

AI has become the face of modern computing and why not? Today, everyone uses services that are monitored or run by AI. Search systems, recommendations, gaming, health care, predictions, robotics, NLP, etc are some of the numerous AI applications we use.

人工智能已经成为现代计算机的代名词,为什么不呢? 今天,每个人都使用由AI监视或运行的服务。 搜索系统,推荐,游戏,医疗保健,预测,机器人技术,NLP等都是我们使用的众多AI应用程序中的一些。

Since the early 19th century, we have been into developing programmable computers. The first major contribution towards developing computers was made by Charles Babbage, the “father of the computer”, who invented the first mechanical computer. Two centuries later, we have CPUs the size of fingernails. Computers perform logical operations, complex computations, have the best accuracy in performing tasks and have been through evolution, just like us. The only aspect that sets us apart is Intelligence — the ability to think, learn and solve problems, make decisions through experiences and calculations, react to uncertain and new events. Bridging this gap would transform life on the face of this planet.

自19世纪初期以来,我们一直致力于开发可编程计算机。 “计算机之父”查尔斯·巴贝奇(Charles Babbage)发明了第一台机械计算机,为开发计算机做出了第一个重大贡献。 两个世纪后,我们拥有了指甲大小的CPU。 像我们一样,计算机执行逻辑运算,复杂的计算,在执行任务时具有最高的准确性,并且经历了进化。 使我们与众不同的唯一方面是智力—思考,学习和解决问题,通过经验和计算做出决策,对不确定的事件和新事件做出React的能力。 弥合这种差距将改变这个星球上的生活。

定义 (Definition)

  • Artificial Intelligence is the ability of machines to independently display human-like intelligence in making decisions, perceiving the environment, interpreting it and acting accordingly.


There are numerous definitions of AI. However, everything comes down to decision making, human-like behaviour and learning.

关于AI有很多定义。 但是,一切都取决于决策,类人的行为和学习。

The high throughput and computing capability of computers coupled with AI would lead machines to mimic natural intelligence and solve complex problems in a better way than us.


分类 (Classifications)

There are two main classifications:


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1型 (Type-1)

This classification is based on the capability of AI.


—窄AI (— Narrow AI)

Narrow AI or Weak AI is both the most limited and the most common of the three types of AI. It’s also known as narrow AI or artificial narrow intelligence (ANI). It refers to any AI tool that focuses on doing one task really well. It has a narrow scope of what it can do, hence the name. The idea behind weak AI isn’t to mimic or replicate human intelligence. Rather, it’s to simulate human behavior. They carry out tasks they are programmed to do.

窄AI或弱AI是这三种类型的AI中最有限和最常见的。 它也被称为狭义AI或人工智能。 它指的是专注于真正完成一项任务的任何AI工具。 它的作用范围狭窄,因此得名。 弱AI背后的想法不是模仿或复制人类智能。 而是模拟人类行为。 他们执行计划执行的任务。

A common misconception about weak AI is that it’s barely intelligent at all. But even the smartest seeming AI of today are only weak AI. In reality, it is very intelligent at completing the specific tasks it’s programmed to do.

关于弱AI的一个普遍误解是,它一点都不聪明。 但是,即使是当今看来最聪明的AI,也只能是弱AI。 实际上,在完成其编程要完成的特定任务时非常聪明。

Examples: iPhone’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana etc.

例如 :iPhone的Siri,亚马逊的Alexa,微软的Cortana等。

—通用AI (— General AI)

General AI is the concept of a machine with general intelligence that mimics human intelligence and behavior. It solves problems by the ability to learn and apply intelligence and can think, understand, and act in a way that is indistinguishable from that of a human under any given situation.

通用AI是具有通用智能的机器的概念,该机器模仿人类的智能和行为。 它通过学习和运用智慧的能力来解决问题,并且能够以在任何给定情况下都无法与人类区别开来的方式思考,理解和行动。

AI researchers and scientists are yet to achieve general AI. To succeed, we would need to find a way to make machines conscious, programming a full set of cognitive abilities. Machines would have to take experiential learning to the next level, not just improving efficiency on singular tasks, but gaining the ability to apply experiential knowledge to a wider range of different problems.

AI研究人员和科学家尚未达到通用AI。 为了获得成功,我们需要找到一种使机器具有意识的方法,对全套认知能力进行编程。 机器将必须将体验式学习提高到一个新的水平,不仅要提高单项任务的效率,还要获得将体验式知识应用于更广泛的不同问题的能力。

Examples: None. Yet to be achieved

示例 :无。 尚未实现

-强大的AI (— Strong AI)

Strong AI is a hypothetical AI that doesn’t just mimic or understand human intelligence and behavior. It is where machines become self-aware and surpass human intelligence and ability.

强大的AI是一种假设的AI,它不仅模仿或理解人类的智力和行为。 在这里,机器变得具有自我意识并超越了人类的智慧和能力。

This concept has been depicted very well in science fiction in which robots overrun, overthrow, and/or enslave humanity. The concept here sees AI evolve to be so akin to human emotions and experiences, that it doesn’t just understand them, it evokes emotions, needs, beliefs and desires of its own.

这个概念在科幻小说中得到了很好的描述,在科幻小说中,机器人使人类无法控制,颠覆和/或奴役人类。 此处的概念使AI演变成类似于人类的情感和体验,以至于不仅理解它们,而且还唤起了自身的情感,需求,信念和欲望。

Examples: None. Too far away.

示例 :无。 太远了。

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2型 (Type 2)

This classification is based on the functionality of AI.


—React机 (— Reactive Machines)

These machines react on a present moment basis and have no memory or learning from past experiences in order to make present decisions. IBM’s chess-playing supercomputer Deep Blue, which beat international grandmaster Garry Kasparov in the late 1990s, is the perfect example of this type of machine.

这些机器在当前时刻做出React,没有记忆或无法从过去的经验中吸取教训,无法做出当前的决定。 IBM的国际象棋超级计算机Deep Blue在1990年代后期击败了国际大师Garry Kasparov,便是此类机器的完美典范。

Examples: Deep Blue, AlphaGo

示例 :深蓝色,AlphaGo

—有限内存AI (— Limited Memory AI)

Machines with limited memory AI use past experiences to make future decisions. They work on drawing relevant information from surroundings, processing it and making informed decisions. Self-driving cars do this already. They observe other cars’ speed and direction, curvature of the road, terrain and monitors them over time. Before making a move, analysis with respect to all the above is done and decision is evaluated.

具有有限存储AI的机器会利用过去的经验来制定未来的决策。 他们致力于从周围环境中获取相关信息,进行处理并做出明智的决定。 自动驾驶汽车已经做到了这一点。 他们观察其他汽车的速度和方向,道路曲率,地形并随时间监视它们。 在采取行动之前,必须对上述所有方面进行分析并评估决策。

Example: Self-driving cars, digital assistants (Siri, Cortana, Google assistant)

示例 :自动驾驶汽车,数字助手(Siri,Cortana,Google助手)

—人工智能理论 (— Theory of mind AI)

Theory of mind reacts according to human thoughts and emotions. It involves the idea that people, creatures and objects in the world have thoughts and emotions that affect their decisions. These machines understand our thought process, emotions, beliefs and expectations and make human-like decisions while also interacting socially.

心智理论根据人类的思想和情感做出React。 它涉及这样一个思想,即世界上的人,生物和物体具有影响其决策的思想和情感。 这些机器了解我们的思维过程,情感,信念和期望,并在做出人性化决策的同时还进行社交互动

Example: None

示例 :无

—自我意识AI (— Self-Awareness AI)

These machines have consciousness. They are aware of themselves, know about their internal states, and are able to predict the feelings of others. At this stage, the machines not only master the human abilities but surpass them.

这些机器有意识。 他们了解自己,了解自己的内部状态,并能够预测他人的感受。 在这个阶段,机器不仅掌握了人类的能力,而且超越了他们。

Example: None. Far away.

示例:无。 离这很远。

实施和用例 (Implementation and use cases)

AI is implemented in many ways and can be incorporated in systems depending on the task it specializes in.


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—机器学习 (— Machine Learning)

Machine Learning is a part of AI that learns from the data and works on information gathered from previous experiences. It is a simple concept where the machine takes data and learns on certain tasks to maximize the performance of the machine on this task. ML allows the system to learn new things from data.

机器学习是AI一部分,它可以从数据中学习并处理从以前的经验中收集的信息。 这是一个简单的概念,其中计算机获取数据并学习某些任务,以最大限度地提高计算机在此任务上的性能。 ML允许系统从数据中学习新事物。

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are buzz words today. These terms are often used interchangeably. However, there is a stark difference between the two. ML is a subset of AI.

如今,机器学习和人工智能已成为流行语。 这些术语经常互换使用。 但是,两者之间存在明显差异。 ML是AI的子集。

—自然语言处理(NLP) (— Natural Language Processing(NLP))

Natural Language Processing is defined as the understanding and interpretation of natural languages such as speech and text by machines. One of the well-known examples of this is communication with digital assistants and email spam detection.

自然语言处理被定义为机器对自然语言(例如语音和文本)的理解和解释。 众所周知的例子之一是与数字助理的通信和电子邮件垃圾邮件检测。

The machine is able to categorize and understand grammar, phrases, connotations, meanings, linguistics and then process all of them to generate informed decisions.


—演讲 (— Speech)

Speech is more of a subset of NLP that focuses on converting between text and speech. Due to the complexity of this process, it is usually referred to as a totally different use case of AI.

语音更多是NLP的子集,其重点是在文本和语音之间进行转换。 由于此过程的复杂性,通常将其称为完全不同的AI用例。

- 专业系统 (— Expert system)

Expert systems are computer applications developed to solve complex problems in a particular domain, at the level of extra-ordinary human intelligence and expertise. It uses efficient procedures and rules, specific to the domain, and deduces a correct, flawless solution. Expert systems are capable of advising and instructing and assisting humans in decision making.

专家系统是为解决特定领域中非凡的人类智能和专业知识水平的复杂问题而开发的计算机应用程序。 它使用特定于该领域的有效程序和规则,并推导出正确,完美的解决方案。 专家系统能够建议和指导并协助人类做出决策。

Robots are artificial agents acting in a real-world environment.


—机器人技术 (— Robotics)

Robotics is a branch of AI, which is composed of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science for designing, construction, and application of robots. It is aimed at manipulating the objects by perceiving, picking, moving and modifying its physical properties.

机器人技术是AI的一个分支,由电气工程,机械工程和计算机科学组成,用于机器人的设计,构造和应用。 它旨在通过感知,拾取,移动和修改其物理属性来操纵对象。

Robots are often used to perform tasks that are difficult for humans to perform or perform consistently. Examples include car assembly lines, in hospitals, office cleaner, serving foods, and preparing foods in hotels, patrolling farm areas and even as police officers.

机器人通常用于执行人类难以执行或难以持续执行的任务。 这样的例子包括汽车装配线,医院中的清洁工,办公室清洁人员,提供食物,在旅馆,巡逻农场地区甚至当警官时准备食物。

—愿景 (— Vision)

Computer vision is a field that enables the machines to see, identify, process, perceive and generate conclusions. CV captures and analyses visual information using a camera and is not bound by the human limitation, thus it can see through wavelengths of light the naked eye cannot.

计算机视觉是使机器能够查看,识别,处理,感知和生成结论的领域。 CV使用摄像头捕获和分析视觉信息,不受人为限制,因此它可以通过肉眼无法看到的波长看到光。

ML老板房间 (ML bosses the room)

Even though the subfields are discretely labeled above, everything is somewhere related to ML, with NLP having the smallest share.


开始创建AI❗️❗️❗️ (Start creating AI❗️❗️❗️)

Even though we are at the initial steps of the AI ladder, current technologies are overwhelmingly yielding the desired results and it is nothing less than a charm to be able to create them. The only things that are required to work on AI are logic and the ability to code it.

即使我们处于AI阶梯的起步阶段,当前的技术仍能以绝对优势产生所需的结果,并且能够创造这些正是魅力所在。 从事AI所需的唯一工作就是逻辑和对其进行编码的能力。

Prerequisites for working on AI: Fundamental knowledge of a programming language(python), a computer, internet connection, dedication and time.

从事AI的先决条件 :基本的编程语言(python),计算机,互联网连接,奉献精神和时间知识。

您可以与其他博客一起关注AI的全部动手经验。 (You can follow along with my other blogs for a total hands-on experience with AI.)

Cheers!!!!! 🙌

干杯!!!!! 🙌

进一步阅读: (Further Reading:)



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