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翻译 apache sca_具有sca逻辑的应用

apache scaAPP开发(APP DEVELOPMENT)This is the second article of a series on how to write an app using SwiftUI and Swift Composable Architecture by https://pointfree.co.这是关于如何通过https://pointfree.co使用Swi...

2020-10-13 04:02:12 227

翻译 uikit2 uikit3_时光倒流,在uikit中构建没有情节提要的应用

uikit2 uikit3Before SwiftUI existed, apps were built using UIKit. Many associate UIKit with storyboards, but most of the time you just used code to create a UI. By getting rid of the storyboard. In th...

2020-10-13 03:52:19 240

翻译 颤振稳定性叶瓣图_为什么颤振实际上是应用程序开发中的下一件大事

颤振稳定性叶瓣图Last week, Michael Long wrote an article explaining in detail why Flutter won’t be the “next big thing.” It evoked some passionate reactions from readers, most of them disagreeing with what he...

2020-10-13 03:42:48 522

翻译 ios swift_用于iOS部署的Tensorflow Lite 2 x Swift或C API

ios swiftTensorFlow Lite 2.x API allows us to deploy neural network models on iOS devices. TensorFlow Lite comes with three different programming languages support: SWIFT, Objective-C, and C. However ...

2020-10-13 03:32:37 727

翻译 conda使用pip_使用conda pip管理基于jupyterlab的数据科学项目

conda使用pipThis article discusses two approaches for managing JupyterLab-based data science projects using Conda (+pip): a “system-wide” approach where Conda (+pip) are used to manage a single JupyterL...

2020-09-18 00:19:13 142

翻译 xml即时更新_用于即时任务的workmanager最新更新

xml即时更新 本文的重点 (Takeaway from this article)This blog post focus on how to implement long-running background tasks that need to start immediately with WorkManager. You need to be familiar with the basi...

2020-09-17 20:48:25 111

翻译 arkit扫描3d模型_ARKit中的Swift 3D模型动画神秘化

arkit扫描3d模型Recently I was looking for ways to control animations that are baked in 3D Models with Swift but all I could find was bits and pieces over the internet with no robust way of handling key fr...

2020-09-09 00:20:49 758

翻译 appium ios自动化_适用于真实设备/模拟器的带有Appium桌面的iOS自动化

appium ios自动化This tutorial is to start/set up your environment for iOS Automation. Here, we will be doing it with an Appium desktop instead of appium as an npm package. 本教程旨在启动/设置iOS自动化的环境。 在这里,我们将使用A...

2020-09-09 00:10:14 608

翻译 如果依赖注入的还未初始化_如何使用初始化程序进行Swift依赖注入

如果依赖注入的还未初始化Dependency Injection feel like a very complicated topic but in fact it is very simple. We as devs all try to follow design principle like SOLID so that our code is properly structured in a...

2020-09-09 00:00:11 98

翻译 创建客户细分_在SwiftUI中创建多细分选择器

创建客户细分After a few weeks off from SwiftUI content, I’m back! In this article, we’ll go over how to create a multi-segment picker. This might be useful for selecting a time duration (ex. one day, four w...

2020-09-08 23:50:29 211

翻译 swiftui_SwiftUI中的自定义切换样式

swiftuiMy SwiftUI quick tip for this week covers custom Toggle views! You can easily apply your own style to SwiftUI toggles by using the ToggleStyle protocol. The best part is you don't need to worry...

2020-09-08 23:40:09 633

翻译 斯威夫特山地车_斯威夫特的物业包装

斯威夫特山地车Properties in Swift are used to hold some kind of data. Sometimes these properties have some kind of logic to be triggered when they’re modified. For Example - having a property which maintains...

2020-09-08 23:30:36 88

翻译 apple 应用名字侵权_在SwiftUI应用中实施与Apple的登录

apple 应用名字侵权Hi everyone, 嗨,大家好, In this article, I’ll share how to implement Sign in with Apple in a SwiftUI project. As of now, the Sign in with Apple button and user interface flow is available for...

2020-09-08 23:19:53 308

翻译 web获取用户滑动的距离_如何在SwiftUI中获取用户的滑动方向

web获取用户滑动的距离 简单的用户界面 (Simple UI)For the UI, let’s have a ZStack that contains a color and text that change when the swipe direction changes. The Color struct can behave as a view. Because of this, we...

2020-09-08 23:10:46 197

翻译 使用React Native动画构建车速表

Animation in mobile app enhances the user experience. It provides a perfect visual hint and makes it appealing to the user. 移动应用中的动画可增强用户体验。 它提供了完美的视觉提示,并吸引了用户。 In this post, we will learn how to imp...

2020-09-08 23:01:18 380

翻译 如何在iOS中创建自定义单元以增强TableView

我将对iOS中的表格进行简要介绍和演示,以及如何创建自定义TableView单元格。 (I’m going to give a brief introduction and demo into tables in iOS, and how to create custom TableView Cells.)In XCode open Main.storyboard. Next drag and...

2020-09-08 22:52:02 171

翻译 opencv中的snake_如何在SwiftUI中创建Snake游戏

opencv中的snake 枚举和变量 (Enum and Variables)We are going to detect the swipe direction and have the snake move in that direction constantly until the direction changes. Let’s first create an enum for the...

2020-09-08 03:47:54 127

翻译 swift 自定义下拉选择_在Swift中创建自定义的开始和结束时间选择器警报

swift 自定义下拉选择This tutorial is concise and assumes that you already know how to add constraints, connect outlets, and create delegates. 本教程简明扼要,并假定您已经知道如何添加约束,连接出口和创建委托。 Leave a comment below if you a...

2020-09-08 03:27:43 321

翻译 ios开发技巧_开发iOS 14小部件的10个技巧

ios开发技巧Widgets have been one of the top features of iOS 14 during WWDC 2020, where the biggest change ever of iOS home screen has been unveiled. On the user point of view, they represent a new type of...

2020-09-08 03:17:05 1510

翻译 切换窗口导致花屏_切换到SwiftUI导致我进行了重新设计

切换窗口导致花屏I had been putting off adding a new feature to Decisive Wife which would let users see what they had eaten in the past. This would be especially useful to me as I am constantly looking at left...

2020-09-08 03:07:28 209

翻译 cnn keras 实现_在iOS应用中实现Keras CNN

cnn keras 实现I first thought about image classification in an app through watching the TV show Silicon Valley. For any non-Silicon Valley enthusiasts, the show is a comedy with the characters in a tech...

2020-09-08 02:58:15 204

翻译 ios web应用程序_iOS应用程序中的应用程序内购买-测试人员的观点

ios web应用程序Year after year, Apple’s new releases of mobile devices gain a decent amount of traction in tech media coverage and keep attracting customers to obtain their quite pricey products. Promises...

2020-09-08 02:38:53 153

翻译 swift 依赖请求_在Swift中作为依赖项

swift 依赖请求 介绍 (Introduction)Implementing an architecture within an application can be challenging. There are rules we can follow (SOLID, Clean Architecture) and patterns to guide us (MVVM, MVP, MVI, ...

2020-09-08 02:29:10 537

翻译 xcode写在_迷失在Xcode领域

xcode写在A travelers guide. 旅行者指南。 Why is it that GUIs always seem to be the hardest part of any project? Particularly anything involving Xcode — there’s a lot going on here. Even worse than not findin...

2020-08-24 11:17:02 328

翻译 测试beta测试_如何在2020年向Beta测试人员启动Expo托管应用

测试beta测试Expo is a platform for making native apps using languages that web-developers are familiar with (Javascript + React), streamlining the process and learning curve of launching an app. Expo是一个平台...

2020-08-24 10:16:32 1136

翻译 swift 依赖请求_如何做基于Swift的依赖注入参数

swift 依赖请求Dependency Injection feel like a very complicated topic but in fact it is very simple. We as devs all try to follow design principle like SOLID so that our code is properly structured in a m...

2020-08-24 09:55:57 272

翻译 js ios调用ios方法_通过iOS 13的模式演示调用生命周期方法

js ios调用ios方法iOS 13 was legendary iOS 13传奇 iOS 13 brought many cool things; dark mode, sign in with Apple and Memoji, just to name a few. iOS 13带来了很多很棒的东西; 暗模式,使用Apple和Memoji登录 ,仅举几例。 One of my favo...

2020-08-24 09:46:31 250

翻译 swiftui_SwiftUI动画的2个必备知识协议

swiftuiWhen using SwiftUI, it’s important to animate views and transitions with silky smooth performance. This article introduces the two protocols for SwiftUI animation that every developer must know...

2020-08-24 09:37:30 400

翻译 android和ios适配_针对iOS和Android设计时“并非总是”情况的8个UX设计技巧

android和ios适配Before going on, I would like to say that everything you read is only based on my UI/UX design knowledge, experience, and conducted user tests. Somethings could not work for you but in my...

2020-08-24 09:18:17 318

翻译 特斯拉 robin_“特斯拉约会”在24小时内获得了1000次注册

特斯拉 robinBefore anyone gets too emotionally invested in the prospect of meeting their equally electrified soulmate: a matchmaking app for Tesla owners doesn’t exist — yet. However, developer and eComm...

2020-08-24 09:09:11 135

翻译 ios create ml_带有iOS的ML

ios create mlIn this article, we shall see how to train a model and integrate it into an iOS app. If you already have an ML model and want to see how to integrate it in your app, you can scroll down t...

2020-08-24 08:58:46 195

翻译 ios 内存泄漏检测_iOS上运行时的内存泄漏检测

ios 内存泄漏检测Xcode supports an awesome Instruments tool to help us detect the Memory Leaks & fix them. One downside of this approach is we have to launch the Instruments tool to find the leaks then f...

2020-08-24 08:39:08 450

翻译 swift 获取所有属性_从Swift的属性列表文件中获取API密钥

swift 获取所有属性Many APIs require developers to provide an API key and/or API secret to be able to access the API. 许多API要求开发人员提供API密钥和/或API机密才能访问API。 This is both to identify the app that is accessing th...

2020-08-24 08:19:07 464

翻译 xcode配置_为Xcode项目配置Travis CI

xcode配置Running multiple scripts and configuring for projects using CocoaPods 使用CocoaPods运行多个脚本并配置项目 Hi, 你好 In this article, I’ll share how to configure the .yml file of Travis in your Xcode project ...

2020-08-22 11:37:57 193

翻译 swift 闭包 可选项_Swift中的可选项

swift 闭包 可选项This article was originally published on my website. 本文最初发布在我的网站上 。 In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to deal with Optionals in Swift. 在本教程中,我们将学习如何在Swift中处理Optionals。 什么是可选的? (What are...

2020-08-22 11:27:39 468

翻译 swift 嵌套函数_Swift中的嵌套函数。 真实经验

swift 嵌套函数I want to give you a clear understanding of nested functions and share my experience in using nested functions in Swift. 我想让您对嵌套函数有一个清晰的了解,并分享我在Swift中使用嵌套函数的经验。 理论部分 (Theoretical Part)Swi...

2020-08-22 11:18:35 411

翻译 iOS 14的新功能:App Attest

When jailbreaking of iOS devices first became popular, it was common for iOS developers to try to defend their apps from users that altered their devices to enable piracy. There were many ways of doin...

2020-08-22 11:08:29 1287

翻译 swift 扩展_24个用于更清洁代码的Swift扩展

swift 扩展One of the best features of both Swift and Objective-C, in my opinion, is extensions. They enable you to add new methods to any class and the whole project will be able to call them without ad...

2020-08-22 10:58:45 483

翻译 更快的模块化iOS应用拉取请求检查

This blog post is a follow-up of Enhancing XcodeGen for simpler maintenance of dependencies in modular iOS app . In the mentioned article I showed you how we enhanced XcodeGen format so only direct de...

2020-08-22 10:48:37 97

翻译 swift 约束_Swift中的前导约束和左约束,尾随约束和右约束有什么区别

swift 约束In this article we will learn about the difference between leading and left, trailing and right constraints in Swift. 在本文中,我们将了解Swift中的前,左,尾随和右约束之间的区别。 In short, by setting the leading constr...

2020-08-22 10:37:43 666



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