商场 商户_商场如何生存

商场 商户

重点 (Top highlight)

Tokyo’s Akihabara neighbourhood is famously known as the mecca of anime and video games. Sadly, on the 30th of August, it will be losing one of its iconic landmarks. The popular Sega Akihabara Building 2 arcade announced that it will be closing its doors permanently.

牛逼 okyo Akihabara附近是著名的被称为动漫和电子游戏的圣地。 可悲的是,在8月30日,它将失去其标志性地标之一。 广受欢迎的世嘉秋叶原2号大楼拱廊宣布将永久关闭其大门。

For an entire generation, video game arcades might be relegated to the history books of gaming. Yet for a moment in time, arcades were inseparable from gaming. You’d be forgiven for thinking they’d already gone the way of payphones. However, you’ll find that even in 2020, arcades are still alive and have evolved to survive in changing times. But the clock is ticking.

对于整个一代人来说,视频游戏机可能都被归类为游戏的历史书。 然而,一段时间之后,街机游戏与游戏密不可分。 您会以为他们已经不再使用公用电话了,这是可以原谅的。 但是,您会发现,即使在2020年,拱廊仍然存在,并且已经进化成可以在瞬息万变的时代生存下来。 但是时钟在滴答作响。

经典街机的历史 (History of the classic arcade)

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | Atari | Pong
Source: Wikimedia.

In the US, arcade games have a long history, taking various forms like fortune-telling and pinball machines. But it was in 1972 when Atari released Pong, that everyone saw video games were a viable industry. At a time when other machines brought in $10, Pong brought in $40. A massive difference back in the day.

在美国,街机游戏历史悠久,采用算命和弹球机等多种形式。 但是直到1972年Atari发行Pong时,每个人都认为视频游戏是一个可行的行业。 在其他机器赚取10美元的时候, Pong赚了40美元 。 时光倒流。

When the 1980s rolled in, arcade gaming was a booming industry making billions year on year. Video game cabinets began appearing everywhere from grocery stores to malls. By 1982, according to TIME Magazine, there were almost 13,000 arcades across the US with popular games making as much as $400 per week.

当1980年代开始时,街机游戏是一个蓬勃发展的产业,年同比增长数十亿美元。 从杂货店到购物中心,视频游戏柜开始出现在各个地方。 到1982年, 根据《时代》杂志 美国各地有将近13,000个街机游戏厅,热门游戏每周可赚400美元。

Arcade | Video games | Gaming
Source: CNN.

Sadly, the good times didn’t last. In the ‘70s and ‘80s, if you wanted the best gaming experience then you went to an arcade. They had games that weren’t found on consoles. Even for those that did appear on consoles as well, their “best versions” were available in the arcades. As James Burns described during our discussion for this piece, “It’s like going to the movie theatre versus watching a DVD on your small TV at home. The arcades were always the full/best experience.”

可悲的是,美好时光并没有持续。 在20世纪70年代和80年代,如果您想要最好的游戏体验,那么就去拱廊。 他们拥有游戏机上找不到的游戏。 即使对于那些确实出现在控制台上的游戏,其“最佳版本”也可以在游戏厅中找到。 正如詹姆斯·伯恩斯 ( James Burns )在我们对本文的讨论中所描述的那样,“就像去电影院而不是在家中的小型电视上观看DVD。 街机始终是最佳/完整的体验。”

Hence, a regularly cited argument is that home consoles killed arcades. But as Laura Jane points out, consoles were just one of many factors. As the industry grew, it was flooded with poor quality games. Many of which were bought on credit by arcade owners and didn’t break even.

因此,经常引用的论点是家用游戏机杀死了街机。 但是正如劳拉·简(Laura Jane)指出的那样,游戏机只是众多因素之一。 随着行业的发展,劣质游戏泛滥成灾。 其中许多是由商场所有者以信贷方式购买的,并且没有达到收支平衡。

Compounding this issue was the rising difficulty curve of games that ate up more quarters; making them increasingly inaccessible to casual players and hurting the wallets of diehard players. The growing anti-video game hysteria (largely from parents and politicians) saying, “These games are corrupting our youth,” certainly didn’t help things either.

占用更多时间的游戏的难度曲线不断上升,使问题更加复杂。 这使得休闲玩家越来越无法接触到它们,并伤害了顽固玩家的钱包。 越来越多的反视频游戏歇斯底里 (主要来自父母和政客)说:“这些游戏正在腐蚀我们的青年,”当然也无济于事。

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | Street Fighter
Source: MAME-FAN.

The early 1990s saw a brief renaissance of the arcade with the release of Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and other fighting games. Sadly, arcade games were becoming unprofitable at that stage. The hardware inside consoles began improving, offering an equivalent experience, without asking you for a fortune in quarters every time you died.

1990年代初,街机游戏,《真人快打 》和其他格斗游戏的发布使街机经历了短暂的复兴。 可悲的是,街机游戏在那个阶段变得无利可图。 控制台内部的硬件开始改进,提供了同等的体验,而您每次死亡时都不需要四分之一的财富。

Manufacturers responded by bigger arcade games, which resembled carnival rides and had steep price tags. Former executive, Mike Meyers shared that it was this approach made arcade games unprofitable. By the 2000s, the classic arcade started disappearing and game developers shifted their focus towards the home market. Even still, iconic arcades like New York city’s Chinatown Fair have persevered.

制造商对大型的街机游戏做出了回应,这些游戏类似于狂欢节游戏​​,而且价格高昂。 前高管迈克·迈耶斯 ( Mike Meyers)分享道,正是这种方法使街机游戏无利可图。 到2000年代,经典街机开始消失,游戏开发商将重点转移到了本土市场。 即便如此, 纽约市的唐人街博览会等标志性的拱廊仍然坚如磐石

日本街机如何生存 (How Japanese arcades survived)

But as the old saying goes, “Every rule has its exceptions.” While arcades dwindled elsewhere, they remain a staple of gaming culture in Japan. You might be even more surprised to know that some Japanese companies still produce arcade games.

但正如俗话所说,“每条规则都有其例外。” 尽管街机游戏在其他地方逐渐减少, 但它们仍然是日本游戏文化的主要内容。 您可能会惊讶地发现有些日本公司仍在生产街机游戏。

Time Crisis 5 was released in 2015 exclusively in arcades. In 2018, Street Fighter V made its way into Japanese arcades. The robot fighting game Gundam Extreme vs. MaxiBoost On debuted inside arcades in 2016 before coming to the PS4 in July 2020. Even popular franchises like Star Wars and Tomb Raider have seen arcade releases in recent years.

《时间危机5 》于2015年独家在街机上发布。 在2018年, 街头霸王V进入日本街机市场。 机器人格斗游戏Gundam Extreme vs.MaxiBoost On于2016 在街机内首次亮相,然后于2020年7月进入PS4。即使是像《星球大战》《古墓丽影》等受欢迎的专营店,近年来也都有街机发布。

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | Gundam | Japan
Credits: Bucketlistly.

Describing the changing views of arcades in Japan since the 1980s, President and CEO of Bandai Namco, Hitoshi Hagiwara said, “A lot of arcades didn’t have the staff or were dark with lots of shadowy corners. Incidents happened. Now there has been a big shift toward making arcades safe, wholesome places. They’re much lighter and cleaner, and they always have staff keeping an eye out. It’s a big change.”

万代南梦宫总裁兼首席执行官Hit原仁史描述了自1980年代以来日本拱廊的看法, 他说: “许多拱廊都没有人员,或者漆黑的角落里有很多阴影。 事件发生了。 现在,已经有一个很大的转变,使拱廊变得安全,健康。 它们更轻,更清洁,并且始终有工作人员随时注意。 这是一个很大的变化。”

As of 2019, Bandai Namco operates 250+ arcades across Japan. One could consider them gentrification of the classic arcade. Aiming to be more family-friendly, they now feature indoor adventure playgrounds, trampoline areas, photo booths with digital stickers, mechanical crane games with prizes, and rhythm-based games like the popular Taiko drums. All of these experiences tend to outnumber classic titles like Pac-Man and Tekken.

截至2019年,Bandai Namco在日本经营着250多个商场。 可以将它们视为经典拱廊的高档化。 为了更加家庭友善,他们现在设有室内冒险游乐场,蹦床区,带有数字贴纸的照相亭,带有奖品的机械起重机游戏以及带有节奏的游戏,如流行的Taiko鼓。 所有这些经历都倾向于超过《 吃豆人》和《 铁拳》等经典游戏。

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | Mikado | Fighting
Source: Ryusei Takahashi via Japan Times.

While larger chains have gone the more family-friendly route, notable examples of the classic arcade still exist in Japan. One of them being the Mikado amusement arcade in Tokyo’s Takadanobaba district. Hosting an array of retro fighting games like Street Fighter, King of Fighters, and Samurai Shodown, Mikado is globally famous for its regular fighting tournaments.

虽然较大的连锁店采取了更加家庭友善的路线,但日本仍然存在着经典街机的著名例子。 其中之一就是东京高田马场地区的天皇游乐园。 Mikado托管了一系列复古格斗游戏,例如Street Fighter,King of Fighters和Samurai Shodown,以其定期格斗比赛而闻名全球。

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | Industry
(Image credits: JAMMA | Capcom)
(图片来源:JAMMA | Capcom)

The Founder of Mikado, Minoru Ikeda, credits the community formed by its tournaments for keeping this classic arcade alive. In his own words, “You can only experience the pleasure of competing against other real people and winning and losing at an arcade.”

天皇(Mikado)的创始人池田实(Minoru Ikeda)认为,由其比赛构成的社区保持了这一经典街机的活力。 用他自己的话说:“您只能体验与其他真实人物竞争以及在商场中获胜和失败的乐趣。”

Yet, the clock is ticking for Mikado and its brethren. Citing the Japanese Amusement Machine and Manufacturers Association, a Capcom report in 2015 stated there were 15,612 arcades in Japan. This was a 2.8% reduction from the previous year. Overall industry revenue also shrank from 495.8 billion yen in 2011 to 422.2 billion yen in 2015.

然而,天皇及其兄弟们的时钟在滴答作响。 Capcom在2015年的一份报告中援引日本游乐设备制造商协会的话说,日本有15,612个游戏机。 与上一年相比下降了2.8%。 行业整体收入也从2011年的4,958亿日元下降至2015年的4,222亿日元。

Despite these odds, Mikado is sticking to its retro roots, with Ikeda confidently stating, “Going to a concert and listening to a CD at home are two completely different things, even if the song is the same. It’s the same principle with arcades.”

尽管存在这些困难,但Mikado仍坚持其复古的根基,池田自信地表示:“即使演唱相同,去音乐会和在家听CD也是两件事。 与街机游戏的原理相同。”

街机的演变 (Evolutions of the arcade)

Alongside the games, another unique element of arcades is the social experience. James Burns points to games like Daytona USA that had 10-player multiplayer as an example of this. It was an experience impossible to replicate at home. Paired with non-video game amusements, arcades had a party atmosphere.

除了游戏,街机游戏的另一个独特元素是社交体验。 詹姆斯·伯恩斯(James Burns)指出了像Daytona USA这样的具有10人多人游戏的游戏。 这是在家中无法复制的经历。 与非视频游戏娱乐相结合,拱廊具有聚会气氛。

Looking at the examples of Bandai Namco and Mikado, investing in this social experience was a move among others that allowed Japanese arcades to survive. Beyond Japan we can see similar social gaming experiences. Some of which, can be considered modern evolutions of the classic arcade.

看看万代南梦宫和天皇的例子,对这种社交体验进行投资是其中一项举措,它使日本的街机得以生存。 除日本外,我们还可以看到类似的社交游戏体验。 其中一些可以看作是经典街机的现代演变。

亚洲的网吧 (The LAN cafes of Asia)

Arcade | Video games | Gaming
Source: Esports India.

One of these evolutions is the phenomenon of LAN cafes in Asia. Think of them as a fusion of internet cafes and arcades. Much like the classic arcades, these too were darkly lit spaces, featuring rows of mid-range gaming PCs, which had several games installed on them. Like internet cafes, you could walk in, grab a PC, and pay an hourly fee to play as many of the games as you’d like.

这些演变之一是亚洲局域网咖啡馆的现象。 将它们视为网吧和拱廊的融合。 就像经典的拱廊一样,这些地方也是昏暗的空间,设有成排的​​中档游戏PC,其中装有几款游戏。 就像网吧一样,您可以走进去,拿起PC,然后按小时付费,玩任意数量的游戏。

For many in developing nations, these LAN cafes offered an accessible pathway to gaming. Often for less than $1 an hour, you could play several games at a LAN café. To quote Neville Lahiru, “In a sense, they were a physical representation of Netflix for gaming.” Hence, I and my school friends found ourselves spending weekend afternoons at these cafes. Fueled by chocolate milk packets and chips, we lost ourselves in Call of Duty 4, Counter-Strike 1.6, and Dota LAN matches.

对于许多发展中国家而言,这些LAN咖啡馆为游戏提供了便捷的途径。 通常,您每小时的花费不到1美元,您可以在LAN咖啡馆打几局游戏。 引用内维尔·拉希鲁 ( Neville Lahiru)的话 :“从某种意义上说,它们是Netflix游戏的物理表现。” 因此,我和我的学校朋友发现自己在这些咖啡馆度过了一个周末的下午。 在巧克力牛奶包和薯条的刺激下,我们在《 使命召唤4》,《反恐精英》 1.6Dota LAN比赛中迷失了自己。

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | Internet Cafe
Source: Roman Pilipey via EPA.
资料来源:Roman Pilipey通过EPA。

With the rise of eSports, these gaming cafes found increased traction as venues of competitions and training venues of professional teams. Yet, this success wasn’t without controversy. LAN cafes had gained an unhealthy reputation. Fueled by the anti-video game hysteria, they were seen as places where kids skipped school and retreated from society to waste their days playing video games.

随着电子竞技的兴起,这些游戏咖啡馆成为比赛场地和专业团队训练场地的吸引力越来越大。 然而,这项成功并非没有争议。 局域网咖啡馆获得了不健康的声誉。 在反视频游戏歇斯底里的刺激下,它们被视为孩子们逃学,退缩,浪费时间玩视频游戏的地方。

While the belief originated in China, the effects were felt everywhere. My local LAN cafe responded with a sign that read, “No entry for anyone in school uniforms during school hours.” This controversy notwithstanding, LAN cafes became a staple of the gaming landscape in Vietnam, India, Myanmar, and across Asia.

尽管信仰起源于中国,但到处都感受到了这种影响。 我在当地的LAN咖啡馆回应一个标语,上面写着:“上课时间禁止任何人穿着校服入场。” 尽管存在争议,但局域网咖啡馆已成为越南印度缅甸和整个亚洲游戏市场的主要内容。

Keeping the spirit of bonding alive, LAN cafes were an evolution of the classic arcade. Alas, their future looks shaky given the economic fallout of the coronavirus and the rising trend of mobile gaming. Even still, there’s hope as a LAN café regular on the Chinese forum Zhihu stated, “How is playing by yourself at home as comfortable as playing in an internet café with friends?”

局域网咖啡馆保持了联系的活力,是经典游戏厅的演变。 遗憾的是,鉴于冠状病毒经济影响手机游戏增长趋势 ,他们的前途似乎不稳。 甚至还有,希望在中国论坛Zhihu上的一家网吧经常说: “自己在家玩耍和和朋友在网吧玩耍一样舒服吗?”

美国街机酒吧现象 (The American arcade bar phenomenon)

Another modern evolution of the classic arcade has been its merger with bars. One of the earliest examples of this is Barcade. Founded in 2004, Barcade describes itself as, “a combination bar and arcade with a focus on classic arcade games and American craft beer.” Today, it operates in 8 locations across the US and has a library of 600 games, which are rotated between locations.

经典街机的另一个现代演变是与酒吧的合并。 Barcade是最早的例子之一。 Barcade成立于2004年,自称为“结合了经典的街机游戏和美国精酿啤酒的酒吧和街机”。 如今,它在美国8个地区运营,并拥有600个游戏库,这些游戏在不同位置之间轮换。

“We get a lot of people in their 40s and 50s who remember these games and they’re super excited to play them. But people my age do not go out like they used to. So we actually have way more younger people who are experiencing these games for the first time in the way they were originally intended,” said Paul Kermizian, Co-Founder of Barcade describing their audience.

“我们有很多40多岁和50多岁的人记得这些游戏,他们为玩这些游戏感到非常兴奋。 但是我这个年龄的人不像以前那样外出。 因此,实际上,我们有更多的年轻人以他们最初的意图第一次体验这些游戏。” Barcade联合创始人Paul Kermizian说

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | Bar | Barcade
Source: Where Traveler.

Today, you’ll find several bars that have adopted this concept of retro gaming. Some examples are Button Mash, Kung Fu Saloon, and Detour. Each of them is unique in their own way. Yet, a challenge they all share is that arcade games remain unprofitable. Often, you’ll find their business models are geared towards making money through food and beverages.

今天,您会发现几家采用了这种复古​​游戏概念的酒吧。 一些示例是Button MashKung Fu SaloonDetour 他们每个人都有自己独特的方式。 然而,所有人都面临的挑战是街机游戏仍然无法盈利。 通常,您会发现他们的商业模式旨在通过食物和饮料赚钱。

Some, like Detour, charge a fixed hourly fee to play their games. Whereas others like Kung-Fu Saloon offer their games at the same price as when they launched. Explaining the decision, Chief Game Curator at Kung Fu Saloon, Chris Horne said, “We never really tried to monetize the games. The bar itself was the monetization of the concept. We just thought, these games were 25 cents in 1980, so let’s keep them at 25 cents.”

有些人(例如Detour)会收取每小时的固定费用来玩游戏。 而像功夫沙龙这样的其他公司则以与推出时相同的价格提供游戏。 功夫沙龙首席游戏策展人克里斯·霍恩(Chris Horne)在解释这一决定时说:“我们从未真正尝试过通过游戏获利。 酒吧本身就是概念的货币化。 我们只是认为,1980年这些游戏的价格为25美分,所以让我们将其保持在25美分。”

While a departure from the classic formula the arcade bar has kept the flame of retro gaming alive. Unfortunately, we’re living in uncertain times. Due to the coronavirus, many restaurants are facing closure. However, even before the pandemic hit arcade gaming was living on borrowed time.

尽管与经典公式有所不同,但街机酒吧却使复古游戏的活力永存。 不幸的是,我们生活在不确定的时代。 由于冠状病毒, 许多餐馆都面临关闭 。 但是,甚至在大流行流行之前,街机游戏就只能靠借来的时间生活了。

街机游戏是借来的时间 (Arcade gaming is on borrowed time)

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | SEGA | Star Wars | Mortal Kombat
Source: Navis Pack & Ship.
资料来源:Navis Pack&Ship。

Capitalizing on the social experience, arcade gaming has evolved and survived. But with each passing year, these games have become harder to find and even harder to fix. Many of the technologies inside these arcade game cabinets are now obsolete.

借助社交体验,街机游戏得到了发展和生存。 但是随着时间的流逝,这些游戏变得越来越难找到甚至更难修复。 这些街机游戏柜中的许多技术现在已过时。

For Mikado, when a game breaks down, Ikeda is forced to scour international websites or turn to 3D printing for replacement parts. Reflecting on Kung Fu Saloon’s struggle to maintain its games, Horne states, “It’s important to have a very good video game repairman.” It’s an opinion shared by Kermizian, since Barcade’s staff have to be prepared to fix games alongside their typical serving duties.

对于天皇来说,当游戏崩溃时, 池田被迫搜索国际网站或转向3D打印以更换零件。 霍恩在谈到功夫沙龙保持游戏的努力时说:“重要的是要有一个出色的视频游戏修理工。” 这是Kermizian的一种观点,因为Barcade的员工必须准备好在履行其典型服务职责的同时修复游戏

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | Neo Geo | MSX | KOF
Source: VentureBeat.

Thankfully, the gaming industry is riding the wave of nostalgia with more than remastered games for modern consoles. A recent example being SNK Neo Geo MVSX, which is a remake of the classic Neo Geo gaming cabinet. Priced at $500, it comes with 50 classic arcade games, sporting a 17-inch LCD display and 2 sets of classic controls.

值得庆幸的是,游戏行业正在乘着怀旧浪潮,而不仅仅是为现代游戏机重新制作游戏。 最近的一个例子是SNK Neo Geo MVSX,它是经典Neo Geo游戏柜的翻版。 它的价格为500美元,配备50款经典街机游戏,17英寸LCD显示屏和2套经典控件。

Another example is the Sega Astro City Mini. This is a miniaturized remake of the classic Astro City gaming cabinet releasing later this year for $120. While tiny, an HDMI out, headphone jack, 2 USB ports, and 1 Micro USB port means you can connect it to a TV and play its collection of 36 retro games. However, such examples are the exception rather than the rule.

另一个例子是世嘉Astro City Mini 。 这是对经典Astro City游戏柜的微型翻版,将于今年晚些时候以120美元的价格发布。 尽管体积很小,但HDMI输出,耳机插Kong,2个USB端口和1个Micro USB端口意味着您可以将其连接至电视并玩36种怀旧游戏。 但是,此类示例是例外,而不是规则。

街机的未来 (The future of arcades)

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | Samsung | Android | Sonic
Source: Greenbot.

Today, you can easily play several classic arcade titles on your phone for free, potentially limiting the market for the Neo Geo MVSX, Astro Mini, and similar hardware towards diehard collectors. Of course, these mobile clones can’t replicate the unique social experience of arcades.

如今,您可以轻松免费地在手机上播放多个经典的街机游戏,这可能会限制Neo Geo MVSX,Astro Mini以及类似硬件的市场,向顽固的收藏者开放。 当然,这些移动克隆无法复制街机的独特社交体验。

It’s an experience that Japanese arcades and American arcade bars have capitalized on. Allowing the idea of the arcade to survive and evolve with the times. Despite the ancient technology inside their cabinets, the individuals running these establishments will likely find creative solutions to keep their games alive.

日本的商场和美国的商场酒吧都在利用这种经验。 让街机的概念得以与时俱进并不断发展。 尽管机柜内部采用了古老的技术,但经营这些场所的个人可能会找到创新的解决方案来保持游戏的生命力。

The Neo Geo MVSX, Astro Mini, and other miniaturized retro hardware like the NES classic are sold at relatively affordable prices. In theory, they could allow the offering of a new social experience. An alternate approach could be that of LAN cafes in Asia with modern consoles and gaming PCs. The idea of the arcade could still live. But this is assuming they remain open and can make those investments.

Neo Geo MVSX,Astro Mini和其他小型复古硬件(如NES classic)以相对实惠的价格出售。 从理论上讲,它们可以允许提供新的社交体验。 一种替代方法是在亚洲使用现代控制台和游戏PC的局域网咖啡馆。 街机的想法可能仍然存在。 但这是假设他们保持开放并可以进行这些投资。

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | SEGA | Akihabara | Tokyo | Japan
Source.: TimeOut.

Unfortunately, the year is 2020 and a pandemic has wreaked havoc on the global economy. It’s been devastating for industries that require physical activity. The closure of Sega’s Akihabara Building 2 arcade is the latest example driving this point home. Currently, medical experts estimate the crisis may not end until late 2021. Forced to maintain steady cash flows to pay the bills, it’s unlikely modern arcades can invest in new experiences.

不幸的是,这一年是2020年,大流行对全球经济造成了严重破坏。 对于需要体育锻炼的行业而言,这是灾难性的。 世嘉的秋叶原2号大楼拱廊的关闭是将这一点带回家的最新例证 。 目前,医学专家估计这场危机可能要到2021年下半年才能结束 。 被迫维持稳定的现金流来支付账单,现代的商场不可能投资新的体验。

Arguably, COVID-19 is merely accelerating the inevitable. The technology in the cabinets of classic games is becoming obsolete. Even in Japan, where the idea of the arcade survived, the industry has been on a steady decline before the pandemic struck. Yet, one could further argue there’s a glimmer of hope in these dark times.

可以说,COVID-19只是在加速不可避免的事情。 经典游戏橱柜中的技术已经过时。 即使在街机概念幸存的日本,在大流行爆发之前,该行业也一直在稳步下降。 然而,人们可能会进一步争辩说,在这片黑暗的时代里充满了一线希望。

Arcade | Video games | Gaming | Pac man
Alex Kunchevsky, animation by Alex Kunchevsky的作品, Maxim Goncharov. Maxim Goncharov的动画。

Feelings of nostalgia amongst older gamers have driven a demand for retro gaming experiences. Beyond the arcades, sales numbers of the NES Classic and SNES classic serve as successful examples of this demand. Further, humans are social creatures that flock to gathering spaces like bars and restaurants — even when it’s against our best interests. This behavioural pattern is dangerous during a pandemic. But it highlights long-term demand for social experiences.

老玩家的怀旧情绪推动了对复古游戏体验的需求。 除拱廊外, NES Classic和SNES classic的销售数量就是这种需求的成功例证。 此外,人类是一种社交生物, 即使在违反我们最大利益的情况下,也会聚集在诸如酒吧和饭店之类的空间中。 在大流行期间,这种行为方式很危险。 但这突出了对社交体验的长期需求。

Based on these two factors, one could argue we may see yet another evolution of the arcade in the future. Perhaps the strongest case can be made by simply pointing out just how many times naysayers have declared “The arcade is dead.” Yet, in 2020 — and amid a pandemic — arcades continue to beckon for one more round.

基于这两个因素,一个人可能会争辩说,我们将来可能会看到拱廊的另一种演变。 只需指出反对者宣称“拱廊已死”的次数,就可以得出最有力的解释。 然而,在大流行期间,到2020年,商场将继续招募一轮。

Image for post
Cover image by The Philadelphia Enquirer.

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/how-arcades-have-evolved-to-survive-4f4164ce8259

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