iOS 14的UICollectionView有什么新功能?

Collection Views didn’t exactly make their way into SwiftUI during WWDC 2020, but that didn’t stop UICollectionView from receiving some powerful new updates.

在WWDC 2020期间,Collection View并未完全进入SwiftUI,但这并未阻止UICollectionView接收一些强大的新更新。

CompositionalLayouts and DiffableDataSources were introduced in iOS 13 CollectionViews and brought more flexibility in constructing layouts and data sources for our UICollectionView.

在iOS 13 CollectionViews中引入了CompositionalLayoutsDiffableDataSources它们为UICollectionView构造布局和数据源提供了更大的灵活性。

With iOS 14, there are three new additions to the CollectionView APIs for layouts, data sources, and cells — the three pillars of constructing collection views:

在iOS 14中,为布局,数据源和单元格的CollectionView API新增了三项功能-构建集合视图的三大Struts:

  • Lists are a new addition to CompositionalLayouts and bring a UITableView-like appearance in CollectionViews.


  • UICollectionView.CellRegistration lets you configure cells in a completely different way using new Configuration APIs. Also, there’s a new UICollectionViewListCell concrete class that provides cells with list-like content styling by default.

    UICollectionView.CellRegistration使您可以使用新的Configuration API以完全不同的方式配置单元。 此外,还有一个新的UICollectionViewListCell具体类,默认情况下为单元格提供类似列表的内容样式。

  • Diffable Data Source now includes Section Snapshots to allow more updating data on a per-section basis. This is useful in building Outlined Styled lists, a new hierarchical design introduced in iOS 14.

    差异数据源现在包括分区快照,以允许在每个分区的基础上进行更多更新。 这对于构建大纲样式列表很有用,这是iOS 14中引入的新分层设计。

In the next few sections, we’ll discuss the first two additions. Let’s see how to construct layouts and cells in UICollectionView in the new iOS 14 way.

在接下来的几节中,我们将讨论前两个补充。 让我们看看如何以新的iOS 14方式在UICollectionView中构造布局和单元格。

iOS 14单元配置和注册 (iOS 14 Cell Configuration and Registration)

iOS 14 introduces a brand new Cell Configuration API for configuring our CollectionView and TableView cells.

iOS 14引入了全新的单元配置API,用于配置我们的CollectionView和TableView单元。

This means that we don’t need to set properties directly on the UITableViewCell and UICollectionViewCell like we did earlier.


The new configuration API lets us use a content configuration to set the cell’s content and styling or update it based on different states:


For UICollectionViews, we have a new UICollectionViewListCell. We can directly fetch its default configuration in the following way:

对于UICollectionViews ,我们有一个新的UICollectionViewListCell 。 我们可以通过以下方式直接获取其默认配置:

var content = listCell.defaultContentConfiguration()

In doing so, we’re able to get rid of using cell identifiers and the obligatory if let and guard let statements we used to write to ensure that the cell was registered.

这样一来,我们就可以摆脱使用单元格标识符的使用,而不必使用我们过去用来确保单元格已注册的if letguard let语句。

More importantly, we’re not directly accessing the cell’s label and image property anymore, which allows us to compose configurations that can be used across TableView, CollectionView, and custom cells.


Aside from contentConfiguration, there’s also a backgroundConfiguration that we can leverage to set background appearance properties and also a leadingSwipeActionsConfiguration and trailingSwipeActionsConfiguration to easily embed UITableView-like swipe behavior directly in our UICollectionView cell implementation.

除了contentConfiguration ,还有一个backgroundConfiguration ,我们可以利用这些设置背景外观属性,也是一个leadingSwipeActionsConfigurationtrailingSwipeActionsConfiguration轻松嵌入UITableView在我们的直接般滑动操作UICollectionView单元实现。

The new UICollectionView.CellRegistration structure that we just created automatically takes care of cell registration when passed inside the dequeueConfiguredReusableCell. You don’t need to register cells using identifiers anymore.

我们刚刚创建的新UICollectionView.CellRegistration结构在传递到dequeueConfiguredReusableCell内时会自动处理单元格注册。 您不再需要使用标识符来注册单元格。

iOS 14 CollectionViews的新列表布局 (iOS 14 New List Layouts for CollectionViews)

Taking a cue from the UICollectionViewListCell we discussed in the previous section, we now have a new List Layout built on top of compositional layouts.

从我们在上一节中讨论过的UICollectionViewListCell一个提示,现在我们有了一个在合成布局之上构建的新的List Layout。

All it takes to quickly set up this layout is passing in the UICollectionViewListConfiguration, which could be set as grouped, insetGrouped, sideBar, and sideBarPlain in addition to the following plain appearance:

所有需要快速建立这种布局是通过在UICollectionViewListConfiguration ,这可以被设置为groupedinsetGroupedsideBarsideBarPlain除了以下朴实无华的外表:

The good thing about the new Lists support in UICollectionView is that it provides out-of-the-box support for self-sizing cells.


We can also create lists on a per-section basis by passing in the NSCollectionSectionLayout.list within the compositional layout.


Customizing header and footer for lists in UICollectionView is a bit different from what we did in UITableView.


You’d need to invoke the headerMode or footerMode on the list configuration in the following way:


config.headerMode = .supplementary
config.footerMode = .supplementary

Subsequently, you’d need to provide the view by invoking supplementaryViewProvider on the Diffable Data Source, wherein you can set the dequeueConfiguredReusableSupplementary function and pass in the header configuration.


Now let’s combine the new features above (Cell Configuration API, List Layout, and Registrations).


We’ve set up a simple UICollectionView in our UIViewController, as shown below:

我们在UIViewController设置了一个简单的UICollectionView ,如下所示:

Upon running the application in a simulator, you’d get the following output:


An iPhone screenshot that shows a UITableView like list inside UICollectionView in iOS 14

结论 (Conclusion)

To sum up:


  • iOS 14 introduced a new CellRegistration technique that doesn’t require registration using cell identifiers.

    iOS 14引入了新的CellRegistration技术,该技术不需要使用单元格标识符进行注册。

  • A new configuration API encapsulates the cell’s content and background view properties. UICollectionViewListCell provides us with a default configuration that can be set and updated based on states.

    新的配置API封装了单元格的内容和背景视图属性。 UICollectionViewListCell为我们提供了默认配置,可以根据状态进行设置和更新。

  • Customizations such as swipe actions and setting accessories can now be done directly when setting the cell configuration, thereby encouraging us to keep a single source of truth.

  • The new lists for UICollectionView are a UITableView lookalike and can be composed easily by specifying the layout and configuration (it can be on a per-section basis too) with appropriate header and footers.

    UICollectionView的新列表UICollectionView UITableView ,可以通过使用适当的页眉和页脚指定布局和配置(也可以基于每个部分)来轻松组成。

We managed to quickly combine the things we’ve learned to build a simple UICollectionView in a declarative form. It’s time to say goodbye to cell item identifiers.

我们设法快速地将我们学到的东西结合起来,以声明的形式构建一个简单的UICollectionView 。 现在该告别单元格项目标识符了。

In the next article, we’ll look at what’s new in Diffable Data Sources for iOS 14. Stay tuned and thanks for reading.

在下一篇文章中,我们将研究iOS 14的可扩散数据源中的新增功能。敬请关注,并感谢您的阅读。






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