谷歌adwords教程_区块链技术作为Google AdWords中的安全剧院


Google operates the largest ad exchange in the world and recently decided to start investigating the use of blockchain technology in their exchange to root out “fraudulent actors.” Google’s claim that they started integrating blockchain technology into their exchange is nothing but security theater, since they would essentially write themselves out of the deal between advertisers and publishers if it were to create an immutable, open, distributed public ledger for its exchange.

Google经营着世界上最大的广告交易平台,最近决定开始调查区块链技术在其交易平台中的使用,以铲除“欺诈者”。 谷歌声称他们开始将区块链技术集成到他们的交易所中不过是安全领域,因为如果要为其交换创建一个不变的,开放的,分布式的公共分类账,他们本质上将退出广告商和发行商之间的交易。

We hear a lot of hype around “Blockchain” technology and it is important to temper this hype with the realities of implementation for this technology. Not everything can be put into a blockchain and not everything should. This blog post describes a high-level overview of blockchain (appendix) technology and how it pertains to Google’s ad exchange.

我们听到了很多有关“区块链”技术的炒作,因此,必须根据该技术的实施现状来调整这种炒作。 并非所有事物都可以放入区块链,也不是所有事物都应该。 这篇博客文章描述了区块链(附录)技术的高级概述及其与Google广告交易的关系。

First, I will give a high-level overview of blockchain as a definition. According to the National Institute of Standards in Technology from the US Department of Commerce, blockchains are “immutable digital ledger systems implemented in a distributed fashion (i.e. without a central repository) and usually without a central authority. At its most basic level, they enable a community of users to record transactions in a ledger public to that community such that no transaction can be changed once published”. This means Google could not host a privately permissioned digital ledger and still call it a “blockchain”.

首先,我将对区块链作一个概括性的定义。 根据美国商务部国家技术标准研究院的说法,区块链是“以分布式方式(即,没有中央存储库)并且通常没有中央授权来实施的不可变数字分类帐系统。 在最基本的层面上,它们使用户社区能够在该社区的公共分类帐中记录交易,这样一经发布就无法更改任何交易。” 这意味着Google无法托管私人许可的数字分类帐,而仍称其为“区块链”。

To further analyze this definition, Andreas Antonopoulos, author of Mastering Bitcoin, eloquently breaks blockchains down further into 5 pillars

为了进一步分析这个定义, Mastering Bitcoin的作者Andreas Antonopoulos雄辩地将区块链进一步细分为5个Struts

  1. Open: Anyone can access it, and participate in it without authorization, ID, ethnic origin, etc. Blockchains do not know if you are human or a piece of software when you use it.

  2. Borderless: It does not matter where you are, where you live, or where you travel. The blockchain is always there.

    无国界:无论您身在何处,住哪里或在哪里旅行都无所谓。 区块链总是在那里。
  3. Neutral: Anyone can make an exchange. The purpose of the exchange and the identity of the sender and receiver are not regulated.

    中立:任何人都可以进行交流。 交换的目的以及发送者和接收者的身份不受限制。
  4. Censorship Resistant: If someone wants someone on a blockchain to stop a transaction, they cannot. No transaction can be censored.

    防审查:如果有人希望区块链上的某人停止交易,则他们不能。 不能审查任何交易。
  5. Public: The idea is that every exchange on the blockchain is verifiable on the network.


Blockchain technology could be used to record the transfer of ad space on various sites. It could also be used to monitor user actions such as clicks and supplier site data (lead generation, clicks, re-directs). The advantage would be that it is publicly auditable and Supply Side Platforms (SSPs) do not have to trust Google to know how much is owed to the publisher. In creating a truly distributed, transparent, open, and auditable ledger, the ad exchange is essentially writing themselves out of necessity. For the blockchain to be secure, it must be open (otherwise the DSPs and SSPs are still simply trusting Google’s exchange). For the ad exchange to be open, their monetization would be cut out eventually, since they are just middlemen between the SSP and the DSP.

区块链技术可用于记录各个站点上广告空间的转移。 它也可以用于监视用户操作,例如点击和供应商站点数据(潜在客户生成,点击,重定向)。 这样做的好处是可以公开审核,并且供应方平台(SSP)不必委托Google知道欠发行商多少钱。 在创建真正的分布式,透明,开放和可审核的分类帐时,广告交换实际上是在不必要地编写自己。 为了确保区块链的安全,它必须是开放的(否则DSP和SSP仍然只是信任Google的交易所)。 为了使广告交换开放,最终它们的获利将被取消,因为它们只是SSP和DSP之间的中间商。

Google claims to “root out fraudulent actors” by implementing blockchain technology into their ad exchange. If this were true, there would be fewer attack vectors for click fraud. In reality, anyone can access a true blockchain and participate in it without authorization or identification. Blockchains do not know if the user is a human or a piece of software. To mitigate this, Google could try using a public key encryption scheme based on tokens integrated into devices within their control (such as android phones). However, they would have less control over other platforms like internet explorer, IOS devices, and countless other platforms. Effectively, using blockchain technology is not truly going to address fraudulent actors any better than not using blockchains.

谷歌声称通过在其广告交易中实施区块链技术来“铲除欺诈者”。 如果属实,点击欺诈的攻击媒介就会更少。 实际上,任何人都可以访问真实的区块链并未经授权或识别就可以参与其中。 区块链不知道用户是人类还是软件。 为了缓解这种情况,Google可以尝试使用基于集成到其控件内的设备(例如android手机)中的令牌的公钥加密方案。 但是,他们对其他平台(如Internet Explorer,IOS设备和无数其他平台)的控制较少。 实际上,使用区块链技术并不能比不使用区块链更好地解决欺诈者。

It can be argued that using blockchain technology would help advertisers on the Demand Side Platform (appendix) to audit charges on traffic to their sites. However; it is not in Google’s interest to prevent click fraud, unless they have a way of capitalizing on this security feature. Only the companies trying to advertise their products on the Demand Side Platform (appendix) want this protection and are often best served by purchasing third party Adwords click fraud prevention software. In reality, click fraud benefits Google just as much as the publisher hosting the ads on the Supply Side Platform (SSP). The more click fraud, the more money the exchange makes as well, which is why Google benefits primarily from using a permissioned blockchain for ad exchange purposes.

可以说,使用区块链技术将帮助需求方平台(附录)上的广告商审核其网站流量的费用。 然而; 除非他们有充分利用此安全功能的方法,否则防止欺诈行为对Google不利。 只有试图在需求方平台(附录)上宣传其产品的公司才需要这种保护,并且通常最好通过购买第三方Adwords点击欺诈预防软件来获得最佳服务。 实际上,点击欺诈对Google的好处与在Supply Side Platform(SSP)上托管广告的发布者一样。 点击欺诈越多,交易所赚的钱也就越多,这就是为什么Google主要受益于使用许可的区块链进行广告交易的原因。

A blockchain is a computationally expensive data structure that is bigger and slower than a database. If Google decides to implement a private, permissioned blockchain to keep their ad exchange relevant, they will simply slow transactions down with no advantages over their current system, as DSPs and SSPs would not be allowed to see or write to the blockchain. Even Google’s most senior advertising executive seems uncertain about implementing blockchain technology as he says “[blockchain technology] is a research topic, so I don’t have anything super-definitive to say. We have a small team that is looking at it. The core blockchain technology is not something that is super-scalable in terms of the sheer number of transactions it can run,” Sridhar Ramaswamy, Google’s senior vice president of ads and commerce.

区块链是一种计算量大的数据结构,它比数据库大且慢。 如果Google决定实施一个经过许可的私有区块链,以保持其广告交换的相关性,那么他们将放慢交易速度,而与当前系统相比没有任何优势,因为不允许DSP和SSP看到或写入区块链。 甚至Google的最高级广告主管似乎对实施区块链技术也不确定,因为他说“ [[blockchain technology]”是一个研究主题,因此我没有什么超级明确的说法。 我们有一个小团队正在研究它。 Google广告和商务高级副总裁Sridhar Ramaswamy表示,就其可运行的交易数量而言,核心的区块链技术不是可扩展的。

Below, you will find a flow chart from a peer-reviewed paper that presents their structured methodology for determining whether or not a blockchain is the appropriate technical solution to solve a given problem. If we follow its logic, we find that Google benefits most from keeping its image as a Trusted Third Party (TTP), not from creating a blockchain that would reduce dependency on a trusted third party. SSPs and DSPs might want to create a blockchain, but blockchains are too computationally expensive scale to the entire world. Therefore, they also do not benefit from a blockchain to keep track of their ledgers.

在下面,您可以从经过同行评审的论文中找到流程图,该流程图介绍了他们的结构化方法,用于确定区块链是否是解决给定问题的合适技术解决方案。 如果遵循其逻辑,我们会发现Google从保持其作为可信第三方(TTP)的形象中受益最大,而不是从创建可以减少对可信第三方依赖性的区块链中受益。 SSP和DSP可能想要创建一个区块链,但是区块链对于整个世界而言在计算上的规模过于庞大。 因此,他们也不会从区块链中受益来跟踪其分类帐。

In creating a platform that is truly distributed, transparent, and auditable, the exchange (Google) would be abdicating their power and role as the broker between the SSP and DSP. For the blockchain to be secure, it must be open, and for it to be open, the ad exchange’s monetization would be cut out eventually. Otherwise, the DSPs and SSPs are still just trusting Google for exchange management via a private permissioned blockchain. If the technology exists for this blockchain, the need for a trusted third party is eliminated.. Google is claiming they are creating a more secure exchange platform via blockchain technology, when in reality, they are using security theater in order to continue establishing themselves as a Trusted Third Party (TTP).

在创建真正分布式,透明和可审核的平台时,交易所(Google)将放弃其作为SSP和DSP之间的代理的力量和作用。 为了保证区块链的安全,它必须是开放的,并且要开放,最终将取消广告交易平台的货币化。 否则,DSP和SSP仍只是信任Google通过私有许可的区块链进行交换管理。 如果存在用于该区块链的技术,则消除了对可信赖第三方的需求。.Google声称他们正在通过区块链技术创建一个更安全的交换平台,而实际上,他们正在使用安全区来继续建立自己的身份。受信任的第三方(TTP)。

In an ideal world, there will be decentralized autonomous applications that replace the need to rely on third parties like Google, but they will certainly not be built by the beneficiaries of the current power structure.




Blockchains: Immutable digital ledger data structure implemented in a distributed fashion (i.e. without a central repository) and usually without a central authority. At its most basic level, they enable a community of users to record transactions in a ledger public to that community such that no transaction can be changed once published.

区块链:以分布式方式(即,没有中央存储库)并且通常没有中央授权来实现的不变数字分类帐数据结构。 在最基本的级别上,它们使用户社区可以在该社区的公共分类帐中记录交易,这样一经发布便无法更改任何交易。

Demand Side Platform: Advertisers trying to market their products will find a demand side platform to help them create ad campaigns and target specific demographics and audiences. The advertisers connect to DSPs primarily for ease of use, since exchanges can be cumbersome to set up on their own.

需求方平台:尝试销售其产品的广告商将找到一个需求方平台,以帮助他们创建广告活动并针对特定的人口统计和受众。 广告商主要是为了易于使用而连接到DSP,因为要自己建立交易平台会很麻烦。

Supply Side Platform: Publishers trying to monetize on advertisements connect to supply side platforms that support various apps and websites. These platforms help connect advertisers to an exchange like Google AdWords.

供应方平台:试图通过广告获利的发布者连接到支持各种应用程序和网站的供应方平台。 这些平台可帮助将广告客户连接到Google AdWords等交易所。

Writers: Refer to entities with write access to the database/blockchain, i.e. in a blockchain setting, a writer corresponds to consensus participants.


Trusted Third Party (TTP): TTPs can function as a certificate authority.


Private vs Public blockchains: Public and private permissioned blockchains differ in that a public blockchain allows anyone to read the contents of the chain and thus verify the validity of the stored data, while a private blockchain only allows a limited number of participants to read the chain. Note that for any blockchain based solution it is possible to make use of cryptographic primitives in order to hide privacy-relevant content.

私有与公共区块链:公共和私有许可区块链的不同之处在于,公共区块链允许任何人读取链的内容,从而验证存储数据的有效性,而私有区块链仅允许有限数量的参与者读取链。 请注意,对于任何基于区块链的解决方案,都可以利用加密原语来隐藏与隐私相关的内容。



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