
本文翻译自:The type or namespace name could not be found [duplicate]

I have a C# solution with several projects in Visual Studio 2010 . 我有一个C#解决方案,在Visual Studio 2010有几个项目。 One is a test project (I'll call it " PrjTest "), the other is a Windows Forms Application project (I'll call it " PrjForm "). 一个是测试项目(我将其称为“ PrjTest ”),另一个是Windows Forms Application项目(我称之为“ PrjForm ”)。 There is also a third project referenced by PrjForm, which it is able to reference and use successfully. 还有一个由PrjForm引用的第三个项目,它能够成功引用和使用。

PrjForm references PrjTest , and PrjForm has a class with a using statement: PrjForm引用PrjTestPrjForm有一个带有using语句的类:

using PrjTest;
  1. Reference has been correctly added 参考已正确添加
  2. using statement is correctly in place using语句正确到位
  3. Spelling is correct 拼写是正确的
  4. PrjTest builds successfully PrjTest构建成功
  5. PrjForm almost builds, but breaks on the using PrjTest; PrjForm几乎构建,但打破了using PrjTest; line with the error: 与错误一致:

The type or namespace name 'PrjTest' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 找不到类型或命名空间名称'PrjTest'(您是否缺少using指令或程序集引用?)

I've tried the following to resolve this: 我尝试过以下方法来解决这个问题:

  1. Removed Resharper (since Resharper had no trouble recognizing the referenced project, I thought it might be worth a shot) 删除了Resharper(因为Resharper在识别引用的项目时没有遇到任何麻烦,我认为它可能值得一试)
  2. Removed and re-added the reference and using statement 删除并重新添加了引用和using语句
  3. Recreated PrjForm from scratch 从头开始重新创建PrjForm
  4. PrjForm currently resides inside the PrjTest folder, I tried moving it to an outside folder PrjForm目前驻留在PrjTest文件夹中,我尝试将其移动到外部文件夹
  5. Loaded the solution on a different computer with a fresh copy of VS 2010 使用VS 2010的新副本在另一台计算机上加载解决方案

I have done my homework and spent far too long looking for an answer online, none of the solutions has helped yet. 我做完了我的功课,花了很长时间在线寻找答案,但没有一个解决方案有帮助。

What else could I try? 我还能尝试什么?




just changed Application's target framework to ".Net Framework 4". 刚刚将Application的目标框架更改为“.Net Framework 4”。

And error got Disappeared. 错误消失了。

good luck; 祝好运; :D :d


I had the same issue. 我遇到过同样的问题。 The target frameworks were fine for me. 目标框架对我来说很好。 Still it was not working. 它仍然无法正常工作。 I installed VS2010 sp1, and did a "Rebuild" on the PrjTest. 我安装了VS2010 sp1,并在PrjTest上进行了“Rebuild”。 Then it started working for me. 然后它开始为我工作。


Changing the framework to 将框架更改为

.NET Framework 4 Client Profile

did the job for me. 为我做了这份工作。


For COM/ActiveX references, VS 2012 will show this error right on using statement. 对于COM / ActiveX引用,VS 2012将在using语句上显示此错误。 Which is quite funny, since it's saying that may be you are missing a using statement. 这很有趣,因为它说你可能错过了一个使用声明。

To solve this: register the actual COM/ActiveX dll even if it's in the neighbor project, and add a reference through COM channel, not project channel. 要解决此问题:即使它位于邻居项目中,也要注册实际的COM / ActiveX dll,并通过COM通道而不是项目通道添加引用。 It will add Interop.ProjectName instead of ProjectName as a reference and this solves this strange bug. 它将添加Interop.ProjectName而不是ProjectName作为参考,这解决了这个奇怪的错误。


In my case I had: 在我的情况下,我有:

Referenced DLL : .NET 4.5 引用的DLL: .NET 4.5

Project : .NET 4.0 项目: .NET 4.0

Because of the above mismatch, the 4.0 project couldn't see inside the namespace of the 4.5 .DLL. 由于上述不匹配,4.0项目无法在4.5 .DLL的命名空间内看到。 I recompiled the .DLL to target .NET 4.0 and I was fine. 我重新编译.DLL以目标.NET 4.0,我很好。

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