
Today we’re doing a review of the Segway Air T15 electric scooter, which is designed to be ultra compact and one of the lightest scooters so it’s easy to fold and carry.

今天,我们将对Segway Air T15电动踏板车进行回顾,该电动踏板车设计得非常紧凑,是最轻便的踏板车之一,因此易于折叠和携带。

This new scooter is currently on sale on Indiegogo for $699 and ships immediately, or available directly from Segway.com at $750. You can also buy it on Amazon with free Prime shipping. Segway sent us a demo model so we could test it and see how it stacks up compared to other scooters on the market.

这款新踏板车目前在Indiegogo上的售价为699美元 ,可立即发货,或直接从Segway.com以750美元的价格购买 。 您也可以在亚马逊上以免费的Prime送货方式购买它 。 Segway向我们发送了一个演示模型,以便我们可以对其进行测试并查看其与市场上其他踏板车相比如何堆叠。

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Segway Air T15:拆箱和设置 (Segway Air T15: Unboxing and Setup)

First, let’s see what comes inside the box. The scooter is fully assembled and packed inside the box and foam. The packaging for the Segway Air T15 is unique and environmentally friendly, since it re-uses the existing foam in the packaging that can double as a stand and charger.

首先,让我们看看包装盒内的物品。 踏板车已完全组装并包装在盒子和泡沫内。 Segway Air T15的包装独特且环保,因为它重复使用了包装中现有的泡沫,可以兼作支架和充电器。

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Using the foam piece, you can easily insert the charging brick and run the cable inside the slot, so it can be held in place. Then, you can easily place the scooter into the stand and plug it in when you need to store it at home or at the office.

使用泡沫片,您可以轻松地插入充电砖并将电缆插入插槽中,以便将其固定到位。 然后,您可以轻松地将踏板车放入支架中,并在需要在家中或办公室存放时将其插入。

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For setup, the T15 is the only scooter we’ve tested that is fully assembled and requires no assembly out of the box.


However, it does require you to download the app and create a profile with an email address in order to activate the scooter. Until you activate the scooter, it will sound a frequent high pitch beep. You also need to watch a series of safety instructions and warnings. Once you’re in the app, you can see the battery life, ride details, and customize the settings like regenerative braking. There’s even a setting you can turn on called Pedestrian mode, which limits the speed and keeps the tail light flashing.

但是,它确实需要您下载该应用程序并使用电子邮件地址创建一个配置文件才能激活踏板车。 在您启动踏板车之前,它会发出频繁的高音提示音。 您还需要注意一系列安全说明和警告。 进入应用程序后,您可以查看电池寿命,行驶细节以及自定义设置(例如再生制动)。 您甚至可以打开一个称为“行人模式”的设置,该设置会限制速度并保持尾灯闪烁。

Segway T15:独特的设计和规格 (Segway T15: Unique Design and Specs)

Looking at the design of the T15, this is where Segway took a fresh new approach. The T15 is by far the most compact and most lightweight scooter we’ve tested so far. Compared to other scooters, you can see how the overall size compares. The handlebars are shorter and not as wide as other scooters. However, the base of the scooter is still wide enough to comfortably stand on.

从T15的设计来看,Segway采取了全新的方法。 T15是迄今为止我们测试过的最紧凑,最轻便的踏板车。 与其他踏板车相比,您可以看到整体尺寸的比较。 车把较短且不如其他踏板车宽。 但是,踏板车的底座仍然足够宽,可以舒适地站立。

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The front of the scooter features a dual LED headlight, as well as a long LED strip down the front. It looks super sleek, especially at night. The app also allows you to change the color of the front LED bar. You can choose from the entire rainbow of colors, and can even change effects such as breathing.

踏板车的前部配有双LED大灯,以及从前部向下延伸的长LED灯条。 它看起来超级时尚,尤其是在晚上。 该应用程序还允许您更改前LED灯条的颜色。 您可以从整个彩虹中进行选择,甚至可以更改呼吸等效果。

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Folded up, you can see how compact the scooter gets. This is perfect if you need to store it in a small apartment or condo. For weight, it only weighs 23 lbs which makes it easy to carry up a flight of stairs. It’s also the lightest scooter we’ve reviewed. You can also easily wheel it around when folded, so you don’t even need to carry it.

折叠起来,您可以看到踏板车变得紧凑。 如果您需要将其存储在小公寓或公寓中,这是完美的选择。 对于重量来说,它仅重23磅,这使得抬起楼梯很容易。 这也是我们评测过的最轻的踏板车。 折叠时也可以轻松地将其旋转,因此甚至不需要携带它。

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Unfolding the scooter, it has a unique 1 click design using a lever. You simply pull on the lever, bring up the stem and then unfold the handlebars. To fold it, you simply pull up on the same lever which will automatically retract the handlebars and allow the scooter to fold in half.

展开踏板车,它使用手柄具有独特的一键式设计。 您只需拉动控制杆,提起阀杆,然后展开车把即可。 要折叠它,您只需向上拉同一杆,该杆将自动缩回车把并使踏板车对折。

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The front handlebars are small and made of a soft rubber. They feel great, but we did notice the very end of them are a little flexible. There’s two thumb controls on each side, on the right is your accelerator and on the left is the brake. If you press them at the same time,you have your horn — which is pretty loud. The top of the handlebars has a display built into the bezel of the frame. It’s simple and shows you speed, battery life and the riding mode. While it’s easy to read at night, we did find it a little bit hard to see the display in the bright sunlight.

前把手很小,由柔软的橡胶制成。 它们感觉很棒,但是我们确实注意到它们的末端有点灵活。 两侧各有两个拇指控件,右侧是您的加速器,左侧是制动器。 如果您同时按下它们,您的号角就会很大。 车把的顶部在车架边框中​​内置了一个显示屏。 它很简单,可以显示速度,电池寿命和骑行模式。 虽然在夜间很容易阅读,但我们确实很难在明亮的阳光下看显示器。

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Controlling the scooter, Segway also integrated the power button into the rear fender that you can press with your foot. This functions as the on/off switch for the scooter, along with the way to change ride modes while you’re stopped.

控制踏板车时,Segway还将电源按钮集成到了您可以用脚踩下的后挡泥板中。 此功能可用作踏板车的开/关开关,以及在您停车时更改骑行模式的方式。

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Segway Air 15:射程和骑行测试 (Segway Air 15: Range & Riding Test)

There’s 4 riding modes for the scooter. Pedestrian mode with a max speed of 3.7mph (6km/hr), Energy saving mode at 6mph (10km/h), Standard mode at 9mph (15km/h) and Sport mode with a top speed of 12mph (20km/h).

踏板车有4种骑行模式。 行人模式,最高速度为3.7mph(6 km / hr),节能模式为6mph(10km / h),标准模式为9mph(15km / h),运动模式的最高速度为12mph(20km / h)。

Compared to other scooters we’ve reviewed, these speeds might seem low. However, the Segway T15 is not designed for going fast. It’s more for those looking to go slower for short distance commutes. The range of the T15 is rated at 7–8 miles going at full speed with a 165 lb rider. For many people in the city, that’s plenty of range. We tested the range with a 130 lb rider riding the city and we were able to go 5.5 miles and still had 8% battery remaining.

与我们评论过的其他踏板车相比,这些速度似乎较低。 但是,Segway T15并非为快速而设计。 对于那些希望在短距离通勤时走得更慢的人来说,这是更多的选择。 T165的额定功率为165磅,全速行驶7-8英里。 对于城市中的许多人来说,范围很广。 我们用骑着这座城市的130磅重的骑手测试了续航里程,我们能够行驶5.5英里,但仍有8%的剩余电量。

When it comes to riding, the T15 features small wheels, with an even smaller wheel in the back which has the motor built inside. The wheels are solid rubber, which means you’ll never have to worry about getting any flat tires. The T15 does not have suspension, and with the small tires you will feel any large bumps on the road. And since the top speed isn’t very fast, you quickly realize this scooter is better suited for smooth terrain such as bike paths and short rides. It’s perfect for those who aren’t looking to go any faster than 12mph. For many people, that’s still plenty fast.

在骑行方面,T15的车轮较小,而后部的车轮较小,内部装有马达。 车轮采用实心橡胶制成,这意味着您无需担心会漏气的情况。 T15没有悬架,小轮胎会让您在路上感觉到大的颠簸。 而且由于最高速度并不是很快,您很快就会意识到这款踏板车更适合于平坦的地形,例如自行车道和短途骑行。 对于那些不想以每小时12英里的速度行驶的人来说,它是完美的选择。 对于许多人来说,这仍然足够快。

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For braking, the scooter features regenerative braking using the rear motor, which works well especially at lower speeds. However, coming to a quick stop when going full speed of12mph will take a little longer.

为了制动,踏板车使用后部马达进行再生制动,在低速行驶时尤其有效。 但是,当以12英里/小时的全速行驶时快速停止将需要更长的时间。

最终结论-最紧凑,最轻的电动踏板车 (Final Conclusion- Most Compact, Lightest Electric Scooter)

Overall, we think the Segway T15 is a good option for those looking for a sleek and lightweight scooter, especially if you need to carry it or store it away after riding. While the price is a little high, it’s the only scooter we’ve seen that is compact enough to fit easily in a locker, making it perfect for High School students, or if you want to store it in a locker at a gym.

总体而言,我们认为Segway T15对于寻求时尚轻便的踏板车的人来说是一个不错的选择,尤其是如果您需要在骑乘后携带或存放它时。 虽然价格有点高,但它是我们见过的唯一一款紧凑的踏板车,它足够紧凑,可以轻松地放在储物柜中,非常适合高中生,或者如果您想将其存放在健身房的储物柜中。

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While the specs such as top speed and range aren’t as high as other scooters we’ve tested in this price range, the T15 focuses on being ultra compact and portable. We recommend the T15 for smaller riders who aren’t looking to go very fast or too far on a single charge.

尽管最高速度和续航力等规格不如我们在该价格范围内测试过的其他踏板车高,但T15专注于超紧凑和便携式。 我们建议T15适用于不想一次充电就走得太快或走得太远的小型车手。

翻译自: https://techwewant.com/segway-air-t15-review-ride-test-819aa14b112b





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