《牛津字典精华总结》- 初阶系列 - 字母 - L

the Epilogue and Essential of ‘Oxford Elementary Learner’s Dictionary 2nd


Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary (Second Edition)

The Part of Alphabet, --L  

Phrases and Idioms

l Laser beam

n Later on 以后

l Be in the lead 领先

n not in the least (not at all)

l leave out 不把包括或不做某事

l on leave = on holiday

n let go of sb./ sth. (放开)

n let sb. off 不惩罚某人

n level crossing 平交道(铁、公路交叉处)

l the Liberal Democrats

l license plate = number-plate

n lead a [busy] life 过某种生活

l Give / thumb / hitch a lift 搭便车

n Lock away 把锁好

l Long-jump

n Good looks 一表人才

n At a loss 不知所措

n Lost property 招领失物处

l Out loud 出声地;大声地

l L-plate

Catch Phrase

l I labeled all the boxes with my name

n Lace curtains

l Money is lacking for a new school

l I’ll have a pint of lager (somewhat of ale).

l The plane made a safe landing in a field

n My train was late. 晚点

l Late afternoon, in my late twenties.

n Her late husband was a doctor. 已故的

n In the latter part of the life. 晚年

l Had a good laugh.

l The cake has a layer of jam in the middle.

n Water is leaking from the pipe.

l I was sorry to learn of your father’s death.获悉

l A has a lot of $, B has less, and C has the least.

n Left the door open

l Have 2 days’ leave

n A lengthy meeting

l Let the fire go out.

l Any rooms to let? 出租地、屋

l Level ground (flat)

l Two teams are level with 40 points each.一样高的

n The cat was licking its paws.

n Have a lick of your ice-cream.

l Lying on its back. 以某姿势躺

n Be full of life.

l Use the stairs or take the lift?(区别give a lift)

n Have a light breakfast 不太多、强的

n The room is lit by lamps.

n What’s that book like? –interesting

l A strong likeness/resemblance between them.

n I sat down and he did likewise.

n Walk with a limp.

l The boots are lined with fur. 给安衬里

n The coat has a thick lining so it’s warm.

l My dog had a litter of 6 puppies (一胎生的)小动物

n Slept very little

l Live a quiet life in the country. 过某种生活、日子

n The wire is live! 带电

l The greatest living writer. 活着的

l What do you do for a living?

n Got loads of time. (a lot)

n I lodged with a family. 付费寄宿某家

l I long to see… (desire)

l One of my teeth is loose.

l Suntan lotion/oil

n I would love to…

l A love of football

n The score is 15-love. (tennis: nil)

l The plane flew low over the field.

n Lower your voice. (v.)

n Two lumps of sugar. ;(身上的)包、疙瘩(bump)

Differentiation and Mnemonics

n Lad ( guy )

n Lamppost

l Land 地皮; 国土

l Landing 楼梯平台

l Landlady, landlord 洒店或小旅馆的女、男店主

l Lane 乡间小路;单行车道

n Lap 跑道的一圈;人坐着时大腿上方

l Largely 大体上;主要地

l Lavatory 抽水马桶

n Lawn 草坪; lawnmower 刈草机

l Lead/leash (牵狗用的)皮带或链子

l Lead 导线

n Lean 瘦而强壮的;瘦肉

n Leek 韭葱

n Left-hand左手的; left-handed 习惯用左手的

l Lighthouse 灯塔

l Limb ; limp 拐、跛走; (lame)

n Lime 酸橙

l Litre/liter, litter, little

l Loo (toilet)

n Lover (有性关系的)情人(但非夫妻)

l Root: lev -> lift, light, rise

Fallibility and Cacoepy

l Laboratory / E  C /

n labourer / E /

l Lamb / Am /

n Latter / A /

n Launderette / lC:ndE5ret /

n Lead / e /; 不同意思发音不同 / i /(它发)

n League / g /

n Leisure / eVE /

n Lemon / e /

n lemonade / 5neid /

l Lentil 小扁豆 / tl /

l Leopard / epE /

n Lettuce / is /

l Library / ai E /

l Lieutenant / lef5te/

n Limb / i /, limp

l Lining / ai /

n Literature / trE /

n Live (v.) / i / , (a.) / ai /

l Local / kl /

l Located / ti /

n Lose / z /

n Loudspeaker / i /

n Lounge / au /

l Luxurious / g5VuE /

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