
The original PSP was probably my favorite handheld console of all time. Back when everyone was rocking the original Nintendo DS, I was the cool kid listening to Eminem and playing games like Twisted Metal on my way to elementary school.

他原来的PSP可能是所有的时间我最喜爱的掌上游戏机。 当每个人都在摇晃原始的Nintendo DS时,我还是个很酷的孩子,在上小学的路上听Eminem玩着像Twisted Metal这样的游戏。

Fast forward to 2011 and Sony announces a new handheld console. This thing finally had dual analog sticks and rumored PlayStation 3 levels of graphical fidelity. I remember watching Sony’s launch event on YouTube and seeing Uncharted on a handheld. I was pumped. This was the console I desperately wanted. Sadly for me, I was a broke as hell.

快进到2011年,索尼宣布推出新的掌上游戏机。 这个东西终于有了双重模拟棒,并传闻PlayStation 3的图形保真度水平。 我记得在YouTube上观看了Sony的发布活动,并在掌上电脑上看到了Uncharted 。 我被抽了。 这是我急切想要的控制台。 对于我来说,可悲的是,我真是一塌糊涂。

Image for post
Source: Polygon.

Fast forward again almost a decade and I was in the market for something that could play retro games. I was getting back into Pokemon Fire Red and mobile emulation just wasn’t cutting it. I wanted physical buttons. I was scrolling through Facebook Marketplace and I saw the perfect device: the PlayStation Vita, which was on sale for 80 bucks. I thought what the hell, might as well grab it. Even if it did suck, it would still add to my collection.

快进近十年了,我在市场上可以玩复古游戏。 我回到了Pokemon Fire Red ,移动模拟并没有减少它 我想要物理按钮。 我在Facebook Marketplace上浏览时,看到了一个完美的设备:PlayStation Vita,售价为80美元。 我以为是什么鬼,不妨抓住它。 即使确实很烂,它仍会添加到我的收藏中。

Not long after purchasing the Vita, I cracked it and picked up a few games. I was blown away. Not only is this thing a monster of a device, it’s also insane how underrated it is.

在购买Vita之后不久,我便将其破解并购买了一些游戏。 我被吹走了。 这东西不仅是设备的庞然大物,而且它被低估了也很疯狂

硬体 (The Hardware)

PS Vita Review. PS Vita Vs. Nintendo Switch. Gaming, News, Review
Photo by Bruce Ironhardt.
布鲁斯·铁哈特 ( Bruce Ironhardt)摄

If you had picked the Vita up back in 2011, you’d have gained access to some incredibly advanced features for the time. The device has a front and back camera for things like augmented reality. It had a touch screen on the front, and weird rear touchscreen that could be used for unique control schemes in games like Tearaway.

如果您早在2011年就购买了Vita,那么您现在可以使用一些令人难以置信的高级功能。 该设备具有用于增强现实之类的前后摄像头。 它的前部有触摸屏,而后部有怪异的触摸屏,可用于Tearaway之类的游戏中独特的控制方案。

The processor is a quad-core ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore, which is identical to the processor used on the iPad 3. Additionally, the 512MB of RAM and 128MB of VRAM equate to some serious horsepower in 2011 — especially considering the mobile hardware available at the time.

该处理器是四核ARM Cortex-A9 MPCore,与iPad 3上使用的处理器相同。此外,512MB RAM和128MB VRAM相当于2011年的强劲性能-特别是考虑到时间。

But by far the greatest aspect of the device is its beautiful OLED panel. Come to think of it, the Vita is probably the very first time most people were introduced to OLED panels back when it first came out. Compared to the panels of today, the one on the Vita isn’t anything special. But the colors still pop. In fact, the panel is so good that people will usually recommend you purchase the original 1000 series Vita rather than the newer slim model due to the fact that the newer model features an inferior LCD.

但是到目前为止,该设备最大的方面是其漂亮的OLED面板。 想到这一点,Vita可能是首次向大多数人介绍OLED面板的第一次。 与今天的面板相比,Vita上的面板没有什么特别的。 但是颜色仍然流行。 实际上,面板是如此好,以至于人们通常会建议您购买原始的1000系列Vita,而不是购买较新的超薄机型,因为该机型具有劣等的LCD显示屏。

But it’s not all good news. The Vita had an Achilles heel: the proprietary memory card. These things were — and still are — highly expensive, and I’m sure they turned away many potential consumers.

但这不是个好消息。 Vita有一个致命弱点:专有存储卡。 这些东西曾经是而且现在仍然是非常昂贵的,而且我敢肯定,它们拒绝了许多潜在的消费者。

家酿 (Homebrew)

The folks on Vita Island (the colloquial name for the Vita community) are talented and passionate people. After Sony decided to drop support for the system, the community worked hard to make the best out of a bad situation. The result is probably the best retro handheld to date. Let’s take a look at a few examples.

维塔岛上的人们(维塔社区的俗称)是才华横溢且热情洋溢的人。 在Sony决定放弃对该系统的支持之后,社区努力工作,以从恶劣的情况中获得最大的收益。 结果可能是迄今为止最好的复古手持设备。 让我们看几个例子。

1.复古仿真 (1. Retro Emulation)

The Vita supports applications like RetroArch, a multiplatform app that supports popular emulators for machines like Game Boy, Super Nintendo, and Sega Genesis. All of these work smoothly and without any issues.

Vita支持诸如RetroArch之类的应用程序,RetroArch是一种多平台应用程序,它为诸如Game Boy,Super Nintendo和Sega Genesis之类的机器提供流行的仿真器。 所有这些工作顺利进行,没有任何问题。

PS Vita Review. PS Vita Vs. Nintendo Switch. Gaming, News, Review
Photo by Bruce Ironhardt.
布鲁斯·铁哈特 ( Bruce Ironhardt)摄

Additionally, the Vita supports Nintendo 64 games through DaedalusX64. The app is still in its early phases, but it runs and works pretty well with many of the most popular games like Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, and Super Smash Bros. The only real issue at the moment is with sound, but I’m sure the team will provide a fix for those issues at some stage.

此外,Vita还通过DaedalusX64支持Nintendo 64游戏。 该应用程序仍处于早期阶段,但它可以运行并与许多最受欢迎的游戏(如Super Mario 64Mario Kart 64Super Smash Bros )配合得很好目前唯一真正的问题是声音,但是我确信团队会在某个阶段为这些问题提供解决方案。

2.游戏流 (2. Game Streaming)

Maybe you don’t want to play all those old games. You want to play Doom Eternal or Shadow of the Tomb Raider from the comfort of your bed. Well, another application allows you to do exactly that. Moonlight is an app that allows you to stream any game from your PC to your Vita. The only caveat here is that you must be using an Nvidia graphics card on the PC that is streaming the content. With this — and the Vita’s native PS4 Remote Play feature — you can effectively enjoy the latest and greatest PlayStation and PC games from almost anywhere.

也许您不想玩所有这些旧游戏。 您想从舒适的床上玩《永恒的毁灭战士》《古墓丽影 》。 好吧,另一个应用程序允许您完全做到这一点。 Moonlight是一款应用程序,可让您将任何游戏从PC传输到Vita。 唯一需要注意的是,您必须在正在传输内容的PC上使用Nvidia图形卡。 借助此功能以及Vita的本机PS4远程播放功能,您几乎可以在任何地方有效地享受最新,最出色的PlayStation和PC游戏。

I swear, I can’t tell you how useful this feature is. Sometimes I just don’t want to have to sit down at my TV in the living room to play games. But with game streaming, I can sit back and enjoy these games from wherever I am in the house.

我发誓,我无法告诉您此功能的实用性。 有时我只是不想坐在客厅的电视上玩游戏。 但是通过游戏流媒体,我可以坐在家里的任何地方都可以坐下来欣赏这些游戏。

3.肾上腺素 (3. Adrenaline)

The Vita has a secret MIPS CPU. This mysterious stowaway handles PSP games, which means that these games aren’t being emulated — they’re being natively run on the hardware. Some super smart folks have been able to load PSP software into an app called Adrenaline and use the MIPS CPU to run both PSP and original PlayStation games.

Vita有一个秘密的MIPS CPU。 这个神秘的偷渡者可以处理PSP游戏,这意味着这些游戏没有被仿真-它们是在硬件上本地运行的。 一些超级聪明的人已经能够将PSP软件加载到名为Adrenaline的应用程序中,并使用MIPS CPU来运行PSP和原始PlayStation游戏。

PSP Games on the PS VITA
Photo by Bruce Ironhardt.
布鲁斯·铁哈特 ( Bruce Ironhardt)摄

And because someone thought that opening an app would be annoying, the community provided a way for you to export all your favorite PSP and PlayStation games directly from Adrenaline to your Vita home screen for easy access (honestly, it’s the most thoughtful gaming community I’ve come across).


4.其他功能 (4. Other Features)

Remember those super expensive proprietary memory cards I talked about earlier? Well, the community has come out with a solution that allows you to use a cartridge adapter (in the slot that is typically used for games) to add a microSD card (called SD2Vita). That means there’s now a cheap solution to enable you to have upwards of 256GB accessible on your device.

还记得我之前提到的那些超级昂贵的专有存储卡吗? 好吧,社区提供了一个解决方案,允许您使用盒式适配器(在通常用于游戏的插槽中)添加microSD卡(称为SD2Vita)。 这意味着现在有一种廉价的解决方案,使您可以在设备上访问多达256GB的空间。

Photo by Bruce Ironhardt.
布鲁斯·铁哈特 ( Bruce Ironhardt)摄

You might also want to use your Vita like a Nintendo Switch and dock it to your TV. There’s a plugin that allows you to connect it to a computer and grab the display. You can also use a Raspberry Pi to create a custom docking station. You don’t even need the Vita itself to controlt he games — the community has produced another plugin that enables PS3 and PS4 controllers to be used via Bluetooth.

您可能还想像Nintendo Switch一样使用Vita,并将其停靠在电视上。 有一个插件,可让您将其连接到计算机并抓住显示屏。 您还可以使用Raspberry Pi创建自定义扩展坞。 您甚至不需要Vita本身来控制游戏-社区产生了另一个插件 ,该插件可以通过蓝牙使用PS3和PS4控制器。

Photo by Bruce Ironhardt.
布鲁斯·铁哈特 ( Bruce Ironhardt)摄

There might be some games that run too slow or that don’t run in native resolution. You can use apps like VitaGrafix and SVShell to get your Vita to push higher and smoother framerates, make games look sharper, or even save battery life. I would go as far as to say that this is actually necessary if you want to play games like Jak and Daxter, a game that is natively locked to 20FPS. With these tweaks, you can get a more civilized 30FPS.

可能有些游戏运行太慢或未以本机分辨率运行。 您可以使用VitaGrafix和SVShell之类的应用来使Vita提升更高和更平滑的帧速率,使游戏看起来更清晰,甚至节省电池寿命。 我要说的是,如果您想玩Jak和Daxter之类的游戏,这实际上是必要的,而Jak和Daxter是本机锁定为20FPS的游戏。 通过这些调整,您可以获得更加文明的30FPS。

Jak and Daxter on PS VITA
Photo by Bruce Ironhardt.
布鲁斯·铁哈特 ( Bruce Ironhardt)摄

游戏 (The Games)

维塔独家 (Vita Exclusives)

Sony may have admittedly exaggerated the graphical fidelity of the Vita. Realistically, it sits somewhere between the PS2 and PS3 (though it never quite reaches PS3 levels). That said, the games that do take advantage of the hardware power on offer here do an exceptional job. Games like Need for Speed Most Wanted, Uncharted, Assassin’s Creed Liberation, Soul Sacrifice, and Killzone really do live up to the console-level gaming that Sony promised.

索尼可能已经承认夸大了Vita的图形保真度。 实际上,它位于PS2和PS3之间(尽管从未完全达到PS3级别)。 就是说,利用这里提供的硬件功能的游戏做得非常出色。 极品飞车:最高通缉》 ,《 神秘海域》 ,《 刺客信条:解放》 ,《 灵魂牺牲 》和《 杀戮地带》确实符合索尼承诺的主机级游戏。

The main issue is a lack of AAA games — at least, games that have broad appeal. Don’t get me wrong; there are a ton of great games on the Vita, but the console’s main focus is clearly the Japanese market, especially JRPGs.

主要问题是缺少AAA游戏-至少具有广泛吸引力的游戏。 不要误会我的意思; Vita上有很多很棒的游戏,但是游戏机的主要重点显然是日本市场,尤其是JRPG。

Despite this, there are plenty of gems on the platform. Games like Gravity Rush and Tearaway are beautifully made and feature unique game mechanics that take advantage of the hardware features. Persona 4 Golden is probably the main highlight for most owners — it’s a JRPG with an amazing story, great characters, and you can easily sink dozens of hours into it. If you’re curious about the game and you don’t own a Vita, you can also check it out on Steam.

尽管如此,平台上还是有很多宝石。 Gravity RushTearaway等游戏制作精美,并具有利用硬件功能的独特游戏机制。 Persona 4 Golden可能是大多数所有者的主要亮点-这是一部拥有惊人故事,出色人物的JRPG,您可以轻松地花费数十个小时。 如果您对这款游戏感到好奇并且没有维塔,那么您也可以在Steam上查看它。

PlayStation 2翻拍 (PlayStation 2 Remakes)

The biggest draw for me was the PS2 remakes available for the vita. Most of these run fantastically and bring back so many memories. Here some of the ones I’ve got:

对我而言,最大的吸引力是可用于vita的PS2翻拍。 这些大多数运行出色,并带回了许多回忆。 这是我所拥有的一些:

  • The Jak and Daxter Trilogy


  • The God of War Collection


  • Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

    Metal Gear Solid HD系列

  • Final Fantasy X HD Collection


  • Sly Cooper Collection


  • Ratchet and Clank Trilogy


PlayStation 2 Remasters on the PS VITA
Photo by Bruce Ironhardt.
布鲁斯·铁哈特 ( Bruce Ironhardt)摄影

The only minor drawback is that many of these games require L2/R2 and L3/R3 buttons; the Vita ends up utilizing the back touchpad for that.

唯一的小缺点是,其中许多游戏都需要L2 / R2和L3 / R3按钮。 Vita最终使用了背面触摸板。

Overall, the PlayStation Vita is amazing and I wasn’t expecting it to be so good. The games are super fun to play. The size of the machine is just right for comfortable portable play. And most importantly, it just brings back so many childhood memories.

总的来说,PlayStation Vita很棒,我没想到它会这么好。 游戏非常有趣。 机器的大小恰到好处,可以舒适地随身玩。 最重要的是,它带回了许多儿时的回忆。

It’s worth pointing out that the machine never sold well originally, but people are now waking up to how great it is. So I’ve seen prices go higher than what I purchased it for. My recommendation is to try to stay under the $150USD range.

值得指出的是,该机器原本卖得不好,但是现在人们开始意识到它的强大之处。 因此,我已经看到价格高于购买价格。 我的建议是尝试维持在$ 150USD以下。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/moving-to-vita-island-in-2020-3ff6e17ea6e8

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