google brain_SpineNet:Google Brain的非常规骨干架构

google brain

The problem of classification has been solved quite efficiently with the encoder-decoder architectures having the decreasing resolution scales in the encoder part. However, this architecture fails to efficiently generate strong multi-scale features required for the purpose of object detection (simultaneous recognition and localization).

使用编码器部分中分辨率等级降低的编码器-解码器体系结构已经非常有效地解决了分类问题。 但是,该体系结构无法有效地生成用于对象检测(同时识别和定位)所需的强大的多尺度功能。

SpineNet与以前的主干网有何不同? (How is SpineNet different than previous backbones?)

“High resolution may be needed to detect the presence of a feature, while its exact position need not to be determined with equally high precision.” [1]

“可能需要高分辨率才能检测特征的存在,而不必以同样高的精度确定其确切位置。” [1]

骨干缩小的缺点 (The Drawback of Scale-Decreased Backbone)

  • Normally, a backbone model refers to the scale-decreased network in the encoder-decoder architecture i.e. the encoder.

  • Since the task of the encoder is to compute feature representations from the input, a scale-decreased backbone will not be able to hold the spatial information.

  • As the layers get deeper, features will become more abstract and less localized hence making it difficult for the decoder to retrieve the exact required features.


拟议的创新 (Proposed Innovation)

In order to overcome the difficulty of obtaining and retrieving multi-scale features for localization, a scale-permuted model with cross-scale connections is introduced with the following improvements:


  1. The scales of feature maps are given the flexibility to increase or decrease at any time in the architecture by means of permuting blocks as opposed to the earlier pattern of strictly decreasing. This will enable maintenance of the spatial information.

    与早期严格减少的模式相反,借助置换块,可以在体系结构中随时随地增加或减少特征图的比例。 这将能够维护空间信息。

  2. The connections of feature maps are allowed to go across feature scales in order to perform feature fusion from multiple scales.


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Figure 1: An example of a scale-decreased network (left) vs. scale permuted network (right). The width denotes the resolution and height denotes the feature dimension (number of channels). [Source: [1]]
图1:比例缩小的网络(左)与比例排列的网络(右)的示例。 宽度表示分辨率,高度表示要素尺寸(通道数)。 [资料来源:[1]]

方法与架构 (The Methodology and Architecture)

神经架构搜索(NAS) (Neural Architecture Search (NAS))

  • The methodology of choosing the proposed architecture of SpineNet has been employed by using NAS [1].

    使用NAS [1]来选择SpineNet的建议架构的方法

  • NAS uses the reinforcement learning controller. It proposes various architectures and those are sent to the environment in which they are trained fully.

    NAS使用强化学习控制器。 它提出了各种架构,并将它们发送到经过全面培训的环境中。
  • The output accuracy will act as a reward and the decision to choose the architecture will depend on it.

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Figure 2: Neural Architecture Search Method in the context of [1].

The SpineNet architecture possesses a fixed stem network (scale-decreased network) followed by a learned scale-permuted network. The search space of the NAS to build the scale permuted network comprises of scale permutations, cross-scale connections, and block adjustments.

SpineNet体系结构具有固定的主干网络(比例减小的网络),其后是学习的比例排列的网络。 NAS的用于构建比例尺排列网络的搜索空间包括比例尺排列,跨比例尺连接和块调整。

  1. Scale permutations: A block can only connect to its parent block which has lower orderings, so the ordering of blocks is important. Here, the permutations occur for the intermediate and output blocks.

    比例排列 :块只能连接到其较低顺序的父块,因此块的顺序很重要。 在此,中间块和输出块发生置换。

  2. Cross-scale connections: For each block in the search space, two input connections are defined.


  3. Block adjustments: Each of the blocks can adjust their scale-level and type. Scale levels for intermediate blocks can range like {−1,0,1,2} and the block types could be either bottleneck block or a residual block.

    块调整 :每个块都可以调整其缩放级别和类型。 中间块的缩放级别可以在{−1,0,1,2}范围内,并且块类型可以是瓶颈块残差块

跨尺度连接中的重采样 (Resampling in Cross-Scale Connections)

  • While performing cross-scale connections, a challenge is faced when the cross-scale features having different resolution and feature dimensions among the parent and target blocks are to be fused.

  • In order to do so, spatial and feature resampling is done to match the parameters to the target block.

  • In resampling, the nearest-neighbor algorithm is used for upsampling whereas a stride 2 3×3 convolution performs down-sampling on the feature map to match the target resolution.

    在重采样中,最近邻居算法用于上采样,而步幅2 3×3卷积在特征图上执行下采样以匹配目标分辨率。
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Figure 3: Resampling operations [Source: [1]]

For detailed understanding refer to section 3.2 of [1].


ResNet从SpineNet架构演变而来 (Evolution of SpineNet Architecture from ResNet)

  • The scale-permuted model is formed by permuting the blocks of ResNet architecture.

  • For comparing the fully scale-decreased network with the scale-permuted network, a number of intermediate models are generated which gradually shifts the architecture to the scale-permuted form.

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Figure 4: Building a scale-permuted network by permuting ResNet. [Source: [1]]
图4:通过置换ResNet构建按比例排列的网络。 [资料来源:[1]]
  • In the above figure, part (a) denotes the usage of ResNet-50 followed by a Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) output layer.

  • In part (b), 7 blocks are part of ResNet and 10 blocks are utilized for the scale-permuted network.

  • In part c, all blocks are part of the scale-permuted network and in (d) SpineNet-49 is introduced with the highest AP score of 40.8% requiring 10% fewer FLOPs (85.4B vs. 95.2B).


拟议的SpineNet体系结构 (Proposed SpineNet Architectures)

Based on the SpineNet-49 architecture derived in figure 4 (d), four more architectures are constructed in the SpineNet family.


  • SpineNet-49S has the same architecture as SpineNet-49 with the feature dimensions scaled down by a factor of 0.65.


  • SpineNet-96 architecture repeats all the blocks two times so the model size is double than SpineNet-49.


  • SpineNet-143 repeats each block three times and the scaling factor in resampling operation is kept to 1.0.


  • SpineNet-190 repeats each block four times with the scaling factor = 1.3 to further scale up the feature dimension.

    SpineNet-190使用缩放因子= 1.3重复每个块四次,以进一步放大特征尺寸。

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Figure 5: Increase model depth by block repeat. From left to right: blocks in SpineNet-49, SpineNet-96, and SpineNet-143. [Source: [1]]
图5:通过块重复增加模型深度。 从左到右:SpineNet-49,SpineNet-96和SpineNet-143中的块。 [资料来源:[1]]

比较结果 (Comparative Results)

The experiments are conducted for object detection as well as for the task of image classification to demonstrate the versatility of the proposed architecture.


物体检测 (Object Detection)

The ResNet-FPN backbone model is replaced with the RetinaNet detector for the task of object detection. The model is evaluated on the COCO test-dev dataset and is trained on the train2017 split.

将ResNet-FPN主干模型替换为RetinaNet检测器,以执行对象检测任务。 该模型在COCO test-dev数据集上进行评估,并在train2017拆分中进行训练。

  • The following results (Figure 6) demonstrate that SpineNet models outperform other popular detectors by large margins. The largest SpineNet-190 achieves the highest 52.1% AP. Generally, SpineNet architectures require a fewer number of FLOPs and a lesser number of parameters making the models computationally less expensive.

    以下结果(图6)证明SpineNet模型在很大程度上优于其他流行的检测器。 最大的SpineNet-190达到最高的AP达到52.1% 。 通常,SpineNet体系结构需要较少的FLOP较少数量的参数,从而使模型的计算成本降低。

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Figure 6: One-stage object detection results on COCO test-dev. Different backbones with RetinaNet are employed on single model. By default, training is done using multi-scale training and ReLU activation for all models in this table. Models marked by dagger (†) are trained by applying stochastic depth and swish activation for a longer training schedule. [Source: [1]]
图6:COCO test-dev上的一阶段目标检测结果。 在单个模型上使用带有RetinaNet的不同主干。 默认情况下,此表中的所有模型都使用多尺度训练和ReLU激活来进行训练。 标有匕首(†)的模型通过应用随机深度和摆动激活来进行训练,以延长训练时间。 [资料来源:[1]]
  • The following results (figure 7) on COCO val2017 demonstrate that SpineNet-49 requires ~10% lesser FLOPs and AP has improved to 40.8 as opposed to 37.8 in R50-FPN.

    以下关于COCO val2017的结果(图7)表明,SpineNet-49所需的FLOP减少了约10%,并且AP已提高到40.8 ,而R50-FPN则为37.8。

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Figure 7: Results comparisons between R50-FPN and scale-permuted models on COCO val2017. [Source: [1]]
图7:在COCO val2017上R50-FPN和比例排列模型之间的结果比较。 [资料来源:[1]]
  • RetinaNet model adopting SpineNet backbones achieves a higher AP score with considerably less number of FLOPs as compared to ResNet-FPN and NAS-FPN backbones (figure 8).

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Figure 8: The comparison of RetinaNet models adopting SpineNet, ResNet-FPN, and NAS-FPN backbones. [Source: [1]]
图8:采用SpineNet,ResNet-FPN和NAS-FPN主干的RetinaNet模型的比较。 [资料来源:[1]]

影像分类 (Image Classification)

SpineNet is trained on two datasets- ImageNet ILSVRC-2012 and iNaturalist-2017 for the purpose of image classification.

SpineNet在两个数据集上进行了训练-ImageNet ILSVRC-2012和iNaturalist-2017,用于图像分类。

  • On ImageNet, the Top-1% and Top-5% accuracy are at par with ResNet and in addition to that, the number of FLOPs is considerably reduced.

  • On iNaturalist, ResNet is outperformed by SpineNet with a large margin of 5% along with a reduction in FLOPs.

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Figure 9: Image classification results on ImageNet and iNaturalist. [Source: [1]]
图9:在ImageNet和iNaturalist上的图像分类结果。 [资料来源:[1]]

The above results demonstrate that SpineNet not only works better for object detection but also proves to be versatile enough for other visual learning tasks like image classification.


标度排列和跨标度连接的重要性 (Importance of Scale-Permutation and Cross-Scale Connections)

According to [1], two popular architecture shapes-Fish and Hourglass are chosen in encoder-decoder networks to compare with the R0-SP53 proposed model. Cross-connections in all models are learned using NAS.

根据[1] ,在编码器-解码器网络中选择了两种流行的架构形状: FishHourglass与R0-SP53提出的模型进行比较。 使用NAS了解所有模型中的交叉连接。

标度排列 (Scale-Permutation)

  • The insight derived is that jointly learning scale-permutations and cross-scale connections (R0-SP53) prove to be beneficial instead of only learning connections on a fixed architecture/fixed block orderings (Hourglass and Fish).

  • The AP score is higher (40.7%) in the case of proposed model R0-SP53.


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Figure 10: Importance of learned scale permutation [Source: [1]]

跨尺度连接 (Cross-Scale Connections)

  • The method employed to study the importance of cross-scale connections is graph damage.

  • The cross-scale connections are damaged in three ways - removing short connections, removing long connections, and removing both the connections.

  • Results show that the AP score is severely affected in case (2) and (3). The reason is long-range connections can effectively handle frequent resolution changes so damaging those will hurt the overall accuracy more.

    结果表明,在情况(2)和(3)中,AP分数受到严重影响。 原因是远程连接可以有效地处理频繁的分辨率更改,因此损坏这些范围将更损害整体精度。
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Figure 11: Importance of learned cross-scale connections [Source: [1]]

For detailed implementation and experimentation details, refer to the section 5 of [1].


最终见解 (Final Insights)

  • In [1], a new meta-architecture, a scale-permuted model is proposed to effectively solve the task of simultaneous object recognition and localization which earlier could not be solved effectively using a scale-decreased backbone.

    [1]中 ,提出了一种新的元体系结构,一种比例尺排列模型,以有效地解决同时对象识别和定位的任务,而先前使用比例尺减小的骨架无法有效地解决该问题。

  • Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is used to obtain SpineNet-49 architecture. Furthermore, by increasing the model depth, four more architectures are produced which are more robust.

    神经体系结构搜索(NAS)用于获取SpineNet-49体系结构。 此外,通过增加模型深度,可以生产出四个更坚固的体系结构。
  • SpineNet is evaluated for the object detection task using the COCO test-dev set and it achieves a 52.1% AP which is higher than existing state-of-the-art detectors.

  • SpineNet is also successful in getting comparable and improved Top-1% accuracy on the image-classification task by using ImageNet and iNaturalist dataset respectively.

  • In summary, higher accuracy is achieved with less compute and approximately the same number of parameters by using the new architecture.



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