Android keymaps


I recently bought a Bluetooth keyboard to use on Android; unfortunately some keys weren't recognised at all and others weren't quite mapped as I'd like. This is fairly easy to fix as an end user, as long as you have a rooted device (adb remount must succeed). Here's a quick howto, since I couldn't find one.

It shouldn't need saying, but you do this at your own risk. You can easily break your device's response to keys, and possibly make your device unbootable too if the file is invalid.

It's pretty much as described under Keymaps and Keyboard Input in the porting documentation. What we're going to do is edit one file: /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl. This file maps scancodes to Android keycodes. For example: key 30 A means scancode 30 (decimal) maps toKEYCODE_A (29), the A key. As the porting docs say, a separate Key Character Map file deals with what characters, if any (e.g. "a", "A", "#"), should be generated given the keycode and the state of the modifiers (Shift, Fn/Sym, etc). A different KCM can be loaded for Bluetooth keyboards depending on their device name, but at least by default, the same key layout file (including your changes) is used for Bluetooth and the built-in keyboard (if any).

So, first we need to fetch your current key layout, and it's a good idea to keep backups (both on the device and locally).

adb pull /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl qwerty.kl
cp qwerty.kl qwerty-orig.kl
adb shell cp /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl /sdcard/qwerty-orig.kl

Now, edit qwerty.kl as you like. It should look initially look similar to this Nexus One example. You might find it helpful at this point to see what scancodes your keyboard is sending. There really ought to be a tool for this in Dev Tools or Spare Parts, but it seems there isn't. I've made a dirt-simple app to show you KeyEvent.toString(), which was the work of 5 minutes and could certainly be improved.

My particular keyboard is a white roll-up 87-key variety, that you can still find on eBay. It has F-keys doubling as media keys: if you get this model, be aware that the Fn key is really F-lock (toggles the state rather than acting as a modifier). Here is my layout file in case it's helpful. This layout mostly follows the principle of least surprise, except that the button with "Home" printed on it is Call, to mirror "End" being Hangup. F1 with F-lock on (Home symbol) is the Android "Home" keycode (goes to the home screen).

Now copy the layout back onto the device:

adb remount
adb push qwerty.kl /system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl

(If the remount fails, you probably don't have a rooted device.) It seems you need to reboot for the changes to take effect, so go ahead and do that, and your keys should then behave as you've specified. :-)


key 1     BACK
key 41    GRAVE
# lower left
key 86    BACKSLASH
# print screen
key 99    CAMERA            WAKE
# home upper right
key 102   CALL              WAKE_DROPPED
# menu lower left
key 125   MENU
# menu upper right
key 126   MENU
# menu icon upper right corner
key 127   DPAD_CENTER
# fn F1
key 172   HOME              WAKE
# fn F4
key 156   STAR
# fn F5
# fn F6
key 163   MEDIA_NEXT        WAKE
# fn F7
# fn F8
key 166   MEDIA_STOP
# fn F11
key 113   MUTE
# fn F12 media
key 171   FOCUS
# pause break
# ins lower right
key 110   DPAD_CENTER
# del lower right
key 111   DEL

key 399   GRAVE
key 2     1
key 3     2
key 4     3
key 5     4
key 6     5
key 7     6
key 8     7
key 9     8
key 10    9
key 11    0
key 158   BACK              WAKE_DROPPED
key 230   SOFT_RIGHT        WAKE
key 60    SOFT_RIGHT        WAKE
key 107   ENDCALL           WAKE_DROPPED
key 62    ENDCALL           WAKE_DROPPED
key 229   MENU              WAKE_DROPPED
key 139   MENU              WAKE_DROPPED
key 59    MENU              WAKE_DROPPED
#key 127   SEARCH            WAKE_DROPPED
key 217   SEARCH            WAKE_DROPPED
key 228   POUND
key 227   STAR
key 231   CALL              WAKE_DROPPED
key 61    CALL              WAKE_DROPPED
key 108   DPAD_DOWN         WAKE_DROPPED
key 103   DPAD_UP           WAKE_DROPPED
#key 102   HOME              WAKE
key 105   DPAD_LEFT         WAKE_DROPPED
key 106   DPAD_RIGHT        WAKE_DROPPED
key 115   VOLUME_UP
key 114   VOLUME_DOWN
key 116   POWER             WAKE
key 212   CAMERA

key 16    Q
key 17    W
key 18    E
key 19    R
key 20    T
key 21    Y
key 22    U
key 23    I
key 24    O
key 25    P
key 26    LEFT_BRACKET
key 43    BACKSLASH

key 30    A
key 31    S
key 32    D
key 33    F
key 34    G
key 35    H
key 36    J
key 37    K
key 38    L
key 39    SEMICOLON
key 40    APOSTROPHE
key 14    DEL
key 44    Z
key 45    X
key 46    C
key 47    V
key 48    B
key 49    N
key 50    M
key 51    COMMA
key 52    PERIOD
key 53    SLASH
key 28    ENTER
key 56    ALT_LEFT
key 100   ALT_RIGHT
key 42    SHIFT_LEFT
key 54    SHIFT_RIGHT
key 15    TAB
key 57    SPACE
key 150   EXPLORER
key 155   ENVELOPE        

key 12    MINUS
key 13    EQUALS
key 215   AT


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