Week6_3Machine Learning System Design

Week6_3Machine Learning System Design

第 1 题

You are working on a spam classification system using regularized logistic regression. “Spam” is a positive class (y = 1) and “not spam” is the negative class (y = 0). You have trained your classifier and there are m = 1000 examples in the cross-validation set. The chart of predicted class vs. actual class is:

Actual Class: 1Actual Class: 0
Predicted Class: 185
Predicted Class: 015

For reference:

  • Accuracy = (true positives + true negatives) / (total examples)
  • Precision = (true positives) / (true positives + false positives)
  • Recall = (true positives) / (true positives + false negatives)
  • F1 F 1 score = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
    What is the classifier’s recall (as a value from 0 to 1)?
    Enter your answer in the box below.
    If necessary, provide at least two values after the decimal point.

*     答案: 0.85 *
* 预测正确的数量是: 85+10=95 预测错误的是:890+15=905 **
* 查全率Recall = (true positives) / (true positives + false negatives) **
* true positives = 85 false negatives=15 **
* recall = 85/(85+15)=0.85 **

What is the classifier’s accuracy (as a value from 0 to 1)?

* classifier’s accuracy = (85+10)/1000=0.095 *

第 2 题

Suppose a massive dataset is available for training a learning algorithm. Training on a lot of data is likely to give good performance when two of the following conditions hold true.
Which are the two?

  • The features x contain sufficient information to predict y accurately. (For example, one
    way to verify this is if a human expert on the domain can confidently predict y when given only x).
  • We train a learning algorithm with a small number of parameters (that is thus unlikely to overfit).
  • We train a learning algorithm with a large number of parameters (that is able to learn/represent fairly complex functions).
  • We train a model that does not use regularization.

*     答案: 1 3 *
* 以下哪两种情况下, 当用更多的样本去训练时,会得出更好的结果. *
* 选项1: 给专家一个x feature就可以准确的预测出y. 即所选的特征x含有足够的信息来准确预测y,这感觉是废话. 正确 *
* 选项2: 只有少数参数的模型时会导致欠拟合,这时用更多的样本去训练也没有用. 不正确 *
* 选项3: 当使用大量数参数的模型时会导致过拟合,这时用更多的样本去训练会使过拟合减轻. 正确 *
* 选项4:使不使用正则化跟更多样本去训练没关系. *

  • We train a learning algorithm with a small number of parameters (that is thus unlikely to overfit).
  • When we are willing to include high order polynomial features of x (such as x12 x 2 1 , x22 x 2 2 , x1x2 x 1 x 2 , etc.).
  • The features x contain sufficient information to predict y accurately. (For example, one way to verify this is if a human expert on the domain can confidently predict y when given only x).
  • We train a learning algorithm with a large number of parameters (that is able to learn/represent fairly complex functions).
    *     答案: 3 4 *
    * 以下哪两种情况下, 当用更多的样本去训练时,会得出更好的结果. *
    * 选项1: 只有少数参数的模型时会导致欠拟合,这时用更多的样本去训练也没有用. 不正确 *
    * 选项2: 如果features太少,多加入polynomial features 也不能够完全模拟出训练样本的特征. 就像预测房价,只用房子面积这一个特征,再加上面积1次方,2次方组成的polynomial,就算训练样本再多,也不能预测出正确的房价. 不正确 *

第 3 题

Suppose you have trained a logistic regression classifier which is outputing hθ(x) h θ ( x ) .
Currently, you predict 1 if hθ(x)threshold h θ ( x ) ≥ threshold ,
and predict 0 if hθ(x)threshold h θ ( x ) ≥ threshold , where currently the threshold is set to 0.5.
Suppose you increase the threshold to 0.9. Which of the following are true? Check all that apply.

  • The classifier is likely to now have lower precision.
  • The classifier is likely to have unchanged precision and recall, but lower accuracy.
  • The classifier is likely to have unchanged precision and recall, but higher accuracy.
  • The classifier is likely to now have lower recall.

*     答案: 4 *
* threshold由0.5改变为0.9时,意思是:当 hθ(x)0.9 h θ ( x ) ≥ 0.9 时为1,有90%的把握时才为1,为1的精确度大大提高 *
* 选项1: 为1的精确为大大提高. 不正确 *
* 选项2: precision大大提高,而不是unchange. 不正确 *
* 选项3: precision大大提高,而不是unchange. 不正确 *
* 选项4: recall为降低. 正确 *

Suppose you decrease the threshold to 0.3. Which of the following are true? Check all that apply.

  • The classifier is likely to now have higher recall.
  • The classifier is likely to have unchanged precision and recall, but higher accuracy.
  • The classifier is likely to now have higher precision.
  • The classifier is likely to have unchanged precision and recall, but lower accuracy.

*     答案: 1 *

第 4 题

Suppose you are working on a spam classifier, where spam emails are positive examples (y=1) ( y = 1 ) and non-spam emails are
negative examples (y=0) ( y = 0 ) . You have a training set of emails in which 99% of the emails are non-spam and the other 1% is spam.
Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply.

  • A good classifier should have both a high precision and high recall on the cross validation set.
  • If you always predict non-spam (output y=0), your classifier will have 99% accuracy on the training set, and it will likely perform similarly on the cross validation set.
  • If you always predict non-spam (output y=0), your classifier will have an accuracy of 99%.
  • If you always predict non-spam (output y=0), your classifier will have 99% accuracy on the training set, but it will do much worse on the cross validation set because it has overfit the training data.

*     答案: 2 3–> 这个答案是错的,但没有看出哪个选项错了,又做了一遍 *
* 对垃圾邮件进行分类, 为垃圾邮件时y=1; 不为垃圾邮件时y=0; 样本中99%的是非垃圾邮件,1%为垃圾邮件. *
* 选项1: 吴课程举的例子,当预测癌症是90%以上时才报告为得了癌症,虽然有high precision but low recall 但是我们认为这是一个好的算法. 满足需求才是最好的. 不正确 *
* 选项2: 全都报0,训练时有99%的成功率; 因为cross也是99%的非垃圾邮件,所以成功率也是99%. 正确 *
* 选项3: 全都报0,训练时有99%的成功率;正确 *
* 选项4: overfit是不对的是underfit. 不正确 *
* 再次确认,感觉这个题应该选 1 2 3 –> 没有难证过,错了请指出 *

  • If you always predict spam (output y=1), your classifier will have a recall of 0% and precision of 99%.
  • If you always predict non-spam (output y=0), your classifier will have a recall of 0%.
  • If you always predict spam (output y=1), your classifier will have a recall of 100% and precision of 1%.
  • If you always predict non-spam (output y=0), your classifier will have an accuracy of 99%.
    *     答案: 2 3 4 –> 这个提交后是正确的 *
    * 对垃圾邮件进行分类, 为垃圾邮件时y=1; 不为垃圾邮件时y=0; 样本中99%的是非垃圾邮件,1%为垃圾邮件. *
    * 选项1: 全报1,全都是垃圾邮件,精确度为1%,而不是99%. 不正确 *
    * 选项2: 全都报0则true positives=0, recall=0,正确 *
    * 选项3: 全报1,全都是垃圾邮件,精确度为1%,recall=100%;正确 *
    * 选项4: 全报0,全都是非垃圾邮件,精确度99%. 正确 *

第 5 题

Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply.

  • It is a good idea to spend a lot of time collecting a large amount of data before building your first version of a learning algorithm.
  • On skewed datasets (e.g., when there are more positive examples than negative examples), accuracy is not a good measure of performance and you should instead use F1 score based on the precision and recall.
  • After training a logistic regression classifier, you must use 0.5 as your threshold for predicting whether an example is positive or negative.
  • Using a very large training set makes it unlikely for model to overfit the training data.
  • If your model is underfitting the training set, then obtaining more data is likely to help.

*     答案: 2 4 *
* 对垃圾邮件进行分类, 为垃圾邮件时y=1; 不为垃圾邮件时y=0; 样本中99%的是非垃圾邮件,1%为垃圾邮件. *
* 选项1: 先迅速的写出一个模型,然后通过刚写出的这个模型来作为基准分析. 而不是一上来就去收集大量数据,因为都不知道收集大量样本数据是否会对模型有用. 不正确 *
* 选项2: 当出现skewed datasets时,预测全为0或全为1似乎会得到一个很高的准确率,但是recall会很低,通过F1来检验模型是否有效. 正确 *
* 选项3: threshold=0.5, 不是强制性的,完全可以人为设置这个threshold,例如想要90%的把握癌症才通知病人,防止病人过度担心.这时把threshold=0.9是完全可以的. 不正确 *
* 选项4: 当出现overfiting时,增多样本是可以解决. 正确 *
* 选项5: 当出现underfiting时,再多的样本数据也没有用. 不正确 *





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