested for enormous input sizes.

Hybrid approach 混合方法

It combines the best aspects of the priori and posterior approaches. The theoretical technique is used to determine the function characterizing the algorithm’s efficiency, and the empirical approach is used to derive the requisite numerical parameters by running a program on the machine.

On a computer, required parameters are found using regression algorithms.

The time requirement is predicted by testing it for tiny instances using the priori technique, and it may be verified by running it for big cases on the actual system using the posterior approach.

However, such an approach may fail at times due to a lack of theoretical basis.

Thus, the approaches for efficiency analysis of algorithm describes the different ways of how we can effectively analyze the algorithm. Each method has its pros and cons.

How a Smart Algorithm Can beat a Great Hardware? 智能算法如何击败出色的硬件?

Smart algorithms do intelligent work and easily outperform hardware technologies. In this article, we will look at a specific scenario in which a cleverly designed algorithm outperforms hardware. Algorithms have evolved over time, from primitive to very efficient.

Different algorithms take different amounts of time to solve the same problem. This gap in algorithmic processing may be more important than the difference in machine hardware and software architectures.

Effect of Smart Algorithm 智能算法的效果

Consider a faster computer A (executes 1010 instructions/second) and slower computer B (executes 107 instructions /second).
考虑较快的计算机 A(执行 1010 条指令 / 秒)和较慢的计算机 B(执行 107 条指令 / 秒)。

Insertion sort runs in quadratic order of input size i.e. c1.n2, and merge sort runs in c2.nlogn time.
插入排序按输入大小的二次顺序运行,即 c1.n2,合并排序在 c2.nlogn 时间内运行。

Let us schedule insertion sort on computer A with c1 = 2, and merge sort on computer B with c2 = 50.
让我们在计算机 A 上安排插入排序,c1 = 2,在计算机 B 上安排合并排序,c2 = 50。

Consider the problem of size n = 107.
考虑大小 n = 107 的问题。

Running time of insertion sort on computer A would be,
计算机 A 上插入排序的运行时间为:

((2 x 107) 2 instructions) / (1010 instructions /seconds) = 20,000 seconds
((2 x 107)2 条指令)/(1010 条指令 / 秒)= 20,000 秒

Running time of merge sort on computer B would be,
在计算机 B 上合并排序的运行时间为:

(50 x 107 log 107 instructions) / (1010 instructions /seconds) = 1, 163 seconds
(50 x 107 日志 107 条指令)/(1010 条指令 / 秒)= 1,163 秒

Even with poor hardware, the efficient algorithm runs 17 times faster than the poor algorithm on faster hardware. Advantage amplifies when the input instance is even bigger. For 100 million numbers, merge sort takes under four hours, whereas insertion sort takes more than 23 days.
即使在硬件较差的情况下,高效算法的运行速度也比在较快的硬件上运行较差的算法快 17 倍。当输入实例更大时,优势会放大。对于 1 亿个数字,合并排序需要不到 4 小时,而插入排序需要 23 天以上。

Analysis and Discussion 分析与讨论

The above illustration is sufficient to prove the importance of the design of a proper algorithm. For efficiency analysis, algorithm complexity should be evaluated for a large program instance.

The choice of the algorithm is as important as choosing the hardware, and hence the algorithm should also be considered as technology just like hardware.

Mathematicians are improving algorithms at a pace researchers are improving the physical hardware.

Some applications do not require algorithmic efficiency at the application level, but the internal design of an efficient algorithm has a great deal.

Consider the application that determines the route to travel from one location to the other. An implementation may rely on fast hardware, wide-area networking, and a possible programming language. Even in such applications also, algorithms would be useful in determining the route, rendering the graphics, interpolating addresses etc.

We intend to solve larger and larger problems with ever-increasing hardware capacity. The impact of the efficient algorithm is multiplied across both larger problems, just as we discussed above. The well-developed merge sort easily beats the insertion sort running on superior hardware.

Solid knowledge of algorithms separates the truly skilled programmer from the novice. We can accomplish our tasks without knowing much about algorithms, but we can do it much more efficiently with knowledge of the algorithm.

Short Questions 简短的问题

Q: What is the time complexity of insertion sort? 问:插入排序的时间复杂度是多少?

Insertion sort runs in O (n2) time
插入排序以 O(n2) 时间为

Q: What is the time complexity of merge sort? 问:合并排序的时间复杂度是多少?

Merge sort runs in O (nlogn) time
合并排序以 O(nlogn) 时间运行。






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