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原创 开始漫谈:CRM 2015

在过去的2014年里,随着从不同渠道时不时的释放的消息,把我们对于CRM 2015的期待一步步推向高潮,一个个华丽又实用的新功能,着实让人眼前一亮。Field Level SecurityRollup and Calculated FieldsHierarchical Security ModellingUpgrading from Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 to

2015-05-12 14:48:55 526

原创 开发拾遗篇:去除未使用的命名空间

Visual Studio 2012中使用如下步骤   Main Menu - On the Edit menu, point to IntelliSense, point to Organize Usings, and then click Remove Unused Usings. Context Menu - Right-click anywhere inside th

2015-05-12 14:12:20 490

原创 开发拾遗篇:安装VS2015


2015-05-12 14:06:49 454

原创 Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 0.1 - Error.ActionFailed Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.InstallDatabaseUpdatesAc

安装最新的Update 0.1(CRM2015-Server-KB3010990-ENU-amd64)之后,发生数据库无法更新的问题。重新访问CRM之后可以看到服务器已经被更新到7.0.1但数据库仍然停留在7.0.0.错误日志如下:Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Update Organization with Id=b4130b26-2e23-

2015-04-16 22:50:50 1391

原创 IE11 - Javascript 无法取得嵌套弹出框的返回值 - KB3008923

KB3008923 breaks window.dialogArguments in secondary windows最近发现客户报告CRM中开发的批量修改功能不能正常工作。经过调查发现,IE11发布的KB3008923导致无法取得window.returnvalue这样问题并不影响Chrome浏览器。但如果想要在IE11中继续正常使用功能,必须将此更新卸载。步骤如下:

2014-12-16 18:32:44 2789

原创 日立通过收购扩张其北美Dynamics CRM业务


2014-04-02 18:25:16 1534

原创 战舰的英文说法们

航空母舰:aircraft carrier战列舰:battleship ['bæt(ə)lʃɪp]重巡洋舰:heavy cruiser巡洋舰:cruiser ['kruːzə]驱逐舰:destroyer [dɪ'strɒɪə]护卫舰:frigate ['frɪgət]潜艇:submarine ['sʌbməriːn; sʌbmə'riːn]

2013-06-05 14:31:21 953

翻译 Negotiation - 04

Great, now you also need to understand the other party's position.That is, what exactly do they want and need?And what are they willing and unwilling to give up?To do this, you can try to get th

2013-03-06 09:16:21 530

翻译 Negotiation - 03

Of course, a lot of negotiating style comes down to culture. Germans, Koreans, Russians and Indians will all negotiate differently.So do a bit of research and find out how these groups typically a

2013-03-06 08:36:40 542

原创 Tracking e-mail options

MS CRM 2011 offers for options for tracking e-mail.1. All e-mail messagesThis option will track all e-mail. The major disadvantage with that is it can eliminate privacy and sometimes there are

2013-02-20 21:32:48 606

翻译 Negotiation - 02

So where do you start? Well, good preparation begins with learning about the other party. You want to understand their style, personality, and the way their groups work. And you also want to under

2013-02-18 20:59:17 304

翻译 Negotiation - 01

Negotiation is something we all have to do on some level.You might be a part of a team discussing a huge contract, or on the phone trying to get a good deal on office supplies, or in your manager's

2013-02-18 19:57:39 407

原创 OrgDBOrgSettings工具简介

2012-07-26 第四篇 OrgDBOrgSettings工具简介对于接触微软Dynamics CRM OnPremise比较早的人都有类似的经验,就是当微软发布新的产品更新的时候,对于一部分的功能或更新的打开或关闭,是通过注册表来控制的。这使得用户可以更灵活的根据目前本公司的实际情况来选择是否使用相关的更新。但随之而来的也带来了一些麻烦,对于那个年代的online来说,这种灵

2012-07-26 23:03:32 555

原创 CrmConnection类使用简介

2012-07-17 第三篇 CrmConnection class简介特点:凡是使用过ADO.NET的开发人员,都会对这种连接方式非常熟悉,使用连接字符串进行连接。将连接字符串保存在配置文件中,避免了硬编码的现象,同时使用加密和解密,也保障了敏感信息的安全性。典型使用方法:Namespace: Microsoft.Xrm.ClientAssembly: Micro

2012-07-19 10:58:59 1493

原创 CrmSvcUtil简介

北京的夏天果然来了,又闷又热不说,动不动就大暴雨还真不是闹着玩的。计划着在Chicken Run里面每天都写一篇新博客,至少坚持100天,用来总结接触Microsoft Dynamics CRM这几年来用的上的知识点,被大雨困在公司里,等到回家,“今天”剩下的时间也就不多了,今日事今日毕,得加快动作了。昨天的Custom Code Validation Tool作为第一篇,今天

2012-07-12 20:54:19 747

原创 CRM2011发布了用于验证自定义代码的工具(Custom Code Validation Tool)

由于Dynamics CRM 2011 R8(UR9) 中引入了跨浏览器的功能,在实现这项功能的过程中CRM开发团队引入了大量的代码修改,对于之前的Javascript在CRM中运行的机制,为了向其他主流浏览器进行靠拢,也不得不进行了必要的修改。比较常见的是,如之前大量使用的htc文件将不再存在(只有IE在使用htc),取而代之的是使用.js文件等;crmForm等在R8之后也不作为跨浏览

2012-07-09 23:30:44 691

转载 添加CRM Plugin Registration Tool到VS2010

具体步骤如下:STEP 1: Creation of an external toolIn Visual Studio 2010, Click on “Tools” menu, “External Tools …”.A pop-up appears, click Add button and enter the desired information.

2012-05-07 13:10:44 1010

原创 CRM Extensibilities -01- Solution

首先,什么是CRM解决方案?Solutions are howcustomizers and developers author, package, and maintain units of software thatextend Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.Customizers and d

2012-04-10 00:28:53 636

原创 Dynamics CRM: Sharing vs. Assigning Advanced Find Views

对于CRM中Asign和Share的区别,这是一个比较好的对比解释,简而言之,Asign使用于业务中的交接,Share体现于方法的共享,比如项目组内部数据的共享。Enjoy it I have received a lot of questions regarding Advanced Find views, both from blog viewers and cur

2012-03-06 17:36:40 418

转载 CRM 2011 Developer ToolKit

Recently Microsoft has developed Developer Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 that is integrated with Visual Studio to accelerate the development of custom code for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 so

2012-01-31 15:17:41 800

转载 Adding Outlook Contacts to Dynamics CRM 2011

This is a question that comes up time and again….. I recently imported an address book into my Outlook and I want to add some of these contacts to our CRM system. How do I do that efficiently?Here i

2012-01-09 14:34:59 811



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