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翻译 【Sketch最新文档】3.1-Editing Shapes(编辑形状)

Editing Shapes编辑形状Sketch allows you the ability to insert different shapes onto your Canvas. Whilst you can combine multiple shapes with boolean operations you might want to edit the shape by direct...

2019-02-20 10:27:43 549

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】3.0-Shapes(形状)

The most common type of layers in your document will be shapes. There is a wide variety of default shapes provided with Sketch such as ovals, rectangles, stars and more. Some of these shapes have extr...

2019-02-20 10:20:45 498

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】2.6-Editing Layers(编辑图层)

Editing Layers编辑图层To edit a layer, double-click it on the Canvas or click the Edit item in the toolbar. Whatever happens next depends on the kind of layer you’re trying to edit, so please refer to t...

2019-02-19 10:32:31 290

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】2.5-Resizing Constraints(调整尺寸约束 )

Resizing Constraints调整尺寸约束Applying constraints to layer sallows you to determine how they should behave when you resize the Symbol, Art board, or group those layers are in.对符号、画板或者小组中的图层使用约束条件在调整整体...

2019-02-19 10:30:30 2358

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】2.4-Resizing Layers(重置大小)

Resizing Layers重置大小The eight handles don’t just indicate selection; you can also use them to resize a layer. Grab any of the handles and drag them to resize layer. If you also hold down the Shift ke...

2019-02-15 11:24:52 431

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】2.3-Moving Layers(移动图层)

Moving Layers移动图层You can move a selected layerby grabbing and moving it around with the pointer. To restrict movement to aparticular axis, hold down the Shift key as you drag.你可以通过使用鼠标指针拖拽选中的图层进行移动...

2019-02-15 11:20:08 450

翻译 【one点翻译】探讨UI vs UX的核心区别(图解)

作者:Cameron Chapman关于UI和UX设计之间差异的争论并不是什么新鲜事情。有些人认为所有设计师都应该专注于两者,而另一些人则认为这两份工作应该由不同的人去完成。甚至有些人认为其中一个要更为重要。那么,UI和UX的职责范围如何界定?有什么区别?是否哪一个更加重要?请您仔细阅读下文。什么是UX?用户体验设计(UX)不太注重一个站点或者产品的样子和感觉,更多的是注重它实现功能的方...

2019-02-14 10:43:14 357

翻译 【one点翻译】从事UX工作之前,应该要知道的10个原则-2

作者:Teisanu TudoUX岗位一个输入区域有六到七个状态如果你没有专门学习过界面设计(比如我),你会发现在大学项目和练习中被忽略的这部分(因为没有时间或者项目根本就是虚拟出来的),其实在真实项目中的是最花费时间和精力的。你需要定义用户界面的控件。这些可能包括:不可用状态、占位符、顶部标签、浮动标签、聚焦状态、经过状态、点击状态、有阴影、无阴影、按下后是否有颜色、大小、宽度、密度还有...

2019-02-13 10:30:56 191

翻译 【one点翻译】从事UX工作之前,应该要知道的10个原则-1

作者:Teisanu Tudor大约两年前,我坐在电脑屏幕前,在一个开放的办公空间里等着。我很紧张,急于开始并且感到害怕。我希望在自己坐到这里之前,应该知道接下来要谈的这些原则。那时,每个人看起来都像是复杂机器中的一小部分,这个机器让人出乎的意料。前5个原则可以应用于大多数的工作,之后的5个是针对UX设计行业。我在从事第一份工作的时候,没有意识去详细了解公司的规划,愿景和发展历程,以及自己...

2019-02-12 17:35:01 156

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】2.2-Selecting Layers(选择图层)

Selecting Layers选择图层Selecting layers in Sketch iseasy: you just click a layer on the Canvas. Once the layer is selected, youshould see eight little handles; one in each corner and one in the center ...

2019-02-11 14:18:07 434

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】2.1-Adding Layers(添加图层)

Adding Layers添加图层The easiest way to add a layeris to pick one of the standard shapes from the toolbar. Choose Insert › Shape and select Rectangle (or press R). Youwill see the pointer change to the ...

2019-02-11 14:16:09 580

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】2.0-Layer Basic(图层概述)

Layer Basics图层的基础知识Layers are the building blocksfor creating designs in Sketch.图层时Sketch中的创建设计的最基本的构成单位。In other designtools, where the distinction between layers and objects is sometimes blurred...

2019-02-11 13:01:43 312

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】1.5-Touch Bar(触摸条)

Touch Bar触摸条For MacBook Pro users, theTouch Bar can act as an additional pane in any app, and Sketch is no exception.Depending on what you’re doing in the app, the Touch Bar will display controlsand...

2019-02-11 12:54:27 1107

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】1.4-Toolbar(工具栏)

Toolbar工具栏The toolbar in Sketch containsall the tools you need to create your design. The default setup—seen below,contains tools that will insert layers, edit shapes, and organize yourdocument.Ske...

2019-02-11 12:53:16 554

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】1.3-Layer List(图层列表)

Layer List图层列表The Layer List contains all layers on thecurrent page. Here you can view each layer’s attributes, such as whether it’shidden or locked, as well as being able to organize your document ...

2019-02-11 12:51:19 845

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】1.2-Inspector(检查器)

Inspector检查器The Inspector on the rightlets you adjust the settings for the current layer, or the options for thecurrent tool. When you have a layer selected you will see that the Inspector isdivided...

2019-01-30 15:32:25 464

翻译 「MD规范」1.1-Material Design设计案例讲解-Basil

one 点设计-木木翻译Basil是一个菜谱app,使用了MD设计组件和主题创造了一个令人激动和易于探索的品牌体验。目录· 关于Basil· 产品解构· 布局· 色彩· 排版· 图标· 组件· 动效关于BasilBasil为用户提供一道道由主厨和调味大师准备的菜谱。App的设计和品牌一样十分具有亲切感,并且充满了简明和令人喜悦的内容。有趣但实用的美学Basil采用了大...

2019-01-29 11:27:20 652

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】1.1-Canvas(画布)

Canvas画布Sketch’s Canvas is infinite insize; you can scroll as far as you want in any direction, so you have completefreedom on how you set up your drawing area.Sketch的画布尺寸是无限的;你可以在任意方向上随意拖动,可以随意设置你...

2019-01-28 20:12:31 1016

翻译 【Sketch最新文档】1.0-The Interface (界面概述)

The Interface界面Sketch’s interface is minimalby design.Sketch的界面采用极简的设计风格The toolbar alongthe top contains all the important tools and actions. The Inspector on theright lets you adjust the proper...

2019-01-28 20:10:36 234

翻译 「MD规范」0.Material Design设计规范导言

导言Material Design(以下简称MD)是一种视觉语言,它将优秀设计的经典原则与技术、科学的创新相结合。目标创新性创新一种视觉语言,将优秀设计的经典原则与技术、科学的可能性创新相结合。一致性构建单独的底层系统,来统一不同平台、设备和输入方式的用户体验。定制化扩展MD的视觉语言,为创新和品牌传播提供灵活的基础。原则MD设计语言采用了隐喻的思路MD设计语言的灵感来自...

2019-01-25 18:39:14 4523



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