

By Patrick Howell O’Neill


When Russia was recently banned from the Olympics for another four years in a unanimous decision from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the instant reaction from Moscow was anger and dismissal. Now the rest of the world is waiting to see how Russia will retaliate this time.

w ^母鸡俄罗斯最近从奥运会禁止再过四年从世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)一致决定,从莫斯科的即时React是愤怒和解雇。 现在,世界其他地区正在等待观察俄罗斯这次将如何进行报复。

In the history books, 2016 will forever be known for unprecedented Russian interference into an American presidential election, but until that transpired, one of the most aggressive cyber campaigns that year centered on the Olympics. In the run-up to the summer games in Brazil, WADA had uncovered a national Russian doping conspiracy and recommended a ban. In response, Moscow’s most notorious hackers targeted an array of international officials and then leaked both real and doctored documents in a propaganda push meant to undermine the recommendation. The International Olympic Committee rejected a blanket ban and allowed each sport to rule individually.

在历史书籍中,2016年将永远以俄罗斯对美国总统大选的空前干预而闻名,但在此之前,这是该年度最富侵略性的网络运动之一,集中在奥运会上。 在巴西夏季奥运会的前期准备中,世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)发现了俄罗斯全国性的兴奋剂阴谋,并建议予以禁止。 作为回应,莫斯科最臭名昭著的黑客将目标对准了一系列国际官员,然后在真实的宣传材料和篡改的文件中泄露了宣传内容,以破坏这项建议。 国际奥委会拒绝一揽子禁令,并允许每种运动单独统治。

Next, the opening ceremony of the 2018 winter games in South Korea kicked off with all the traditional optimism, bright lights, and pageantry — plus a targeted cyberattack known as Olympic Destroyer that was designed to sabotage the networks and devices at the event. The attack’s origins were obfuscated, with breadcrumbs in the malware pointing to North Korea and China — but after investigators untangled the attempts to mislead them, it became apparent that some of the Russian government’s most experienced hackers were behind it. In a series of angry blog posts, the hackers charged that “on the pretext of defending clean sport,” what they described as “the Anglo-Saxon Illuminati” were fighting for “power and cash in the sports world.” It was clear that the Russians viewed the Olympics as one part of a larger world power competition, and looked to hacking as a weapon of choice. Almost nothing has been done to hold anyone responsible.

接下来,在韩国举行的2018年冬季运动会开幕式上,所有的传统乐观情绪,明亮的灯光和壮丽的气氛—以及旨在破坏活动中的网络和设备的针对性网络攻击,称为奥林匹克毁灭者 ( Olympic Destroyer) 。 攻击的起源被混淆,恶意软件中的痕迹指向朝鲜和中国-但是在调查人员解开了误导他们的企图之后,很明显,一些俄罗斯政府最有经验的黑客在背后支持。 在一系列愤怒的博客文章中,黑客指控“以捍卫清洁运动为借口”,他们形容为“盎格鲁撒克逊光明会”,他们为“体育界的力量和金钱”而战。 显然,俄罗斯人将奥运会视为大型世界强国竞争的一部分,并把黑客作为一种选择的武器。 几乎没有任何事情要追究任何人的责任。

Indeed, as a new crop of books expertly explain, cyber capabilities are expanding and transforming the old game of statecraft. The Russians are playing right alongside the Americans, Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans, and others in using hackers to shape history and try to bend geopolitics to their will.

确实,正如一堆新书专家解释的那样,网络功能正在扩展和改变旧的治国方略。 俄国人正与美国人,中国人,伊朗人,朝鲜人以及其他国家一起并肩作战,利用黑客来塑造历史并试图使地缘政治屈从于他们的意愿。

“Over two decades, the international arena of digital competition has become ever more aggressive,” writes Ben Buchanan, a professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, in his upcoming The Hacker and the State. “The United States and its allies can no longer dominate the field the way they once did. Devastating cyber attacks and data breaches animate the fierce struggle among states.”

乔治敦大学外交学院教授本·布坎南(Ben Buchanan)在即将出版的《黑客与国家》(The Hacker and the State)中写道:“在过去的20年中,数字竞争的国际舞台变得更加激进。” “美国及其盟国再也不能像以前那样统治这一领域。 毁灭性的网络攻击和数据泄露使国家之间的激烈斗争更加活跃。”

With an academic’s eye, Buchanan compares and contrasts the emerging tactics with the traditional ways of military conflict, nuclear competition, and espionage to make some sense of the new age. The book dissects how governments use cyberattacks to fundamentally “change the state of play” by “stacking the deck or stealing an opponent’s card for one’s own use.” The Americans have a long history of exploiting their “home field advantage” to this effect, using the country’s giant tech and telecom companies as well as its central position in the internet’s infrastructure to enable cyber operations that have helped fight its wars and win rounds of negotiations at the United Nations.

用学者的眼光,布坎南将新兴的战术与传统的军事冲突,核竞争和间谍活动方式进行了比较和对比,以使人们对新时代有所了解。 该书剖析了政府如何利用网络攻击从根本上“改变游戏状态”,方法是“堆放甲板或偷取对手的卡以供自己使用。” 美国人在利用其“本国优势”达到这一效果方面已有很长的历史,它利用该国的大型科技和电信公司及其在互联网基础设施中的核心地位,使有助于打击战争和赢得战争的网络运营成为可能。联合国谈判。

Meanwhile, Sandworm, a new book by journalist Andy Greenberg, zeroes in on multiple interrelated Russian hacking groups responsible not only for the sprawling campaign against the Olympics but for an impossibly long list of headline-making hacks. They turned the lights out in Ukraine by breaking into utilities, broke into the Democratic National Committee in America, and brought hospitals, ports, giant corporations, and government agencies to their knees with a piece of malware called NotPetya. This debacle illustrates the big and unanswered questions defining the new era: What are the rules? What are the consequences?

同时,记者安迪·格林伯格(Andy Greenberg)出版的新书《 Sandworm 》将多个相互联系的俄罗斯黑客组织为零,不仅负责反对奥林匹克运动的泛滥运动,而且负责头条新闻的黑客也可能不多。 他们闯入了乌克兰,成为公用事业公司,熄灭了灯火,闯入了美国民主党全国委员会,并用一种​​名为NotPetya的恶意软件将医院,港口,巨型公司和政府机构摆在了膝上。 这场灾难说明了定义新时代的未解决的重大问题:规则是什么? 有什么后果?

Although it may seem as if cyberattacks target mainly networks and computers, conflict on the internet can affect every human being both directly — when, for example, medical equipment is compromised — and indirectly, by forcefully reshaping the geopolitical reality we’re all living in.


“Today, the full scale of the threat Sandworm and its ilk present loom over the future,” Greenberg writes. “If cyberwar escalation continues unchecked, the victims of state-sponsored hacking could be on a trajectory for even more virulent and destructive works. The digital attacks first demonstrated in Ukraine hint at a dystopia on the horizon, one where hackers induce blackouts that last days, weeks, or even longer — intentionally inflicted deprivations of electricity that could mirror the American tragedy of Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, causing vast economic harm or even loss of life.”

格林伯格写道:“今天,威胁沙蚕及其类似物的全部规模将在未来出现。” “如果网络战争的升级继续受到制止,国家资助的黑客攻击的受害者可能会走上更致命和更具破坏性的工作的轨道。 最初在乌克兰展示的数字攻击暗示了一种反乌托邦,在这种情况下,黑客会持续数天,数周甚至更长的时间造成停电,故意造成电力匮乏,这可能反映了飓风玛丽亚之后美国波多黎各的悲剧,造成了巨大的灾难。经济上的伤害甚至死亡。”

As we start a new decade, the most immediate threat in the minds of many Americans is — once again — election interference. The 2020 election threatens to move forward the pattern of escalation that began when Barack Obama’s campaign was hacked in 2008, and spiked when Donald Trump became the first to directly benefit from hacking by a foreign power. Hacker States, an upcoming book by the British academics Luca Follis and Adam Fish, distinguishes between the different dimensions of destruction. Whether or not a hack achieves a specific technical goal — malware installed, account taken over, data breached — it can undermine public confidence and democracy.

在新的十年开始之际,许多美国人心目中最紧迫的威胁再次是选举干扰。 2020年大选有可能推动升级模式的升级,这种升级模式始于2008年巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的竞选活动被黑客入侵,而唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)成为第一个直接从外国大国的黑客攻击中直接受益的人,则激增。 英国学者卢卡·佛利斯(Luca Follis)和亚当·菲什(Adam Fish)即将出版的一本书《 黑客国家》 ( Hacker States)区分了破坏的不同方面。 黑客能否达到特定的技术目标(安装恶意软件,接管帐户,破坏数据),都会破坏公众的信心和民主。

“It is not just about tampering, information warfare, or influence campaigns, but it is also about the very physical infrastructures and complex systems responsible for everything from healthcare to tallying votes,” Follis and Fish write.


“In the 2016 US presidential elections, Russian hackers targeted the electronic voting systems of more than one hundred local elections. Even when the tampering is not successful or when damning information is not exfiltrated, the suspicion generated by the discovery of malicious code (or reports of systems penetration) speaks to a new conspiratorial and anxious politics, in which the question of democratic legitimacy is left open and unanswered.”

“在2016年美国总统选举中,俄罗斯黑客将100多个地方选举的电子投票系统作为目标。 即使篡改没有成功或没有泄露令人讨厌的信息,但由于发现恶意代码(或系统渗透的报告)而产生的怀疑,也使新的阴谋和焦虑政治陷入了僵局,其中民主合法性问题悬而未决。而且没有答案。”

Perhaps the most useful preview of the 2020 election will be, once again, the Olympics. The 2020 summer games will be held in Tokyo, and the Russians have already put a bull’s-eye on the event with several successful hacks on relevant organizations. Despite a spotlight on their activities, there have been virtually no consequences for what the Russians did to the Olympics in the past four years, so a repeat performance is a distinct possibility.

也许2020年大选最有用的预告片将是奥运会。 2020年夏季奥运会将在东京举行,而俄罗斯已经把靶心上的事件与相关组织几次成功的黑客。 尽管他们的活动受到关注,但过去四年俄罗斯人对奥运会所做的工作几乎没有任何后果,因此重复表演是一种明显的可能性。

The last decade was marked by nations harnessing the power of hacking to win wars, elections, and any other fight they chose. World powers will continue using this distinctly 21st-century weapon to shape politics to their advantage. In both the Olympic Games and elections, even the smallest advantage makes a world of difference.

在过去十年中,各国利用黑客的力量赢得了战争,选举和他们选择的任何其他战斗的标志。 世界大国将继续使用这种独特的21世纪武器来利用其优势塑造政治。 在奥运会和选举中,即使是最小的优势也能带来与众不同的世界。

It’s clear that fights on both of those fronts are already well under way.

显然, 这两个方面的斗争已经在进行中

I’m a cybersecurity journalist focused on topics ranging from national security to personal privacy. @HowellONeill

我是一名网络安全记者,重点关注从国家安全到个人隐私的话题。 Ho

翻译自: https://medium.com/mit-technology-review/hackers-will-be-the-weapon-of-choice-for-governments-in-2020-34bb2a49259e


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