

There is a popular catchphrase in the business world: “Keep it Simple, Stupid.”


Often directed at those attempting to present detailed content to an audience short on time or context, KISS is a well-intentioned (well, except for the name-calling…that hurts) warning that ultimately works against an organization’s long-term goals of technical literacy. By “hand-waving” over the technical details of a project, you limit the decision-making power of your team. I shudder every time I hear a data scientist say, “Trust me on the math and the data stuff.” This hoarding of technical power may lead to job security, but also unnecessarily shrouds the process in mystery, leading to distrust (especially when the insights conflict with anecdotal beliefs). The audience has only two choices in this scenario: blindly trust your conclusions or disagree with them (an endeavor you haven’t properly equipped them for).

KISS通常是针对那些试图在短时间内或短时间内向受众展示详细内容的人的,这是一个很好的警告(好叫,但那会让人受伤),这最终会违背组织的长期技术目标。识字。 通过“动摇”项目的技术细节,您将限制团队的决策能力。 每当我听到数据科学家说:“相信我的数学和数据知识时,我都会发抖。” power积的技术力量可能会导致工作安全,但也不必要地笼罩整个过程,导致不信任(尤其是当见解与传闻冲突时)。 在这种情况下,观众只有两个选择:一味地相信您的结论或不同意他们的结论(这是您没有正确装备它们的一种努力)。

I am not suggesting that you go into a meeting with the C-suite prepared to walk through slides on pooling layers, nor am I suggesting you completely remove important technical details from your presentation. Consider the technical level of your presentation to be a spectrum in which you control the dial. Showing partners the hidden features of your convolutional neural network is the equivalent of cranking this dial to 11, and is a waste of their time (and yours). However, data scientists and analysts do have a role to play in the technical education of an organization, so think wisely before turning the dial to 0. Maybe 3 would be a useful level?

我不建议您与准备在池化层上浏览幻灯片的高级管理人员开会,也不建议您从演示文稿中完全删除重要的技术细节。 将演示文稿的技术水平视为可以控制拨盘的频谱。 向合作伙伴显示卷积神经网络的隐藏功能等同于将该转盘设置为11,并且浪费他们(和您)的时间。 但是,数据科学家和分析师在组织的技术教育中确实发挥着作用,因此在将刻度盘调到0之前要三思而行。也许3会有用吗?

Allow me to propose an alternative: “Meet me in the Middle, Friend.”


MMITMF is not as catchy an acronym as KISS, but is infinitely more effective and inviting in its directive. MMITMF means setting the expectation that the audience shares some of the burden in bridging the gap in technical literacy, approaching the concepts with curiosity and honesty. On the other side, there is an expectation that the presenter will be a thoughtful facilitator of this material, setting an appropriate and manageable threshold. This process is iterative and, when implemented properly, will result in that threshold slowly starting to increase as you “raise the bar.” Your audience is learning to be more comfortable with technical terms and concepts, making their questions and challenges more nuanced and informed. This makes the next round of insights even more impactful. Additionally, the replacement of “stupid” with “friend” represents a culture shift. Neither the audience nor the presenter is stupid in this scenario, and perpetuating this stereotype furthers the divide in technical comfort and literacy, making insights even less accessible.

MMITMF不像KISS那样引人注目,但它的指令无限有效和诱人。 MMITMF意味着要设定一种期望,即观众应该承担一些责任,以弥合技术素养的差距,以好奇和诚实的态度对待这些概念。 另一方面,期望演示者将是此材料的深思熟虑的主持人,设置适当且可管理的阈值。 此过程是反复进行的,如果正确实施,将导致阈值随着您“提高标准”而逐渐开始增加。 您的听众正在学习对技术术语和概念更熟悉,从而使他们的问题和挑战变得更加细致和明智。 这使得下一轮见解更具影响力。 另外,用“朋友”代替“愚蠢”代表着文化的转变。 在这种情况下,听众和演讲者都不是愚蠢的,并且这种陈规定型观念的存在进一步加剧了技术舒适性和读写能力上的鸿沟,使洞察力变得更加难以获得。

What does this look like in practice? Consider an example in which the marketing team has asked for assistance on a promotional campaign. The email comes through with a simple question: “What is the average age of the residents in Region H?” Averages are useless without context, so resist the urge to run a simple query and reply that the average age is 30.1. Instead, take an extra hour and wade just a bit deeper into the data. Visual the data and explore some quick summary statistics. You may know, from previous conversations, that the target demographic for this particular campaign is people aged 25 and 34. You may also know that this campaign was successful in Region A, but failed in Region Z. If you don’t already know those things, this is a perfectly poised opportunity for you to ask those questions…something like “We’d be happy to pull those statistics for you and we can do that by end of day. Two quick questions before we dig into this…” Using this context, your team can better craft a more meaningful response.

实际上这是什么样的? 考虑一个示例,在该示例中,营销团队要求在促销活动中提供帮助。 电子邮件中出现了一个简单的问题:“ H区居民的平均年龄是多少?” 没有上下文的平均数是无用的,因此请抵制运行简单查询并回答平均年龄为30.1的冲动。 取而代之的是,花费额外的时间,对数据进行更深入的了解。 可视化数据并浏览一些快速汇总统计信息。 从先前的对话中,您可能会知道此特定广告系列的目标受众是25岁和34岁的人群。您可能还知道此广告系列在A区成功,但在Z区却失败。事情,这是您提出这些问题的绝好机会……诸如“我们很乐意为您提供这些统计数据,我们可以在一天之内做到这一点。 在深入探讨之前,有两个快速问题……”使用此上下文,您的团队可以更好地制定更有意义的响应。

With an extra hour of work, you can send this email:


We had a chance to dig in and here are our findings:


· The median age of residents in Region H is 30.1 years old (median = 29.7).

· H区居民的中位年龄为30.1岁(中位数= 29.7)。

· The proportion of the Region H population that is within the target demographic of 25 to 34 is 46%. This is much less than Region A (96%), but much greater than Region Z (11%). This difference is apparent in the density plot shown below.

· 在目标人口25到34之间的H区人口比例为46%。 这比A区(96%)小得多,但比Z区(11%)大得多。 这种差异在下面显示的密度图中很明显。

· As a follow-up, we recommend doing a cost-benefit analysis to ensure ROI in this Region, based on the number of target consumers.

· 作为后续措施,我们建议根据目标消费者的数量进行成本效益分析,以确保该地区的投资回报率。

Let us know if there is anything else we can do to help. Thanks.

让我们知道我们还有什么可以帮助的。 谢谢。

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This email does a few really good things:


1. Brings your team into the conversation, instead of relegated to context-free order takers.


2. Challenges the business to ask better, more nuanced questions when planning campaigns.


3. Teaches the organization to be more comfortable with data, specifically looking at a density plot.


4. Provides a possible next step and invites response/collaboration.


The beauty about this method is that you’ll begin to notice a difference in how this team engages next time. Instead of asking for the one-number summary, they might say “Can your team pull that Market Report for the following Regions?” They called it a “Market Report”, this is great! This is your chance to lean in even further. Ask them if there are additional demographics you should include, such as income. Ask if they think this would be useful as a dashboard with dropdown selectors for Region. Ask if they’ve had a chance to consider the cost-benefit analysis suggestion your team recommended. As the two teams collaborate and challenge each other, the end product continues to improve.

这种方法的优点在于,您将开始注意到该团队下次互动的方式有所不同。 他们可能会问“您的团队是否可以提取以下区域的市场报告?”而不是要求提供一个数字的摘要? 他们称其为“市场报告”,这太好了! 这是您进一步学习的机会。 询问他们是否应包括其他人口统计信息,例如收入。 询问他们是否认为这对于作为具有区域选择下拉菜单的仪表板有用。 询问他们是否有机会考虑您的团队推荐的成本效益分析建议。 随着两个团队的协作和相互挑战,最终产品不断改进。

So the next time somebody tells you to KISS, tell them you prefer to MMITMF (accepting suggestions on friendlier acronyms).


翻译自: https://medium.com/@nick.pylypiw/meet-your-data-audience-in-the-middle-681f5c44d8f8


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