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It’s a contradiction in the gaming world that the free games have the potential to be the most expensive ones.


The phenomenon is called “pay to win,” where to get to the top of the game and highest ranks and power possible, a player has to pay an insane amount of money. Players are told that a game is free, but are strongly incentivized to spend real money to access substantial content.

这种现象被称为“赢钱”,要想达到游戏的最高水准并获得最高等级和权力,玩家必须付出疯狂的金钱。 玩家被告知游戏是免费的,但是强烈鼓励他们花费真钱来访问大量内容。

These tend to be online games that market themselves as free, hook in newbies and beginners, and then get them to the point where they realize they can’t level up even more unless they pay money for perks, cards, and power-ups.


Look, games are businesses. They have a right to be pay to win if they want to, but in the gaming community of both avid and amateur gamers, pay to win games tend to have a bad reputation because gamers don’t like that the person who shells out the most money tends to be among the elite of the game. I have personally played many mobile games, including Hearthstone, Clash of Clans, and even MapleStory in its later stages that were extremely pay to win.

看,游戏就是生意。 他们有权根据自己的意愿获得胜利,但是在狂热和业余游戏玩家的游戏社区中,赢得胜利的游戏往往声誉不佳,因为游戏者不喜欢掏钱最多的人。金钱往往是游戏中的精英。 我亲自玩过很多手机游戏,包括《 炉石战记》,《部落冲突》,甚至在后期的《 枫之谷》 ,这些都是赢利很高的游戏。

It starts with something small — usually a card or some more gold coins to level up, and then as you ascend, you have to pay more and more. Pay to win games are a pejorative term for the free to play model of a game being free to start, but needing more money to be competitive and actually have fun playing the game.

它从小东西开始-通常是一张卡片或一些更多的金币来升级,然后随着您的上升,您必须支付越来越多的钱。 付费赢得游戏是一种免费游戏的贬义词,即免费开始游戏,但需要更多的钱才能具有竞争力,并在玩游戏时真正有乐趣。

Pay to win games capture a fundamental fact of life and psychology: we love shortcuts. Look no further than the famous college admissions scandal of actresses, business leaders, and other wealthy parents being caught for having their kids trying to enter U.S. colleges fraudulently. On a deeper level, we want shortcuts to happiness, to making money, to everything we want because as human beings, we’re naturally impatient.

付费游戏赢得了生活和心理的基本事实:我们喜欢捷径。 看起来就像女演员,商业领袖和其他富裕父母的著名大学入学丑闻,就是因为他们的孩子试图以欺诈手段进入美国大学而被捕 。 在更深层次上,我们希望通向幸福,赚钱或我们想要的一切事物的捷径,因为作为人类,我们自然是不耐烦的。

The best pay-to-win games recognize our impatience and exploit it — and in a sense, they have to. But it doesn’t always work out. EA’s 2017 Star Wars Battlefront II faced backlash from gamers from the inclusion of loot boxes to enhance in-game experience. A huge uproar from the loot boxes led $3 billion in stock value to be completely wiped out after two weeks and permanent removal of loot boxes.

最好的付费双赢游戏会意识到我们的耐心并加以利用-从某种意义上讲,他们必须这样做。 但这并不总是可行的。 EA的2017年《星球大战前线II》由于包含战利品盒以增强游戏体验而受到玩家的强烈反对 。 从战利品箱子一个巨大的骚动导致$ 3十亿在股票价值被彻底消灭了两个星期,永久移除的战利品盒后。

Pay to win games are also more marketable and acceptable in the East, with the exception of Japan. Eustance Huang of CNBC says that Chinese and Korean gamers are much more embracing of the pay to win model, being used to consuming games through the PC and original internet cafe pre-paid game time. As consumers in Chinese and Korean markets are used to paying recurrent costs, they have less of a problem playing games with microtransactions. In fact, microtransactions accounted for 88% of money made from PC games in 2016.

除日本外,在东部地区,赢得比赛的付费游戏也更容易销售和接受。 CNBC的 Eustance Huang ,中国和韩国的游戏玩家更愿意接受付费取胜的模式,习惯于通过PC和原始的网吧预付费游戏时间来消费游戏。 由于中国和韩国市场的消费者习惯于支付经常性费用,因此在玩带有微交易的游戏时,他们的问题就更少了。 实际上,2016年微交易 PC游戏收入的88%。

I do prefer other models for gaming when I do these days, which is more sparingly. The traditional model of gaming, pay to play, is gaming as we know it — paying a set amount of money for a game and having access to all the content. Most console games are pay to play, but pay to play games tend to lack the online competition and social atmosphere as free to play, but pay to win games that require microtransactions.

这些天,我确实更喜欢其他型号的游戏,这更加谨慎。 游戏的传统模式,即付即玩,就是我们所知道的游戏-为游戏支付一定的费用并可以访问所有内容。 大多数主机游戏都是付费游戏,但付费游戏往往缺乏在线竞争和免费游戏的社交氛围,但付费才能赢得需要微交易的游戏。

The social aspect is also a huge part of the appeal of pay to win games. Companies like Nexon and Zynga have reputations for making pay to win games, and perhaps part of the reason why I quit MapleStory was that it became too pay to win once it introduced extremely damage enhancing paid items. I was no longer competitive after that. I love MMOs with good social atmospheres and communities, but the toxic nature of pay to win quickly ruins even the best of gaming communities.

社会方面也是赢钱游戏吸引人的重要部分。 像Nexon和Zynga这样的公司在赢得比赛上赚钱方面享有盛誉,也许我退出MapleStory的部分原因是一旦引入了极具破坏性的付费项目,它就太赢了。 此后,我不再具有竞争力。 我喜欢具有良好社交氛围和社区的MMO,但是快速赢取薪酬的有毒性质甚至破坏了最好的游戏社区。

Like anything, it’s a balance. I think multiplayer online battle arena games like League of Legends and Dota 2 have a good ethical model where players can pay for cosmetic items but not for any performance-enhancing items. The exception, I guess, is that League of Legends and Dota 2 are very competitive that engage players in ways that a regular mobile game cannot. I remember when I played a really cool RPG named Zenonia on the phone and thought it was too good to be true — it turns out it was, since I’d have to pay an absurd amount of money to finish the story.

像任何东西一样,这是一种平衡。 我认为像《英雄联盟》和《 Dota 2》这样的多人在线战场游戏具有良好的道德模式,玩家可以为装饰物品付费,但不能为任何性能提升物品付费。 我想这是个例外,因为《英雄联盟》和《 Dota 2》极具竞争力,能够以常规手机游戏无法吸引玩家的方式吸引玩家。 我记得当我在电话上玩一个非常酷的RPG游戏Zenonia时,以为它太好了, 难以置信 -事实证明是这样,因为我必须支付荒唐的钱才能完成这个故事。

Anyways, there’s nothing wrong with a game adopting a pay to win model, because games are businesses inherently. However, it’s wrong for a game to be too pay to win, to prioritize the sin of greed over the very players and consumers that allow the game to exist in the first place. For the best customer satisfaction, even games that do require money to advance and win will not go overboard with it.

无论如何,采用付费制取胜模式的游戏没有错,因为游戏本质上就是企业。 但是,游戏过于花钱而无法获胜,将贪婪的罪恶置于首先允许游戏存在的玩家和消费者之上,这是错误的。 为了获得最佳的客户满意度,即使确实需要花钱才能获胜的游戏也不会因此而落伍。

Pay to win games need to maintain a fine balance where they still make money off players willing to pay a lot of money to advance, but where players without the financial means to pay still have a good shot, even if it’s a harder path, at rising to the top.


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Mirza Babic. Mirza Babic提供

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/what-would-you-pay-for-a-free-game-5b28a84b38d0


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