Sprint Summary Essay

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Team NameAppWhizzes
Project NameEduShareHub
The objective of this assignmentSprint Summary Essay


1. Project expected plan and actual progress

1.1 Project expected plan

 1.2 Project actual progress

1.3 Project presentation 

- Interface display video

- github link (Contains files, code, etc)


2.1 Alpha phase member workload allocation

2.2 Members' gains and insights

- 832101312 Zhang Lingjie

- 832101313 Zhang Boyi

- 832101311 Zhang Jiaying

- 832101319 OuYang Ziyun

- 832101310 Zhang Yilin

- 832101320 Zheng Jianhang

- 832101328 Liao Longxuan

- 832101321 Zhao Zixuan

- 832101317 Lin Weixiang

- 832102102 Wang Chenghao

3.Outlook for the next stage

3.1 Technological upgrading and innovation

3.2 Global development

3.3 Diversified services and vertical expansion

3.4 Regulatory compliance and social responsibility

1. Project expected plan and actual progress

1.1 Project expected plan

11.21)Pre-project sprint papers; 2)Courseware note sharing front-end production begins; 3)The front-end production of the question challenge section begins;
11.221)Sprint Papers 1; 2)Front-end in production; 3)Quality links are found to be complete
11.231)The front-end is complete
11.241)Sprint Papers 2; 2)The link encyclopedia is complete
11.251)Find the right testing software and learn how to test it
11.261)Sprint Papers 3; 2)The database is built
11.271)Find the right testing software and learn how to test it
11.281)Sprint Papers 4; 2)The back-end is complete
11.291)The function is basically implemented
11.301)Sprint Papers 5; 2)Integrate all the content and complete the website production; 3)Test and complete the test paper
12.11)Summative Paper; 2)Test and complete the test paper

 1.2 Project actual progress


These two days, our Q&A module is developed smoothly, the front-end interface is relatively complete and beautiful, the front-end interface of courseware sharing module is messy, the page is not beautiful, the current function is not perfect, and it needs to be modified. The main interface function is not perfect, the design style is too monotonous, the content is less, and there is no jump interface for the time being. The picture shows a bug, which is the most urgent part to modify. The front-end of the project has basically met the expectations, but it still needs to be improved, but the construction of the back-end and database has not started, and needs to be further improved.


In the second working cycle, our main achievements are the improvement of front-end code, the improvement of connection modules, and the adjustment of pages. We have successfully completed the development of the front end of the campus forum. However, there is still a problem with the image insertion display in this part of us. After trying to modify the relative address and absolute address, it still cannot be displayed, and further debugging is needed. Our responsive web design isn't perfect yet, and the background aesthetics and page layout need tweaking. So far, we have basically completed the front end of the campus forum. 


Bug fixes on the home page on days 5 and 6 of the sprint, improvements to the Q&A section, and the courseware sharing section added content to the back-end section during this development cycle. One of the most significant progress is to fix the home page image display bug, the text input function has also been completed, putting the home page development back on the right track. Secondly, we solved the layout and layout of the courseware upload part, and realized the upload function of the question and answer part. At the same time, it also adds the content of the back-end part, so that the courseware can be correctly uploaded to the database and downloaded in the web page.


On days 7 and 8 of the sprint, during this development cycle, our main work was to optimize the interface in terms of layout and aesthetics, making it easier to communicate information with users. Second, we continue to implement some features, such as the implementation of the user message board, providing a night mode. In the main interface module, we re-changed the layout and then selected the background color for each plate. Secondly, the progress of our question and answer module is to make the interface of the message board. We realized that the user can leave a message in the message box and successfully display it on the message board. At the same time, the courseware sharing part changes the style of the page, making it more beautiful and making the user look more comfortable.


During the project development on days 9 and 10 of the Alpha Sprint, we completed the integration of the three parts to produce a complete web page. We successfully solved the problem we encountered before, how to integrate the previously separated three modules into a complete web page, and made a series of changes to our page. Although we have completed the integration of the project, there are still some deficiencies in the subsequent development that need to be modified. First of all, our web page is still a local web page, and in subsequent modifications, we will visit the server and turn it into a website. Second, our pages are messy and need to be optimized later. Finally, our pages received less feedback when clicked and needed to be adjusted later through css files.

Project burnout diagram:

1.3 Project presentation 

- Interface display video

- github link (Contains files, code, etc)

GitHub - cleversis/alpha-sprint


2.1 Alpha phase member workload allocation

NameStudent IDWork DescriptionContribution
张凌杰 Zhang Lingjie832101312Project management + Blog Writing10%
张博奕 Zhang Boyi832101313Blog Writing + Testing10%
张佳颖 Zhang Jiaying832101311Question-and-answer part of the front and back end and database production + PPT production10%
欧阳紫芸 OuYang Ziyun832101319Question-and-answer part of the front and back end and database production15%
张艺霖 Zhang Yilin832101310Home page link making + report15%
郑建航 Zheng Jianhang832101320Courseware share part of the front and back end and database5%
廖龙轩 Liao Longxuan832101328Courseware share part of the front and back end and database + Project integration15%
赵子萱 Zhao Zixuan832101321Q&A section production9%
林伟祥 Lin Weixiang832101317Courseware share part of the front and back end and database + Offer creative help4%
王成灏 Wang Chenghao832102102Test project + Project test and test report writing7%

2.2 Members' gains and insights

- 832101312 Zhang Lingjie

In this campus forum development project, I played a leading role and was responsible for the planning, implementation and management of the project. It was a rewarding experience that not only improved my leadership skills, but also my skills and understanding. Throughout the project lifecycle, I learned how to effectively plan, execute, and monitor a complex web development project. I improved my ability in project management by making clear project plans, assigning tasks, and coordinating the work of team members. Facing team members with different backgrounds and skills, I learned how to promote team collaboration and get the best out of each member. Through effective communication and encouragement of innovation, I successfully guided the team to complete complex tasks and fostered teamwork and leadership. Although I am not a technical expert, I gained a deep understanding of the fundamentals and processes of web development during the project. This allowed me to better understand the technical challenges, work more closely with the technical team, and promote team synergies. All in all, as the leader of the campus forum development project, I not only learned a lot of management and technical knowledge through this experience, but also exercised my leadership and teamwork ability. The development of this project has made me more confident and capable of dealing with future challenges. 

- 832101313 Zhang Boyi

 In the whole process of this campus forum project, I was mainly responsible for database management, blog writing and PPT introduction. In the whole project, I realized the difficulty and trouble of making a complete project, which made me more familiar with the process of completing a project. In addition, I also learned a lot of professional knowledge and basic software application. For example, HTML+CSS+JavaScript front-end technical knowledge, database management, blog writing and other basic knowledge. In general, participating in the production of this project makes me have a full understanding of the development project and accumulate experience, so that I realize the importance of teamwork.

- 832101311 Zhang Jiaying

During the course of this project, I gained a lot of valuable experience and insights. First and foremost, I learned and consolidated knowledge and skills in front-end and back-end development that I had never been exposed to before. In the project, I was responsible for developing the front-end pages of the website and learned to use front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. At the same time, I also understand the basic principles and techniques of back-end development, such as database management and server-side programming. In addition, I realize the importance of project management and time management. In the process of making the website, we need to reasonably allocate time and resources, make reasonable plans, and timely adjust and optimize the project progress. Overall, the project of making the campus forum website allowed me to gain a wealth of experience and insights. I not only learned the technical knowledge and skills, but also practiced the ability of teamwork, communication and project management.

- 832101319 OuYang Ziyun

In this study, by participating in the front-end page design and production of the team project, I learned the HTML production method and page structure building skills. This gave me a deeper understanding of front-end development and improved my design skills and user experience awareness. I felt very excited and satisfied because this experience not only enriched my technical knowledge, but also cultivated my teamwork and communication skills. I believe these gains will have a positive impact on my career development.

- 832101310 Zhang Yilin

This software design let me learn a lot, as the front-end forum homepage design part, I use vscode to achieve HTML code writing. First, I realized that when writing HTML, good structure and semantic markup are very important to improve code maintainability and readability. Proper use of semantic tags, such as <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, etc., can better describe the structure of the page and benefit search engine optimization (SEO) and accessibility. Second, componentized thinking is very important for large projects. Splitting pages into reusable components increases development efficiency and simplifies code management. Using a modern front-end framework or library, such as React, Vue, or Angular, allows for better componentization and provides powerful tools and functionality. In addition, when working with user input and form validation, I learned the difference between front-end and back-end validation. Front-end validation can provide immediate feedback and a better user experience, but it also requires consistency and security for back-end validation. Therefore, coordination between the front and back ends is critical when implementing form validation. In addition, I learned the importance of responsive design and mobile-first development. With the increasing penetration of mobile devices in modern Web development, it is critical to ensure that websites provide a good user experience across different screen sizes and devices. Using techniques such as CSS media queries, elastic layouts, and fluid grids, layouts and styles can be adapted to different screens. Overall, through the completion of the front-end HTML project, I not only learned specific technical and practical experience, but also gained an in-depth understanding of some core principles and best practices of front-end development. I apply these learnings to future projects and continue to improve my front-end capabilities. 

- 832101320 Zheng Jianhang

During the technical implementation of the forum, I not only learned many new skills, but also gained insight into all aspects of website development and maintenance. From building the platform to ensuring the security of user data, every step is a technical challenge. However, it is through these challenges that I have been able to continuously improve my professional level. The process of solving technical problems allowed me to have a deeper understanding of the complexity of Internet technology and developed my problem-solving ability. This experience has given me greater confidence in my technical abilities and a clearer plan for my future career development.

- 832101328 Liao Longxuan

In preparation for the campus forum, we formed a close working team. Discuss the theme of the forum together, design the agenda, and everyone's ideas are fully respected. During this process, I deeply realized that brainstorming and teamwork is an important way to achieve goals. The unique insights of each team member added a new element to the planning of the forum, making the whole process full of creativity and energy. By overcoming challenges, we built a deep foundation of teamwork and laid a solid foundation for subsequent work.

- 832101321 Zhao Zixuan

For me, I have learned a lot from this project, not only the personal technology growth, the further understanding and understanding of the overall structure of a project, but also the strengthening of team cooperation ability, etc. Only the correct division of labor and cooperation can better complete the corresponding tasks. In the process of completing the task, I also learned a lot of knowledge about interface style design, color matching and style selection, and how to improve the interactive ability of the interface. This project allowed me to accumulate valuable experience in front-end development and learn how to communicate with the team and how to play a good role in the team, which benefited me a lot. 

- 832101317 Lin Weixiang

After the successful conclusion of the campus forum, I looked back on the whole process and felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Seeing the participants actively interact and share their views, I realized how worthwhile the effort we put in to create a good platform for communication. This forum is not only a platform for technical practice, but also a community to promote campus communication. Through this experience, I have a deep understanding of the meaning of community building and a deeper understanding of the various voices and needs on campus. This forum experience will have a profound impact on my future study and work, and make me pay more attention to the importance of teamwork, technical implementation and activity summary.

- 832102102 Wang Chenghao

In this software engineering project, I learned about the task structure and assignment of software development, black box testing, white box testing, stability and security testing of software engineering projects, and learned many new tools, such as Ethereal and Selenium, so that I can carry out test development more efficiently.

3.Outlook for the next stage

With the continuous progress of science and technology and the development of society, learning knowledge resource sharing platform has gradually emerged as an innovative business model. However, for a platform like ours that has been developed but not fully mature, the future development is still full of challenges and opportunities. Here are some thoughts on the future of our platform.

3.1 Technological upgrading and innovation

In the future, the knowledge resource sharing platform will usher in a wave of technological upgrading and innovation. With the continuous development of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things, the platform will be able to better meet user needs and improve the security and credibility of the platform. Intelligent courseware, video recommendation system and accurate learning data analysis tools will provide students with more personalized and efficient services and improve the user experience of the platform.

3.2 Global development

In the future, the knowledge resource sharing platform will be more global and break through regional restrictions. With the advent of the digital age, people's communication and interaction are no longer limited by geographical location. The knowledge resource sharing platform will pay more attention to global cooperation, so that our learning resources can be widely disseminated and attract global users and resources. This will bring more diversified content and services to the platform and promote the scale of the platform.

3.3 Diversified services and vertical expansion

The future knowledge resource sharing platform will gradually realize diversified services and vertical expansion. The platform will not only be limited to the field of learning, but also meet the diversified needs of users through continuous expansion of service types. This includes shared learning Spaces, shared skills, etc. Through vertical expansion in different fields, the platform will better meet the all-round needs of users.

3.4 Regulatory compliance and social responsibility

With the continuous development of the knowledge resource sharing platform, regulatory compliance and social responsibility will become the top priority in the development of the platform. Platforms need to proactively adapt to the changing regulatory environment in various countries to ensure the legality and compliance of their operations. At the same time, we actively fulfill our social responsibilities, participate in social welfare undertakings, and make more positive contributions to society. This will help build the platform's good reputation and enhance user trust.

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