OSPF 和 IS-IS 路由协议比较

注:本文主题《OSPF 和 IS-IS 路由协议比较》,几篇合集,机翻,未校。


umaryaqub 乌马里亚库布 Created: 2019-09-25 07:16:26

Latest reply: 2022-10-27 06:11:28

I have come across some questions on the differences and similarities between OSPF and IS-IS. Here are some of the similarities and differences between both. I hope this is helpful.

我遇到了一些关于 OSPF 和 IS-IS 之间异同的问题。以下是两者之间的一些相似之处和不同之处。

Similarities between OSPF and IS-IS Routing Protocols

OSPF 和 IS-IS 路由协议之间的相似之处

There are a lot of similarities between the OSPF and IS-IS routing protocols. The following are some of the major similarities that one should keep in mind while implementing the OSPF or IS-IS routing protocol.

OSPF 和 IS-IS 路由协议之间有很多相似之处。以下是在实施 OSPF 或 IS-IS 路由协议时应牢记的一些主要相似之处。

  1. Both routing protocols are Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP).

  2. 两种路由协议都是内部网关协议(IGP)。

  3. Both routing protocols can only be used to distribute routing information between routers belonging to the same Autonomous System (AS).


  4. Both routing protocols are link-state protocols.


  5. Both routing protocols maintain a link-state database and run the Dijkstra SPF algorithm to compute the shortest path.

    两种路由协议都维护一个链路状态数据库,并运行 Dijkstra SPF 算法来计算最短路径。

  6. Both routing protocols use Hello packets to create and maintain adjacencies between the neighboring routers.

    两种路由协议都使用 Hello 数据包在相邻路由器之间创建和维护邻接关系。

  7. Both routing protocols use areas to create a hierarchical structure.


  8. Both routing protocols are classless routing protocols and support CIDR, VLSM, and discontinuous networks.

    这两种路由协议都是无类别路由协议,支持 CIDR、VLSM 和不连续网络。

  9. Both routing protocols elect a designated router in the broadcast networks.


  10. Both routing protocols support authentication mechanisms.


  11. Both routing protocols support the unlimited number of hops count.


Differences between OSPF and IS-IS Routing Protocols

OSPF 和 IS-IS 路由协议之间的差异

Apart from these similarities, both routing protocols differ from each other with many features. Both routing protocols have some key differences that one should keep in mind because many people think (better to say confused) that both are the same protocols and the implementation of any protocol will not affect network performance a lot. But the following list will help you to distinguish both routing protocols.


  1. OSPF supports NBMA and point-to-multipoint links, whereas IS-IS does not support them.

    OSPF 支持 NBMA 和点对多点链路,而 IS-IS 不支持它们。

  2. IS-IS runs on the data link layer, whereas OSPF runs on the network layer.

    IS-IS 运行在数据链路层,而 OSPF 运行在网络层。

  3. OSPF supports virtual links, whereas IS-IS does not support them.

    OSPF 支持虚拟链路,而 IS-IS 不支持虚拟链路。

  4. OSPF elects a DR and BDR, whereas IS-IS elects only a single DR called DIS.

    OSPF 选择 DR 和 BDR,而 IS-IS 只选择一个名为 DIS 的 DR。

  5. OSPF defines a backbone area called area 0 for inter-area advertisements, whereas IS-IS categorizes the domain into two layers.

    OSPF 定义了一个称为区域 0 的中枢区域,用于区域间通告,而 IS-IS 将域分为两层。

  6. An OSPF router can belong to multiple areas whereas an IS-IS router can belong to only one area.

    OSPF 路由器可以属于多个区域,而 IS-IS 路由器只能属于一个区域。

  7. OSPF uses Router ID, whereas IS-IS uses System ID to identify each router on the network.

    OSPF 使用路由器 ID,而 IS-IS 使用系统 ID 来识别网络上的每个路由器。

OSPF and IS-IS Terminology


Apart from these similarities and differences between the OSPF and IS-IS routing protocols, one should also be familiar with the terminology used to refer to the basic terms for both routing protocols.

除了 OSPF 和 IS-IS 路由协议之间的这些相似之处和不同之处之外,还应熟悉用于指代两种路由协议的基本术语的术语。

The following table list some of the basic terms used to refer to the components of the OSPF and IS-IS routing protocols.

下表列出了用于指代 OSPF 和 IS-IS 路由协议组件的一些基本术语。

Sr. No.OSPF TermsIS-IS Terms
1.RouterEnd System
3.Designated RouterDesignated IS
4.Backup DRN/A
5.Link State Advertisement(LSA)Link-State PDU (LSP)
6.Hello PacketIS-IS Hello(IIH)
7.AreaSub domain
8.Area Border Router(ABR)L1/L2 Router

In this post, we have learned the similarities and differences between the OSPF and IS-IS routing protocols. Let us know if you have something that can help us to improve the article. Please let me know if there are any further confusions, and I’ll try to answer them one by one.

在本文中,我们了解了 OSPF 和 IS-IS 路由协议之间的异同。


OSPF vs ISIS: Detailed Comparison

OSPF 与 ISIS:详细比较

Rashmi Bhardwaj | 拉什米·巴德瓦吉 |

OSPF stands for Open Shortest Path First and ISIS stands for Intermediate System to Intermediate System. OSPF and ISIS both are routing protocols for Internet Protocol Networks.

OSPF 代表开放式最短路径优先,ISIS 代表中间系统到中间系统。OSPF 和 ISIS 都是互联网协议网络的路由协议。

What is OSPF?

什么是 OSPF?

OSPF is a link-state routing protocol that is used to route IP packets within an autonomous system. It was designed as a scalable alternative to RIP (Routing Information Protocol). OSPF routers exchange link state advertisements (LSAs) to build a topology map of the network. Each router then uses the Dijkstra algorithm to calculate the shortest path to each destination.

OSPF 是一种链路状态路由协议,用于在自治系统内路由 IP 数据包。它被设计为 RIP(路由信息协议)的可扩展替代方案。OSPF 路由器交换链路状态通告(LSA)以构建网络的拓扑图。然后,每个路由器使用 Dijkstra 算法计算到每个目的地的最短路径。

What is ISIS?

什么是 ISIS?

ISIS is a link-state routing protocol that uses a hierarchical network structure to route data within an autonomous system (AS). It was originally developed for use in the ISO OSI protocol suite but was adapted for IP routing. ISIS routers exchange information about their links and build a complete network topology. Each router then independently calculates the best path to each destination using the Shortest Path First (SPF) algorithm.

ISIS 是一种链路状态路由协议,它使用分层网络结构在自治系统(AS)内路由数据。它最初是为在 ISO OSI 协议套件中使用而开发的,但后来也适用于 IP 路由。ISIS 路由器交换有关其链路的信息并构建完整的网络拓扑。然后,每个路由器使用最短路径优先(SPF)算法独立计算到每个目的地的最佳路径。

Similarities between OSPF and ISIS

OSPF 和 ISIS 之间的相似之处

Before going into the details of differences between OSPF and ISIS, let’s explore some similarities:在详细介绍 OSPF 和 ISIS 之间的差异之前,让我们先了解一些相似之处:

  • OSPF and ISIS both are Link State Routing Protocols using the Dijkstra SPF Algorithm.

    OSPF 和 ISIS 都是使用 Dijkstra SPF 算法的链路状态路由协议。

  • Both are Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP) that distribute routing information between routers belonging to a single Autonomous System (AS).


  • Both use Hello packets to create and maintain adjacencies between the neighboring routers.

    两者都使用 Hello 数据包在相邻路由器之间创建和维护邻接关系。

  • Both the protocols are classless protocols and support classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) and Variable Subnet Length Masking (VLSM)


  • Both support Authentication Mechanism.


  • Both support multipath.


  • Both support IP unnumbered links.

    两者都支持 IP 未编号的链接。

Differences between OSPF and ISIS

OSPF 和 ISIS 之间的差异

  • OSPF operates on the top of IP layer whereas ISIS operates over Layer 2.

    OSPF 在 IP 层上运行,而 ISIS 在第 2 层上运行。

  • OSPF can support virtual links but ISIS can not support (as it operates on Layer 2 directly).

    OSPF 可以支持虚拟链路,但 ISIS 不支持(因为它直接在第 2 层上运行)。

  • OSPF elects a DR and BDR on broadcast networks which can not be pre-empted however, ISIS elects a single DIS which can be pre-empted.

    OSPF 在广播网络上选择一个 DR 和 BDR,该网络无法被抢占,但是,ISIS 会选择一个可以被抢占的 DIS。

  • IP connectivity between the routers to share the routing information is required in case of OSPF, while ISIS doesn’t require IP connectivity as the updates are sent via CLNS instead of IP.

    在 OSPF 的情况下,路由器之间需要 IP 连接以共享路由信息,而 ISIS 不需要 IP 连接,因为更新是通过 CLNS 而不是 IP 发送的。

  • OSPF is prone to attacks hence security overheads are required for protection. The possibility of attacks is very less in case of ISIS as it runs over Layer 2.

    OSPF 容易受到攻击,因此需要安全开销进行保护。如果 ISIS 在第 2 层上运行,因此攻击的可能性非常小。

  • OSPF designates a backbone area and standard or non-backbone area for inter-area advertisements whereas ISIS organizes the domain into different levels.

    OSPF 为区域间通告指定主干区域和标准或非主干区域,而 ISIS 将域组织为不同的级别。

  • To identify a router on the network, OSPF uses Router ID and ISIS uses System ID.

    为了识别网络上的路由器,OSPF 使用路由器 ID,而 ISIS 使用系统 ID。

  • OSPF is less flexible with more strict requirements for forming neighbor adjacencies. The hello and dead intervals, and the subnet mask must match (except on point-to-point links).

    OSPF 的灵活性较低,对形成邻居邻接的要求更严格。你好间隔和死区间隔以及子网掩码必须匹配(点对点链路除外)。

Comparison Table: OSPF vs ISIS


Below table enumerates the differences between OSPF and ISIS protocols

下表列举了 OSPF 和 ISIS 协议之间的差异

Administrative Distance110115
StandardRFC 2328(OSPFv2)ISO 10589, RFC1195
Operating OSI LayerOSPF operates on top of IP LayerISIS operates over L2
Virtual Links SupportedYesNo
DR/BDR electionOSPF elects a DR and BDR on broadcast networksISIS elects a single DIS on broadcast networks
IP connectivityOSPF requires IP connectivity between the routers to share the routing informationISIS doesn’t require IP connectivity between the routers as updates are sent via CLNS instead of IP.
SecurityProne to attack and hence requires more security overheads for protection.Since ISIS runs on Layer 2, hence very unlikely possibility of attack
Area/Level Types● Backbone Area
● Standard Area(Non Backbone Area)
Different Levels used in place of area
● Level 1
● Level 2
● Level 1/2 Areas
IdentificationOSPF uses router id to identify a router on networkISIS uses System ID to identify a router on the network.
Table RefreshOSPF refreshes the entire routing table after 30 minutes.ISIS doesn’t refresh the entire SPF table periodically like OSPF.
Related termsArea,non-Backbone Area, Backbone Area,ABR,ASBR,HostIS,Level-1,Level-2,L1/L2,Sub Domain,ES
FlexibilityLess flexible than ISISMore flexible to use than OSPF especially in provider domain
ScalabilityLess scalable than ISISMore scalable than OSPF

Related FAQs 相关常见问题解答

Q.1 What is an OSPF designated router (DR) and why is it important?

Q.1 什么是 OSPF 指定路由器(DR),为什么它很重要?

In OSPF, a DR is elected on multi-access networks to act as a central point for exchanging routing information, reducing the amount of data traffic and improving efficiency.

在 OSPF 中,在多址网络上选举一个 DR 作为交换路由信息的中心点,从而减少数据流量并提高效率。

Q.2 How does OSPF handle route summarization?

Q.2 OSPF 如何处理路由摘要?

OSPF allows route summarization at area boundaries to reduce the size of the routing table and improve network performance. This is typically done at ABRs (Area Border Routers).

OSPF 允许在区域边界进行路由汇总,以减小路由表的大小并提高网络性能。这通常在 ABR(区域边界路由器)上完成。

Q.3 What are the differences between Level 1 and Level 2 routing in ISIS?

Q.3 ISIS 中的 1 级和 2 级路由有什么区别?

Level 1 routers route within a single area, while Level 2 routers can route between different areas. Level 2 routers act as the backbone of an IS-IS network.

1 级路由器在单个区域内路由,而 2 级路由器可以在不同区域之间路由。2 级路由器充当 IS-IS 网络的主干。

Q.4 What are TLVs in ISIS?Q.4 ISIS 中的 TLV 是什么?

TLV (Type-Length-Value) is a flexible encoding method used in ISIS to carry various types of routing information. This extensibility allows ISIS to be easily updated to support new features.

TLV(Type-Length-Value)是 ISIS 中用于传输各种路由信息的灵活编码方法。这种可扩展性使 ISIS 可以轻松更新以支持新功能。




In this article, we will discuss the similarities and differences between OSPF and ISIS Protocols.

在本文中,将讨论 OSPF 和 ISIS 协议之间的异同。

OSPF and ISIS Similarities

OSPF 和 ISIS 的相似之处

In this article we will compare OSPF and ISIS and discuss their similarities and some key differences between them.

在本文中,我们将比较 OSPF 和 ISIS,并讨论它们的相似之处和它们之间的一些主要区别。

There are many similarities between the OSPF and ISIS. Below are few main similarities between both protocols.

OSPF 和 ISIS 之间有许多相似之处。以下是两种协议之间的一些主要相似之处。

  • Both OSPF and ISIS are Interior Gateway Protocols and used for routing in internal domains or autonomous systems.

    OSPF 和 ISIS 都是内部网关协议,用于内部域或自治系统中的路由。

  • Both the routing protocols are link-state protocols.


  • Both OSPF and ISIS maintain a link-state database (LSDB) and run the Dijkstra SPF algorithm to compute the shortest path.

    OSPF 和 ISIS 都维护一个链路状态数据库(LSDB)并运行 Dijkstra SPF 算法来计算最短路径。

  • Both the routing protocols use Hello packets to create and maintain adjacency between the neighboring nodes.

    两种路由协议都使用 Hello 数据包在相邻节点之间创建和维护邻接关系。

  • Both OSPF and ISIS use areas to maintain a hierarchical structure.

    OSPF 和 ISIS 都使用区域来维护层次结构。

  • Both the routing protocols are classless routing protocols and support CIDR, VLSM, and discontinuous network.

    这两种路由协议都是无类路由协议,支持 CIDR、VLSM 和不连续网络。

  • Both the routing protocols elect a designated router in the broadcast networks. However, ISIS only elects a DIS (Designated IS). There is no backup DIS.

    两种路由协议都会在广播网络中选择一个指定的路由器。但是,ISIS 只选择 DIS(指定 IS)。没有备份 DIS。

  • Both the IGPs support authentication mechanisms.

    两种 IGP 都支持身份验证机制。

  • Both the IGPs support the unlimited number of hops count.

    两种 IGP 都支持无限数量的跃点计数。

  • Both the IGPs support Classless Inter Domain Routing, Variable Length Subnet Mask, IP unnumbered links, Authentication, and Multi-paths.

    两种 IGP 都支持无类别域间路由、可变长度子网掩码、IP 未编号链路、身份验证和多路径。

OSPF and ISIS Dissimilarities


Apart from the similarities explained above, both the routing protocols also have some dissimilarities as explained below:


  • The default administrative distance of OSPF is 110 and ISIS is 115.

    OSPF 的默认管理距离为 110,ISIS 的默认管理距离为 115。

  • OSPF behaves differently with different kind of networks for example NBMA and point-to-multipoint links, whereas IS-IS only supports two type of networks (Broadcast and Point-to-Point)

    OSPF 在不同类型的网络(例如 NBMA 和点对多点链路)上的行为不同,而 IS-IS 仅支持两种类型的网络(广播和点对点)

  • ISIS runs on top of data link layer(encapsulated in Data link layer), whereas OSPF runs on top of IP (Protocol no. 89), i.e. at the Transport layer. To further elaborate, OSPF requires IP connectivity to form adjacency between two nodes, however, ISIS does not require any IP connectivity to for adjacency because it uses NSAP addresses (example 0049.0001.1111.1111.1111.00) which is a unique value per node configured under ISIS routing process. As ISIS on top of Data Link layer, it is not possible to attack ISIS at IP. NSAP fields are explained as below:

    ISIS 运行在数据链路层(封装在数据链路层)之上,而 OSPF 运行在 IP(协议编号 89)之上,即传输层。进一步阐述,OSPF 需要 IP 连接才能在两个节点之间形成邻接关系,但是,ISIS 不需要任何 IP 连接来实现邻接关系,因为它使用 NSAP 地址(例如 0049.0001.1111.1111.1111.00),这是在 ISIS 路由进程下配置的每个节点的唯一值。由于 ISIS 位于数据链路层之上,因此无法在 IP 上攻击 ISIS。NSAP 字段说明如下:

    49 – Private Domain
    49 – 私有域

    0001 – Area
    0001 – 区域

    1111.1111.1111 – System ID (like mac address)
    111.1111.1111 – 系统 ID (如 mac 地址)

    00 – NSEL – Signifies that the node is a router. i.e if a node is router then nsel is 00
    00 – NSEL – 表示节点是路由器。即,如果节点是 router,则 NSEL 为 00


  • OSPF supports virtual link to connect an remote area to backbone area 0, whereas IS-IS does not support virtual link concept.

    OSPF 支持将远程区域连接到主干区域 0 的虚拟链路,而 IS-IS 不支持虚拟链路概念。

  • OSPF elects a DR and BDR in the shared network, whereas IS-IS elects only a single DR called DIS.

    OSPF 在共享网络中选择一个 DR 和 BDR,而 IS-IS 只选择一个称为 DIS 的 DR。

  • OSPF refreshes its complete database table every 30 mins (or at max after 60 mins) however, ISIS doesn’t refresh its entire database periodically like OSPF.

    OSPF 每 30 分钟刷新一次其完整的数据库表(或最多 60 分钟后刷新一次),但是,ISIS 不会像 OSPF 那样定期刷新其整个数据库。

  • Unlike OSPF, in the ISIS protocol, SPF is only used to calculate the reachability to routers based on their NSAP addresses. Once best paths are calculated, SPF in not run again when any network prefix goes down or fluctuates. SPF will only run again if a router/node goes down. ISIS uses another algorithm called partial route calculation (PRC) for IP routing table calculation.

    与 OSPF 不同,在 ISIS 协议中,SPF 仅用于根据路由器的 NSAP 地址计算路由器的可达性。计算出最佳路径后,当任何网络前缀出现故障或波动时,SPF 不会再次运行。SPF 只有在路由器/节点宕机时才会再次运行。ISIS 使用另一种称为部分路由计算(PRC)的算法进行 IP 路由表计算。

  • OSPF defines a backbone area called area 0 for inter-area advertisements, whereas ISIS categorizes the domain uses various ISIS levels, for example L1, L1/L2, L2. The L2 routers (L2 routing information) form the backbone area in ISIS.

    OSPF 为区域间通告定义了一个称为区域 0 的主干区域,而 ISIS 使用各种 ISIS 级别(例如 L1、L1/L2、L2)对域进行分类。L2 路由器(L2 路由信息)构成了 ISIS 中的主干区域。

  • An OSPF router can belong to multiple areas, for example, an ABR can be part of two or more areas at a time whereas an ISIS router can belong to only one area.

    OSPF 路由器可以属于多个区域,例如,ABR 可以同时属于两个或多个区域,而 ISIS 路由器只能属于一个区域。

  • OSPF uses Router ID, whereas ISIS uses System ID to identify each router on the network.

    OSPF 使用路由器 ID,而 ISIS 使用系统 ID 来识别网络上的每个路由器。

  • Compared to OSPF, ISIS is more easy to configure and flexible and scalable in operation and therefore is widely configured as an IGP in Service Provider core backbones.

    与 OSPF 相比,ISIS 更易于配置,操作更灵活且可扩展,因此被广泛配置为服务提供商核心骨干网中的 IGP。

  • While migrating from IPv4 to IPv6, we have to jump from OSPFv2 to OSPFv3 at config level, however, ISIS simply requires addition of IPv6 address family and that’s it.

    从 IPv4 迁移到 IPv6 时,我们必须在配置级别从 OSPFv2 跳转到 OSPFv3,但是,ISIS 只需要添加 IPv6 地址族,仅此而已。



HostEnd System(ES)
RouterIntermediate System(IS)
PacketProtocol Data Unit(PDU)
Designated router(DR)Designated IS(DIS)
Backup DR(BDR)No Backup DIS is elected in ISIS
Hello packetIIH PDU
Database Description(DBD)Complete sequence number PDU(CSNP)
Link State Request(LSR)Partial Sequence Number PDUs(PSNP)
Link-State UpdateLink-State PDU(LSP)
Link State AcknowledgementPSNPs are also used to acknowledge receipt of an LSP
AreaSub domain(area)
Non-backbone areaLevel-1 area
Backbone areaLevel-2 Sub domain(backbone)
Area Border Router(ABR)L1 L2 router
Autonomous System Boundary Router(ASBR)Any IS
Works at Transport Layer.i.e on top of IP LayerWorks at Link Layer(Not Possible to attack the IGP using IP as with OSPF)
Suits ISPs with central high speed core network linking regional PoPsSuits ISPs with diverse infrastructure, not fitting central core model of OSPF


IS-IS versus OSPF



IS-IS Protocol and OSPF have some similarities and differences. In this lesson, we will focus on IS-IS versus OSPF and we will learn the similarities and differences between ospf and IS-IS Protocol.

IS-IS 协议和 OSPF 有一些相似之处和不同之处。在本文中,我们将重点介绍 IS-IS 与 OSPF,并将了解 ospf 和 IS-IS 协议之间的异同。

Lets firstly check the similarities of these two protocol one by one:


  • IS-IS Protocol and OSPF are both Link-State Interior Gateway Protocols.

    IS-IS 协议和 OSPF 都是链路状态内部网关协议。

  • Intermediate System to Intermediate System & OSPF are both uses Dijkstra SPF (Shortest Path First) algorithm.

    中间系统到中间系统和OSPF都使用Dijkstra SPF(最短路径优先)算法。

  • These protocols have LSDBs and the LSDB similar structure

    这些协议具有 LSDB 和 LSDB 类似的结构

  • Both support VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask)

    两者都支持 VLSM(可变长度子网掩码)

  • Both are very scalable protocols


  • Open Shortest Path First and ISIS have fast convergence time after changes

    开放最短路径优先和 ISIS 在更改后具有快速收敛时间

  • Both are open standards


  • Both have hierarchical structures, there are two hierarchy level


  • OSPF and Intermediate System to Intermediate System support LANs and point-to-point protocols in similar ways

    OSPF 和中间系统到中间系统以类似的方式支持 LAN 和点对点协议

  • Both protocol use periodic Hello messages for neighbour establishment

    两种协议都使用定期的 Hello 消息来建立邻居

After IS-IS versus OSPF similarities, now let’s check the differences of these two important protocols:

在 IS-IS 与 OSPF 相似之后,现在让我们检查一下这两个重要协议的差异:

IS-IS Protocol works above Layer 2 next to IP, OSPF works on top of IP.

IS-IS 协议在 IP 旁边的第 2 层之上工作,OSPF 在 IP 之上工作。

  • IS-IS routers belong to one area, OSPF routers belong multiple areas, links are in areas in Open Shortest Path First.

    IS-IS 路由器属于一个区域,OSPF 路由器属于多个区域,链路位于开放最短路径优先的区域。

  • Intermediate System to Intermediate System uses DIS, OSPF uses DR and BDR.

    中间系统到中间系统使用 DIS,OSPF 使用 DR 和 BDR。

  • OSPF has virtual-links, Intermediate System to Intermediate System does not support this.

    OSPF 具有虚拟链路,中间系统到中间系统不支持此功能。

  • Open Shortest Path First uses opaque LSA extensions, ISIS can be extended more by TLVs.

    开放最短路径优先使用不透明的 LSA 扩展,ISIS 可以通过 TLV 进行更多扩展。

  • Open Shortest Path First has efficient packet types, ISIS has untidy structure because of TLVs, but more granular.

    开放最短路径优先具有高效的数据包类型,ISIS 由于 TLV 而具有不整洁的结构,但更精细。

  • In OSPF small changes causes small packets, in Intermediate System to Intermediate System even if small change, entire LSPs are sent.

    在 OSPF 中,小的更改会导致小数据包,在中间系统到中间系统中,即使很小的更改,也会发送整个 LSP。

You can also see the summary of these differences in the shape.


IS-IS Protocol versus OSPF Protocol

IS-IS Protocol versus OSPF ProtocolIS-IS 协议与 OSPF 协议

And lastly, let’s check the terminology of these two Link-State protocols. IS-IS Protocol terminology versus OSPF terminolog is showed below:

最后,让我们检查一下这两个 Link-State 协议的术语。IS-IS 协议术语与 OSPF 术语如下所示:

IS-IS Protocol and OSPF Protocol Terminology Comparison

IS-IS Protocol and OSPF Protocol Terminology Comparison

IS-IS 协议和 OSPF 协议术语比较

Both of these routing protocols are very important for networking world. So, it is important to know the differences and simiarities of these routing protocols.



IS-IS versus OSPF


Difference between OSPF and IS-IS :

OSPF 和 IS-IS 之间的区别:

S.No.Parameter 参数OSPFIS-IS
1.Administrative Distance
2.StandardRFC 2328 (OSPFv2)ISO 10589, RFC 1195
3.Operating OSI Layer
操作 OSI 层
OSPF operates on the top of IP layer.
OSPF 在 IP 层上运行。
IS-IS operates over L2.
IS-IS 在 L2 上运行。
4.Virtual Links Supported
5.DR/BDR Election DR/BDR 选择OSPF elects a BDR and DR on broadcast networks.
OSPF 在广播网络上选择 BDR 和 DR。
IS-IS elects a single DIS on broadcast networks.IS-IS 在广播网络中选举单个 DIS。
6.IP Connectivity IP 连接OSPF Requires the IP Connectivity between the routers to share the routing information.
OSPF 要求路由器之间的 IP 连接共享路由信息。
IS-IS doesn’t require IP connectivity between the routers as updates are sent via CLNS instead of IP.
IS-IS 不需要路由器之间的 IP 连接,因为更新是通过 CLNS 而不是 IP 发送的。
OSPF supports NBMA and point to multipoint links.
OSPF 支持 NBMA 和点对多点链路。
IS-IS doesn’t support.
IS-IS 不支持。
8.Router Area
OSPF router can belong to multiple areas.
OSPF 路由器可以属于多个区域。
IS-IS router can belong to only one area.
IS-IS 路由器只能属于一个区域。
9.Area/Level Types
Backbone Area
Standard Area (Non Backbone Area)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 1/2 Areas
Prone to attack and hence requires more security overheads for protection.
Since, IS-IS runs on level2, hence every unlikely possibility of attack.
因为 IS-IS 在 2 级上运行,因此不太可能受到攻击。
OSPF uses Router id to identify a router on network.
OSPF 使用 Router ID 来标识网络上的路由器。
IS-IS uses System ID to identify a router on the network.
IS-IS 使用 System ID 来识别网络上的路由器。
Less Flexible than IS-IS.
不如 IS-IS 灵活。
More Flexible to use than OSPF especially in provider domain.
比 OSPF 更灵活,尤其是在提供商域中。
13.Table Refresh
OSPF refreshes the entire routing table after 30 minutes.
OSPF 会在 30 分钟后刷新整个路由表。
IS-IS doesn’t refresh the entire SPF Table Periodically like OSPF.
IS-IS 不会像 OSPF 那样定期刷新整个 SPF 表。
14.Related Terms
Area, Non Backbone Area, Backbone Area, ABR, ASBR, Host.
IS, Level 1, Level 2, L1/L2, Subdomain, ES.
IS、级别 1、级别 2、L1/L2、子域、ES。






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