在命名空间中写下using HalconDotNet
再再工具箱中右键,选择项,添加引入的 HalconDotNet,获得halcon窗口控件。关于配置,可以参考视频
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using HalconDotNet;
namespace 人脸匹配
public partial class Form1 : Form
HTuple WindowHandle = null;
HTuple width = null, height = null;
HObject ho_Image, ho_SymbolXLDs;
HObject ho_Rectangle, ho_ImageReduced;
HObject ho_RegionAffineTrans = null;
// Local control variables
HTuple hv_Row1 = null, hv_Column1 = null, hv_Row2 = null;
HTuple hv_Column2 = null, hv_Area = null, hv_Row = null;
HTuple hv_Column = null, hv_Phi = null, hv_ModelID = null;
HTuple hv_Row11 = new HTuple(), hv_Column11 = new HTuple();
HTuple hv_Angle = new HTuple(), hv_Score = new HTuple();
HTuple hv_HomMat2D = new HTuple();
// halcon相机句柄
HTuple hv_AcqHandle;
bool B = false;
Thread th;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;
button2.Enabled = false;
button3.Enabled = false;
button5.Enabled = false;
public Form1()
WindowHandle = hWindowControl1.HalconWindow;
public void disp_message(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_String, HTuple hv_CoordSystem,
HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_Color, HTuple hv_Box)
// Local iconic variables
// Local control variables
HTuple hv_Red = null, hv_Green = null, hv_Blue = null;
HTuple hv_Row1Part = null, hv_Column1Part = null, hv_Row2Part = null;
HTuple hv_Column2Part = null, hv_RowWin = null, hv_ColumnWin = null;
HTuple hv_WidthWin = null, hv_HeightWin = null, hv_MaxAscent = null;
HTuple hv_MaxDescent = null, hv_MaxWidth = null, hv_MaxHeight = null;
HTuple hv_R1 = new HTuple(), hv_C1 = new HTuple(), hv_FactorRow = new HTuple();
HTuple hv_FactorColumn = new HTuple(), hv_UseShadow = null;
HTuple hv_ShadowColor = null, hv_Exception = new HTuple();
HTuple hv_Width = new HTuple(), hv_Index = new HTuple();
HTuple hv_Ascent = new HTuple(), hv_Descent = new HTuple();
HTuple hv_W = new HTuple(), hv_H = new HTuple(), hv_FrameHeight = new HTuple();
HTuple hv_FrameWidth = new HTuple(), hv_R2 = new HTuple();
HTuple hv_C2 = new HTuple(), hv_DrawMode = new HTuple();
HTuple hv_CurrentColor = new HTuple();
HTuple hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Box.Clone();
HTuple hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Color.Clone();
HTuple hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Column.Clone();
HTuple hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Row.Clone();
HTuple hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_String.Clone();
// Initialize local and output iconic variables
//This procedure displays text in a graphics window.
//Input parameters:
//WindowHandle: The WindowHandle of the graphics window, where
// the message should be displayed
//String: A tuple of strings containing the text message to be displayed
//CoordSystem: If set to 'window', the text position is given
// with respect to the window coordinate system.
// If set to 'image', image coordinates are used.
// (This may be useful in zoomed images.)
//Row: The row coordinate of the desired text position
// If set to -1, a default value of 12 is used.
//Column: The column coordinate of the desired text position
// If set to -1, a default value of 12 is used.
//Color: defines the color of the text as string.
// If set to [], '' or 'auto' the currently set color is used.
// If a tuple of strings is passed, the colors are used cyclically
// for each new textline.
//Box: If Box[0] is set to 'true', the text is written within an orange box.
// If set to' false', no box is displayed.
// If set to a color string (e.g. 'white', '#FF00CC', etc.),
// the text is written in a box of that color.
// An optional second value for Box (Box[1]) controls if a shadow is displayed:
// 'true' -> display a shadow in a default color
// 'false' -> display no shadow (same as if no second value is given)
// otherwise -> use given string as color string for the shadow color
//Prepare window
HOperatorSet.GetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_Red, out hv_Green, out hv_Blue);
HOperatorSet.GetPart(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_Row1Part, out hv_Column1Part, out hv_Row2Part,
out hv_Column2Part);
HOperatorSet.GetWindowExtents(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_RowWin, out hv_ColumnWin,
out hv_WidthWin, out hv_HeightWin);
HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_WindowHandle, 0, 0, hv_HeightWin - 1, hv_WidthWin - 1);
//default settings
if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0)
hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = 12;
if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0)
hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = 12;
if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))) != 0)
hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = "";
hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = ((("" + hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP) + "")).TupleSplit("\n");
//Estimate extentions of text depending on font size.
HOperatorSet.GetFontExtents(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_MaxAscent, out hv_MaxDescent,
out hv_MaxWidth, out hv_MaxHeight);
if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_CoordSystem.TupleEqual("window"))) != 0)
hv_R1 = hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone();
hv_C1 = hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone();
//Transform image to window coordinates
hv_FactorRow = (1.0 * hv_HeightWin) / ((hv_Row2Part - hv_Row1Part) + 1);
hv_FactorColumn = (1.0 * hv_WidthWin) / ((hv_Column2Part - hv_Column1Part) + 1);
hv_R1 = ((hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP - hv_Row1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorRow;
hv_C1 = ((hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP - hv_Column1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorColumn;
//Display text box depending on text size
hv_UseShadow = 1;
hv_ShadowColor = "gray";
if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(0))).TupleEqual("true"))) != 0)
if (hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP == null)
hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple();
hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP[0] = "#fce9d4";
hv_ShadowColor = "#f28d26";
if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength())).TupleGreater(
1))) != 0)
if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(1))).TupleEqual("true"))) != 0)
//Use default ShadowColor set above
else if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(1))).TupleEqual(
"false"))) != 0)
hv_UseShadow = 0;
hv_ShadowColor = hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP[1];
//Valid color?
HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(
// catch (Exception)
catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1)
HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception);
hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Box[1] (must be a 'true', 'false', or a valid color string)";
throw new HalconException(hv_Exception);
if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(0))).TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0)
//Valid color?
HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(0));
// catch (Exception)
catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1)
HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception);
hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Box[0] (must be a 'true', 'false', or a valid color string)";
throw new HalconException(hv_Exception);
//Calculate box extents
hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = (" " + hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP) + " ";
hv_Width = new HTuple();
for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength()
)) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1)
HOperatorSet.GetStringExtents(hv_WindowHandle, hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(
hv_Index), out hv_Ascent, out hv_Descent, out hv_W, out hv_H);
hv_Width = hv_Width.TupleConcat(hv_W);
hv_FrameHeight = hv_MaxHeight * (new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength()
hv_FrameWidth = (((new HTuple(0)).TupleConcat(hv_Width))).TupleMax();
hv_R2 = hv_R1 + hv_FrameHeight;
hv_C2 = hv_C1 + hv_FrameWidth;
//Display rectangles
HOperatorSet.GetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_DrawMode);
HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, "fill");
//Set shadow color
HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_ShadowColor);
if ((int)(hv_UseShadow) != 0)
HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1 + 1, hv_C1 + 1, hv_R2 + 1, hv_C2 + 1);
//Set box color
HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(0));
HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1, hv_C1, hv_R2, hv_C2);
HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, hv_DrawMode);
//Write text.
for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength()
)) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1)
hv_CurrentColor = hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(hv_Index % (new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength()
if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual(""))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual(
"auto")))) != 0)
HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_CurrentColor);
HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue);
hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_R1 + (hv_MaxHeight * hv_Index);
HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_C1);
HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(
//Reset changed window settings
HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue);
HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Row1Part, hv_Column1Part, hv_Row2Part,
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
HOperatorSet.OpenFramegrabber("DirectShow", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "default", 8, "rgb", -1, "false", "default", "[0] USB Camera", 0, -1, out hv_AcqHandle);
HOperatorSet.GrabImageStart(hv_AcqHandle, -1);
HOperatorSet.GrabImageAsync(out ho_Image, hv_AcqHandle, -1);
HOperatorSet.GetImageSize(ho_Image, out width, out height);
HOperatorSet.SetPart(WindowHandle, 0, 0, height, width);
HOperatorSet.SetDraw(WindowHandle, "margin");
HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, WindowHandle);
button1.Enabled = false;
button2.Enabled = true;
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
disp_message(WindowHandle, "绘制人脸,右键结束", "window", 12, 12, "black","false");
HOperatorSet.DrawRectangle1(WindowHandle, out hv_Row1, out hv_Column1, out hv_Row2,out hv_Column2);
HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle, hv_Row1, hv_Column1, hv_Row2,hv_Column2);
HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_Rectangle, out hv_Area, out hv_Row, out hv_Column);
HOperatorSet.OrientationRegion(ho_Rectangle, out hv_Phi);
HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_Rectangle, out ho_ImageReduced);
HOperatorSet.CreateNccModel(ho_ImageReduced, "auto", -0.39, 0.79, "auto", "use_polarity",out hv_ModelID);
button2.Enabled = false;
button3.Enabled = true;
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
B = true;
th = new Thread(dectet_face);
th.IsBackground = true;
button3.Enabled = false;
button5.Enabled = true;
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (button5.Text=="暂停")
B = false;
button5.Text = "开始";
B = true;
button5.Text = "暂停";
th = new Thread(dectet_face);
th.IsBackground = true;
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (B == true)
th.Abort(); //关闭相机
if (ho_Image != null)
if (ho_SymbolXLDs != null)
public void dectet_face()
while (B)
HOperatorSet.GrabImageAsync(out ho_Image, hv_AcqHandle, -1);
HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, WindowHandle);
HOperatorSet.FindNccModel(ho_Image, hv_ModelID, -0.39, 0.79, 0.4, 1, 0.6,"true", 0, out hv_Row11, out hv_Column11, out hv_Angle, out hv_Score);
if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Row11.TupleLength())).TupleGreater(0))) != 0)
HOperatorSet.VectorAngleToRigid(hv_Row, hv_Column, hv_Phi, hv_Row11, hv_Column11,hv_Angle, out hv_HomMat2D);
HOperatorSet.AffineTransRegion(ho_Rectangle, out ho_RegionAffineTrans,hv_HomMat2D, "nearest_neighbor");
HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_RegionAffineTrans, WindowHandle);