hive 关闭uber模式_受到威胁要关闭后,Uber和Lyft会得到缓刑

hive 关闭uber模式

By Kate Conger

凯特·康格(Kate Conger)

OAKLAND, Calif. — Uber and Lyft threatened to suspend ride-hailing services throughout California on Thursday night, a defiant reaction to a judge who ordered the companies to reclassify their drivers as employees.


But hours before the ride-hailing blackout was set to begin, an appeals court granted Uber and Lyft a temporary reprieve, allowing them to continue operating while the court weighs their appeal. Oral arguments in the case are set for mid-October.

但是在打车停电即将开始的几个小时之前,上诉法院批准了Uber和Lyft的暂时缓刑,使他们可以继续工作,同时法院会审理上诉。 该案的口头辩论定于10月中旬。

The fight could drag on for months, as Uber and Lyft battle a state labor law intended to give employment benefits to gig workers. An appeals court is weighing the companies’ requests to overturn a judge’s order to employ drivers, but it is not clear when the court will issue a ruling.

这场斗争可能会持续数月之久,因为Uber和Lyft与一项旨在为零工提供就业福利的州劳工法进行斗争。 上诉法院正在权衡两家公司的要求,以推翻法官雇用驾驶员的命令,但目前尚不清楚法院何时发布裁决。

State officials said the companies must comply with the law, known as Assembly Bill 5, so that workers have access to sick leave, overtime and other benefits — a need that has become more dire during the coronavirus pandemic.


But Uber and Lyft have argued that employing drivers would have a catastrophic effect on their businesses, forcing them to raise fares and hire only a small fraction of the drivers who currently work for them. They would temporarily shutter the businesses rather than comply, they said.

但是Uber和Lyft认为,雇用司机会对他们的业务造成灾难性的影响,迫使他们提高票价并仅雇用目前为他们工作的司机中的一小部分。 他们说,他们将暂时关闭业务而不是遵守。

“This is not something we wanted to do, as we know millions of Californians depend on Lyft for daily, essential trips,” Lyft said in a blog post. “We are going to keep up the fight for a benefits model that works for all drivers and our riders.”

“这不是我们想做的事,因为我们知道数以百万计的加利福尼亚人每天都要依靠Lyft进行必要的旅行,” Lyft在博客中说。 “我们将继续努力争取一种适用于所有驾驶员和骑手的福利模型。”

Uber and Lyft have long categorized drivers as independent contractors, an arrangement that the companies say allows drivers to have more control over where and when they drive. But this model imposes a financial burden on drivers, who are responsible for their own vehicle maintenance, health insurance and other expenses that employers traditionally cover.

优步和Lyft长期以来一直将驾驶员归类为独立承包商,这两家公司表示,这种安排使驾驶员能够更好地控制他们何时何地开车。 但是这种模式给驾驶员带来了财务负担,他们要自己负责车辆的保养,健康保险和雇主通常承担的其他费用。

Last year, the California Legislature passed A.B. 5 in an attempt to set clearer employment standards for the state and rein in gig-economy giants like Uber. Legislators argued that Uber shortchanged its drivers and exploited an unfair advantage over law-abiding businesses in the state.

去年,加利福尼亚州立法机关通过了AB 5法案,试图为该州设定更清晰的就业标准,并控制像Uber这样的零星经济巨头。 立法者认为,优步与该州守法企业相比,缩短了其司机并利用了不公平的优势。

Although the law went into effect in January, Uber and Lyft did not change their practices. They argued that AB 5 did not apply to them and spent tens of millions of dollars on a ballot initiative that, if passed in November, would exempt them from the law.

尽管该法律于1月生效,但Uber和Lyft并未改变其惯例。 他们争辩说,AB 5不适用于他们,并花费了数千万美元进行投票倡议,该倡议如果在11月获得通过,将使他们免受法律制裁。

In May, California’s attorney general sued Uber and Lyft to force them to comply with A.B. 5. The standoff came to a head last week when a San Francisco Superior Court judge, Ethan Schulman, sided with the state, ordering Uber and Lyft to reclassify their drivers by Thursday.

5月, 加利福尼亚州检察长起诉Uber和Lyft强迫他们遵守AB5 。上周,旧金山高等法院法官Ethan Schulman站在该州,命令Uber和Lyft对他们进行重新分类,对峙达到了顶峰。司机在星期四。

Uber and Lyft have argued that they are technology companies and that drivers are not a core part of their business. But that “flies in the face of economic reality and common sense,” Schulman wrote in his ruling. “Were this reasoning to be accepted, the rapidly expanding majority of industries that rely heavily on technology could with impunity deprive legions of workers of the basic protections afforded to employees by state labor and employment laws.”

Uber和Lyft争辩说,他们是科技公司,而司机并不是他们业务的核心部分。 舒尔曼在其裁决中写道,但这“在经济现实和常识面前飞了起来”。 “要接受这种推理,Swift增长的大多数严重依赖技术的行业可能会逍遥法外,从而使大批工人失去国家劳工和就业法赋予雇员的基本保护。”

“The court has weighed in and agreed: Uber and Lyft need to put a stop to unlawful misclassification of their drivers while our litigation continues,” said the California attorney general, Xavier Becerra. “Our state and workers shouldn’t have to foot the bill when big businesses try to skip out on their responsibilities.”

加州总检察长贝维尔(Xavier Becerra)表示:“法院已权衡并达成共识:在我们的诉讼继续进行期间,优步(Uber)和Lyft需要制止非法分类错误的驾驶员。” “当大企业试图跳过其职责时,我们的州和工人不必承担这些费用。”

Rather than hire drivers, Uber and Lyft threatened to shut down. The decision could have caused the businesses, which have already struggled financially because of travel restrictions during the pandemic, to lose even more money.

Uber和Lyft并未雇用司机,而是威胁要关闭汽车。 这一决定可能导致因大流行期间出行限制而在财务上陷入困境的企业损失更多的钱。

San Francisco and Los Angeles are among Uber’s largest markets, and Lyft has said it draws about 16% of its business from California. Uber planned to continue operating Uber Eats, its food delivery service, which has bolstered its revenue during the pandemic, a spokesman said.

旧金山和洛杉矶是Uber最大的市场之一,Lyft表示已从加利福尼亚获得了约16%的业务。 发言人说,优步计划继续经营其送餐服务优步饮食,在大流行期间增加了收入。

Although the potential shutdown felt drastic to drivers and riders who depend on Uber and Lyft, the move was not without precedent. The companies have terminated their services in other regions rather than complying with local laws they oppose. The shutdowns have often pressured local governments to pass laws that are more friendly to Uber and Lyft.

尽管对于依赖Uber和Lyft的驾驶员和车手来说,潜在的停车事故令人震惊,但此举并非没有先例。 这些公司已经终止了在其他地区的服务,而没有遵守他们反对的当地法律。 停工通常迫使地方政府通过对Uber和Lyft更友好的法律。

In 2016, Uber and Lyft shut down in Austin, Texas, to protest an ordinance that required background checks that used fingerprints for drivers. They returned the next year after Texas passed a statewide law that excludes fingerprinting from the background check requirements.

2016年, Uber和Lyft在德克萨斯奥斯汀关闭 ,以抗议一项要求背景检查的条例,该背景检查使用驾驶员的指纹。 他们在得克萨斯州通过了一项州范围内的法律后第二年又回来了,该法律从背景调查要求中排除了指纹。

That strategy could work again for Uber and Lyft if California voters approve the ballot measure in November. If the companies lose that vote, they are considering plans to establish franchise-like operations in California, inviting third parties to hire their drivers.

如果加利福尼亚州的选民在11月批准投票方式,则该策略可能对Uber和Lyft再次奏效。 如果公司输掉了那票,他们正在考虑计划在加利福尼亚建立类似特许经营的业务 ,邀请第三方雇用他们的司机。

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