Learning English

1. Tips on how to learn IT English as a software engineer

1.1. For Chinese

  1. Read IT articles and blog posts in English. This is a great way to get exposure to the latest IT terminology and concepts in English. You can find IT articles and blog posts on a variety of websites, including TechCrunch, The Verge, and Wired, The Next Web, and InfoWorld.
  2. Watch IT videos in English. There are many IT videos available on YouTube and other video-sharing websites. Watching IT videos is a great way to improve your listening comprehension and to learn about new IT technologies. Watch IT tutorial videos in English. This is another great way to learn about IT concepts and terminology in English. You can find IT tutorial videos on a variety of websites, such as YouTube, Lynda.com, and Pluralsight.
  3. Listen to IT podcasts in English. There are many IT podcasts available online. Listening to IT podcasts is a great way to improve your listening comprehension and to learn about new IT technologies. You can find IT-related podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher, and other podcasting platforms.
  4. Join an IT online forum or community. There are many IT online forums and communities where you can connect with other IT professionals from around the world. This is a great way to practice your IT English and to get help with your IT problems. (Including Stack Overflow, Quora, and Reddit.)
  5. Take an IT English course. There are many IT English courses available online and in person. Taking an IT English course is a great way to improve your IT English skills in a structured environment.
  6. Get a mentor or tutor. If you know a native English speaker who works in IT, you could ask them to be your mentor or tutor. This is a great way to get personalized feedback on your IT English skills.
  7. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning a new language. The important thing is to keep practicing and to not be afraid to make mistakes. The more you practice, the better your IT English will become.

Here are some additional tips that may be helpful for Chinese software engineers who want to improve their IT English:

  • Focus on the specific IT terminology and concepts that you need to know for your job. There is no need to learn every single IT term in the English language. Instead, focus on the terms that are most relevant to your job.
  • Use online resources to help you with your IT English. There are many online resources available to help you improve your IT English. These resources can provide you with definitions of IT terms, examples of IT usage, and practice exercises.
  • Get feedback from native English speakers. If you have the opportunity, get feedback from native English speakers on your IT English skills. This can help you to identify areas where you need to improve.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you are struggling with your IT English, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a native English speaker or from a colleague who is more fluent in IT English.

1.2. For People from English speaking countries

Here are some tips on how to learn IT English as a software engineer:

  1. Set clear goals. What do you want to achieve by learning IT English? Do you want to be able to read technical documentation, write clear and concise emails, or give presentations in English? Once you know your goals, you can start to develop a plan to achieve them.
  2. Find the right resources. There are many resources available to help you learn IT English. You can find books, websites, online courses, and even apps that can help you improve your skills. Choose resources that are relevant to your needs and interests.
  3. Immerse yourself in the language. One of the best ways to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it. This means surrounding yourself with English as much as possible. You can do this by watching English-language movies and TV shows, listening to English music, and reading English books and articles.
  4. Practice regularly. The more you practice, the better you will become at speaking and understanding IT English. Try to find opportunities to practice every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. You can practice with friends, family, or online language partners.
  5. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes when they’re learning a new language. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and keep practicing. The more you practice, the less you will make mistakes.

Here are some additional tips that are specific to software engineers:

  • Learn the terminology. There is a lot of specialized terminology used in IT, so it’s important to learn the most common terms. You can find lists of IT terminology online or in books.
  • Read technical documentation. This is a great way to improve your understanding of IT English. When you read technical documentation, pay attention to the way the information is presented. How are the concepts explained? What kind of vocabulary is used?
  • Write clear and concise emails. Email is a common way of communication in the IT industry, so it’s important to be able to write clear and concise emails. When you write an email, make sure to use simple language and avoid jargon.
  • Give presentations. If you are required to give presentations in English, it’s important to practice your public speaking skills. You can practice by giving presentations to friends, family, or online language partners.

Learning IT English can be challenging, but it’s definitely worth it. By following these tips, you can improve your English skills and advance your career in the IT industry.

2. Tips on how to prepare for IELTS as a Chinese student

Here are some tips on how to prepare for IELTS as a Chinese student:

  1. Set realistic goals. Before you start preparing, it’s important to set realistic goals for yourself. What score do you need to achieve in order to be admitted to your chosen university or program? Once you know your goal, you can start to develop a study plan that will help you reach it.
  2. Do your research. There are a lot of resources available to help you prepare for IELTS. The official IELTS website has a wealth of information, including sample questions and practice tests. You can also find books, online courses, and tutoring services that can help you improve your English skills.
  3. Focus on your weaknesses. Once you’ve evaluated your strengths and weaknesses, you can start to focus your studies on the areas that need the most improvement. For example, if you’re struggling with listening comprehension, you can watch English-language movies and TV shows with subtitles. Or, if you’re having trouble with writing, you can start by writing short paragraphs and essays in English.
  4. Practice regularly. The more you practice, the better you’ll become at taking the IELTS test. Make sure to practice all four skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. You can find practice tests and exercises online or in books. Practice with past papers. One of the best ways to prepare for the IELTS test is to practice with past papers. This will give you a good idea of the types of questions that you will be asked and how long you will have to answer them. There are many resources available online and in libraries where you can find past IELTS papers. Get plenty of practice. The more practice you get, the better you will perform on the IELTS test. Make sure to practice regularly and to give yourself plenty of time to prepare.
  5. Take an IELTS preparation course. If you are serious about getting a good score on the IELTS test, you may want to consider taking an IELTS preparation course. There are many different courses available, both online and in person. A good course will provide you with the tools and strategies you need to succeed on the test.
  6. Take a mock test. Taking a mock test is a great way to see how you’re doing and identify any areas that need more work. You can find mock tests online or at your local library.
  7. Get feedback. Once you’ve taken a mock test, get feedback from a teacher or tutor. This will help you identify your weaknesses and develop a plan to improve your score.
  8. Stay positive. Preparing for IELTS can be challenging, but it’s important to stay positive. Don’t give up if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep practicing and you’ll eventually reach your goals.

Here are some additional tips that are specific to Chinese students:

  • Focus on your speaking skills. Chinese students often score lower on the speaking section of the IELTS test than on the other sections. This is because Chinese students are less familiar with the format of the speaking test and the types of questions that they will be asked. To improve your speaking skills, practice answering IELTS-style speaking questions with a native English speaker. You can also use a recording device to record yourself speaking and then listen back to your recordings to identify areas where you can improve.
  • Pay attention to pronunciation. Chinese speakers often have difficulty with English pronunciation. Make sure to practice pronouncing English words correctly. You can find pronunciation guides online or in books.
  • Focus on improving your listening and reading skills. Chinese students tend to score higher on the writing and speaking sections of the IELTS test than on the listening and reading sections. This is because Chinese students are more familiar with the written and spoken English that they encounter in their studies and in their daily lives. However, it is important to focus on improving your listening and reading skills in order to achieve a high overall score on the IELTS test.
  • Be familiar with the test format. The IELTS test is different from other English tests that you may have taken. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the test format so that you don’t get surprised on test day.
  • Be aware of cultural differences. The IELTS test is designed to assess your ability to communicate in an English-speaking environment. This means that you need to be aware of cultural differences between China and English-speaking countries. For example, in English-speaking countries, it is considered polite to make eye contact when you are speaking to someone. In China, however, it is considered rude to make direct eye contact with someone you do not know well. It is important to be aware of these cultural differences so that you can avoid making any faux pas during the IELTS test.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re struggling with any aspect of the IELTS test, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a teacher, tutor, or friend. There are also many online resources available that can help you with your preparation.
  • Get help from a native English speaker. If you have the opportunity, it can be helpful to get help from a native English speaker when you are preparing for IELTS. A native English speaker can give you feedback on your English skills and help you to identify areas where you need to improve.

I hope these tips help you on your journey to success in IELTS.

3. Learning English

3.1. symbols

!-Exclamation point
@-“At” sign
#-Number sign or Pound sign, depending upon context (or hash sign)
&-Technically called “ampersand,” most folks refer to it as “the ‘and’ sign”
[]-Brackets or square brackets
{}-Braces or curly brackets.
>-“Greater than” sign
<-“Lesser than” sign
!=-not equal to (/= or =
>=-greater than or equal to
<=-less than or equal to
/* */-Comment markers (In C, C++, Java) Lots of different types in other languages.
`-grave (is a grave accent when used as an accent or a backtick, when used alone.)
*-Asterisk (not “Asterix”, he’s a totally different character.)
--hyphen (there is also the ‘n-dash’ which is slightly longer and the ‘m-dash’ which is longer still)
-inverted comma or quotation mark - also used as an apostrophe
-inverted commas or quotation marks (if you really NEED to, you can call them ‘double quotes’)
/-slash, slant or stroke
?-question mark.
  • # hash or number symbol (when you want to abbreviate “We are Number ONE!” it’s “We are #1!”)
  • * is called an asterisk; although sometimes people will use the generic term “star.” When it is used in mathematical equations, people say “times.” Example 12*2=24 would be read out loud as: Twelve times two equals twenty-four.
  • Under_the_line, how do you say _ ?[/FONT][/SIZE] When a word or phrase appears like this, we say it is underlined. If we’re referring to the underline ____ by itself, it is usually referred to as an “underscore.”
  • " two dots over the word, and what it is called when a word is “within” ? Two dots over a letter (such as found in the Motley Crue logo) is called an umlaut. A word or phrase enclosed in " " is called a quotation or a quote. umlaut is also a diaresis.
  • %? That is a percent sign. If you’re reading it as a number, such as 25%, you’d say “twenty-five percent.”

Many modern typefaces do not have proper quotation marks - either single or double - they should look like commas. The sign is actually a mathematical symbol for “prime”.

3.2. terminology

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