9.4 Example Applications

9.4 Example Applications
Fig. 9.4 Comparing algorithms on problem instances with a scalable parameter
图 9.4 用可伸缩参数比较问题实例上的算法

Comparing比较; 对比; 与…类似; 表明…与…相似; 将…比作; compare的现在分词
algorithms算法; 计算程序; algorithm的复数
instances例子; 事例; 实例; 举…为例; instance的第三人称单数和复数

Furthermore, there can be few available sets of real data, and these data may be commercially sensitive and therefore diffiffifficult to publish and to allow others to compare.
Last, but not least, there might be so many applicationspecifific aspects involved that the results are hard to generalise.
Despite these drawbacks it remains highly relevant to tackle real-world problems as the proof of the pudding is in the eating!

and these形形色色
may be多半
and therefore因此,为此
so many那么多的; 很多; 和…一样多的; 全都是
drawbacks缺点; 不利条件; drawback的复数
tackle应付,处理,解决; 与某人交涉; 向某人提起; 抢球; 抢断; 抢截; 铲断; 抢断球,阻截铲球; 擒抱摔倒,阻截; 阻截队员; 用具; 体育器械; 渔具
real-world存在于现实世界的; 真实的
pudding甜食,甜点; 热布丁糕; 热布丁饼

9.4 Example Applications
As mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, instead of presenting two case studies with implementation details, we next describe examples of good and bad practice, in order to illustrate some of our points.

mentioned提到; 写到; 说到; mention的过去分词和过去式
instead of代替; 作为…的替换
presenting把…交给; 颁发; 授予; 提出; 提交; 展现,显示,表现; present的现在分词
case studies个案研究; 专题研究; 案例研究; case study的复数
examples实例; 例证; 例子; 典型; 范例; 样品; 榜样; 楷模; 模范; example的复数
in order to为了;以便;目的在于; 要想……
illustrate加插图于; 给做图表; 说明,解释; 表明…真实; 显示…存在
some of中的一些; 其中一些; 其中的一些

9.4.1 Bad Practice
This section shows a hypothetical example of an experimental study following the template that can be found in many EC publications.1 In this imaginary case a researcher has invented a new EA feature, e.g., “tricky mutation”, and assessed the value of this new feature by running a standard GA and “tricky GA” 20 times independently on each of 10 objective functions chosen from the literature. The outcomes of these experiments proved tricky GA better on seven, equal on one, and worse on two objective functions in terms of SR. On this basis it was concluded that the new feature is indeed valuable.

hypothetical假设的; 假定的
imaginary想象中的; 幻想的; 虚构的
tricky难办的; 难对付的; 狡猾的; 诡计多端的
mutation变异,突变; 转变,改变
in terms of在…方面;从…角度看;根据…来说

The main question here is what did we, the EC community, learn from this experience? We did learn a new feature (tricky mutation) and obtained some indication that it might be a promising idea to try in a GA. This can of course justify publishing a paper reporting this; however, there are also many things that we did not learn here, including:

learn from学习
tricky难办的; 难对付的; 狡猾的; 诡计多端的
mutation变异,突变; 转变,改变
indication表明; 标示; 显示; 象征
promising有希望的; 有前途的; 有出息的; 许诺; 承诺; 答应; 保证; 使很可能; 预示; promise的现在分词
of course当然,自然; 当然; 当然不
justify证明…正确; 对…作出解释; 为…辩解; 调整使全行排满; 使每行排齐; 使齐行
there are有; 可数名词的复数形式; 许多重要事情要谈
did not没有; 未; 的缩写

9 Working with Evolutionary Algorithms

• How relevant are these results, e.g., are the test functions typical of realworld problems, or important only from an academic perspective?
• What would have happened if a different performance metric had been used, or if the runs had been ended sooner, or later?
• What is the scope of claims about the superiority of the tricky GA?
• Is there a property distinguishing the seven good and two bad functions?
• Are these results generalisable? Alternatively, do some features of the tricky GA make it applicable for other specific problems, and if so which?
• How sensitive are these results to changes in the algorithm’s parameters?
• Are the performance differences as measured here statistically significant, or can they be just artifacts caused by random effects?
• 这些结果的相关性有多大,例如,测试函数是典型的现实世界问题,还是仅仅从学术角度来看重要?

The next example explicitly addresses some of these issues and therefore forms a showcase for a better, albeit still not perfect, practice.

superiority优越; 优势; 优越感; 神气活现的样子; 盛气凌人的行为
tricky难办的; 难对付的; 狡猾的; 诡计多端的
distinguishing区分; 辨别; 分清; 成为…的特征; 使具有…的特色; 使有别于; 看清; 认出; 听出; distinguish的现在分词
make it到达; 及时赶上参加; 成功
if so如果这样; 要是那样的话
forms类型; 种类; 形式; 外表; 样子; 表格; 出现,产生; 形成; 成形,组成; 制作; form的第三人称单数和复数
showcase展示的场合; 玻璃柜台,玻璃陈列柜; 使展现; 在玻璃橱窗陈列
albeit尽管; 虽然

9.4.2 Better Practice
A better example of how to evaluate the behaviour of a new algorithm takes into account questions such as:
• What type of problem am I trying to solve?
• What would be a desirable property of an algorithm for this type of problem, for example: speed of finding good solutions, reliably locating good solutions, or occasional brilliance?
• What methods currently exist for this problem, and why am I trying to make a new one, i.e., when do they not t perform well?
• 我想解决什么样的问题?

brilliance透明度,亮度,光彩; 缩写词为Bril或BRIL

After considering these issues, a particular problem type can be chosen, a careful set of experiments can be designed, and the necessary data to collect can be identifified. A typical process might proceed along the following lines:
•inventing a new EA (xEA) for solving problem X
• identifying three other EAs and a traditional benchmark heuristic for problem X in the literature
• asking when and why xEA could be better than the other four methods
• obtaining a problem instance generator for problem X with two parameters: n (problem size) and k (some problem-specific indicator)
• selecting five values for k and five values for n • generating 100 random problem instances for all 25 combinations
• executing all algorithms on each instance 100 times (the benchmark heuristic is also stochastic)
• recording AES, SR, and MBF values and standard deviations (not for SR)
• identifying appropriate tests based on the data and assessing the statistical
significance of results
• putting the program code and the instances on the Web
•确定其他三个EA和文献中prob lem X的传统基准启发式
•在每个实例上执行所有算法100次(基准heuris tic也是随机的)

set of的; 集合; 释……的集合
proceed along沿着…前进
inventing发明; 创造; 编造; 捏造; 虚构; invent的现在分词
for all虽然;尽管

The advantages of this template with respect to the one in the previous example are numerous:
• The results can be arranged in 3D: that is, as a performance landscape over the (n, k) plane with special attention to the effect of n on scale-up.
• The niche for xEA can be identified, e.g., weak with respect to other algorithms for (n, k) combinations of type 1, strong for (n, k) combinations of type 2, comparable otherwise. Thus the ‘when’ question can be answered.
• Analysing the specific features and the niches of each algorithm can shed light on the ‘why’ question.
• A lot of knowledge has been collected about problem X and its solvers.
• Generalisable results are achieved, or at least claims with well-identified
scope based on solid data.
• Reproduction of the results, and further research elsewhere, is facilitated.

with respect to关于,至于(英国英语中也用in respect of)
the one【电影】救世主; 平行歼灭战
that is即; 用于纠正之前说过的内容
strong for对…特别偏爱的,特别注重…的
shed light on阐明; 解释; 将…弄明白; 照亮
A lot of许多
has been已经

For exercises and recommended reading for this chapter, please visit www.evolutionarycomputation.org.

  1. 作者承认,他们自己的一些论文也遵循这个模板。 ↩︎





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