Linux 启动流程之自解压(四)

Linux 启动流程之自解压(四)

5 程序自解压

5.1 restart

restart:	adr	r0, LC0 //LC0为运行地址,0x17c
		ldmia	r0, {r1, r2, r3, r6, r10, r11, r12} //通过加载内存值后,r1=0x17c
		ldr	sp, [r0, #28]

		 * We might be running at a different address.  We need
		 * to fix up various pointers.
		sub	r0, r0, r1	@ calculate the delta offset,r0=0x2000817c – 0x17c = 0x20008000
		add	r6, r6, r0		@ _edata
		add	r10, r10, r0		@ inflated kernel size location

		 * The kernel build system appends the size of the
		 * decompressed kernel at the end of the compressed data
		 * in little-endian form.
		ldrb	r9, [r10, #0]
		ldrb	lr, [r10, #1]
		orr	r9, r9, lr, lsl #8
		ldrb	lr, [r10, #2]
		ldrb	r10, [r10, #3]
		orr	r9, r9, lr, lsl #16
		orr	r9, r9, r10, lsl #24

		/* malloc space is above the relocated stack (64k max) */
		add	sp, sp, r0
		add	r10, sp, #0x10000
		 * With ZBOOT_ROM the bss/stack is non relocatable,
		 * but someone could still run this code from RAM,
		 * in which case our reference is _edata.
		mov	r10, r6

		.align	2
		.type	LC0, #object
LC0:		.word	LC0			@ r1
		.word	__bss_start		@ r2
		.word	_end			@ r3
		.word	_edata			@ r6
		.word	input_data_end - 4	@ r10 (inflated size location)
		.word	_got_start		@ r11
		.word	_got_end		@ ip
		.word	.L_user_stack_end	@ sp
		.word	_end - restart + 16384 + 1024*1024
		.size	LC0, . - LC0


5.2 DTB Append

mov	r5, #0			@ init dtb size to 0
 *   r0  = delta
 *   r2  = BSS start
 *   r3  = BSS end
 *   r4  = final kernel address (possibly with LSB set)
 *   r5  = appended dtb size (still unknown)
 *   r6  = _edata
 *   r7  = architecture ID
 *   r8  = atags/device tree pointer
 *   r9  = size of decompressed image
 *   r10 = end of this image, including  bss/stack/malloc space if non XIP
 *   r11 = GOT start
 *   r12 = GOT end
 *   sp  = stack pointer
 * if there are device trees (dtb) appended to zImage, advance r10 so that the
 * dtb data will get relocated along with the kernel if necessary.

		ldr	lr, [r6, #0]
#ifndef __ARMEB__
		ldr	r1, =0xedfe0dd0		@ sig is 0xd00dfeed big endian
		ldr	r1, =0xd00dfeed
		cmp	lr, r1
		bne	dtb_check_done		@ not found

		 * OK... Let's do some funky business here.
		 * If we do have a DTB appended to zImage, and we do have
		 * an ATAG list around, we want the later to be translated
		 * and folded into the former here. No GOT fixup has occurred
		 * yet, but none of the code we're about to call uses any
		 * global variable.

		/* Get the initial DTB size */
		ldr	r5, [r6, #4]
#ifndef __ARMEB__
		/* convert to little endian */
		eor	r1, r5, r5, ror #16
		bic	r1, r1, #0x00ff0000
		mov	r5, r5, ror #8
		eor	r5, r5, r1, lsr #8
		/* 50% DTB growth should be good enough */
		add	r5, r5, r5, lsr #1
		/* preserve 64-bit alignment */
		add	r5, r5, #7
		bic	r5, r5, #7
		/* clamp to 32KB min and 1MB max */
		cmp	r5, #(1 << 15)
		movlo	r5, #(1 << 15)
		cmp	r5, #(1 << 20)
		movhi	r5, #(1 << 20)
		/* temporarily relocate the stack past the DTB work space */
		add	sp, sp, r5

		stmfd	sp!, {r0-r3, ip, lr}
		mov	r0, r8
		mov	r1, r6
		mov	r2, r5
		bl	atags_to_fdt //校验DTB文件头信息

		 * If returned value is 1, there is no ATAG at the location
		 * pointed by r8.  Try the typical 0x100 offset from start
		 * of RAM and hope for the best.
		cmp	r0, #1
		sub	r0, r4, #TEXT_OFFSET
		bic	r0, r0, #1
		add	r0, r0, #0x100
		mov	r1, r6
		mov	r2, r5
		bleq	atags_to_fdt //校验DTB文件头信息

		ldmfd	sp!, {r0-r3, ip, lr}
		sub	sp, sp, r5

		mov	r8, r6			@ use the appended device tree

		 * Make sure that the DTB doesn't end up in the final
		 * kernel's .bss area. To do so, we adjust the decompressed
		 * kernel size to compensate if that .bss size is larger
		 * than the relocated code.
		ldr	r5, =_kernel_bss_size
		adr	r1, wont_overwrite
		sub	r1, r6, r1
		subs	r1, r5, r1
		addhi	r9, r9, r1

		/* Get the current DTB size */
		ldr	r5, [r6, #4]
#ifndef __ARMEB__
		/* convert r5 (dtb size) to little endian */
		eor	r1, r5, r5, ror #16
		bic	r1, r1, #0x00ff0000
		mov	r5, r5, ror #8
		eor	r5, r5, r1, lsr #8

		/* preserve 64-bit alignment */
		add	r5, r5, #7
		bic	r5, r5, #7

		/* relocate some pointers past the appended dtb */
		add	r6, r6, r5
		add	r10, r10, r5
		add	sp, sp, r5

5.3 relocated

 * Check to see if we will overwrite ourselves.
 *   r4  = final kernel address (possibly with LSB set)
 *   r9  = size of decompressed image
 *   r10 = end of this image, including  bss/stack/malloc space if non XIP
 * We basically want:
 *   r4 - 16k page directory >= r10 -> OK
 *   r4 + image length <= address of wont_overwrite -> OK
 * Note: the possible LSB in r4 is harmless here.

		add	r10, r10, #16384 //16K MMU页表不能覆盖。覆盖后,会死机,见下图1
		cmp	r4, r10
		bhs	wont_overwrite //第一次执行
		add	r10, r4, r9
		adr	r9, wont_overwrite
		cmp	r10, r9
		bls	wont_overwrite //第二次执行

 * Relocate ourselves past the end of the decompressed kernel.
 *   r6  = _edata
 *   r10 = end of the decompressed kernel
 * Because we always copy ahead, we need to do it from the end and go
 * backward in case the source and destination overlap.
		 * Bump to the next 256-byte boundary with the size of
		 * the relocation code added. This avoids overwriting
		 * ourself when the offset is small.
		add	r10, r10, #((reloc_code_end - restart + 256) & ~255)
		bic	r10, r10, #255 //r10保存搬移的目的地址

		/* Get start of code we want to copy and align it down. */
		adr	r5, restart
		bic	r5, r5, #31 //r5保存搬移的起始地址

/* Relocate the hyp vector base if necessary */
		mrs	r0, spsr
		and	r0, r0, #MODE_MASK
		cmp	r0, #HYP_MODE
		bne	1f

		 * Compute the address of the hyp vectors after relocation.
		 * This requires some arithmetic since we cannot directly
		 * reference __hyp_stub_vectors in a PC-relative way.
		 * Call __hyp_set_vectors with the new address so that we
		 * can HVC again after the copy.
0:		adr	r0, 0b
		movw	r1, #:lower16:__hyp_stub_vectors - 0b
		movt	r1, #:upper16:__hyp_stub_vectors - 0b
		add	r0, r0, r1
		sub	r0, r0, r5
		add	r0, r0, r10
		bl	__hyp_set_vectors

//1. 首先计算要搬移的代码的.text段代码的大小,从restart开始,
		sub	r9, r6, r5		@ size to copy
		add	r9, r9, #31		@ rounded up to a multiple
		bic	r9, r9, #31		@ ... of 32 bytes
		add	r6, r9, r5
		add	r9, r9, r10

1:		ldmdb	r6!, {r0 - r3, r10 - r12, lr}
		cmp	r6, r5
		stmdb	r9!, {r0 - r3, r10 - r12, lr}
		bhi	1b

//2. 搬移完成后,会保存一下新旧代码间的offset值,存于r6中。
		/* Preserve offset to relocated code. */
		sub	r6, r9, r6

		/* cache_clean_flush may use the stack, so relocate it */
		add	sp, sp, r6

//3. 然后进行cache的flush,因为马上要进行代码的跳转了,
		bl	cache_clean_flush

		badr	r0, restart
		add	r0, r0, r6
		mov	pc, r0


5.4 wont_overwrite

 * If delta is zero, we are running at the address we were linked at.
 *   r0  = delta
 *   r2  = BSS start
 *   r3  = BSS end
 *   r4  = kernel execution address (possibly with LSB set)
 *   r5  = appended dtb size (0 if not present)
 *   r7  = architecture ID
 *   r8  = atags pointer
 *   r11 = GOT start
 *   r12 = GOT end
 *   sp  = stack pointer
		orrs	r1, r0, r5
		beq	not_relocated

		add	r11, r11, r0
		add	r12, r12, r0

		 * If we're running fully PIC === CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM = n,
		 * we need to fix up pointers into the BSS region.
		 * Note that the stack pointer has already been fixed up.
		add	r2, r2, r0
		add	r3, r3, r0

		 * Relocate all entries in the GOT table.
		 * Bump bss entries to _edata + dtb size
1:		ldr	r1, [r11, #0]		@ relocate entries in the GOT
		add	r1, r1, r0		@ This fixes up C references
		cmp	r1, r2			@ if entry >= bss_start &&
		cmphs	r3, r1			@       bss_end > entry
		addhi	r1, r1, r5		@    entry += dtb size
		str	r1, [r11], #4		@ next entry
		cmp	r11, r12
		blo	1b

		/* bump our bss pointers too */
		add	r2, r2, r5
		add	r3, r3, r5


		 * Relocate entries in the GOT table.  We only relocate
		 * the entries that are outside the (relocated) BSS region.
1:		ldr	r1, [r11, #0]		@ relocate entries in the GOT
		cmp	r1, r2			@ entry < bss_start ||
		cmphs	r3, r1			@ _end < entry
		addlo	r1, r1, r0		@ table.  This fixes up the
		str	r1, [r11], #4		@ C references.
		cmp	r11, r12
		blo	1b

5.5 not_relocated

not_relocated:	mov	r0, #0
1:		str	r0, [r2], #4		@ clear bss
		str	r0, [r2], #4
		str	r0, [r2], #4
		str	r0, [r2], #4
		cmp	r2, r3
		blo	1b

		 * Did we skip the cache setup earlier?
		 * That is indicated by the LSB in r4.
		 * Do it now if so.
		tst	r4, #1
		bic	r4, r4, #1
		blne	cache_on

 * The C runtime environment should now be setup sufficiently.
 * Set up some pointers, and start decompressing.
 *   r4  = kernel execution address
 *   r7  = architecture ID
 *   r8  = atags pointer
		mov	r0, r4
		mov	r1, sp			@ malloc space above stack
		add	r2, sp, #0x10000	@ 64k max
		mov	r3, r7
        // arch/arm/boot/compressed/misc.c
		bl	decompress_kernel
		bl	cache_clean_flush
		bl	cache_off
		mov	r1, r7			@ restore architecture number
		mov	r2, r8			@ restore atags pointer

		mrs	r0, spsr		@ Get saved CPU boot mode
		and	r0, r0, #MODE_MASK
		cmp	r0, #HYP_MODE		@ if not booted in HYP mode...
		bne	__enter_kernel		@ boot kernel directly

		adr	r12, .L__hyp_reentry_vectors_offset
		ldr	r0, [r12]
		add	r0, r0, r12

		bl	__hyp_set_vectors
		__HVC(0)			@ otherwise bounce to hyp mode

		b	.			@ should never be reached

		.align	2
.L__hyp_reentry_vectors_offset:	.long	__hyp_reentry_vectors - .
		b	__enter_kernel

5.6 decompress_kernel

decompress_kernel(unsigned long output_start, unsigned long free_mem_ptr_p,
		unsigned long free_mem_ptr_end_p,
		int arch_id)
	int ret;


	output_data		= (unsigned char *)output_start;
	free_mem_ptr		= free_mem_ptr_p;
	free_mem_end_ptr	= free_mem_ptr_end_p;
	__machine_arch_type	= arch_id;


	putstr("Uncompressing Linux...");
	ret = do_decompress(input_data, input_data_end - input_data,
			    output_data, error);
	if (ret)
		error("decompressor returned an error");
		putstr(" done, booting the kernel.\n");

5.7 do_decompress

#include "../../../../lib/decompress_inflate.c"

#include "../../../../lib/decompress_unlzo.c"

#include "../../../../lib/decompress_unlzma.c"

#define memmove memmove
#define memcpy memcpy
#include "../../../../lib/decompress_unxz.c"

#include "../../../../lib/decompress_unlz4.c"

int do_decompress(u8 *input, int len, u8 *output, void (*error)(char *x))
	return __decompress(input, len, NULL, NULL, output, 0, NULL, error);
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