Introductionto Modern Cryptograph 第十三章部分课后题答案

致敬Katz J, Lindell Y. Introduction to modern cryptography[M]. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2014. 推荐该书正版。

该书第12章的内容是数字签名,具体推荐Katz J的另一本书:
Katz J. Digital signatures[M]. Springer Science & Business Media, 2010.

13.2 In this exercise we show a scheme that can be proven secure in the random oracle model, but is insecure when the random oracle is instantiated with SHA-1. (This exercise is a bit informal since SHA-1 is only defined for a fixed output length. Nevertheless, it illustrates the main idea.) Let Π \Pi Π be a signature scheme that is secure in the standard model. Construct a signature scheme Π y \Pi_y Πy where signing is carried out as follows: if H ( 0 ) = y H(0) = y H(0)=y, then output the4 secret key; if H ( 0 ) ≠ y H(0) \neq y H(0)=y, then return a signature computed using Π \Pi Π.

  • Prove that for a n y \it{any} any value y y y, the scheme Π y \Pi_y Πy is secure in the random oracle model.
  • Show that there exists a particular y y y for which Π y \Pi_y Πy is not secure when the random oracle is instantiated using SHA-1.

P r [ A  wins ] = P r [ A  wins ∧ y = H ( 0 ) ] + P r [ A  wins ∧ y ≠ H ( 0 ) ] ≤ P r [ y = H ( 0 ) ] + P r [ y ≠ H ( 0 ) ∣ A  wins ] ⋅ P r [ A  wins ] = n e g l ( λ ) + P r [ y ≠ H ( 0 ) ∣ A  wins ] ⋅ P r [ A  wins ] \begin{aligned} \mathrm{Pr} [ \mathscr{A} ~ \text{wins} ] &= \mathrm{Pr} [ \mathscr{A} ~ \text{wins} \land y = H(0)] + \mathrm{Pr} [ \mathscr{A} ~ \text{wins} \land y \neq H(0) ] \\ &\leq \mathrm{Pr} [ y = H(0) ] + \mathrm{Pr} [ y \neq H(0) | \mathscr{A} ~ \text{wins}] \cdot \mathrm{Pr} [ \mathscr{A} ~ \text{wins} ] \\ &= \mathsf{negl}(\lambda) + \mathrm{Pr} [ y \neq H(0) | \mathscr{A} ~ \text{wins}] \cdot \mathrm{Pr} [ \mathscr{A} ~ \text{wins} ] \end{aligned} Pr[A wins]=Pr[A winsy=H(0)]+Pr[A winsy=H(0)]Pr[y=H(0)]+Pr[y=H(0)A wins]Pr[A wins]=negl(λ)+Pr[y=H(0)A wins]Pr[A wins]
假设 A \mathscr{A} A可以破解方案 Π y \Pi_y Πy,那么可以构造 A Π \mathscr{A}_{\Pi} AΠ来破解方案 Π \Pi Π,其编码如下:

  • C Π \mathscr{C}_\Pi CΠ处获取 p k pk pk,随机挑选 y ← { 0 , 1 } λ y \gets \{0, 1\}^\lambda y{0,1}λ,(表示猜测未来随机谕言机开始运作时 H ( 0 ) ≠ y H(0) \neq y H(0)=y),将 ( p k , y ) (pk, y) (pk,y)交给 A \mathscr{A} A,同时给 A \mathscr{A} A模拟出谕言机 O S i g n \mathcal{O}_{\mathsf{Sign}} OSign O H \mathcal{O}_H OH
    • 谕言机 O S i g n ( m ) \mathcal{O}_{\mathsf{Sign}}(m) OSign(m)工作如下:从 A \mathscr{A} A处获取消息 m m m,直接将其交给 C Π \mathscr{C}_{\Pi} CΠ,得到对应的签名 σ \sigma σ,将 σ \sigma σ返回给 A \mathscr{A} A
    • 谕言机 O H ( x ) \mathcal{O}_H(x) OH(x)工作如下:若记录 ( x , y x ) (x, y_x) (x,yx)存在则直接返回 y x y_x yx,否则,随机挑选 y x ← { 0 , 1 } λ y_x \gets \{0, 1\}^\lambda yx{0,1}λ,若 x = 0 x = 0 x=0 y x = y y_x = y yx=y,直接中断游戏,否则,生成记录 ( x , y x ) (x, y_x) (x,yx)并返回 y x y_x yx
  • A \mathscr{A} A处获取伪造 ( m ∗ , σ ∗ ) (m^*, \sigma^*) (m,σ),将其直接发送给 C Π \mathscr{C}_{\Pi} CΠ

易知 P r [ y ≠ H ( 0 ) ∣ A  wins ] = 1 − 1 / 2 λ \mathrm{Pr} [ y \neq H(0) | \mathscr{A} ~ \text{wins}] = 1 - 1 / 2^\lambda Pr[y=H(0)A wins]=11/2λ,假设 A \mathscr{A} A以不可忽略概率破解 Π y \Pi_y Πy,有
n e g l ( λ ) ≥ P r [ A Π  wins ] ≥ ( 1 − 1 / 2 λ ) ⋅ P r [ A  wins ] , \mathsf{negl}(\lambda) \geq \mathrm{Pr} [ \mathscr{A}_\Pi ~ \text{wins} ] \geq (1 - 1 / 2^\lambda) \cdot \mathrm{Pr} [ \mathscr{A} ~ \text{wins} ], negl(λ)Pr[AΠ wins](11/2λ)Pr[A wins]
(b) H H H换成SHA-1后, H ( 0 ) H(0) H(0)恒等于 S H A - 1 ( 0 ) {\it SHA}\text{-} 1(0) SHA-1(0),对于 y = S H A - 1 ( 0 ) y = {\it SHA}\text{-} 1(0) y=SHA-1(0)的签名方案,消息 m m m恒输出一个常数,故不再安全。

13.3 Consider a message authentication cod Π = ( G e n , M a c , V r f y ) \Pi = ( \mathsf{Gen}, \mathsf{Mac}, \mathsf{Vrfy}) Π=(Gen,Mac,Vrfy) where M a c k ( m ) : = H ( k ∥ m ) \mathsf{Mac}_k(m) := H(k \| m) Mack(m):=H(km) for a function H : { 0 , 1 } ∗ → { 0 , 1 } λ H : \{0, 1\}^* \to \{0, 1\}^\lambda H:{0,1}{0,1}λ (note that k ← { 0 , 1 } λ k \gets \{0, 1\}^\lambda k{0,1}λ and verification is carried out in the natural way). Show that if H H H is modeled as a random oracle, then Π \Pi Π is secure message authentication code. Show that if H H H is any concrete hash function that is constructed via the Merkle-Damgard transform, then Π \Pi Π is n o t \it{not} not a secure message authentication code.

H H H是随机谕言机时, m ∗ m^* m对应的标签 H ( k ∥ m ∗ ) H(k \| m^*) H(km)是不确定的,敌手所给伪造有效的概率为可忽略函数,即 1 / 2 λ 1/2^\lambda 1/2λ。后面小题在第4章课后题出现过,这里不再详述。

13.5 Say a public-key encryption scheme ( G e n , E n c , D e c ) (\mathsf{Gen}, \mathsf{Enc}, \mathsf{Dec}) (Gen,Enc,Dec) is o n e − w a y \it{one-way} oneway if any PPT adversary A \mathscr{A} A has negligible probability of success in the following experiment:

  • G e n ( 1 λ ) \mathsf{Gen}(1^\lambda) Gen(1λ) is run to obtain keys ( p k , s k ) (pk, sk) (pk,sk).
  • A \mathscr{A} A message m ← { 0 , 1 } λ m \gets \{0, 1\}^\lambda m{0,1}λ is chosen uniformly at random, and a ciphertext c ← E n c p k ( m ) c \gets \mathsf{Enc}_{pk}(m) cEncpk(m) is computed.
  • A \mathscr{A} A is given p k pk pk and c c c, and outputs a message m ∗ m^* m. We say A \mathscr{A} A succeeds if m ∗ = m m^* = m m=m.

(a) Show that a construction of a CPA-secure public-key encryption scheme in the random oracle model based on any one-way public-key encryption scheme.
(b) Can a public-key encryption scheme where encryption is d e t e r m i n i s t i c \it{deterministic} deterministic be one-way? If not, give a proof; if so, show a construction based on any of the assumptions introduced in this book.


  • S G e n ( 1 λ ) → ( p k , s k ) : \mathsf{SGen}(1^\lambda) \to (pk, sk): SGen(1λ)(pk,sk): 输入安全参数 1 λ 1^\lambda 1λ,生成 ( p k , s k ) ← G e n ( 1 λ ) (pk, sk) \gets \mathsf{Gen}(1^\lambda) (pk,sk)Gen(1λ),设置 < p k : = p k , s k : = s k > \big< pk:=pk, sk:=sk \big> pk:=pk,sk:=sk并输出。
  • S E n c ( p k , m ) → c : \mathsf{SEnc}(pk, m) \to c: SEnc(pk,m)c: 输入消息 m ∈ { 0 , 1 } m \in \{0, 1\} m{0,1},随机挑选 x ← M x \gets \mathcal{M} xM,其中 M \mathcal{M} M是公钥加密方案 ( G e n , E n c , D e c ) (\mathsf{Gen}, \mathsf{Enc}, \mathsf{Dec}) (Gen,Enc,Dec)的消息域,计算 c 1 ← E n c p k ( x ) c_1 \gets \mathsf{Enc}_{pk}(x) c1Encpk(x),若 m = 0 m=0 m=0,设置 c 2 ← { 0 , 1 } λ \ H ( x ) c_2 \gets \{0, 1\}^\lambda \backslash H(x) c2{0,1}λ\H(x),若 m = 1 m=1 m=1,设置 c 2 : = H ( x ) c_2 := H(x) c2:=H(x),输出密文 c = < c 1 , c 2 > c = \big<c_1, c_2\big> c=c1,c2
  • S D e c ( s k , c ) → m \mathsf{SDec}(sk, c) \to m SDec(sk,c)m:拆分 c = < c 1 , c 2 > c = \big<c_1, c_2\big> c=c1,c2,计算 x : = D e c s k ( c 1 ) x := \mathsf{Dec}_{sk}(c_1) x:=Decsk(c1),若 H ( x ) = c 2 H(x) = c_2 H(x)=c2,则输出 m : = 1 m:=1 m:=1,否则输出 m : = 0 m:=0 m:=0

(b)详见第10章,The “textbook RSA” encryption scheme。

13.7 Let Π = G e n , E n c , D e c ) \Pi = \mathsf{Gen}, \mathsf{Enc}, \mathsf{Dec}) Π=Gen,Enc,Dec) be a public-key encryption scheme having indistinguishable encryptions under a chosen-plaintext attack, and let Π ′ = ( G e n ′ , E n c ′ , D e c ′ ) \Pi' = (\mathsf{Gen}', \mathsf{Enc}', \mathsf{Dec}') Π=(Gen,Enc,Dec) be a private-key encryption scheme having indistinguishable encryptions under a chosen-ciphertext attack. Consider the following construction of a public-key encryption scheme Π ∗ \Pi^* Π.
Construction 13.12
Let H : { 0 , 1 } λ → { 0 , 1 } λ H:\{0, 1\}^\lambda \to \{0, 1\}^\lambda H:{0,1}λ{0,1}λ be a function. Construction a public-key encryption scheme as follows:

  • G e n ∗ : \mathsf{Gen}^*: Gen: on input 1 λ 1^\lambda 1λ, run G e n ( 1 λ ) \mathsf{Gen}(1^\lambda) Gen(1λ) to obtain ( p k , s k ) (pk, sk) (pk,sk). Output these as the public and private keys,respectively.
  • E n c ∗ : \mathsf{Enc}^*: Enc: on input a public key p k pk pk and a message m ∈ { 0 , 1 } λ m \in \{0, 1\}^\lambda m{0,1}λ, choose a random r ← { 0 , 1 } λ r \gets \{0, 1\}^\lambda r{0,1}λ and output the ciphertext < E n c p k ( r ) , E n c H ( r ) ′ ( m ) > \big< \mathsf{Enc}_{pk}(r), \mathsf{Enc}'_{H(r)}(m) \big> Encpk(r),EncH(r)(m).
  • D e c ∗ : \mathsf{Dec}^*: Dec: on input a private key s k sk sk and ciphertext < c 1 , c 2 > \big< c_1, c_2 \big> c1,c2, compute r : = D e c s k ( c 1 ) r:= \mathsf{Dec}_{sk}(c_1) r:=Decsk(c1) and set k : = H ( r ) k := H(r) k:=H(r). Then output D e c k ′ ( c 2 ) \mathsf{Dec}'_k(c_2) Deck(c2).

Does the above construction have indistinguishable encryptions under a chosen-ciphertext attack, if H H H is modeled as a random oracle? If yes, provide a proof. If not, where does the approach used to prove Theorem 13.6 break down?

Construction 13.5可以看作是使用了单向安全的公钥加密方案,而题述方案使用了CPA-安全的公钥加密方案,已知一个CPA-安全的公钥加密方案一定是单向安全的公钥加密方案,既然Theorem 13.6已证Construction 13.5安全,那么题述构造是安全的。

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Review From the reviews: "The book is devoted to public key cryptography, whose principal goal is to allow two or more people to exchange confidential information … . The material is very well organized, and it is self-contained: no prerequisites in higher mathematics are needed. In fact, everything is explained and carefully covered … . there is abundance of examples and proposed exercises at the end of each chapter. … This book is ideal as a textbook for a course aimed at undergraduate mathematics or computer science students." (Fabio Mainardi, The Mathematical Association of America, October, 2008) "This book focuses on public key cryptography … . Hoffstein, Pipher, and Silverman … provide a thorough treatment of the topics while keeping the material accessible. … The book uses examples throughout the text to illustrate the theorems, and provides a large number of exercises … . The volume includes a nice bibliography. … Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduate through professional collections." (C. Bauer, Choice, Vol. 46 (7), March, 2009) "For most undergraduate students in mathematics or computer science (CS), mathematical cryptography is a challenging subject. … it is written in a way that makes you want to keep reading. … The authors officially targeted the book for advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students. I believe that this audience is appropriate. … it could even be used with students who are just learning how to execute rigorous mathematical proofs. … I strongly believe that it finds the right tone for today’s students … ." (Burkhard Englert, ACM Computing Reviews, March, 2009) "The exercises and text would make an excellent course for undergraduate independent study. … This is an excellent book. Hoffstein, Pipher and Silverman have written as good a book as is possible to explain public key cryptography. … This book would probably be best suited for a graduate course that focused on public key cryptography, for undergraduate independent study, or for the mathematician who wants to see how mathematics is used in public key cryptography." (Jintai Ding and Chris Christensen, Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2009 m) Product Description An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography provides an introduction to public key cryptography and underlying mathematics that is required for the subject. Each of the eight chapters expands on a specific area of mathematical cryptography and provides an extensive list of exercises. It is a suitable text for advanced students in pure and applied mathematics and computer science, or the book may be used as a self-study. This book also provides a self-contained treatment of mathematical cryptography for the reader with limited mathematical background. From the Back Cover This self-contained introduction to modern cryptography emphasizes the mathematics behind the theory of public key cryptosystems and digital signature schemes. The book focuses on these key topics while developing the mathematical tools needed for the construction and security analysis of diverse cryptosystems. Only basic linear algebra is required of the reader; techniques from algebra, number theory, and probability are introduced and developed as required. The book covers a variety of topics that are considered central to mathematical cryptography. Key topics include: * classical cryptographic constructions, such as Diffie-Hellmann key exchange, discrete logarithm-based cryptosystems, the RSA cryptosystem, and digital signatures; * fundamental mathematical tools for cryptography, including primality testing, factorization algorithms, probability theory, information theory, and collision algorithms; * an in-depth treatment of important recent cryptographic innovations, such as elliptic curves, elliptic curve and pairing-based cryptography, lattices, lattice-based cryptography, and the NTRU cryptosystem. This book is an ideal introduction for mathematics and computer science students to the mathematical foundations of modern cryptography. The book includes an extensive bibliography and index; supplementary materials are available online. About the Author Dr. Jeffrey Hoffstein has been a professor at Brown University since 1989 and has been a visiting professor and tenured professor at several other universities since 1978. His research areas are number theory, automorphic forms, and cryptography. He has authored more than 50 publications. Dr. Jill Pipher has been a professor at Brown Univesity since 1989. She has been an invited lecturer and has received numerous awards and honors. Her research areas are harmonic analysis, elliptic PDE, and cryptography. She has authored over 40 publications. Dr. Joseph Silverman has been a professor at Brown University 1988. He served as the Chair of the Brown Mathematics department from 2001–2004. He has received numerous fellowships, grants and awards and is a frequently invited lecturer. His research areas are number theory, arithmetic geometry, elliptic curves, dynamical systems and cryptography. He has authored more than120 publications and has had more than 20 doctoral students.


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