

If you’re interested in the history of Artificial Intelligence, you must have heard about the Dartmouth conference. This event is considered by all as the birthplace of this field of research so present today. The Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence initiated by McCarthy was aimed at starting fundamental research groups on the subject of “thinking machines”. Held for eight weeks in Hanover (New Hampshire, US) on the campus of Dartmouth College, it brought together 20 of the most brilliant minds in computer and cognitive science for a workshop devoted to this conjecture from 18 June to 17 August 1956.

如果您对人工智能的历史感兴趣,那么您一定已经听说过达特茅斯会议。 所有人都认为这一事件是当今如此广泛的研究领域的发源地。 麦卡锡(McCarthy)发起的达特茅斯(Dartmouth)夏季人工智能研究项目旨在成立有关“思维机器”的基础研究小组。 在达特茅斯学院校园的汉诺威(美国新罕布什尔州)举行了八周的时间,该研讨会汇集了20位计算机和认知科学领域最杰出的人才,于1956年6月18日至8月17日举行了一次专门针对这一猜想的研讨会。

While trying to learn more about this conference, I repeatedly found a photograph of 7 people sitting on the grass. You can see them rather relaxed and this arrangement is very different from the official photos where people are lined up standing against each other. The few articles that present this photo indicate, sometimes by positioning them but it is rather rare, the names of a few people but are generally not exhaustive. One person in particular intrigues me and it is this very smiling young man in a high sock on the left and leaning against the tree (position 7). As a reminder, we are in the middle of summer and the temperature has risen to 96°F over the period. I decided to find out who they are and who is hiding behind those socks.

在尝试了解有关这次会议的更多信息时,我反复发现一张7人坐在草地上的照片。 您会看到它们相当放松,而且这种排列方式与人们排成一排并排站立的官方照片大不相同。 呈现此照片的几篇文章有时会通过定位它们来指示,但这种情况很少见,但有几个人的名字,但通常并不详尽。 尤其是一个人引起我的兴趣,这是这个非常微笑的年轻人,身穿左侧高脚袜,倚在树上(位置7)。 提醒一下,我们处于夏季中期,其间温度已升至96°F。 我决定找出他们是谁,谁藏在那些袜子后面。

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位置1 =约翰·麦卡锡 (Position 1 = John McCarthy)

Honour to the initiator: John McCarthy. In 1955, he was a young assistant professor of Mathematics at the above-mentioned college. He decides to organize a working group with the help of a few fellow friends and succeeds in finding the necessary funding for the conference.

发起人的荣誉:约翰·麦卡锡(John McCarthy)。 1955年,他是上述学院的年轻数学助理教授。 他决定在几个朋友的帮助下组织一个工作组,并成功地为会议找到了必要的资金。

On September 2, 1955, the idea of a summer meeting was officially proposed by McCarthy (Dartmouth College), Marvin Lee Minsky (Harvard University), Nathaniel Rochester (IBM Corporation) and Claude Shannon (Bell Telephone Laboratories). This proposal is the origin of the introduction of the term “Artificial Intelligence”.

1955年9月2日,夏季会议的想法由麦卡锡(达特茅斯学院),Maven·李·明斯基(哈佛大学),纳撒尼尔·罗切斯特(IBM公司)和克劳德·香农(贝尔电话实验室)正式提出。 该提议是引入“人工智能”一词的由来。

Here is an excerpt from the project:


We propose that a 2 month, 10 man study of artificial intelligence be carried out during the summer of 1956 at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. The study is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. An attempt will be made to find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve themselves. We think that a significant advance can be made in one or more of these problems if a carefully selected group of scientists work on it together for a summer.

我们建议在1956年夏季在新罕布什尔州汉诺威的达特茅斯学院进行为期2个月,10人的人工智能研究。 这项研究是基于这样的猜想进行的:理论上可以精确地描述学习的各个方面或智力的任何其他特征,从而可以制造出机器来对其进行仿真。 将会尝试找到如何使机器使用语言,形成抽象和概念,解决现在人类专有的各种问题并改善自身的方法。 我们认为,如果一个精心挑选的科学家小组在一个夏天共同研究这个问题,则可以在一个或多个问题上取得重大进展。

Source : http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/history/dartmouth/dartmouth.html

资料来源: http : //www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/history/dartmouth/dartmouth.html

John is immediately recognizable. He sits in position 1 and is almost 28 years old. Like Marvin, he wears glasses but, unlike him, he has all his hair. The internet is teeming with pictures of his face allowing me to confirm the match unequivocally.

约翰立即被认出来了。 他坐在位置1,已经快28岁了。 像Maven一样,他戴着眼镜,但与他不同的是,他拥有所有头发。 互联网上到处都是他的头像,这使我能够明确地确认比赛。

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older (photo date not specified). (未指定照片日期)

John passed away at age 84 in 2011. His page is still available on the Stanford website.


位置2 = Marvin Lee Minsky (Position 2 = Marvin Lee Minsky)

As reported in the summer research project, Marvin, Harvard Junior Fellow in Mathematics and Neurology, built a machine to simulate learning through neural networks. He wrote a PhD thesis in mathematics at Princeton entitled “Neural Nets and the Brain Model Problem” which includes results on learning theory and random neural network theory.

正如在夏季研究项目中所报道的那样,哈佛大学数学与神经病学资深研究员Maven(Marvin)建造了一种通过神经网络模拟学习的机器。 他在普林斯顿大学撰写了数学博士学位论文,题为“神经网络和脑模型问题”,其中包括学习理论和随机神经网络理论的结果。

In 1969, Marvin co-authored with Seymour Papert a book demonstrating the theoretical limits of Perceptron: “Perceptrons: an introduction to computational geometry”. The effects of this book certainly exceeded their initial intention and he signed the end of funding for fondamental research and the coming of the first winter of AI. In 1970, DARPA cut AI research budgets in the USA and the UK did the same in 1973.

1969年,Maven(Marvin)与西摩·帕尔特(Seymour Papert)合着了一本书,展示了感知器的理论极限:“感知器:计算几何学导论”。 这本书的影响肯定超出了他们的初衷,他签署了基础研究的资助终止以及AI的第一个冬天的到来。 1970年,DARPA削减了美国和英国的AI研究预算,1973年也是如此。

In the photo, Marvin occupies the central position in position 2. Despite his young age (28 years old), his baldness makes him recognizable among all.


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Marvin Lee Minsky — At 28 years of age and older (photo date not specified).
Marvin Lee Minsky-年满28岁(未指定照片日期)。

Marvin died at 89 in 2016.


位置3 =纳撒尼尔·罗切斯特 (Position 3 = Nathaniel Rochester)

Cited third in the project, he was at that time Director of Information Research at IBM Corporation, Poughkeepsie, New York. Rochester was in charge of radar development for seven years and computer machinery for seven years. He is the designer of the IBM 701, the first computer marketed by IBM. He has also worked on the simulation of nerve networks, focusing on the use of computers to test theories in neurophysiology. He wrote the first assembler.

他被引用为该项目的第三名,当时他是纽约波基普西市IBM公司的信息研究总监。 罗切斯特(Rochester)负责雷达开发工作了七年,计算机机械工作了七年。 他是IBM 701(第一台由IBM销售的计算机)的设计师。 他还致力于神经网络的仿真,专注于使用计算机测试神经生理学理论。 他写了第一个汇编器。

Apart from the photo of Dartmouth, there are very few official photos of Nathaniel on the web. One photo can be found on the IBM site but it is partially truncated. It seems that the “official” photo was taken not too far from the Dartmouth photo.

除了达特茅斯的照片外,网络上很少有纳撒尼尔的官方照片。 在IBM网站上可以找到一张照片,但是部分被截断了。 似乎“官方”照片的拍摄距离达特茅斯照片不太远。

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Nathaniel Rochester — At 37 years old and undetermined age.
纳撒尼尔·罗切斯特(Nathaniel Rochester)-现年37岁,年龄不确定。

Nathaniel died in 2001 at the age of 82.


位置4 =克洛德·艾尔伍德·香农 (Position 4 = Claude Elwood Shannon)

The fourth and last person mentioned in the project, Claude is a mathematician from the famous Bell Telephone laboratory. Shannon has developed statistical information theory, the application of propositional calculus to switching circuits. He has obtained results on the efficient synthesis of switching circuits, the design of machines that learn, cryptography and Turing’s machine theory. He co-edited with John a study in the Annals of Mathematics on “The Theory of Automata”.

克劳德(Claude)是该项目中提到的第四个人,也是最后一位。他是著名的贝尔电话实验室的数学家。 香农发展了统计信息理论,将命题演算应用于开关电路。 他在开关电路的有效综合,学习机器的设计,密码学和图灵的机器理论方面取得了成果。 他与约翰合编了《数学年鉴》中的“自动机理论”研究。

Claude is considered the father of information theory and author of many equations including the famous Nyquist-Shannon theorem. In the picture, Claude is completely on the right in position 4.

克劳德(Claude)被认为是信息理论之父,并且是许多方程式的作者,其中包括著名的奈奎斯特-香农定理 。 在图片中,Claude完全在位置4的右侧。

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Claude E. Shannon — At 40 and later (credit: Konrad Jacobs, Erlangen — Copyright: MFO)
克劳德·E·香农(Claude E. Shannon)-40岁及以后(来源:Konrad Jacobs,Erlangen-版权:MFO)

Claude died in 2001 at the age of 84.


位置5 =雷·所罗门诺夫 (Position 5 = Ray Solomonoff)

It is difficult to know that they were the actual people at the conference and at what point in the 2 months they participated. Unfortunately, the protagonists did not keep the exhaustive list of participants. The 4 pioneers took it upon themselves to invite each of the other people to make a final total of about twenty participants who spoke over the eight weeks. The notes taken by Ray Solomonoff (which seem to be the most complete and accurate) mention several names of participants present in addition to those already known. Here is the list (according to the order given by Ray):

很难知道他们是会议的真正参与者,以及他们参加会议的两个月中的什么时候。 不幸的是,主角没有保留详尽的参与者名单。 这4位先驱者率先邀请了其他每个人参加,最终共有大约20位参与者在八周内发表了讲话。 雷·所罗门诺夫 ( Ray Solomonoff)记的笔记 (似乎是最完整,最准确的),除了已知的参与者外,还提到了参与者的几个名字。 这是列表(按照Ray给出的顺序):

Even if they only participated for a few days, several of them are therefore potentially likely to be in the picture.


Note-taker’s honor. Ray is one of the pioneers of machine learning, founder of algorithmic probability theory. He viewed machine learning as probabilistic, emphasizing the importance of training sequences and using parts of previous solutions to problems to build trial solutions for new problems. He published a version of his findings in 1957. These were the first papers to be written on probabilistic machine learning.

记笔记者的荣誉。 雷是机器学习的先驱之一,算法概率论的创始人。 他认为机器学习是概率性的,强调训练序列的重要性,并使用先前解决问题的部分来为新问题建立试用解决方案。 他于1957年发表了他的发现的一个版本。这些是有关概率机器学习的第一篇论文。

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Excerpt from Ray’s notes taken during the conference
在会议期间 的笔记摘录

Searching for his photo on the Internet, we quickly find that the person in position 5 corresponds to Ray.


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photo taken by Jürgen Schmidhuber in Switzerland) 照片由尤尔根·施米德赫伯在瑞士拍摄)

Ray died in 2009 at the age of 83 years.


排名6 = Trenchard更多 (Position 6 = Trenchard More)

Trenchard was a mathematician and computer scientist who worked at IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center and the Cambridge Science Center after teaching at MIT and Yale. He participated in the conference as indicated on his Wikipedia page about him and the notes taken by Ray. He presented the future of network models.

Trenchard是一位数学家和计算机科学家,在MIT和耶鲁大学任教后,曾在IBM的Thomas J. Watson研究中心和剑桥科学中心工作。 他参加了Wikipedia页面上有关他和Ray记录的会议。 他介绍了网络模型的未来。

It is rather difficult to find pictures of Trenchard. A photo taken at a conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Dartmouth workshop called AI@50 helps to find out who number 6 is. AI@50, officially known as the “Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence Conference”: The Next Fifty Years” (July 13–15, 2006), was a conference organized by James Moor (Professor of Philosophy at Dartmouth College). Five of the ten participants of the Dartmouth conference were present: Marvin Minsky, Ray Solomonoff, Oliver Selfridge, Trenchard More and John McCarthy.

查找Trenchard的照片相当困难。 在纪念达特茅斯研讨会50周年的会议上拍摄的一张名为AI @ 50的照片有助于找出6号人物。 AI @ 50 ,正式被称为“达特茅斯人工智能大会:下一个五十年”(2006年7月13日至15日),是由詹姆斯·摩尔(James Moor)(达特茅斯学院哲学教授)组织的一次会议。 达特茅斯会议的十个参与者中有五个出席了会议:Marvin Minsky,Ray Solomonoff,Oliver Selfridge,Trenchard More和John McCarthy。

Its presence on the photo AI@50 allows to confirm its location on the photo of Dartmouth (he has the same chin).

它在AI @ 50照片存在可以确认其在达特茅斯(他的下巴相同)照片上的位置。

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Trenchard More — At 26 and 76 years old (photographer: Joe Mehling).
Trenchard More — 26岁和76岁(摄影师:Joe Mehling)。

Trenchard died at the age of 89 in 2019.


位置7 =奥利弗·戈登·塞弗里奇 (Position 7 = Oliver Gordon Selfridge)

Now let’s turn our attention to the “little one”. He seems to be the youngest of the gang. This feeling is accentuated by the way he is dressed: shorts and high socks well up to the top of his calves. Next on Ray’s list is Oliver Selfridge. Oliver is also present in the AI@50 photo, which is meant to confirm his role at the event.

现在让我们将注意力转向“小家伙”。 他似乎是帮派中最小的。 他的穿着方式突显了这种感觉:短裤和高筒袜一直到小腿顶部。 Ray名单上的下一个是Oliver Selfridge。 AI @ 50照片中还出现了Oliver,目的是确认他在活动中的角色。

Oliver has written important articles on neural networks, pattern recognition and machine learning, and his article “Pandemonium: A Paradigm for Learning” (1959) is widely recognized as a classic of artificial intelligence.

奥利弗(Oliver)撰写了有关神经网络,模式识别和机器学习的重要文章,他的文章“ Pandemonium:学习的范式 ”(1959年)被广泛认为是人工智能的经典之作。

Oliver was born in London in 1926. He was educated at Middlesex School and then at M.I.T., where he graduated in mathematics in 1945. In 1968, a report by J. Licklider and Robert Taylor, entitled “The computer as a communication device”, summarising Selfridge’s ideas, named a new device capable of giving answers, the acronym being chosen so that in English the initials form OLIVER in his honour (OLIVER for On-Line Interactive Vicarious Expediter and Responder), a device which became the personal assistant of the first computer.

奥利弗(Oliver)于1926年出生于伦敦。他先后在Middlesex学校和MIT接受教育,并于1945年毕业于数学。1968年,J。Licklider和Robert Taylor发表了题为“计算机作为通信设备”的报告,概括了Selfridge的想法,命名了一种能够给出答案的新设备,并选择了首字母缩写词,以便以英语的名字缩写形式表示OLIVER(以OLIVER为在线互动替代代理和响应者),该设备成为了该设备的个人助手。第一台计算机。

Selfridge has always wanted “(I want) an agent that can learn and adapt as I might,” he said at an IBM meeting. “That agent would “infer what I would want it to do, from the updated purposes it has learned from working for me,” and concluded: “do as I want rather than the silly things I might say.” [1][2]. Quite the definition of a Personal Assistant!

他在IBM会议上说:“ Selfridge一直希望“(我想要)一个能够尽我所能学习和适应的代理商”。 “那个代理人“会根据从为我工作时所学到的最新目的,推断出我想要它做什么”,并得出结论:“按我的意愿行事,而不是我可能会说的愚蠢的话。” [1] [2]。 相当个人助理的定义!

In the photo, Oliver is actually 30 years old, which makes him almost the same age as the others. Some people don’t look their age…

在照片中,奥利弗(Oliver)实际上是30岁,这使他的年龄几乎与其他人相同。 有些人看起来不大年龄...

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Oliver Gordon Selfridge — At 30 and at 80 (photographer: Joe Mehling).
奥利弗·戈登·塞弗里奇(Oliver Gordon Selfridge)— 30岁和80岁(摄影师:乔·梅林)

Oliver died in 2008 at the age of 82.


最后… (Finally…)

I hope I have thus paid tribute to these founding pillars and made it possible to name these high-profile scientists in this photo taken at the conference.


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From left to right at the back: Nathaniel Rochester, Marvin L. Minsky and John McCarthy. From left to right in front: Olivier G. Selfridge, Ray Solomonoff, Trenchard More and Claude E. Shannon.
从左到右分别是:纳撒尼尔·罗切斯特,Maven·明斯基和约翰·麦卡锡。 从左至右依次是:奥利维尔·塞尔弗里奇,雷·所罗门诺夫,特兰查德·莫和克劳德·E·香农。

Even if the wealth of debates that took place during the 2 months of the summer of 1956 did not lead to concrete actions and joint work, history will remember that the event succeeded in bringing together some of the most brilliant genius of the time and thus launch the great adventure of AI. History will also remember that after more than 50 years, the debate between logic versus probability is still unresolved and remains an open question. McCarthy continued in 2006 to be a strong supporter of the symbolic logic approach (based on tangible symbols) a contario of the connexionnist approach (based on massively parallel elementary calculations) which has become clearly dominant in the current literature under the banner of deep learning.

即使在1956年夏季的两个月内进行的大量辩论并未导致采取具体行动和共同努力,历史仍会记住,该活动成功地汇集了当时最杰出的一些天才,并因此而发起AI的伟大冒险。 历史还将记住,超过50年之后,逻辑与概率之间的争论仍未解决,仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。 麦卡锡(McCarthy)在2006年继续大力支持符号逻辑方法(基于有形符号)和连接方法(基于大规模并行基本计算)的竞争者,该方法已在深度学习的旗帜下明显地成为当前文献中的主导。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/whos-that-kid-laughing-with-high-socks-in-the-middle-of-summer-7801a34feeef


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