

The history of the Latin language and its Impact on Modern Languages


Tatiana Osoblivaia


Language and Culture

The Latin language has a rich and fascinating history. It has played a significant role in shaping Western culture, and it continues to be a crucial language for a variety of academic and cultural pursuits. It is the root language for many modern European languages, including English, Spanish, French, and Italian. Different fields of study (including medicine, philosophy, theology, history, and literature) have developed under the direct influence of the Latin language. In this blog post, we will look at the origination of the Latin language, its evolution over time, and its lasting impact on the modern world.

The Origins of Latin 拉丁语的起源

Latin is an Indo-European language that originated in the Latium region of central Italy. It was the language of ancient Rome and was used throughout the Roman Empire for communication, administration, and literature.
Latin evolved from the dialects of the Italic peoples of ancient Italy, and its earliest written records date back to the 7th century BCE.
This ancient language was spoken by the people who resided in central Italy during the Iron Age (1200-700 BCE). It is considered that these Proto-Italic speakers were descended from two Bronze Age populations who had migrated to Italy from northern Europe. From Proto-Italic evolved Old Latin (750-100 BCE) which would eventually become Classical Latin (100 BCE - 450 CE).
Over time, Latin absorbed elements from other languages, such as Etruscan and Greek, and it became the main language of the western Mediterranean.
As the Roman Empire expanded, Latin spread throughout the empire and became the lingua franca of the western world. It was used for religious, legal, and administrative purposes, and it became the basis for many of the Romance languages, including Italian, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
拉丁语是一种印欧语系语言,起源于意大利中部的拉齐奥地区。它是古罗马的语言,在整个罗马帝国用于交流、管理和文学。 拉丁语是从古意大利意大利人的方言演变而来的,其最早的书面记录可以追溯到公元前 7 世纪。 这种古老的语言是铁器时代(公元前 1200-700 年)居住在意大利中部的人们所说的。据认为,这些说原始意大利语的人是从北欧移民到意大利的两个青铜时代人群的后裔。从原始意大利语演变而来的古拉丁语(公元前 750-100 年),最终成为古典拉丁语(公元前 100 年至公元 450 年)。 随着时间的推移,拉丁语吸收了伊特鲁里亚语和希腊语等其他语言的元素,成为西地中海的主要语言。 随着罗马帝国的扩张,拉丁语传播到整个帝国,成为西方世界的通用语言。它被用于宗教、法律和行政目的,并成为许多罗曼语的基础,包括意大利语、西班牙语、法语和葡萄牙语。

Evolution of Latin 拉丁语的演变

After the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 CE, Classical Latin evolved into what is now known as Vulgar or Medieval Latin (500-1500 CE). It was an informal form of Latin used by commoners, while Classical Latin remained a language reserved for scholars and educated elites. During this period, Vulgar or Medieval Latin underwent significant changes, including a shift in pronunciation and an increase in regional dialects. Later in 1500 CE, Renaissance Humanists began to revive Classical Latins - the period known as Neo-Latin (1500–present day). This new form of classical Latin saw an increase in scientific writings, and literature written for a popular audience, like comedies and tragedies.
公元 476 年罗马帝国灭亡后,古典拉丁语演变成现在被称为通俗拉丁语或中世纪拉丁语(公元 500-1500 年)。它是平民使用的一种非正式拉丁语形式,而古典拉丁语仍然是为学者和受过教育的精英保留的语言。在此期间,通俗拉丁语或中世纪拉丁语发生了重大变化,包括发音的转变和地区方言的增加。公元 1500 年晚些时候,文艺复兴时期的人文主义者开始复兴古典拉丁语 —— 这一时期被称为新拉丁语(1500 年至今)。这种新形式的古典拉丁语见证了科学著作和为大众读者创作的文学作品(如喜剧和悲剧)的增加。

How Latin influenced the modern languages we all speak today 拉丁语如何影响我们今天都说的现代语言

Latin is a fascinating language that has had a prominent influence on many of the languages we speak today. It has played a significant role in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Romanian and Catalan development. Latin is still used in the Catholic Church and is considered a vital part of the religious heritage of Western Christianity.

As we mentioned above, its origins and the road the Latin made from being used by small groups of people in the Mediterranean region around 3,000 years ago to spreading all over the region and adopting quite a few dialects and regional variants, made its evolution extraordinary, transforming it in a very distinct language with unique characteristics and vocabulary.
正如我们上面提到的,它的起源和拉丁语从大约 3,000 年前被地中海地区的一小群人使用到传播到整个地区并采用相当多的方言和地区变体,使其演变非同寻常,将其转变为一种非常独特的语言具有独特的特征和词汇。

Let us look at some examples.

For instance, **Vulgar Latin (**a version of Latin used during the Middle Ages) is considered to stay at the origins of Romance languages. Words from Vulgar Latin were afterwards borrowed by other languages such as English, German and Dutch which explains why there are so many similarities between them.

Another example would be Spanish and French. Spanish has kept most of its words from Vulgar Latin, while in French, more than half of words originate from this period in history. The influence of Latin can also be noticed in areas like grammar, where many European languages use concepts like gender for nouns or conjugation for verbs that come directly from Latin.

English also has been influenced by Latin. A large number of English words have their roots in either classical or medieval Latin language, including words like “animal”, “decide”, and “individual”.
英语也受到拉丁语的影响。大量的英语单词起源于古典或中世纪拉丁语,包括 “animal”、“decide” 和 “individual” 等单词。

In addition to its influence on modern-day language, Latin continues to be widely used by academics, scientists and scholars who often use it as a tool for precision when discussing complex topics or ideas. For example, scientific terminology is often used in Latin because it provides greater clarity in describing specific concepts or phenomena. It means that anyone with knowledge of the language can understand these terms no matter what country they’re from or what native language they speak – making communication easier for everyone involved in these conversations.
除了对现代语言的影响外,拉丁语还继续被学者、科学家和学者广泛使用,他们在讨论复杂的话题或想法时经常将其用作精确工具。例如,科学术语经常用于拉丁语,因为它在描述特定概念或现象时提供了更清晰的信息。这意味着任何了解该语言的人都可以理解这些术语,无论他们来自哪个国家或说什么母语 —— 使参与这些对话的每个人都能更轻松地进行交流。

The powerful effect Latin has had on modern-day language and culture worldwide is evident and continues to influence the way we think, communicate, and understand the world around us. Its impact can be seen in many aspects of our lives, from language and education to science and religion. While some may view learning Latin as an outdated practice – its importance in understanding how modern languages evolved cannot be denied making it an essential part of any linguist’s education.

Latin legacy is still alive today through modern European languages such as Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French, and Romanian.


Latin Language History: A Guide For Curious Latin Learners 拉丁语历史:好奇的拉丁语学习者指南

by Olly Richards
So we know Latin is ancient, right? It’s a dead language! But part of what makes Latin so interesting is Latin language history. While no-one uses Latin in day-to-day communication, it still has such an important role today as it did in the past.

Instead of focusing on how to learn and use Latin, I’ll be focusing on Latin language history. Its history is not only interesting. But it will also help you understand how important Latin is for western history and today’s society.

This article will help you to understand:

  • where Latin came from, how it developed
  • why it was important, what its role was as a European lingua franca
  • why Ecclesiastical Latin was important
  • how it later developed
  • and what Latin’s role is today

So let’s take a look at Latin language history.

Where Did Latin Come From And How Did It Develop? 拉丁语从何而来,又是如何发展的?

The exact origin of Latin is unknown. Think about it. The Latin associated with Caesar, is what is considered “Classical Latin” used around the 2nd and 1st century BCE. This is by no means the earliest form of the language.
拉丁语的确切起源尚不清楚。想想吧。与凯撒相关的拉丁语是公元前 2 世纪和 1 世纪左右使用的被认为是 “古典拉丁语” 的东西。这绝不是该语言的最早形式。

Latin is considered to be one of the oldest Indo-European languages. The Indo-European language family includes Greek, Sanskrit, and Germanic languages.

Latin’s oldest version is known as “Archaic Latin”. It was spoken around the lower parts of the Tiber River, including where modern Rome lies.
拉丁语最古老的版本被称为 “古拉丁语”。它在台伯河下游地区使用,包括现代罗马所在的地区。

As the city of Rome developed and eventually gained power, other languages of the Italian peninsula impacted Latin. One such example is Etruscan. This language is a mystery in itself as it does not seem to be related to other known languages beyond its influences on Latin.
随着罗马城的发展并最终获得权力,意大利半岛的其他语言也影响了拉丁语。伊特鲁里亚 (Etruscan) 就是这样一个例子。这种语言本身就是一个谜,因为除了它对拉丁语的影响之外,它似乎与其他已知语言无关。

Due to the geographic proximity, Etruscan had a very large influence on the development of Archaic Latin, both spoken and written, around the 7th century BCE.
由于地理位置接近,伊特鲁里亚人在公元前 7 世纪左右对古拉丁语的发展产生了非常大的影响,包括口语和书面语。

As Rome continued to develop, by the late 6th century BCE when Rome had become a republic after overthrowing its kings, Latin had been developing as well.
随着罗马的不断发展,到公元前 6 世纪后期,罗马在推翻国王后成为共和国,拉丁语也一直在发展。

Classical Latin 古典拉丁语

By the time of the later 2nd century and early 1st century BCE, Latin had developed into what is known as “Classical Latin.”
到公元前 2 世纪末和 1 世纪初,拉丁语已经发展成为所谓的 “古典拉丁语”。

Typically, this form of Latin is the Latin associated with the golden age of Latin literature from Roman poets, philosophers, and orators, such as Ovid, Virgil, and Cicero.

Thus, this is the form of Latin schools most often teach. That means the Latin people have in mind when thinking of Ancient Rome are thinking of a language that is already at least 600 years old!
因此,这是拉丁学校最常教授的形式。这意味着拉丁人在想到古罗马时,想到的是一种至少有 600 年历史的语言!

Vulgar Latin 通俗拉丁语

Latin was spoken in all parts of Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Near East due to military expansion. In the 2nd century, Latin started changing and developing into what is known as “Vulgar Latin”.
由于军事扩张,拉丁语在欧洲、地中海和近东各地都使用。在 2 世纪,拉丁语开始发生变化并发展成为所谓的 “通俗拉丁语”。

This is a form of Latin infused with aspects of other European languages, such as Celtic, Gaelic, Germanic, and other local languages. This is the form of the language that will eventually evolve into Medieval Latin.

In the Medieval and Renaissance era, more educated classes and the church continued to use Latin. It remained the language of education as Latin and Greek were the languages of the Classical world.

Thus Latin became lost to the common folk, leading to the development of local Romance languages. And Latin became the language of Christian texts, international relations, and for classical European education.

Since fewer people were actually speaking in Latin, the language changed and often became altered to match the grammar and syntax of other European languages.

These forms of Latin are different enough from Classical Latin that there are separate courses at the collegiate level for learning Medieval Latin.

New Latin 新拉丁语

Evolving from Renaissance Latin, “New Latin” was developed in the 17th century CE and used specifically for intellectual works.
“新拉丁语” 是从文艺复兴时期的拉丁语演变而来的,发展于公元 17 世纪,专门用于智力作品。

This is part of the reason why the taxonomy of species and medical terms still uses Latin today. Much of scientific terminology today still use the New Latin roots.

Eventually, Latin lost its role in science and education but still remained within the realm of Christianity, particularly Catholicism. Even today, Ecclesiastical Latin has continued to remain the language of the Catholic Church.

Due to the seat of the Catholic Church being located in Rome, Italy, Italian has had a great deal of influence on the pronunciation of Ecclesiastical Latin.

Why Was Latin Important? 为什么拉丁语很重要?

Latin was important due to it being the language of the Roman Republic and the eventual Roman Empire. As the power of Rome expanded, so did the extent of the use of Latin.

This is how Latin eventually became a lingua franca, the language of business, government, and general communication, in the ancient world.

In the vast reaches of the empire, inhabitants and Roman government officials and their law courts would have spoken Latin. Thus, in order to engage in business and politics, you needed to be able to speak Latin.


What Was Latin’s Role As A European Lingua Franca? 拉丁语作为欧洲通用语的作用是什么?

Throughout the Roman Republic and Empire, Latin was the lingua franca. But even after Rome fell, Latin still remained a language of education as well as diplomacy between European powers.

Regional languages continued to develop and become dominant. And Latin became less common within countries. That’s why Latin became the language of international communication between states.

This use as a lingua franca continues past just a political language. It was also a language for intellectuals. Many works were written in Latin even through the 19th century CE.
这种作为通用语言的用法一直延续到一种政治语言之后。它也是一种知识分子的语言。即使在公元 19 世纪,许多作品也是用拉丁语写成的。

People who lived in various European countries who may not have spoken the same native language would still be able to read and write in Latin. And be able to communicate and understand various ideas of politics, science, and philosophy.

What Was Ecclesiastical Latin’s Role In History? 教会拉丁语在历史上的作用是什么?

Ecclesiastical Latin actually has a unique role in history. While even today Latin is the language of the Catholic Church, in the past Latin language knowledge was often a way to control the knowledge of religion within Europe.

Many people in Medieval and Renaissance Europe were illiterate. And likely had no knowledge of Latin due to a lack of comprehensive public education.

Thus, followers of Christianity were unable to read the words of the Bible and other religious texts that were in Latin. This gave significant power to the churches and people who could read Latin, namely elites and ruling classes.

With the reformation and emergence of new branches of Christianity in Europe, Latin was no longer the language of the Church. Many new branches allowed the Bible to be printed and mass to be held in local languages.

As a result, more people were able to make their own interpretations of religious texts. And have greater knowledge of their religion. It was not until the mid-20th century that the Catholic Church allowed for mass in languages other than Latin.
因此,更多的人能够对宗教文本做出自己的解释。并且对他们的宗教有更多的了解。直到 20 世纪中叶,天主教才允许用拉丁语以外的语言进行弥撒。

How Did Latin Develop And What Is Its Role Today? 拉丁语是如何发展的,它在今天的作用是什么?

Latin has an incredibly long history. And has had an immense role in influencing language and culture today. Through time Latin developed based on its role as a spoken lingua franca to being a written language and even to just the context of the Catholic Church.

As the wider population used Latin less, it began to change. And even lead to the creation of the Romance languages. Romance languages of Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian, and Portuguese all developed and derived from the later forms of Vulgar Latin.

The other regional languages that existed throughout Europe merged with Vulgar Latin to eventually become independent Romance languages. Thus, one major role of Latin has been its place as a parent language to numerous modern European languages.

Latin Language History: Where You’ll Find Latin Today 拉丁语历史:今天在哪里可以找到拉丁语

In addition, people still use Latin in various ways today beyond the languages that derived from it. The Catholic Church still uses it to various degrees and depending upon the congregation.

Many religious scholars and European historians of certain time periods still continue to learn Medieval Latin for reading older texts, such as Bibles, government documents, or even literature.

Ancient historians continue to learn Classical Latin to read the works of Ovid, Cicero, Caesar, and many others. Even though born of New Latin, many individuals entering fields of law or medicine will learn Classical Latin to better understand the numerous terminologies that derive from Latin today.

You would not be hard-pressed to even find college diplomas that are written in Latin. This hearkens back to the importance of Latin within the institution of education.

For a dead language, Latin has had an incredible history and just won’t actually stay dead. With numerous usages even outside of the realm of history, Latin will continue to be an important language internationally and particularly in European countries.

Now you know how Latin came into being and developed over time, why it was important in the past, its role as a lingua franca, how Ecclesiastical Latin was important in history, and how it developed even later until its use today.






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