clearview ai我们正在努力获取过去15年的所有照片

Clearview AI worked to build a national database of every mug shot taken in the United States during the past 15 years, according to an email obtained by

根据Clearview AI的电子邮件,其工作是建立过去15年中在美国拍摄的每个杯子照片的国家数据库。

OneZero through a public records request. OneZero通过公开记录请求。

The email, sent by a representative for Clearview AI in August 2019, was in response to an inquiry from the Green Bay Police Department in Wisconsin, which had asked if there was a way to upload its own mug shots to Clearview AI’s app.

这封电子邮件是由Clearview AI的代表于2019年8月发送的,是对威斯康星州绿湾警察局的询问的回应,该询问询问是否有办法将自己的面部照片上传到Clearview AI的应用程序。

“We are… working to acquire all U.S. mugshots nationally from the last 15 years, so once we have that integrated in a few months’ time it might just be superfluous anyway,” wrote the Clearview AI employee, whose name was redacted.

“我们......合作交流q uire美国所有的嫌疑犯照片国家从过去的15年中,所以一旦我们有集成在几个月的时间很可能就是多余的,无论如何,”写了Clearview的AI员工,他的名字被删节。

Clearview AI is best known for scraping the public internet, including social media, for billions of images to power its facial recognition app, which was first reported on by the New York Times. Some of those images are pulled from online repositories of mug shots, like and, according to other emails obtained by OneZero. Acquiring a national mug shot database would make Clearview AI an even more powerful tool for police departments, which would be able to easily match a photograph of an individual against their criminal history.

Clearview AI以刮擦公共互联网(包括社交媒体)而闻名,它拥有数十亿张图像来支持其面部识别应用程序, 《纽约时报》首先对此进行了报道 。 根据OneZero获得的其他电子邮件,其中一些图像是从在线快照照片存储库中提取的,例如Rapsheets.org和。 获取国家的面部照片数据库将使Clearview AI成为警察部门更强大的工具,它可以轻松地将个人照片与犯罪记录相匹配。

Clearview AI did not immediately respond to a request for comment from OneZero. It is unclear whether the company ultimately succeeded in acquiring such a database.

Clearview AI并未立即回应OneZero的置评请求。 目前尚不清楚该公司是否最终成功获得了这样的数据库。

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It’s unclear how many images a national database of mug shots would add to the online sources Clearview AI has already scraped. For context, the FBI’s national facial recognition database contains 30 million mug shots. Vigilant Solutions, another facial recognition company, has also compiled a database of 15 million mug shots from public sources.

目前尚不清楚全国镜头照片数据库会将多少幅图像添加到Clearview AI的在线资源中。 作为背景,FBI的国家面部识别数据库包含3000万个面部照片 。 另一家面部识别公司Vigilant Solutions也已经从公共来源收集了1500万个面部照片的数据库。

The Clearview AI employee also told the Green Bay Police Department that it was developing a way for its customers to upload their own images to the company’s app. This would allow police departments to combine their databases with Clearview AI’s.

Clearview AI员工还告诉绿湾警察局,它正在为客户开发一种将自己的图像上传到公司应用程序的方法。 这将允许警察部门将其数据库与Clearview AI结合在一起。

Lisa M. Wachowski, an office manager at the Green Bay Police Department, told OneZero that the department ultimately did not upload mug shots to Clearview AI’s app.

绿湾警察局办公室经理Lisa M.Wachowski告诉OneZero该局最终没有将马克杯照片上传到Clearview AI的应用程序中。

Clearview AI is currently working with more than 2,200 organizations around the world, including law enforcement agencies, according to a report from BuzzFeed News.

根据BuzzFeed News报告 ,Clearview AI当前正在与全球2200多家组织合作,其中包括执法机构。

“We are always happy to cut a deal, especially with our smaller departments,” a Clearview employee wrote in the same email to the Green Bay Police Department.

“我们总是很高兴达成协议,尤其是与我们较小的部门达成协议,” Clearview员工在同一封电子邮件中写给绿湾警察局。

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