

Anyone that keeps up with the robot world can instantly recognize Boston Dynamics’ one of a kind Spot. The dog-like, four-legged robot has quickly risen to prominence thanks to its intelligent features and sort-of cute aesthetic. Of course, some would more quickly relate it to something out of a “Black Mirror” episode.

任何了解机器人世界的人都可以立即识别出波士顿动力公司的同类产品之一。 像狗一样的四足机器人由于其智能功能和可爱的美感而Swift崛起。 当然,有些人会更快地将其与“黑镜”情节中的某些东西联系起来。

Although Spot has now been around for several years, the quadruped bot is finally on sale to the general public. It retails for $74,500 (about the price of a luxury Tesla Model S). Despite the hefty sum, Boston Dynamics assures its customers that they are getting the most advanced mobile robot in the world.

尽管Spot现在已经存在了几年,但四足机器人最终还是向公众出售 。 它的零售价为74,500美元(约合豪华特斯拉Model S的价格)。 尽管资金庞大,但波士顿动力向其客户保证,他们将获得世界上最先进的移动机器人。

带回家 (Bring Spot Home)

Last year, Boston Dynamics started leasing Spot units to select businesses. This helped it continue to test the robot in the real-world. The decision to let firms purchase their own bots comes shortly after Spot received a major update.

去年,Boston Dynamics开始租赁Spot部门以选择企业。 这有助于它继续在现实世界中测试机器人。 Spot收到重大更新后不久,就决定让公司购买自己的机器人。

The Boston Dynamics team recently completed Spot 2.0, a software update that allows the bot to move more autonomously and improves its navigation features. Notably, the team completed the update while working from home with their own Spot units.

波士顿动力团队最近完成了Spot 2.0,这是一个软件更新,它使机器人可以更自主地移动并改善其导航功能。 值得注意的是,团队在与自己的Spot单位在家工作时完成了更新。

Thanks to Spot’s enhanced mobility, the robot is a fit for just about any work environment. Boston Dynamics’ lead robotics engineer, Zack Jackowski, says, “We mostly sell the robot to industrial and commercial customers who have a sensor they want to take somewhere they don’t want a person to go.”

由于Spot的增强的移动性,该机器人几乎适合任何工作环境。 波士顿动力公司的首席机器人工程师Zack Jackowski :“我们主要将机器人出售给拥有传感器的工商业客户,他们希望将其带到不希望有人去的地方。”

He adds, “Usually because it’s dangerous or because they need to do it so often that it would drive someone mad. Like carrying a camera around a factory 40 times a day and taking the same pictures each time.”

他补充说:“通常是因为这样做很危险,或者因为他们经常这样做,以致使某人发疯。 就像每天在工厂里携带相机40次,每次都拍摄相同的照片一样。”

The four-legged robot can be customized with almost any sensor that exists today to perform a dizzying array of tasks.


So far, some of those jobs include things like 3D mapping of construction sites, hunting for machine faults, triaging COVID-19 patients, and even serving with a police bomb squad.

到目前为止,其中一些工作包括建筑工地的3D映射 ,寻找机器故障, 对COVID-19患者进行分类 ,甚至与警察炸弹小队一起工作。

先进的机器人 (Advanced Robotics)

Moving forward, Boston Dynamics plans to continue upgrading Spot as it receives feedback from customers. It is also working on a feature that will give prospective customers an up-close and personal experience with the four-legged bot.

展望未来,Boston Dynamics计划在收到客户反馈后继续升级Spot。 它还正在开发一项功能,该功能将为潜在客户提供使用四足机器人的近距离个人体验。

A demo version of the remote teleoperation feature will allow potential customers to test drive Spot through a robot assault course in the Boston Dynamics headquarters. Since travel and face-to-face interaction are currently limited by the COVID-19 pandemic, this is an invaluable resource.

远程远程操作功能的演示版将允许潜在客户通过位于波士顿动力总部的机器人突击课程来测试Spot硬盘。 由于旅行和面对面的互动目前受到COVID-19大流行的限制,因此这是一种宝贵的资源。

“Some of the customers we’re speaking to are in ‘shut up and take my money’ mode. But other say, ‘I’m interested in Spot, but I want to come to your lab and drive a robot or for you to come visit me,’” says Michael Perry, Boston Dynamics’ vice president of business development.

“我们正在与之交谈的一些客户处于“关闭并拿走我的钱”模式。 但是还有人说:“我对Spot感兴趣,但是我想去您的实验室并驾驶机器人,或者让您来拜访我,” Boston Dynamics业务开发副总裁Michael Perry

As for those who are concerned about Spot being used for evil, Boston Dynamics has a plan. The firm will enforce a code of use for its robot. It includes not being able to use weaponized attachments that can “ harm or intimidate people.”

对于那些担心将Spot用于邪恶的人,Boston Dynamics有一个计划。 公司将为其机器人强制执行使用守则。 其中包括无法使用会“ 伤害或恐吓人 ”的武器附件。

Unfortunately, there isn’t a real way to get around that. A person could easily violate the code after purchasing a unit.

不幸的是,没有真正的方法可以解决这个问题。 购买单位后,一个人很容易违反守则。

In that case, Perry says, “If there’s a harmful use, then the license would be invalidated, and the customer wouldn’t be able to use the robot. But obviously, there’s not a lot that we can do ahead of time beyond validating that the purchase is valid, and that the person buying the robot is not on the Department of Commerce watch list or anything along those lines.”

在这种情况下,佩里说:“如果存在有害用途,则许可证将失效,客户将无法使用机器人。 但是显然,除了确认购买是否有效以及购买机器人的人不在美国商务部的监视清单或类似的东西之列之外,我们还有很多事要做。

Technically, Spot is no more dangerous than a wheeled delivery robot. People simply seem to fear it because of its unique movements.

从技术上讲,Spot并不比轮式配送机器人危险。 人们似乎只是因为它独特的动作而害怕它。

拥抱角色 (Embracing a Role)

Many people hold concerns that a quadruped like Spot could be used by law enforcement for jobs other than the bomb squad. While Boston Dynamics hasn’t ruled out selling its bot to security firms or law enforcement agencies, it doesn’t foresee a future where that becomes popular.

许多人担心,像Spot这样的四足动物可能会被执法部门用于炸弹小队以外的工作。 尽管波士顿动力公司不排除将其机器人出售给安全公司或执法机构的可能性,但它并没有预见到这种机器人会流行的未来。

That’s mostly due to Spot’s size. “It is a 30-kilogram robot that can easily be knocked over,” Perry says. Relative to its cost, Spot just isn’t worth it for jobs that put it in danger of being incapacitated.

这主要是由于Spot的大小。 佩里说:“这是一个30公斤重的机器人,很容易被撞倒。” 相对于其成本,Spot对于那些有丧失工作能力危险的工作来说是不值得的。

There is, however, undeniably a market for the robot.


Perry notes, “We get a lot of requests for stuff that is really, really exciting. But a lot of the most interesting stuff from a business perspective are things that people would find boring, like enabling the robot to read analog gauges in an industrial facility.”

佩里指出:“我们收到了很多非常令人兴奋的东西要求。 但是从业务角度来看,很多最有趣的东西是人们会觉得无聊的事情,例如使机器人能够读取工业设施中的模拟仪表。”

Although that isn’t the most exciting use for a four-legged robot, it is certainly impactful. For many businesses, having a robot that can take care of mundane tasks efficiently and effectively is invaluable.

尽管对于四足机器人而言,这并不是最令人兴奋的用途,但它无疑是有效的。 对于许多企业而言,拥有可以高效,高效地完成日常任务的机器人具有无价之宝。

关键时刻 (Moment of Truth)

In the robot world, Spot is essentially a celebrity. Though there are bots with millions of sales, few are as well-known as this four-legged one. Despite that, it is still a limited product. At this point, Boston Dynamics has leased just 150 units to customers. Thanks to the coronavirus, it is on track to miss its production target of 1,000 units this year. Perry notes that the firm will hit its target by Q1 2021.

在机器人世界中,Spot本质上是名人。 尽管有机器人的销售量达数百万,但很少有人能像这四足机器人一样出名。 尽管如此,它仍然是有限的产品。 目前,波士顿动力公司仅向客户出租了150套公寓。 由于冠状病毒,它有望实现今年的1,000台生产目标。 佩里指出,该公司将在2021年第一季度实现目标。

At least to start, sales will be limited to two Spot units at a time and larger orders will be discussed individually.


As it ramps up its plans to sell Spot commercially, Boston Dynamics is focusing on doing things differently. It’s clear that Spot both looks and feels like a commercial product. Selling the quadruped is a big test not only for the bot but for its maker. It will be very exciting to see what companies do with Spot in the next few years.

随着加大其商业销售Spot计划的速度,Boston Dynamics专注于以不同的方式做事。 很明显,Spot的外观和感觉都像是一种商业产品。 出售四足动物不仅对机器人而且对制造商都是一个巨大的考验。 看到公司在接下来的几年中将如何使用Spot将会非常令人兴奋。

Originally published at https://www.theburnin.com on June 16, 2020.

最初于 2020年6月16日 发布在 https://www.theburnin.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/boston-dynamics-spot-robot-is-finally-on-sale-to-the-public-e41f411e5ae6






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