usb-b采用什么协议_为什么您应该成为Wi-Fi 6的早期采用者


After being on backorder for two months, last Wednesday held a happy sight: a cardboard box from B & H Photo. In that box contained an item I’ve been excited to test and use on a daily basis: Asus’s Zen WiFi XT8 router. For a majority of people, getting a new router isn’t all that exciting. Many do just fine with whatever their ISP comes in and installs for them. But it’s bad enough to pay a $10 “equipment fee” for their modem; it’s completely unnecessary to pay another $10 a month for a supplied router that hasn’t been considered high-tech since 2009.

在缺货两个月后,上周三举行了一个高兴的见闻:B&H Photo的纸板箱。 在那个盒子里,我每天都兴奋地测试和使用一个物品: 华硕的Zen WiFi XT8路由器 。 对于大多数人来说,购买新路由器并不是一件令人兴奋的事情。 无论使用何种ISP来为其安装并进行安装,许多服务器都可以正常工作。 但是,为调制解调器支付10美元的“设备费”已经很糟糕了。 自2009年以来就没有被视为高科技的路由器,完全没有必要每月再支付10美元。

What’s really exciting about getting this router is that it checks off two major items in future-proofing a smart home:


  • It’s a mesh network system

  • It implements the new Wi-Fi 6 802.11ax standard

    它实现了新的Wi-Fi 6 802.11ax标准

When you’re looking to get a new router — no matter what it is — there’s a number of criteria to consider, like how big of a space you live in or how you use the internet. I like to compare it to watering a lawn. The Internet, much like water, is piped to your home as a utility. Your modem isn’t actually the source of the internet, but instead acts kinda like a water spout: the spout takes the incoming water and gives it a place to be connected to a hose. Your router then acts as a hose/sprinkler system. It takes the signal from the modem and spreads it throughout the home. Obviously, when you’re watering your lawn, you don’t want to skip any patches of grass. If you do, then you’ll quickly come to see the tan, spikey signs of a dead lawn. The same applies for your internet service — if your router fails to spread the internet signal from where it’s plugged in to the farthest reaches of your home… no more cat videos.

当您想要购买一台新路由器时,无论它是什么,都需要考虑许多标准,例如您居住的空间有多大或如何使用互联网。 我喜欢把它比作给草坪浇水。 互联网就像水一样,通过公用事业管道输送到您的家中。 您的调制解调器实际上并不是互联网的来源,而是有点像喷水嘴:喷水嘴吸收进来的水,并提供一个连接软管的地方。 然后,路由器将充当软管/洒水系统。 它从调制解调器接收信号,并将其传播到整个家庭。 显然,在给草坪浇水时,您不想跳过任何草丛。 如果这样做,您很快就会看到枯死的草坪上棕褐色,刺眼的迹象。 这同样适用于您的互联网服务-如果您的路由器无法将互联网信号从其插入的地方传播到您家的最远范围,则不再需要猫视频。

As our lives become more and more entrenched in connected devices, it becomes equally important to invest in a network system that is going to be able to handle the load. This is what kicked off my hunt to replace my beloved Netgear router with something that could really turn things up to 11. I soon learned to keep the two above qualifications in mind and my search was narrowed to only a handful of capable routers.

随着我们的生活越来越牢固地连接在连接的设备上,投资能够处理负载的网络系统变得同等重要。 这就是我开始寻找可以真正使事情发展到11​​的Netgear路由器的开始。我很快学会了牢记上述两个条件,而我的搜索范围仅限于少数几个有能力的路由器。

Routers should be purchased with the long-term in mind. They aren’t like phones or wearables, meant to be replaced every 2–4 years. A good quality router can easily last for ten years. However, the wireless protocol standards (notated by 802.11) tend to change every four or five years. This is why it’s so important to look at future-proof options and why I’d recommend looking into Wi-Fi 6 routers now, if you’re in the market. It’s bleeding new and sure, you probably don’t have a whole lot of Wi-Fi 6 capable devices yet, but getting one now means you’ll be ready for when more devices with the capability come. But before we get further into the why, let’s step back and look at the whats of Wi-Fi to begin with.

路由器的购买应长期考虑。 它们与电话或可穿戴设备不同,后者每2-4年需要更换一次。 高质量的路由器可以轻松使用十年。 但是,无线协议标准(由802.11表示)倾向于每四到五年更改一次。 这就是为什么考虑面向未来的选择如此重要的原因,以及如果您在市场上的话,我建议您现在就研究Wi-Fi 6路由器的原因。 它正在不断涌现,可以肯定的是,您可能还没有大量支持Wi-Fi 6的设备,但是现在购买一个设备意味着您将为更多具有该功能的设备做好准备。 但是,在继续深入研究Why之前 ,让我们退后一步,先了解一下Wi-Fi的含义

Wi-Fi的历史 (History of Wi-Fi)

Wireless Fidelity (did you know that was what it stood for?) has had a long upbringing. It reaches back to the ancient ages of the late 90s…. 1997, to be exact. In that year, the first 802.11 protocol was developed and released to consumers. While the technology of transmitting wireless internet signals via infrared dates back to the very early 70s, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) formalized the 802.11 protocol as a way to wirelessly transmit data. Thus, Wi-Fi was born. In 1999, 802.11b was released and widely accepted as the first well-known iteration of Wi-Fi in consumer devices.

无线保真度(您知道这代表什么吗?)经历了很长的发展。 它可以追溯到90年代后期的古代时代。 确切地说是1997年。 在那年,第一个802.11协议被开发出来并发布给消费者。 虽然通过红外线传输无线互联网信号的技术可以追溯到70年代初期,但电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)正式将802.11协议作为无线传输数据的一种方式。 因此,Wi-Fi诞生了。 802.11b于1999年发布,并被广泛接受为消费类设备中第一个众所周知的Wi-Fi版本。

Since then, Wi-Fi has seen generational advancements, with each generation incorporating faster transfer speeds and advanced features. The breakdown of what each generation is, when it came out, and what it influenced is as follows:

从那时起,Wi-Fi有了几代人的进步,每一代都融合了更快的传输速度和先进的功能。 每个世代的含义,何时出现及其影响的细分如下:

  • 1999 — Wi-Fi 1 (802.11b) = 1 to 11 Mbit/s

    1999年— Wi-Fi 1(802.11b)= 1至11 Mbit / s
  • 1999 — Wi-Fi 2 (802.11a) = 1.5 to 54 Mbit/s

    1999年— Wi-Fi 2(802.11a)= 1.5至54 Mbit / s
  • 2003 — Wi-Fi 3 (802.11g) = 3–54 Mbit/s, introduced Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) passwords, with WPA2 introduced later in 2004

    2003年— Wi-Fi 3(802.11g)= 3–54 Mbit / s,引入了Wi-Fi保护访问(WPA)密码,并于2004年晚些时候引入了WPA2
  • 2009 — Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n) = 72–600 Mbit/s

    2009年— Wi-Fi 4(802.11n)= 72–600 Mbit / s
  • 2013 — Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) = 433–6933 Mbit/s

    2013年— Wi-Fi 5(802.11ac)= 433–6933 Mbit / s
  • 2019 — Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) = 600–9608 Mbit/s, with the introduction of WPA3 in 2018

    2019年— Wi-Fi 6(802.11ax)= 600–9608 Mbit / s,并于2018年推出WPA3

Basically, each generation improves on the previous generation in how much it can handle at once. Going back to our sprinkler scenario, Wi-Fi 1 is like watering your lawn with a spray bottle, while Wi-Fi 4 is like using a hand-held gardening nozzle, and Wi-Fi 6 is like using an oscillating or pulsating sprinklers (my knowledge of these lawn-related things is, if anything, an indication of how I earned money as a kid). If this pattern of generational improvement seems familiar, then good! It should be! Because there’s another generational piece of wireless technology that somehow gets a bad rep, despite using a very similar method of delivery as Wi-Fi: mobile telecommunication. The “G” series of networking is responsible for you being able to have a working cellphone.

从根本上说,每一代都比上一代提高了一次处理的能力。 回到我们的洒水场景,Wi-Fi 1就像用喷雾瓶给草坪浇水,而Wi-Fi 4就像使用手持园艺喷嘴,而Wi-Fi 6就像使用振荡或脉动洒水器(我对这些与草坪相关的知识的了解(如果有的话)表明我小时候是如何赚钱的。 如果这种世代相传的改进模式看起来很熟悉,那就太好了! 它应该是! 因为还有另一代无线技术,尽管使用了与Wi-Fi非常类似的交付方式,但它在某种程度上却表现不佳:移动电信。 “ G”系列网络负责您拥有一部可以正常使用的手机。

While 4G has been around for a while without people making too much of a fuss, 5G (the newest generation of cellular networking tech) somehow has people wrapping their heads in tin foil. This Alex Jones-ian belief of 5G causing cancer or being a ploy for mind control is, of course, ridiculous. Yet it somehow needs to be reiterated. Meanwhile, people don’t have a lot to say about Wi-Fi 6. Most people don’t even know what it is in the first place. It’s a good thing I’m here.

尽管4G出现已经有一段时间了,但是没有人大惊小怪,但是5G(最新一代的蜂窝网络技术)却使人们用锡纸包裹着自己的头 。 亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)认为5G会致癌或成为控制精神的手段的想法,当然是荒谬的。 然而,它在某种程度上需要重申 。 同时,人们对Wi-Fi 6的讨论不多。大多数人甚至一开始都不知道它是什么。 我在这是一件好事。

什么是Wi-Fi 6? (What is Wi-Fi 6?)

Referring to the timeline above, Wi-Fi 6 is the newest 802.11 protocol for wireless networking, dubbed 802.11ax. It’s geared for high-speed internet and our very tech-laden lives, able to handle up to 9608 Mbits/s (which is roughly 1.2 Gigabytes of data every second). That is an insane amount of data. If you were able to take full advantage of that speed, you’d be able to download a 1080p movie in about five minutes and a 4K movie in under two hours. Compare that with Wi-Fi 4 from just ten years ago — downloading a 1080p movie would’ve taken an hour and a 4K movie (which didn’t even exist in 2009) would’ve taken a day to download! While the jump from Wi-Fi 5 to Wi-Fi 6 isn’t as drastic, it is still a 28% jump in speed.

参考上面的时间线,Wi-Fi 6是用于无线网络的最新802.11协议,被称为802.11ax。 它适用于高速互联网和我们技术含量很高的生活,能够处理高达9608 Mbits / s(每秒约1.2 GB的数据)。 那是疯狂的数据量。 如果您能够充分利用该速度,则可以在大约五分钟内下载1080p电影,在不到两个小时内下载4K电影。 与十年前的Wi-Fi 4相比,下载1080p电影要花一个小时,而4K电影(2009年甚至不存在)要花一天的时间! 虽然从Wi-Fi 5到Wi-Fi 6的跳跃并不那么激烈,但速度仍然提高了28%。

What makes Wi-Fi 6 truly special is how it handles large amounts of connected devices all at once and how energy efficient it is. Wi-Fi 6 uses more bands in the electromagnetic spectrum than its predecessors, which means it can juggle things around without causing interference. For the average consumer, this means their 11 devices can all be doing something at the same time without suffering any latency or buffering issues. And if you’re a tech enthusiast, your 30+ devices can also all be doing something at the same time without latency.

使Wi-Fi 6 真正与众不同的是它如何一次处理大量连接的设备以​​及它的能源效率。 Wi-Fi 6 在电磁频谱中使用的频段比其前身更多 ,这意味着它可以在不引起干扰的情况下处理周围的事物。 对于普通消费者而言,这意味着他们的11台设备都可以同时做某事,而不会遇到任何延迟或缓冲问题。 如果您是技术爱好者,那么您的30多种设备可以同时做某事而不会出现延迟。

好的,好的,我现在明白了。 但是,什么是“网状”网络? (Okay, okay, I get it now. But then what are “mesh” networks?)

So now we understand what Wi-Fi is and how it works, it’s time to add another variable: mesh networking. In our sprinkler situation, mesh routers work like a full irrigation system. Multiple routers are placed throughout a home and provide an overlapped network that meshes together. One router, connected to the modem, acts as the head honcho. Every other router in a mesh system can be placed wherever and only need to be plugged into the wall for power. These are known as nodes, and take the initial signal from the head router and bounce it around, repeating and enhancing the signal.

因此,现在我们了解了什么是Wi-Fi及其工作原理,是时候添加另一个变量: 网状网络了 。 在洒水情况下,网状路由器就像完整的灌溉系统一样工作。 多个路由器放置在整个家庭中,并提供相互啮合的重叠网络。 连接到调制解调器的一台路由器充当主频响器。 网状系统中的所有其他路由器都可以放置在任何地方,只需要插入墙壁即可供电。 这些被称为节点,从头路由器接收初始信号并将其反弹,从而重复并增强信号。

Mesh networks thrive in large spaces. Sometimes you need water to reach the furthest part of your lawn and maybe your local Home Depot doesn’t sell a single sprinkler to do the job. That’s when you need multiple. The same thinking applies to mesh networks. The bigger the home, the more mesh routers make sense as a way of evenly spreading signal strength without any gaps or dead zones.

网状网络在广阔的空间中蓬勃发展。 有时您需要水才能到达草坪的最远部分,也许您当地的Home Depot不出售单个洒水器来完成这项工作。 那是当您需要多个时。 同样的想法适用于网状网络。 房屋越大,网状路由器越有意义,它可以均匀地分布信号强度而没有任何间隙或死区。

为什么现在购买一个有意义 (Why buying one now makes sense)

I’ll admit it: despite owning one, I was hesitant to jump on board the AX/Mesh train when I first started to look at routers, because why in the hell would anyone who lives in a 800sqft apartment need one? It’s like going from a Jetta to a Jaguar when you live hundreds of miles away from any kind of environment that a Jaguar would benefit from. But remember what I said before about future-proofing? I meant it.

我承认:尽管拥有一台,当我刚开始看路由器时,我还是不愿意跳上AX / Mesh火车,因为为什么在地狱中居住在800平方英尺公寓中的任何人都需要一个? 这就像从捷达(Jetta)到捷豹(Jaguar)一样,当您居住在距离捷豹将受益的任何环境数百英里的地方。 但是还记得我之前说过的关于面向未来的内容吗? 我是真的

You probably don’t need an AX router, mesh router, or a combination of the two right now. But you will need one tomorrow. Our personal devices will only increase in number, and each one will eventually fight for bandwidth to give you the cat videos and weather updates you want. In addition to that, more rich content eats up more data. The average 4K movie is 100GB in size! Being able to stream that is a feat that is only achievable in more recent years. Being able to stream it in its full capacity without buffering is the achievement of tomorrow.

您现在可能不需要AX路由器,网状路由器或两者的组合。 但是明天您将需要一个。 我们的个人设备只会增加数量,每个人最终都将争取带宽以为您提供所需的猫视频和天气更新。 除此之外,更丰富的内容会消耗更多的数据。 平均4K电影大小为100GB! 能够流式传输的壮举仅在最近几年才可实现。 能够在没有缓冲的情况下以最大容量流式传输它是明天的成就。

Even if we were to put all that to the side, 2020 has proven us capable of doing more from home than we ever thought possible pre-pandemic. COVID-19 has not just highlighted the flaws in America’s public health infrastructure, but has also highlighted the practicality of working from home full-time. More and more employers are shifting employees into working from home through 2021, with some even considering it a permanent change in workflow. In the before-times, I can almost guarantee your office space had a better, more robust wireless network than your home (even if you can’t load Reddit on Wi-Fi). That kind of reliability was taken for granted, and is now missed by many of us. So in order to get back to that office-level of productivity, you’re going to need a network that can support it (and you won’t have an IT team blocking your favorite social media platforms).

即使我们把这一切抛在一边,2020年也证明了我们有能力在家庭之外做比我们认为的大流行前更多的事情。 COVID-19不仅强调了美国公共卫生基础设施的缺陷,而且还强调了全职在家工作的实用性。 越来越多的雇主将员工转移到2021年在家中工作,甚至有些雇主甚至认为这是工作流程的永久性变化。 在以前,我几乎可以保证您的办公室空间比您的房屋拥有更好,更强大的无线网络(即使您无法在Wi-Fi上加载Reddit)。 那种可靠性被认为是理所当然的,现在我们许多人都错过了。 因此,为了恢复到办公室级别的生产力,您将需要一个可以支持它的网络(并且您将没有IT团队阻止您喜欢的社交媒体平台)。

Here’s the video you asked for, Jason.

Is it overkill right now? Yes. Was it partially so I could enjoy Tik Tok videos in the bath? Yes. But will it be able to last ten years of unreal amounts of tech all at once? Hell. Yes.

现在过度杀伤力了吗? 是。 是不是部分让我可以在浴缸中欣赏Tik Tok视频? 是。 但是,它能够一次同时维持十年的不真实数量的技术吗? 地狱。 是。

Joe Staples is a tech writer based in Brooklyn, NY. When he’s not testing what this new router can do on every ten minutes, he’s doing finger exercises before this week’s lineup of tech announcements. He publishes his articles weekly on Substack, along with news tidbits he finds throughout the week. He’s also usually found on Twitter, keeping tabs on what’s new in consumer tech, entertainment, and all things nerdy. And the best part: he’s for hire.

乔·斯台普斯(Joe Staples)是纽约布鲁克林的一名技术作家。 当他没有每十分钟在speedtest.net上测试这台新路由器的功能时,他会在本周的技术公告之前进行手指练习。 他每周在Substack上发表他的文章 ,以及他在整个星期中发现的新闻花絮。 他通常也可以在Twitter上找到,经常关注消费技术,娱乐和所有令人讨厌的事物的最新动态。 最好的部分是:他正在招聘。

You can contact him via email or Twitter.


@joeisastaple |

@joeisastaple |



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