

Personal data is the lifeblood of the modern internet businesses, which can tailor services to our finances, our bodies, our politics and our social lives. Months of lockdown has meant we’ve never been more reliant on the internet for work, shopping, and socializing online, and this has illuminated just how critical digital services are to our lives.

个人数据是现代互联网业务的命脉,可以为我们的财务,我们的身体,我们的政治和我们的社会生活量身定制服务。 数月的锁定意味着我们从未像现在这样依赖互联网进行工作,购物和在线社交,而这恰恰说明了数字服务对我们生活的重要性。

But while the internet has allowed us to stay connected to the world, don’t underestimate how sophisticated consumers are in understanding their right to access and control this personal information. In a comprehensive survey of consumers’ attitudes towards data privacy, an emphatic 98% of consumers surveyed said that data privacy is important, and a further 97% believe they have the right to access their own data. Conducted by Transcend and global research firm Kelton in late June, the Data Privacy Feedback Loop found that 91% of customers feel that businesses who profit from personal data have the responsibility to make that data easy to access.

但是,尽管互联网使我们能够与世界保持联系,但不要低估了消费者在理解其访问和控制此个人信息的权利方面的熟练程度。 在对消费者对数据隐私态度全面调查中 ,有98%的受访者强调数据隐私很重要,另有97%的消费者认为他们有权访问自己的数据。 由创见和全球研究公司Kelton于6月下旬进行的数据隐私反馈循环发现, 91%的客户认为从个人数据中获利的企业有责任使这些数据易于访问。

You can read the full report here.


Many companies have adopted a fairly minimal data privacy policy that’s just enough to meet their compliance obligations. But our results show something far more significant: consumers are hugely positive about data-forward businesses, and are willing to switch to services that make data easy to access and control. Some 93% of consumers said they would actually switch to a service that prioritized data privacy, while 91% would prefer to spend money with a company that guaranteed them access to their data.

许多公司采用了相当少的数据隐私策略,足以满足其合规性义务。 但是我们的结果显示出更重要的事情:消费者对数据转发业务非常满意,并愿意转向使数据易于访问和控制的服务。 大约93%的消费者表示,他们实际上将转向优先考虑数据隐私的服务,而91%的消费者则更愿意向保证他们访问其数据的公司投资。

With current data request processes often cumbersome, inefficient and hard to understand, clearly businesses need a data policy overhaul if they are to meet both the demands and opportunities created by a new wave of engaged consumers.


Some 93% of consumers said they would actually switch to a service that prioritized data privacy, while 91% would prefer to spend money with a company that guaranteed them access to their data.


经历数据革命 (Living through a data revolution)

The type of personal data held by companies varies hugely, from sleep tracking and biometrics to financial and location data. But whatever the data and whatever the business model, the principles of the right to access remain the same. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force in May 2018, followed by similar legislation in Nevada, California and Brazil, which collectively give the 700 million consumers in these territories clear rights of access to their personal information.

公司拥有的个人数据的类型差异很大,从睡眠跟踪和生物特征识别到财务和位置数据。 但是无论数据和业务模型如何,访问权的原则都保持不变。 欧盟的《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)于2018年5月生效,随后在内华达州,加利福尼亚州和巴西也实施了类似的立法,这些法律共同赋予这些地区的7亿消费者明确的访问其个人信息的权利。

Companies are subject to heavy penalties for failing to comply with data requests; in the case of the CCPA, the penalty is up to $750 per user. A typical data breach could target millions of records — such as the March 2020 hack of the Marriott Hotel chain, which exposed the records of 5.2 million customers. That’s a potentially crippling fine, but also a crude and very negative incentive for companies to respect data privacy.

公司因不遵守数据要求而受到重罚; 对于CCPA,每位用户的最高罚款为750美元。 典型的数据泄露事件可能针对数百万条记录,例如2020年3月万豪酒店连锁的黑客活动,该活动暴露了520万名顾客的记录。 这可能是一项残酷的罚款,但是对于公司尊重数据隐私是一种粗暴且非常消极的激励。

Why would consumers want to access a copy of the personal data a company holds on them? Of the people we spoke to, some 43% said they wanted to delete their information; older consumers were more likely to delete than millennials, who were more interested in updating or rectifying information held about them. Around 65% are curious to see what a company knows about them, and another 65% want to be able to make an informed decision about what can and can’t be retained about them.

消费者为什么要访问公司持有的个人数据的副本? 在与我们交谈的人中,约43%的人说他们想删除自己的信息; 与千禧一代相比,年长的消费者更容易删除,而千禧一代对更新或纠正有关他们的信息更感兴趣。 大约65%的人好奇地了解一家公司对它们的了解,而另外65%的人希望能够就他们可以保留和不能保留的内容做出明智的决定。

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Data Privacy Feedback Loop, Transcend) 数据隐私反馈循环 ,超越)

We know that people instinctively feel a strong sense of ownership about the data companies collect about them. Though 59% of those surveyed admitted they didn’t feel they knew much about the details of data privacy policy, 88% said they felt frustrated that they had no control over their information, and a further 88% said the process for accessing this data should be easier.

我们知道,人们本能地对公司收集的数据拥有强烈的主人翁感。 尽管59%的受访者承认他们对数据隐私政策的细节了解不多,但88%的受访者表示感到沮丧,因为他们无法控制自己的信息,还有88%的受访者表示访问数据的过程应该更容易。

数据权利的新时代 (A new era of data rights)

Developing data privacy infrastructure for your business is extremely complicated. Companies typically store one person’s information across multiple systems and third parties, from billing and account management to data storage and email. Requests for data are often handled manually, straining resources in multiple departments from legal and engineering to customer service. Some larger firms are developing their own internal, automated systems, but this approach is also time and resource intensive.

发展 您企业的数据隐私基础架构极其复杂。 公司通常跨多个系统和第三方存储一个人的信息,从计费和帐户管理到数据存储和电子邮件。 数据请求通常是手动处理的,从法律和工程到客户服务的多个部门的资源紧张。 一些较大的公司正在开发自己的内部自动化系统,但是这种方法也需要大量时间和资源。

Given the complexity, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised how low consumers’ expectations are set: 56% would like instant access, yet three quarters of respondents expected it would take several hours, days or even months to supply. It’s a daunting process, with 34% who didn’t know how to get the process started, and 15% were put off by the difficulty of the process. Of those that have tried to access their data, 94% said it was too complicated, 75% said it was outdated and 38% said it was time consuming.

考虑到复杂性,也许我们不会感到惊讶的是,消费者的期望值设置得多么低:56%的人希望即时访问,但是四分之三的受访者预计将需要数小时,数天甚至数月的时间才能供货。 这是一个艰巨的过程,有34%的人不知道如何开始该过程,还有15%的人因该过程的困难而推迟。 在尝试访问其数据的用户中,有94%的人说数据太复杂了,有75%的人说数据已经过时,有38%的人说这很费时间。

And to top that off, consumers don’t feel good about companies who won’t instantly comply with data requests. Some 59% said they would regard that as untrustworthy, 44% said it would be unethical and 16% said it was lazy.

最重要的是,消费者对那些不会立即遵守数据要求的公司并不满意。 大约59%的人表示他们认为这是不可信的,44%的人认为这是不道德的,16%的人认为这是懒惰的。

数据政策现在有了解决方案 (Data policy now has a solution)

The foundation of a sound data rights policy is that consumers know what a company is tracking so that they can make an informed decision about how that data is used.


Transcend has embraced some extremely complicated engineering challenges to develop a system that can aggregate one person’s data from multiple systems, while keeping it securely encrypted. Patreon was one of our first clients, installing Transcend to provide an instant and easy-to-understand data policy on the site. When it launched, Patreon received more than 700 messages from users thanking the site for making their data easily accessible.

Transcend面临着一些极其复杂的工程挑战,以开发一种系统,该系统可以聚合来自多个系统的一个人的数据,同时对其进行安全地加密。 Patreon是我们的第一批客户之一,安装了Transcend以便在站点上提供即时且易于理解的数据策略。 启动时,Patreon收到了来自用户的700多条消息,感谢该站点使他们的数据易于访问。

Customers want and appreciate this kind of open and transparent data policy. The survey highlighted that 62% said they trusted data-forward companies more, 60% said they cared more about customers, and 58% said they were more transparent. When asked if offering instant access to their data would make them like a company more, 70% agreed.

客户想要并欣赏这种开放和透明的数据策略。 该调查强调指出,有62%的人表示他们对数据转发公司的信任度更高,60%的人表示更关心客户,58%的人表示透明度更高。 当被问及是否提供对他们的数据的即时访问是否会让他们像公司一样,70%的人同意。

We surveyed 1,018 people in the US in late June 2020 in the first of what will be annual studies into changing consumers attitudes to data privacy. Understanding of and concern over data privacy was equal across age and gender. We also found that consumers understand how critical this issue will remain; 94% said data rights will become even more important in the next five years.

2020年6月下旬,我们对美国的1,018人进行了调查,这是对消费者改变数据隐私态度的年度研究的第一篇。 年龄和性别对数据隐私的理解和关注是平等的。 我们还发现,消费者了解此问题将继续存在的重要性。 94%的人表示,数据权利在未来五年将变得更加重要。

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Data Privacy Feedback Loop, Transcend) 数据隐私反馈循环 ,超越)

So right now, we find ourselves in a unique window of opportunity. Companies have the chance to seize this moment and strategically double down on consumer privacy. We know that consumer demand is there, and now we know the commercial opportunity is there, too.

因此,现在,我们发现自己处于独特的机会窗口中。 公司有机会抓住这一时刻,并在战略上加倍保护消费者隐私。 我们知道那里存在消费者需求,现在我们也知道存在商业机会。

Read more findings from Transcend’s inaugural Data Privacy Feedback loop here.

在此处 阅读更多创见的创始数据隐私反馈循环

翻译自: https://medium.com/transcend/data-rights-consumers-expect-transparency-and-instant-access-to-their-personal-information-1a68ffb0f9c0


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