Forecasting with daily data

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I’ve had sev­eral emails recently ask­ing how to fore­cast daily data in R. Unless the time series is very long, the eas­i­est approach is to sim­ply set the fre­quency attribute to 7.

y <- ts(x, frequency=7)

Then any of the usual time series fore­cast­ing meth­ods should pro­duce rea­son­able fore­casts. For example

fit <- ets(y)
fc <- forecast(fit)

When the time series is long enough to take in more than a year, then it may be nec­es­sary to allow for annual sea­son­al­ity as well as weekly sea­son­al­ity. In that case, a mul­ti­ple sea­sonal model such as TBATS is required.

y <- msts(x, seasonal.periods=c(7,365.25))
fit <- tbats(y)
fc <- forecast(fit)

This should cap­ture the weekly pat­tern as well as the longer annual pat­tern. The period 365.25 is the aver­age length of a year allow­ing for leap years. In some coun­tries, alter­na­tive or addi­tional year lengths may be nec­es­sary. For exam­ple, with the Turk­ish elec­tric­ity data analysed in De Liv­era et al (JASA 2011), we used three sea­sonal peri­ods: 7, 354.35 and 365.25. The period 354.37 is the aver­age length of the Islamic calendar.

Cap­tur­ing sea­son­al­ity asso­ci­ated with mov­ing events such as Easter or the Chi­nese New Year is more dif­fi­cult. Even with monthly data, this can be tricky as the fes­ti­vals can fall in either March or April (for Easter) or in Jan­u­ary or Feb­ru­ary (for the Chi­nese New Year). The usual sea­sonal mod­els don’t allow for this, and even the com­plex sea­son­al­ity dis­cussed in my JASA paper assumes that the sea­sonal pat­terns occur at the same time in each year. The best way to deal with mov­ing hol­i­day effects is to use dummy vari­ables. How­ever, nei­ther ETS nor TBATS mod­els allow for covari­ates.  A state space model of the same form as TBATS but with mul­ti­ple sources of error and covari­ates could be used, but I don’t have any R code to do that.

Instead, I would use a regres­sion model with ARIMA errors, where the regres­sion terms include any dummy hol­i­day effects as well as the longer annual sea­son­al­ity. Unless there are many decades of data, it is usu­ally rea­son­able to assume that the annual sea­sonal shape is unchanged from year to year, and so Fourier terms can be used to model the annual sea­son­al­ity. Sup­pose we use K=5 Fourier terms to model annual sea­son­al­ity, and that the hol­i­day dummy vari­ables are in the vec­tor holiday with 100 future val­ues in holidayf. Then the fol­low­ing code will fit an appro­pri­ate model.

y <- ts(x, frequency=7)
z <- fourier(ts(x, frequency=365.25), K=5)
zf <- fourierf(ts(x, frequency=365.25), K=5, h=100)
fit <- auto.arima(y, xreg=cbind(z,holiday))
fc <- forecast(fit, xreg=cbind(zf,holidayf), h=100)

The order K can be cho­sen by min­i­miz­ing the AIC of the fit­ted model.

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Abstract: Time series forecasting is a challenging task due to the complex and dynamic nature of the data. In this paper, we propose a novel generative model for time series forecasting, which incorporates diffusion, denoise, and disentanglement techniques. Our model is based on the autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model, which is widely used in time series analysis. We introduce a diffusion process to model the noise in the data, which helps to improve the accuracy of the model. We also use a denoising autoencoder to remove the noise from the data, which helps to improve the quality of the generated samples. Finally, we use a disentanglement technique to separate the underlying factors of variation in the data, which helps to improve the interpretability of the model. We evaluate our model on two benchmark datasets, the Air Quality dataset and the Energy Consumption dataset. Our model outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on both datasets, achieving lower prediction error and higher accuracy. We also show that our model is capable of generating realistic and plausible samples, which can be used for scenario analysis and decision making. Our work demonstrates the potential of incorporating diffusion, denoise, and disentanglement techniques in time series forecasting. These techniques can help to improve the accuracy, quality, and interpretability of the models. We believe that our model can be applied to a wide range of domains, such as finance, healthcare, and climate science, where time series forecasting is an important task. Keywords: time series forecasting, autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model, diffusion, denoise, disentanglement, generative model.




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