toefl素材 travel abroad__young__old__teacher

       Do you think that it is better for to travel abroad when you’re younger or older.

       Globalization has made the world become smaller and the people from all over the world become closer. Many people show a desire to experience different natural and cultural environment in foreign countries. Traveling is usually their first choice. Although the cost may be high for the young, from my perspective, traveling to foreign countries in youth is better than at old age.

  To begin with, the young are going to obtain a richer life through traveling to foreign countries. The world is a stunning place, full of treasures for people to explore. Although the young may learn the magnificence of The Pyramids and The Louvre in books, their impression of them are just limited to pictures and verbal descriptions. Only when the young visit these places in person will the sites become part of their lives. If one wants to ride a bicycle across the Golden Gate Bridge in youth, but he fails to achieve the dream, he will live in regret for the rest of his life. On the contrary, if he achieves it, he will have many proud moments when he looks back on his life.

  Besides, traveling to foreign countries in youth helps the young to perform better in their future careers and studies. The charm of traveling lies in its unexpected adventures. The young may encounter all kinds of difficulties, but anything is possible as long as they have confidence and wills. Traveling to different countries will force the young to care for issues that are bigger than those in their daily lives. Compassion and love will arise in the heart of the young for the pain and suffering experienced by others. Deep and consistent connections may be created with those new friends who they meet during traveling. Along with the new friends during the trip, the young can listen to the sour, sweet, bitter or hot stories, talk to people with different personalities and acquire insights on their own lives.

  Granted, some people may argue that young people usually lack money and they are supposed to work hard. Retirement period is a good time to travel to foreign countries, because the senior could usually afford both the time and money. However, it’s worthwhile to invest money and sacrifice time into tasting various aspects of life in the world as early as possible.

  In conclusion, it is highly rewarding to travel in foreign countries in youth and it is better to start earlier, for people won’t always be young. Instead of regretting at old ages due to poor physical conditions, it is better to travel in youth.




Do you think that it is better for to travel abroad when you’re younger or older.


As the saying goes: the world is a book; those who do not travel read only a page . Indeed, there are so much one can explore when traveling abroad. However, when it comes to the question of when is the right time to travel around the globe, some believe that it is better to travel when they are older while other claim that it is more beneficial to travel when they are younger. I, personally, believe that it is far better to travel abroad when people are young.

First off, young people are believed to be more adaptive than elders and young people can reap greater benefit of traveling abroad. When people get older, they are getting very comfortable with their own cultures and customs and they might find it very hard to fit in with the local culture when traveling internationally. Eventually, they might find the customs and ways of living of the places they are traveling bizarre and unacceptable since people are generally more restrained and exclusive when they are getting old. However, when traveling at a much younger age, one will find the same cultural elements thrilling and be eager to open up their minds and explore different beliefs. In turn, the distinctive perspectives and different views one is exposed to when traveling young can be of great significance to one’s future life since they can help them to decide what their calling in life is, set their future goals and how to meet them.

Additionally, young people have less responsibilities and they are in far better health condition to travel extensively abroad. To be more specific, one has more commitments when getting old, like families and jobs. When you have more responsibility to worry, you will never make traveling a priority. On the contrary, traveling when you are young and carefree makes sure you can enjoy the experience without have to worrying about your wife, kids or your business operations. What’s more, old people generally don’t have the perfect health condition to suffer the jet lag, layover, long flight hours and constant exchanging of different transports. To make things worse, traveling abroad can be impossible for those who suffer from elderly diseases, like diabetes, Parkinson and cardiovascular problems.

All in all, it is much more advisable for someone to travel young since one is more adaptive, healthier and free of great responsibilities. (By Meng, Yan 396 words)


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is difficult for teachers to be both popular (students like them) and effective helping students in learning.


What are the key qualities that make a good teacher? There is no easy and definitive to this question. Nonetheless, it is obvious that both popular teachers and effective instructors are in great need. When it comes to question of whether popularity and effectiveness in teaching can co-exist in one teacher. I, personally, believe that they are not mutually exclusive. Instead, the two qualities complete each other based on the following reasons.

First off, a popular teacher can evoke students’ interest and motivation to learn, thus ensuring very effective students learning. A popular teacher is categorized by their lovely personality, enthusiasm, and above all the unparalleled passion and love to teach. Indeed, if a teacher is very humorous and funny, students are more willing to learn since such qualities are so contagious. Students can focus on the class better since the class is so intriguing that students don’t have to force themselves to listen, meaning that they can involuntarily get involved. What’s more, popular teachers can build trusting relationships with students, thus creating a very safe and productive learning environment. Popular teachers are by and large very compassionate about teaching and they have the sensitivity to students’ difference, which helps to motivate less academically challenged students to ask question and eventually improve their academic performance.

Additionally, an effective teacher helps to improve students academic performance, in turn they can be very popular among lots of people, like school presidents, educational policy makers parents and students. An effective instructor embodies qualities like comprehensive knowledge of different disciplines, innovative teaching approach and their commitment to help students to learn. An efficient teacher might have spent enormous amount time analyzing students at different emotional, intellectual, and social levels, thus their instructions are tailored to meet the needs of individual students. Plus, since they can properly monitor and manage individual student’s learning progressions  and trajectories and help to improve their academic performance, it is natural for such effective instructors to be popular among both students and parents. Above, the top priority for students is get higher academic performance.

All in all, a popular teacher can be very effective since he or she can inspire students to learn and thus improve their academic performance. At the same time, an effective teacher can also be popular among students and parents given the fact that they are very efficient in imparting knowledge. (By Meng, Yan 407 words)


It is better to travel abroad for younger people than for older people.


题目大意:出国旅游对于年轻人更好还是对于年长写的人更好。此题是典型的老少比较,波波给大家总结一些常见的思考方向,即老少的区别,1.空闲时间多少不同2.身体状况不同 3.受教育水平不同4.成熟程度不同 5. 关注点不同。波波建议选择同意,理由为1.年轻人有大把时间 2. 年轻人适应能力强。


In contemporary society, with the gradually raised living standard, it has become a common phenomenon that people in growing numbers, regardless of their age, have been to foreign countries. Therefore, there arises a heated debate over whether it is better to travel abroad for younger people than for older people. From my perspective, travelling abroad at a younger age is much better, for the following reasons.

Firstly, consider the more leisure time owned by the young. It is self-evident that travelling abroad is quite time-consuming, which means that possessing enough vacations and holidays is the precondition for taking a journey in foreign countries. As we all know, younger people, especially students, usually have summer and winter vacations so that they have no trouble in sparing some time for the travel. However, it is a totally different story for the elders. To illustrate, older people, usually employees in companies or children’s parents, are bound by their jobs or their families nearly all the time. In other words, the limited free time left for them makes it less likely to take a tour in foreign countries.

Secondly, the same logic goes for the stronger adaptability of young adults. In order to travel smoothly abroad, a healthy body and mastery of foreign language are both indispensable. For one thing, taking a tour, especially the one to foreign countries, is never an easy and comfortable thing, which requires stamina and endurance of a person. To be more specific, the nearly 20-hours flight from your motherland to another continent is quite exhausting and onerous, because the noise from the airplane keeps you awake during the whole trip. Such a torture can only be endured by energetic and vigorous young men rather than by older people in weak healthy condition. For another, while visiting foreign countries, old people will encounter cultural shock because of the language barrier, with the result of not adapting to the wholly strange place. However, as for the youngster who are mostly proficient in English, it is not a big deal at all.

Judging from what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that it is much better for younger people to take a tour in foreign countries than for the older, on account of more spare time owned by the young and their stronger ability to adapt to a new environment. (392words, By Zhaobo)( 赵波)


Agree or disagree: it is better to travel abroad to visit different countries when you are young than when you are old?









It is high time that government should arouse people’s awareness of the importance of physical soundness. Along with the acceleration of social development, people, especially young people, are confronted with unprecedentedly fierce competition. They need to work very hard to guarantee a decent life, which causes them way heavier pressures than before. Under such circumstances, most of them are prone to be caught in a sub-health state. Given that it is governments‘ responsibilities to improve citizens’ health condition—governments should increase access to public exercise equipment in the neighborhood and raise people’s awareness of the importance of doing exercises regularly through mass media.


In addition, student organizations and clubs are the places where we can make great friends, which spices up the tedious campus life. A certain type of student organization or club is like a group or circle that appeals to people with similar hobbies or interests, and that is the reason why one can find his or her congenial friends in the club more often than not. For example, people who love taking photos will join the photography club, and movie-goers are always taking part in movie salons and exchanging mutual ideas and thoughts on the same movie. Undoubtedly, being together with people having the shared aspirations and enthusiasm is the source of happiness.


Secondly, visiting museums can also provide people with ample knowledge about the present magnificence of a country. Ranging from art and science to agriculture, museums truly cover a vast area. For instance, in science museums, demonstrations, interactive programs are adopted to introduce important scientific achievements. Visitors are given the opportunity to probe deeper into the world of science and experience its marvels. Evidently, this educational and meaningful tour will be a cherished memory for a long time. Museums of modern art are also worth a visit. With a large collection of paintings, folk art, sculptures, ceramics and metalwork, art galleries present colorful aspects of the country’s cultures. Just like an open gate, museums invite people into a paradise of knowledge.





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