

Over 100 000 viewers patiently awaited the Neuralink demo on the YouTube Livestream. The company, founded in 2017 by Elon Musk, promised to innovate neuroscience by creating a machine interface for the brain. What does this mean for humanity?

Ø版本100名000观众耐心等待的Neuralink在YouTube即时串流演示。 该公司由埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)于2017年创立,承诺通过创建大脑的机器接口来创新神经科学。 这对人类意味着什么?

A fascinating article written on the blog Wait But Why goes into the potential challenges and implications of such a device. Musk’s business model focuses on creating a match to ignite a new industry. SpaceX creates a cheaper way to send rockets to space that will hopefully fuel cheaper space exploration in the future. Tesla creates electrical vehicles that will hopefully fuel a profitable but sustainable manufacturing paradigm for the future.

在博客上写的一篇引人入胜的有趣文章, 但是为什么 涉及这种设备的潜在挑战和含义。 马斯克的商业模式着眼于创造一场比赛来点燃一个新行业。 SpaceX创建了一种将火箭发送到太空的更便宜的方式,有望在将来为更便宜的太空探索提供动力。 特斯拉制造的电动汽车有望为未来带来有利可图但可持续的制造范例。

After more than half an hour of waiting for the demo, the livestream kicked off. Though skeptical, I was waiting to see a magnificent brain-computer interface in action. A neuroscientist can dream!

在等待了半个多小时的演示之后,直播开始了。 尽管持怀疑态度,但我仍在等待看到功能强大的脑机接口。 神经科学家可以梦想!

The Neuralink logo appeared front and centre. The logo transitioned into a sleek, exciting video showing researchers hard at work designing what is supposed to be this revolutionary device. As the video ended, the Neuralink logo reappeared on the screen briefly, before switching to a live demonstration. It was just last year that the founder of the company, Elon Musk, hoped to start clinical trials in 2020. How would Musk top that reveal this time around?

Neuralink徽标出现在前面和中间。 徽标变成了一个流畅,令人兴奋的视频,向研究人员展示了他们正在努力设计这种革命性设备的努力。 视频结束时,Neuralink徽标短暂出现在屏幕上,然后切换到现场演示。 只是在去年 ,该公司的创始人埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)希望在2020年开始临床试验。

期待已久的演示 (The Much-Awaited Demo)

Musk began by discussing disorders of the brain, including depression, memory loss and stroke. Mentioning that the brain uses electrical signals, he claimed that targeted brain-stimulation allowed the treatment of these diseases. Certainly an ambitious blue-sky goal!

麝香首先讨论脑部疾病,包括抑郁,记忆力减退和中风。 在提到大脑使用电信号时,他声称针对性的大脑刺激可以治疗这些疾病。 当然是一个雄心勃勃的蓝天目标!

This model of disease neglects the crucial role of brain vasculature in stroke or memory loss. It didn’t account for the immune cells of the brain, genetic and metabolic components of these diseases or the psychosocial factors that also contribute. Many of these diseases are multifactorial, involving the interplay of multiple environmental conditions and brain regions.

这种疾病模型忽略了脑血管在中风或记忆丧失中的关键作用。 它没有考虑到大脑的免疫细胞,这些疾病的遗传和代谢成分或也有影响的社会心理因素。 这些疾病中有许多是多因素的,涉及多种环境条件和大脑区域的相互作用。

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Screenshot from the livestream 直播截图

The Utah Array can record brain signals from 100 different channels in humans, but it’s quite large and invasive to install. It’s used solely for medical research in humans because of those limitations. Musk then transitions to talking about current medical technology, used for the therapeutic treatment of brain disorders. He describes Deep-Brain Stimulation as the brain-equivalent of kicking the TV to make it work.

犹他州阵列可以记录来自人类100个不同通道的大脑信号,但是它非常大且具有侵入性。 由于这些限制,它只能用于人体医学研究。 然后,马斯克转而谈论当前用于治疗脑部疾病的医学技术。 他将深脑刺激描述为相当于踢电视使之正常工作的大脑

In Parkinson’s Disease, brain cells involved in modulating motor movement begin to die, which messes with the circuitry in the area. Deep-brain stimulation, while extremely expensive, can provide a jolt to reset this current. It’s a bulky brain-implanted pacemaker with a limited-lifespan but, it is effective in over a hundred thousand people. Musk is correct in stating that it cannot read or write data. It can’t tell you about the state of the brain in the patient or record neural activity to be analyzed later on a computer.

在帕金森氏症中,参与调节运动的脑细胞开始死亡,这使该区域的电路混乱。 深脑刺激虽然非常昂贵,但会产生震动以重置此电流。 它是一个体积庞大的大脑植入式起搏器,使用寿命有限,但对十万多人有效。 Musk指出它无法读取或写入数据是正确的。 它无法告诉您患者大脑的状态,也无法记录神经活动以供稍后在计算机上进行分析。

Updated since last summer, Musk presents a stylish diagram of the new Neuralink design. A small coin that sits on the surface of the outer layer of the brain, called the cerebral cortex. It is wirelessly recharged at night to give a full day’s worth of functionality in the morning.

从去年夏天开始进行更新,马斯克展示了新Neuralink设计的时尚示意图。 坐在大脑外层表面的小硬币,称为大脑皮层。 它在晚上进行无线充电,以在早晨提供一整天的功能。

Musk then showed an impressive-looking robot that performed surgery to implant these Neuralink chips. Since the device is so small, it’s difficult for a surgeon to insert the chip without damaging the brain. The tiny electrodes could otherwise damage parts of the brain vasculature or puncture the brain itself. He hopes the robot could seamlessly install the chip within an hour under general anesthesia.

然后,马斯克展示了一个外观精美的机器人,该机器人进行了手术以植入这些Neuralink芯片。 由于设备非常小,因此外科医生很难在不损害大脑的情况下插入芯片。 否则,微小的电极可能会损坏部分大脑血管或刺穿大脑本身。 他希望机器人可以在全身麻醉下在一小时内无缝安装芯片。

Then came the exciting demonstration of the Neuralink device in action! After some coaxing Gertrude, the adorable pig emerged from her pen. Musk revealed that she was the recipient of a Neuralink implant. The large screen above the pigpen showed live neural recordings as the pig moved. While I absolutely adore pigs, last year’s demonstration claimed the device allowed a monkey to control a computer.

然后是激动人心的Neuralink设备演示! 哄了一下格特鲁德之后,那只可爱的猪从笔中出来了。 马斯克透露,她是Neuralink植入物的接受者。 猪栏上方的大屏幕显示了猪移动时的实时神经记录。 当我绝对崇拜猪时,去年的演示声称该设备允许猴子控制计算机。

Another pig roamed her pen, shown to have had the device implanted and removed. Musk boasted about long-term safety even though the pigs only had the device inserted for two months. He did not justify this claim with any other behavioural or immunological data in the presentation.

另一只猪在她的钢笔上漫游,显示已植入并移除了该设备。 麝香吹嘘长期安全,即使猪只插入了两个月的设备。 他没有用演示中的任何其他行为或免疫学数据证明这一说法的合理性。

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Screenshot of the reveal 显示的屏幕截图

Ending the demonstration Musk emphasized it as a vehicle for further recruitment as Neuralink geared itself up for an FDA-approved trial. The talk then proceeded to a Question and Answers session, where questions from Twitter users would be answered by the team.

示威结束时,马斯克强调,这是Neuralink为FDA批准的试验做好准备的进一步招募工具。 然后,讨论进入了问答环节,该团队将回答来自Twitter用户的问题。

What troubled me is the lack of published data coming out of Neuralink. The standard across science is collecting and analyzing data from experiments, writing up a manuscript with this data, describing the methods used and publishing it for other scientists to take a look. This transparency is important because sometimes scientists might see something cool in the data that the original authors of paper may have missed, or they might pick up on mistakes or flaws.

让我感到困扰的是,Neuralink缺少发布的数据。 跨科学的标准是收集和分析来自实验的数据,用这些数据编写一份手稿,描述所使用的方法,并将其发布给其他科学家查看。 这种透明性很重要,因为有时候科学家可能会看到原始论文作者可能遗漏的数据中很酷的东西,或者他们可能会发现错误或缺陷。

问答环节的重点 (Key Takeaways From the Q and A)

  • Very few questions about the efficacy or novelty of the showcase were asked.

  • Each of the 1024 electrodes of the chip predicts/detects spike waves or electrical signals from the brain, as well as live-time filtering. While the raw information can’t be sent out to Bluetooth, this filtered data is sent out.

    芯片的1024个电极中的每一个都可以预测/检测来自大脑的尖峰波或电信号,以及实时过滤。 虽然原始信息无法发送到蓝牙,但已过滤的数据已发送出去。
  • Neuralink has received designation as an FDA Breakthrough Device. They aim to run a trial, at some point, that would translate thoughts in paralyzed individuals into a computer screen. There is nothing new here, as this has been previously demonstrated by others. The FDA approval is a little surprising though, since the flexible polymers reportedly used in the device haven’t been proven to last a decade within the human body. It’s unclear whether the company switched to a different kind of polymer with more safety data.

    Neuralink已被指定为FDA突破性设备。 他们的目的是在某个时候进行试验,将瘫痪者的想法转换成计算机屏幕。 这里没有新内容,因为其他人先前已经证明了这一点。 FDA的批准有点令人惊讶,因为据报道,该设备中使用的柔性聚合物尚未在人体中使用十年 。 目前尚不清楚该公司是否改用具有更多安全性数据的另一种聚合物。

  • Some questions focused on the speculative abilities of Neuralink, such as its uses in video games like Starcraft or telepathically summoning a Tesla.

    一些问题集中在Neuralink的投机能力上,例如它在诸如《 星际争霸》这样的视频游戏中的使用或心灵感应地召唤特斯拉。

Most of the questions focused on the technical aspects of the Neuralink rather than how it would interact with human neurobiology.


Despite making many claims, and answering many technical questions, Neuralink did not demonstrate much of what it aimed to do. Two months is not a sufficient timeframe to show safety.

尽管提出了许多主张并回答了许多技术问题,但Neuralink并没有证明它打算做什么。 两个月不足以显示安全性。

缠绵的问题 (Lingering Questions)

除了记录外,他们是否还有使用该设备刺激特定神经元组的数据? 如果是这样,它与现有技术相比如何? (Do they have data using the device to stimulate specific groups of neurons in addition to recording? If so, how does it compare to available technology?)

After all, researchers have already developed a small device, neural dust, that both sends and receives signals, while implanted within the nervous system. Not only have studies using this device been peer-reviewed and published, but it also has more functionality than the Neuralink prototype.

毕竟,研究人员已经开发出一种小型装置,即神经尘埃 ,它既可以发送信号也可以在植入神经系统内时接收信号。 使用此设备的研究不仅经过同行评审和发表,而且比Neuralink原型具有更多的功能。

治疗非本地化疾病或病症(例如抑郁症)的理论框架是什么? (What is the theoretical framework for treating non-localized diseases or disorders such as depression?)

How exactly will it treat everything under the sun? More importantly, how do you safely design a clinical trial to assess safety and efficacy for so many of these disorders? I think it would be crucial to have a clinical biostatistician included on the Neuralink team.

在阳光下它将如何对待一切? 更重要的是,您如何安全地设计临床试验来评估许多此类疾病的安全性和有效性? 我认为将神经生物学专家纳入Neuralink团队至关重要。

大脑的免疫细胞对该设备有何React? (How do the immune cells of the brain react to this device?)

When foreign implants are detected within the brain, it’s immune system can target it. There are specific cells that respond to invaders in the brain. Could they degrade the device after a very long time?

当在大脑中检测到外来植入物时,它的免疫系统就可以瞄准它。 有特定的细胞对大脑中的入侵者作出React。 他们会在很长一段时间后降解设备吗?

According to STAT News, employees faced unrealistic deadlines that challenged the slow and methodical nature of basic science. Musk finished the strange Q and A by emphasizing the eventual goal of leading humanity to an AI Symbiosis. Undoubtedly, Musk brings a gravitas to anything that he decides to work on. Along with this come a lot of hype and expectations for revolutionary technology.

根据STAT News的报道 ,员工面临不切实际的期限,这挑战了基础科学的缓慢和系统性。 马斯克通过强调将人类带入人工智能共生的最终目标,完成了奇怪的问与答。 毫无疑问,马斯克给他决定从事的工作带来了吸引力 。 随之而来的是对革命性技术的大量炒作和期望。

However, designing medical devices is distinct from designing other technology. Not only is research often a challenging process, it takes a long time to perform experiments to assess safety and efficacy. It takes a long time to submit paperwork for ethical approval to perform different kinds of experiments. It takes an understanding that such an undertaking cannot be rushed. The timelines underestimate just how difficult and time-consuming it is for medical device design. It’s not rocket science or building an electrical car, there are a lot more procedures to ensure safety and efficacy.

但是,设计医疗设备不同于设计其他技术。 研究不仅是一个具有挑战性的过程,而且还需要很长时间才能进行实验以评估安全性和有效性。 提交文件进行伦理批准需要花费很长时间才能执行各种实验。 需要理解的是,这项工作不能匆忙进行。 时间线低估了医疗设备设计的难度和耗时。 这不是火箭科学,也不是建造电动汽车,还有更多的程序可以确保安全性和有效性。

As an avid consumer of science fiction, I do agree that the idea of Neuralink is absolutely fascinating. We definitely need more money and funding being used for projects to expand basic research about the brain. But at this point in time, it’s clear that the technology is greatly over-hyped.

作为科幻小说的狂热消费者,我同意Neuralink的想法绝对令人着迷。 我们绝对需要更多的资金和资金用于开展有关大脑基础研究的项目。 但是目前看来,这项技术已被过度炒作了。

We must tread carefully because many individuals with mental health or other brain disorders are already unable to benefit from current therapies. Hyping up such solutions this early brings a false sense of hope. Promising the effectiveness of such therapies so soon, without being able to deliver may further disrupt the trust that many individuals hold towards scientific research.

我们必须谨慎行事,因为许多患有精神健康或其他脑部疾病的人已经无法从当前疗法中受益。 提早提出此类解决方案会带来错误的希望。 这么快就承诺这种疗法的有效性,而无法实施,可能会进一步破坏许多人对科学研究的信任。

It’s clear to me, at least, that Neuralink is still far from its goal. It’s unlikely we reach this stage of AI Symbiosis any time soon.

至少对我来说很清楚,Neuralink仍未达到其目标。 我们不太可能在短期内达到AI共生的这一阶段。

翻译自: https://medium.com/predict/neuralink-much-ado-about-nothing-6d8d594c0b61






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