《牛津字典精华总结》- 初阶系列 - 字母 - W

the Epilogue and Essential of ‘Oxford Elementary Learner’s Dictionary 2nd

Keep Swoting, Phone: 13305914000 (Fuzhou English Enthusiast)

Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary (Second Edition)

The Part of Alphabet, --W  

Phrases and Idioms

n Wait and see 等等就能明白

n Wait up 等某人回家后再睡觉

n Walk out 突然离去(因生气)

l At war 交战

l Declare war

n Have a quick wash

l In the wash 正在洗着

n Washing-up liquid 洗涤液

n Waste-paper basket 字纸篓

l Keep watch 留心

n Watering-can (浇花的)喷壶

n Water-color 水彩画儿

l Wavy line 波浪线

n Give way 让路;妥协;断裂;倒塌

n In the way 挡住某视线或阻其移动

n The wrong way up/round 下边或反面向上或向前

l Way in 入口处

n Way of life

n Wear out 用薄、细或坏

n Wear sb. out 使精疲力竭或厌烦

l Be welcome to 可随意做某事或取用某物

n May/might as well. 不妨adv.;

l Wellington boots 威灵顿长筒靴

l The West 西方国家(即北美和西欧国家)

n What’s on? 上演什么电视节目或影片

n Wide apart 相距很远(stand with my feet wide apart)

n Window-ledge 窗台(window-sill)

n Windscreen wiper 刮水器

n Electrical wires 电线

l Wish for sth. 想要;望能实现

n Do without 将就

n Take sb.’s words for it 相信某人的话

n Work out 锻炼身体

n Think the world of sb. 非常喜爱某人或事

n Worn-out 废旧毁坏的;精疲力竭的;

n If the worst comes to the worst 要是出现最坏情况

l Writing-paper 信纸

Catch Phrase

n Wag her finger at me.

n Your car wants a wash.

l Take some warm clothes with you.

n He thanked me warmly

l The sea washed over my feet. 多次流到某处

l I hang the washing outside to dry.待或已洗的衣物

l Waste my time at university

n A lot of waste from the factories goes into the sea.

n The smoke made my eyes water 充满眼泪(指眼)

l The flags were waving in the wind.

l Smile in a friendly way.

l A weak government

l Weak tea 淡茶 (不易察觉的)

n I have a feeling of weakness in my legs.

n Show signs of wear 废旧;破损(使旧造成的)

l How much do you weigh? ‘I weigh 55 kilos.’

l The town is five miles west of here.

l Wet paint.没干的油漆   A wet day下雨天

n I wheeled my bicycle up the hill. 推有轮子的东西

n Whenever I see her, she talks… 每次、当

n The dog was whining outside the door长而高咽音

l The rider whipped the hose to make it go faster.

n President was whisked away in a helicopter.X迅速移动或带走

l Blew his whistle to end the match. 哨子

l A white coffee 加奶的咖啡

n A wicked witch 邪恶的

n Wide eyes 完全张开的

n Left me $2000 in her will. 遗嘱

l Had five wins.

n Like sweet or dry wine?

n Gave the table a quick wipe.

n Old age brings wisdom. 人老见识广

l I have no wish to …

l Close your eyes and make a wish. 发愿

n Her hands were blue with cold. 因为

n Withdrew from the race. 不参加;退出

l Live within a mile of the station. 不超过距离

n My legs feel wobbly 摆;颤动(略微地)

l Look up in wonder at…

n The wonders of … 奇迹、观、事

l A walk in the woods 树林(比森林小)

l Have a lot of worries. 难题;使担忧的事

n The worst day of my life.

n I’d like ten pounds’ worth of petrol.

n The bullet wounded him in the leg.

l The fire wrecked the hotel.毁坏、灭

l Told the children to stop wriggling. 扭动身体

l Wring the towel out and put it outside to dry.

n Have a lot of wrinkles.皱纹

l I can’t read your writing. (写出的)文字

n This clock is wrong 不准

Differentiation and Mnemonics

l Wagon 货车(铁路上运煤等的)

n Wail 哭或衰号(声音长而悲痛地)

l Waistcoat 背心(西服)

l Wasp 黄蜂

n Weekday 除周六、日外

n Weights 秤砣

l Weird 非常奇怪的

l Whilst (while)

n Whip 搅打食物

n Whisker (动物的)

l White 蛋清

l Whiz 高速移动

l Widow 寡妇;  widower 鳏夫

n Wild 兴奋的;失去控制的

n Windmill 风车

n Wit 文字;诙谐或风趣的内容 witty

n Wither 枯萎或凋谢

n Works 工厂;书、画或乐曲;作品

l Worker 工作者; workman 工人(建筑或修配行业的)

n Workshop 研习班;实践课

Fallibility and Cacoepy

n Want / C /

n Ward / C: /

n Water melon / E /

n Weigh / ei /

n Wind /ai / (wound) / u /v.缠绕;转动发条;弯曲延伸

n Within / 5T /

n Wolf / ul /

l Workman / E /

n Worm / E: /

l Worst / E: /

n Worth / E: /

n Wreath / i: /

l Wrestle / sl /

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