
Buttons are some of the most frequently used components in our apps.


It’s important to make them look appropriate to the action they trigger. They should be consistent and accessible across the app and give visual feedback to users.

使它们看起来适合于触发的动作很重要。 它们应在应用程序中保持一致且可访问,并向用户提供视觉反馈。

In my previous article, I talked about view modifiers and how they can be used to create a stylish UI for our SwiftUI apps.


Here, I’ll present how to apply them to create reusable styles for buttons. It’s going to be a long and enjoyable ride.

在这里,我将介绍如何应用它们为按钮创建可重复使用的样式。 这将是一个漫长而愉快的旅程。

SwiftUI按钮 (SwiftUI Buttons)

Creating a button in SwiftUI is pretty simple. It requires an action and the actual content displayed to be tappable.

在SwiftUI中创建按钮非常简单。 它需要一个动作,并且所显示的实际内容是可轻敲的。

Of course, to style this Button view you have to add view modifiers. You have two options:

当然,要设置此Button视图的样式,您必须添加视图修饰符。 您有两种选择:

  • Apply the modifiers to (each of) the views inside the content

  • Apply the modifiers to the button view — that will apply the modifiers to all the views inside the content


Both will have the same result:


button with “Tap me” caption

The difference, however, can be seen whenever you have multiple views inside the content:


As you can see, in the first button the Image view is left out, but it's still tappable.

如您所见,在第一个按钮中,“ Image视图被省略,但是仍然可以点击。

comparison between buttons with different styles

注意事项 (Some things to keep in mind)

  • As I noted in my previous article about view modifiers, usually the order matters


  • padding should be (again, usually) put before anything regarding the background or border of the button. Let the button breathe — give it some space. We wouldn't want something like:

    通常应再次在按钮的背景或边框之前放置padding 。 让按钮呼吸-给它一些空间。 我们不想要这样的东西:

comparison between buttons with different styles

“ ButtonStyle”修饰符 (The ‘ButtonStyle’ Modifier)

There are two types of view modifiers:


与“视图”协议捆绑在一起的修饰符,可用于任何视图 (Modifiers bundled with the ‘View’ protocol, available to any view)

Example: padding or background— both of which you can be apply to any view.

示例: paddingbackground您都可以将其应用于任何视图。

特定于类型的修饰符,仅适用于该类型的实例 (Modifiers specific to a type, available only to instances of that type)

These are used to take advantage of specific traits of that view. And buttons are a perfect example for this. For example, we may want to change the look and feel whenever the user taps on the button.

这些用于利用该视图的特定特征。 按钮就是一个很好的例子。 例如,每当用户点击按钮时,我们可能希望更改外观。

We have ButtonStyle view modifier that accepts a struct that implements the ButtonStyle protocol.


By default, we have three predefined styles.


3 buttons with 3 pre-defined styles
Three buttons with three predefined styles

But what if we want to customize our buttons further — like by changing the opacity when the button is pressed?


That’s where the ButtonStyle protocol comes in.


构建自己的“ ButtonStyle”修饰符 (Build Your Own ‘ButtonStyle’ Modifier)

As I was stating before, the view modifier specific to buttons gives us access to specific traits. This is done through the Configuration (which is, in fact, a typealias Configuration = ButtonStyleConfiguration).

如前所述,按钮特有的视图修饰符使我们可以访问特定特征。 这是通过Configuration (实际上是typealias Configuration = ButtonStyleConfiguration )完成的。

What we can access are:


  • label: The button content as a whole view

    label :按钮内容整体视图

  • isPressed: a boolean variable that becomes true whenever the button is pressed

    isPressed :一个布尔变量,只要按下按钮,该变量就为true

Let’s do a more interesting example: When the button is pressed, scale it down and decrease the opacity to give it a highlight effect. And, as a bonus, let’s animate these changes.

让我们做一个更有趣的示例:按下按钮时,将其按比例缩小并减小不透明度以使其具有突出显示效果。 而且,作为奖励,让我们为这些变化添加动画效果。

And the result:


button with custom style and animation
Button with custom style and animation

React Native UI库 (React Native UI libraries)

短篇故事 (Short backstory)

In 2019, I started a sabbatical year and a half from native iOS development. I started to develop mobile apps using React Native as my main job.

在2019年,我从原生iOS开发开始了一个半休假。 我开始使用React Native作为主要工作来开发移动应用程序。

I learned a lot, but what amazed me was the power to quickly prototype apps with existing UI libraries. Where I came from (the native-development world) that wasn’t even a thought.

我学到了很多东西,但是令我惊讶的是使用现有UI库快速对应用程序进行原型制作的能力。 我来自哪里(本地开发世界)根本就没有想法。

What I used back then was Callstack’s React Native Paper (Material Design) and then NativeBase.

那时我使用的是Callstack的React Native Paper(材料设计) ,然后是NativeBase

Importing, using, and still being able to customize was mind-blowing to me. I started to understand the power and noise around React Native.

导入,使用并仍然能够自定义对我来说是令人难以置信的。 我开始了解React Native的功能和噪声。

以NativeBase为例 (NativeBase as an Example)

The NativeBase library is made from prebuild components, which help every developer build stuff faster and more consistently across all screens. And buttons aren’t an exception to this.

NativeBase库由预构建组件组成,可帮助每个开发人员在所有屏幕上更快,更一致地构建内容。 而且按钮也不例外。

They offer a long list of props — inputs for the button component that tell it how to look or to behave — like outlined, transparent, bordered, rounded, large, or small.


No more @IBOutlets. No more subclassing. No more CustomButtons eating another UIButton.

没有更多@IBOutlets 。 没有更多的子类化。 再也没有CustomButton吃掉另一个UIButton

Note: I’m aware that in React Native, you end up doing the same thing when implementing your custom styles, but it’s nowhere near as hard using UIKit.

注意:我知道在React Native中,实现自定义样式时最终会做同样的事情,但是使用UIKit却很难。

Fast-forward to today: I’m happy I rediscovered my love of developing beautiful things using SwiftUI.


Let’s see how can we develop a themed UI library for our buttons similar to the ones from NativeBase.


nativebase buttons
NativeBase buttons

创建一个UI库 (Create a UI Library)

Below, I’ll summarize the buttons described based on the NativeBase examples.


种类 (Types)

  • light


  • primary


  • success


  • info


  • warning


  • danger


  • dark


款式 (Styles)

  • default (color fill)

    default (颜色填充)

  • transparent


  • outline


  • rounded (color fill)

    rounded (颜色填充)

  • full width

    full width


  • enabled (default)

    enabled (默认)

  • disabled


大小 (字体大小) (Sizes (font sizes))

  • small


  • default


  • large


What I wanted to achieve was to be as close as possible to declaring:


So it’d be something like this with all the variables in place:


Now looking at these requirements and the NativeBase examples, we can see there are common traits that describe this UI:


  • foreground color (the text color)

    foreground color (文本颜色)

  • background color

    background color

  • border color (for outlined buttons)

    border color (用于概述的按钮)

  • border radius (for both default and rounded buttons)

    border radius (适用于默认按钮和圆形按钮)

  • border width

    border width

按钮样式配置 (Button-Style Configuration)

So let’s create a protocol called ButtonStyleConfig.


Looking at the designs, we can see most of the buttons don’t have a border and have the same corner radius. As an arbitrary value, I chose 6 for the corner radius.

查看设计,我们可以看到大多数按钮没有边框并且具有相同的拐角半径。 作为一个任意值,我选择6作为拐角半径。

Another thing we can notice is no matter what type of buttons there are, all of them have two colors: a primary and a secondary one.


For example, for the default success button, we have the primary color green and the secondary color white. In fact, most of them have the secondary color white, so let’s make that the default value.

例如,对于默认的成功按钮,我们的主要颜色为green ,次要颜色为white 。 实际上,大多数颜色都具有white ,因此我们将其设为默认值。

Now, let’s create specific structs that describe each color for each style:


Note: Of course, there are a lot of ways of doing this instead of using structs — like PLIST or JSON files.


Let’s make the styles easier to use and create an enum for them:


显示样式 (Display Styles)

Now let’s use an enum to describe the display styles — default, transparent, outline, and rounded — and to specify the button-style configurations by implementing the ButtonStyleConfig protocol.

现在,让我们使用一个枚举来描述显示样式( defaulttransparentoutlinerounded ,并通过实现ButtonStyleConfig协议来指定按钮样式的配置。

As you can see, having the type returning the primary and secondary colors helps us a lot when switching these for the transparent/outline styles.

如您所见,在将这些颜色切换为transparent / outline样式时,使类型返回原色和辅助色对我们有很大帮助。

Is there something we missed? Oh, yes, the size of the button, which is, in fact, the font size. So we can create a simple enum:

有什么我们想念的吗? 哦,是的,按钮的大小,实际上是字体大小。 因此,我们可以创建一个简单的枚举:

With all these components, we can start creating our custom button styles.


主题按钮 (Theme the Buttons)

Let’s use the CustomButtonStyle we created earlier and add a custom init. Like I described in the previous article, we can pass parameters to our custom view modifier.

让我们使用我们先前创建的CustomButtonStyle并添加一个自定义init。 就像我在上一篇文章中描述的那样,我们可以将参数传递给自定义视图修饰符。

As a subtle touch, I added a shadow component to give the buttons a little depth.


Let’s see it in action:


  • This is how it looks by default: .buttonStyle(CustomButtonStyle())

    默认情况下是这样的: .buttonStyle(CustomButtonStyle())

default primary style
Default primary style
  • CustomButtonStyle(.rounded(type: .success))

    CustomButtonStyle(.rounded(type: .success))

rounded success button style
Rounded success button style
  • CustomButtonStyle(.transparent(type: .success)

    CustomButtonStyle(.transparent(type: .success)

transparent success button style
Transparent success button style
  • CustomButtonStyle(.outline(type: .success))

    CustomButtonStyle(.outline(type: .success))

transparent success button style
Failed outlined success button style

Wait, what? Shouldn’t it be outlined? But where’s the border? Let’s fix it!

等一下 不应该概述吗? 但是边界在哪里? 让我们修复它!

边框 (Borders)

Let’s fix it! We can add the border by adding a RoundedRectangle as an overlay view:

让我们修复它! 我们可以通过添加RoundedRectangle作为覆盖视图来添加边框:

The outlined style is fixed!


fixed outlined success button style
Fixed outlined success button style

到目前为止我们取得的成就 (What We’ve Achieved So Far)

Let’s see what we can do so far:


Image for post

全屏宽度 (Full Width)

Right now, our buttons take the minimum width needed.


But what if we want to use a submit button for our form and want it to take the full width available?


怎么样 (How)

To make a view take the full width available, we can use the .frame view modifier, like this:


.frame(maxWidth: .infinity).

.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)

哪里 (Where)

In the previous article, I emphasized that the order of modifiers matters.


What we want to achieve isn’t only a full width. We want to make the corners, backgrounds, shadows, and overlays impact the entire view and keep the proportions.

我们想要实现的不仅仅是全宽。 我们要使拐角,背景,阴影和覆盖层影响整个视图并保持比例。

To do that, we need to specify the frame before the background modifier.


And the result is this:


full width buttons
Full width buttons

Now, this isn’t something I always want. I’d like to specify through a boolean something like: CustomButtonStyle(.default(type: .dark), isFullWidth: true).

现在,这不是我一直想要的东西。 我想通过一个布尔值来指定: CustomButtonStyle(.default(type: .dark), isFullWidth: true)

So specify the flag in the init method, and apply the frame modifier only if it’s true in the makeBody method.


If we’re here, let’s create a small custom modifier that’ll make a view to have full width.


Unfortunately, at this moment, there isn’t a method to conditionally apply a modifier. But we can create it!

不幸的是,目前还没有一种方法有条件地应用修饰符。 但是我们可以创建它!

In googling this issue, we find this excellent article on view modifiers. There we can find a very useful extension that applies a specified modifier only if the condition is true.

在搜寻此问题时,我们发现了这篇关于视图修饰符的出色文章 。 在那里,我们可以找到一个非常有用的扩展,该扩展仅在条件为true时才应用指定的修饰符。

Now we have all the building blocks we need:


As an example of usage, let’s see it applied to the same button:


default and block dark buttons
Default and block dark buttons

疯狂的动画 (Crazy Animations)

As you can see, the only way we indicate the buttons are pressed is through a highlight effect: .opacity(configuration.isPressed ? 0.7 : 1).

如您所见,指示按钮被按下的唯一方法是突出显示效果: .opacity(configuration.isPressed ? 0.7 : 1)

Let’s add back the scaleEffect modifier, but this time, change the animation effect to make it bounce. And to make it even crazier, let’s change the radius when it’s pressed:

让我们重新添加scaleEffect修改器,但是这次更改动画效果以使其反弹。 为了使它更加疯狂,让我们在按下时更改半径:



Image for post
Animated buttons

Do we really need that in a real-life scenario? Probably not, but we need to animate our lives sometimes.

在现实生活中,我们真的需要吗? 可能不是,但有时我们需要使我们的生活充满活力。

恭喜你! (Congratulations!)

You made it this far, and the reward is your own button-component library that’s easy to extend and customize. For example, what you can do is enhance the button component to support loading states, display a spinner, or make the button untappable.

您已经做到了这一点,而所获得的奖励是您自己的易于扩展和自定义的按钮组件库。 例如,您可以做的是增强按钮组件以支持加载状态,显示微调器或使按钮不可应用。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/build-your-own-button-component-library-from-scratch-in-swiftui-14cfa2f0036b





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