

In my honest opinion, Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is probably the best of all innovation to come out of the tech industry in the past four or five decades. As far as I can tell, the Open Source Initiative is predated by Richard Stallman’s famous Free Software Foundation (FSF) (1985), which itself is predated by his own GNU project (1983) which seems as if it pretty much kick-started what we would call Free and Open Source today. Whilst it is true that software programs were often shared amongst academics before GNU, the software industry was a fraction of what it is today and so I believe that it was indeed GNU that kicked it all off.

在我的真实想法,自由和开源软件(FOSS)可能是最好所有的创新在过去四五十年来高科技产业出来。 据我所知, 开放源代码计划早于理查德·斯托曼(Richard Stallman)著名的自由软件基金会 (FSF)(1985),而该基金会本身也受他自己的GNU项目(1983)的推动,这似乎是由什么开始的?我们今天将称为“免费和开源”。 的确,在GNU之前,软件程序通常是在学者之间共享的,而软件行业只是今天的一小部分,因此我相信,确实是GNU推动了一切。

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Richard Stallman (left) & Linus Torvalds (right), champions of Free Software and Open Source respectively.
自由软件和开放源代码的拥护者Richard Stallman(左)和Linus Torvalds(右)。

The Open Source Initiative itself was setup by Eric Raymond and Bruce Perens in 1998 with backing from members of many of the largest Open Source projects including the Linux project (Linus Torvalds himself); Python (Guido Van Rossum); and Apache (Brian Behlendorf). It differed slightly to the reasoning of the FSF, focusing on the positives of freely sharing code rather than the negatives of guarding it. Fast-forward a few years and Open Source has become a dominant force in software development with a wider reach than that of Free Software.

开源计划本身是由埃里克·雷蒙德(Eric Raymond)和布鲁斯·佩伦斯(Bruce Perens)于1998年发起的,得到包括Linux项目在内的许多最大的开源项目成员的支持(Linus Torvalds本人)。 Python (Guido Van Rossum); 和Apache (Brian Behlendorf)。 它与FSF的推理略有不同,侧重于自由共享代码的优点,而不是保护代码的缺点。 几年过去了,开源已经成为软件开发中的主导力量,其影响力远超过自由软件。

It’s safe to say that Open Source Software is only on the up. I think it will only become more popular with each year to come, not to mention more accessible.

可以肯定地说开源软件才刚刚起步。 我认为它只会在以后的每一年变得越来越流行,更不用说更易于访问了。

好。 因此,FOSS是一回事。 好吧,固件呢? (Ok. So FOSS is a thing. Well, what about firmware?)

Open Source firmware and drivers have been harder to come by in general than software. However, there have been major efforts made by Open Source and Free Software community members to create projects such as Libreboot which aims to replace proprietary boot firmware. Firmware is often a more contentious issue than software since most hardware we buy comes with firmware baked in. Reverse engineering a device’s firmware is not necessarily a particularly easy task, at least not when compared to just rebuilding an existing software project (eg. LibreOffice and Microsoft Office). To make matters worse, It can be much easier for companies to embed potentially malicious code since it is harder to analyse.

通常,开源固件和驱动程序比软件更难获得。 但是,开源和自由软件社区成员已经做出了巨大努力来创建旨在替换专有引导固件的项目,例如Libreboot 。 固件通常比软件更具争议性,因为我们购买的大多数硬件都是内置固件。对设备的固件进行反向工程不一定特别容易,至少与重建现有软件项目(例如, LibreOffice和微软办公软件)。 更糟的是,由于难以分析,公司嵌入潜在的恶意代码会容易得多。

I think that Open Source firmware will slowly become a bigger thing. However, its growth will probably be driven by the rise of Open Source hardware.

我认为开源固件将逐渐成为一件大事。 但是,其增长可能将受到开源硬件的兴起的推动。

开源硬件是否存在? (Does Open Source hardware even exist?)

Yes! Many projects have already adopted the movement. You may be familiar with Arduino, an Italian project which creates tinkering circuit boards and a nice way of programming micro-controllers. It’s also a modular system, meaning that anyone can create their own extension boards to interact with their favourite sensors and other hardware.

是! 许多项目已经采用了该运动。 您可能熟悉Arduino ,这是一个意大利项目,它创建修补电路板和对微控制器进行编程的好方法。 它也是一个模块化系统,这意味着任何人都可以创建自己的扩展板来与自己喜欢的传感器和其他硬件进行交互。

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Arduino’s most popular pre-built board (Arduino UNO).
Arduino最流行的预制板(Arduino UNO)。

We’ve also seen the introduction of devices for the everyday user (not just hobbyists and tinkerers) including mobile phones and laptops. The company Purism has recently released both Laptops and a model of mobile phone which seem promising. Unfortunately, their laptops do rely on Intel CPUs, even if they claim to have disabled the management engine. It does seem like it will certainly take a while for these devices to meet mainstream though. Still, promising…

我们还看到了面向日常用户的设备(不仅仅是业余爱好者和修补匠)的推出,其中包括手机和笔记本电脑。 Purism公司最近发布了看起来很有希望的笔记本电脑和手机模型。 不幸的是,即使他们声称已禁用管理引擎,他们的笔记本电脑也确实依赖Intel CPU。 这些设备要达到主流似乎确实需要一段时间。 仍然有希望...

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Version 4 of Purism’s line of Librem 15 laptops.
Purism的Librem 15笔记本电脑系列的版本4。

There is a fundamental problem in the space of Open Source computers and it lies with Intel and AMD. Why would they give up a potentially significant chunk of their profits by allowing anyone access to their intellectual property. They have each been innovating and refining their designs for decades so they have no incentive to let just anyone have them. Furthermore, the actual manufacturing process for making these processors is highly specialised and not cheap for small quantities. This makes it very inaccessible for the general hobbyist. Unfortunately, this is something we will probably be forced to live with for a long time, but we can hope eh?

开源计算机领域存在一个根本性问题,而英特尔和AMD则存在这一问题。 他们为什么通过允许任何人使用其知识产权来放弃潜在的可观利润。 他们数十年来一直在创新和完善自己的设计,因此他们没有动力让任何人拥有它们。 此外,用于制造这些处理器的实际制造过程是高度专业化的,并且少量生产并不便宜。 这使得普通爱好者很难进入。 不幸的是,这可能是我们将不得不长期忍受的事情,但是我们可以希望吗?

那么未来会怎样? (So what’s up for the future?)

Watch this space! I think in the next 10 years we will see the further release of proprietary firmware to the public domain. I think that large chip manufacturers will be pressured by either privacy activists or organisations such as the EU to Open Source their products. I think that licensing, something I haven’t really discussed properly, will probably become quite a contentious issue and copyright law will likely become more vague

关注此空间! 我认为在未来十年中,我们将看到专有固件进一步发布到公共领域。 我认为,大型芯片制造商将受到隐私权主义者或欧盟等组织的压力,要求其开源。 我认为,我尚未真正讨论过的许可问题可能会成为一个有争议的问题,而版权法可能会变得更加模糊

I sincerely hope that we will be able to use a competitive phone, laptop or desktop whose parts are Free and Open Source in the next few years. However, we need more businesses to adopt this initiative sooner rather than later for it to become a realistic proposition.

我衷心希望我们能够在未来几年内使用具有竞争力的电话,笔记本电脑或台式机,其零件为免费和开源。 但是,我们需要更多的企业尽早采用此计划,以使其成为现实。

Anyway, just some thoughts. Hopefully this was interesting for some of you.

无论如何,只是一些想法。 希望对某些人来说这很有趣。

翻译自: https://medium.com/digital-diplomacy/when-will-open-source-hardware-become-a-thing-eb94cadc256e






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