
From my point of view, the answer to this question depends on which work the people are dealing with.

First of all, if the work need a lot of creative thinking, then probably working with others who have totally different ways of thinking is better. Because if two men have always think in the same way, and do thing in the same pattern, then it is unlikely that they could finally find a new idea to solve the problem. On the other hand, if a group of teamworkers come from different regions and received different education, then every one in that group would have their own unique way of thinking. Thus, they would think the same problem from different angle, so they may finally come up with total different and novel ideas. And at the same time, every one in the group may seize the chance to inspire others, as the others in the group may try to think the problem in a new way. And in the end, they may just have a wonderful cooperative experience and make the work done in a very short time.

However, if the work just need every one to take the responsibility of some specific part and don't need so much fancy ideas, then very likely, a group of worker who are homogeneous is better. For example, when a meeting is scheduled by some of the workers at 8 in the moring, someone in the group may just think it is ok for himselves, while others may just think it is too early for them that he cannot finally come in time. Furthermore,  also about the meeting, someone may just appear at the place right at 8, while others may just let others to wait for 15 minutes. So because they have totally different ways of doing and thinking,  they may not want to make others  frustrated  and angry on purpose. However, they do make others uncomforable by chance. And thus, they just cannot works with other as they supposed to, and have a pretty low work efficient at last. And they may also untrust each other just because they could not make a agreement on some issues. So cooperate like this is pretty worse.

In conclusion, the question to this question depends on the work itself.



From my point of view, the answer to (rewrite the question) depends on which work the people is dealing with.


First of all, if the work needs a lot of creative thinking, then probably working with others who have totally different ways of thinking is more effective. Because if a group of men always think in the same way, then it is hard for them to come up with plenty of new ideas. On the other hand, if a group of teamworkers come from different regions and received different education, then every one in that group would have their own unique way of thinking. Thus, they would each solve the  same problem from different angle, so they can come up with many different and novel ideas. And at the same time, every one in the group may seize a chance to inspire others who try to solve the problem in a new way. And in the end, they may just have a wonderful cooperative experience and get the work done in a very short time.


However, if the work just needs every one to take the responsibility of some specific part and doesn’t need too many fancy ideas, then very likely, a group of workers who are homogeneous is better. (list reasons: …….). On the other side, a diversified group may work less effectively due to their different perspectives of thinking. For example, when a meeting is scheduled at 8 in the morning, someone in the group may always come on time while some others may always be late for 15 minutes. The people with tardiness due to their different ways of thinking about time may frustrate their coworkers. This may discourage their cooperation and consequently lower the working efficiency.  In addition, it is hard for a diversified group to achieve an agreement on some issues because everyone has his own idea and would not listen to others. This may also lead to a delay of the project.

In conclusion, the answer to (rewrite the whole sentence about the question)  depends on what type of the work the group is involved. If the work needs a lot of creative thinking………(重述两个论点)。



       Reason 1:

  Lack of cohesion --- conflict

  Think differently


  When the different ideas contradict each other, the group may disintegrate / dissolve.

  Think alike (advantageous)

  Team fabric / cohesion gets strengthened, since ideas are alike and group members are on the same page.


  Reason 2:



  想到group work的目的:one shared goal.

  Think differently


  Group members diverge;

  They are likely to work by different standards;

  They may thus make no substantial progress or no progress at all.

  Think alike (advantageous)

  Group members work in one direction;

  They are likely to have mutual understanding;

  The process of work may be seamless / smooth;

  Also, probably, one person’s absence does not delay the progress.




  Lead-in (Topic) / 引入(论题):In work or study scenarios, there areeither instances where group members think differently or instances where group members think alike.

  Position / 立场:To guarantee work efficiency, I prefer a group whose membersshare one idea.



  【中心句:宜短宜笼统】When group members  hold divided opinions, the situation may be disadvantageous in either of the two following ways. One situation is that group members have divergent ideas, which may contradict each other. Not being on the same page, the members may spend plenty of time on persuading one another and make no substantial progress until they reach a consensus.【ideas之间的非并列衔接,让步衔接】Even though the members may not oppose each other, it is likely that they work by different standards. In other words, one may have lower standards, and another’s standards are higher. With this happening, a job may not continue when it is passed from one hand to another, since the recipient is highly likely to waste time on adapting to the preceding[precede] result. For example, when a team of automotive design consists of members whose deign philosophies are different, the design may stop on the sketch and may never be put through. Even if the design is finally unanimously agreed on, the manufacturing may not fare smoothly if workers do not work by a universal standard.


  (笼统)总结全文 和 重申立场 可以合并:In (the) light of (all) the above, a group may accept different voices at the cost of its work efficiency and may be thus undesirable. Contrarily, a group with members who have the same ideas would work with higher efficiency.


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