

My journey to find my next computer has been a long and winding road. And I’m sure many wouldn’t understand why I’ve been so indecisive, going back and forth between this laptop and that laptop, only to end up with the very first laptop I tried out.

寻找下一台计算机的过程是一条漫长而曲折的道路。 而且我敢肯定,很多人不会理解为什么我如此犹豫不决,在这台笔记本电脑和那台笔记本电脑之间来回走动,而最终却遇到了我试用的第一台笔记本电脑。

That’s right, when I first set out to get a new computer, the MacBook Air was the first computer I looked at. I’ve always wanted a Mac, you see, but until recently, that desire had been met with an inability to afford one.

没错,当我第一次着手购买新计算机时,MacBook Air是我看过的第一台计算机。 您一直知道,我一直想要一台Mac,但是直到最近,这种愿望一直无法满足人们的需求。

The story should have ended there. It should have ended right there. But not too long after I realized I had the ability to afford a MacBook- even if it was only the most barebones model available- I concluded that I also had the means to afford a nicer Windows laptop that what I’d previously used. And so I began trying things out.

故事应该到此为止。 它应该就在这里结束。 但是不久,我意识到我有能力购买MacBook(即使它只是可用的最准系统),我得出结论,我有能力购买以前使用的更好的Windows笔记本电脑。 所以我开始尝试。

Long story short: I tried the Surface Laptop 3, the Samsung Galaxy Flex Alpha, and the Lenovo Yoga c740. I threw the Google Pixelbook Go in there for good measure, because at some point I realized that even though I could afford a more expensive computer didn’t necessarily mean I needed one. But I soon discovered that I needed more than Chrome OS, and so the cycle was doomed to repeat itself. I went back to the MacBook, and then back to the Surface Laptop 3, and then back to the Pixelbook Go. And then back to the Surface Laptop 3 (albeit a different model). And then to the Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga. So… yeah, this is what I’ve been occupying my time with during the pandemic. How about you?

长话短说:我尝试了Surface Laptop 3,Samsung Galaxy Flex Alpha和Lenovo Yoga c740。 我扔了谷歌Pixelbook去那里的好办法,因为在某些时候,我意识到,即使我买得起更昂贵的电脑并不一定意味着我需要一个。 但是我很快发现,我不仅需要Chrome操作系统,因此注定要重蹈覆辙。 我回到MacBook,然后回到Surface Laptop 3,再回到 Pixelbook Go。 然后返回 Surface Laptop 3(尽管型号不同)。 然后去联想ThinkPad L13 Yoga。 所以……是的,这就是我在大流行期间一直在忙的时间。 你呢?

But now… finally… I’ve decidedly ended my indecisiveness. After many months of going back and forth and back again, I have settled on my next laptop. I think.

但是现在…… 终于 ……我决定结束我的犹豫不决。 经过几个月来回的往返往返,我已经适应了我的下一台笔记本电脑。 我认为。

I don’t consider it wasted time, although I’m sure Best Buy will be grateful that I’m finally picking a laptop and sticking with it. No, I learned a lot in these last few months with different computers on my desk. I learned that I wanted- but didn’t need- a thin, light laptop. I learned that I wanted- and needed- an exceptional keyboard and a good screen. And I wanted- and maybe needed- a full operating system… sorry, Google.

我不认为这是浪费时间,尽管我确信百思买会很感激我终于选择一台笔记本电脑并坚持使用。 不,在过去的几个月中,我在办公桌上使用不同的计算机学到了很多东西。 我了解到我想要(但不需要)轻薄的笔记本电脑。 我了解到,我想要(也需要)一个出色的键盘和一个好的屏幕。 我想要( 也许需要)一个完整的操作系统……抱歉,Google。

I also learned that I love writing about tech. And that I hate, I hate, I hate Peter Pan. No, sorry, I hate fan noise. But I’ll get to that in due time.

我还了解到,我喜欢撰写有关技术的文章。 我讨厌,我讨厌,彼得潘。 不,抱歉,我讨厌风扇的噪音 。 但是我会在适当的时候解决。

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There were things that I loved- and hated- about each computer that I tried out. Obviously, the Surface Laptop 3 was a very close runner up, as I came back to it as often as I came back to the MacBook Air. But for better or worse, I’ve chosen to live with the MacBook Air as my daily computer. I believe that it has everything I need, and flaws that I can live with.

我尝试过的每台计算机都有我喜欢和讨厌的事物。 显然,Surface Laptop 3紧随其后,就像我回到MacBook Air一样频繁。 但是无论好坏,我都选择将MacBook Air作为我的日常计算机。 我相信它具有我需要的一切,并且可以克服我的缺点。

我对MacBook Air的不满意之处 (What I Don’t Like About the MacBook Air)

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Maybe it’s odd to start telling you why I chose the MacBook Air by listing my problems with it, but I think it is important to clear the air before moving forward.

也许我会通过列出我的问题来告诉您为什么选择MacBook Air,这很奇怪,但是我认为在前进之前清除空气很重要。

And clearing the air is something that the MacBook Air struggles with, despite having “air” in its name; the thermals on this laptop suck. I told you that I don’t like fan noise, and I meant that. And when the fan really gets going on the MacBook, it to me sounds like a jet engine that is about to take off.

尽管名称上有“ air”(空气)字样,但MacBook Air仍在努力清除空气。 这台笔记本电脑上的热量很烂。 我告诉过你我不喜欢风扇噪音,我是那个意思。 当风扇真正在MacBook上运转时,对我来说,这听起来像是喷气发动机即将起飞。

That said, I also learned in my time with other computers that if I want something with a little performance, it came with a spinning fan. While the fan was the reason I gave up the MacBook originally, everything else I tried- except for the Pixelbook Go- also came with a fan, and some ran more often and louder than that of the MacBook. And as I’m getting more used to macOS, I’m also getting more accustomed to how the machine works and how to avoid thermal throttling. But I’m still miffed at the poor fan design within the machine.

就是说,在我与其他计算机一起工作的同时,我还了解到,如果我想要一些性能稍差的东西,那就是风扇旋转了。 虽然风扇是我最初放弃MacBook的原因,但我尝试的其他所有功能(除Pixelbook Go之外)也都带有风扇,并且某些风扇的运行频率和频率都比MacBook高。 随着我越来越习惯于macOS,我也越来越习惯于机器的工作方式以及如何避免热调节。 但是我仍然对机器内部的风扇设计不佳感到不安。

I do still hate that it doesn’t have a touchscreen. On the flip side, however (no pun intended), I never really used the touchscreen on the Surface Laptop 3, even with the Surface Pen; since it wasn’t a convertible laptop, it didn’t have the best angles for getting some drawing done. And I much prefer the drawing apps available on the iPad to what Windows has to offer. On the convertible laptops I tried, the ability to flip the screen around and use it in tablet mode was nice, but also something I rarely utilized, because I have an iPad, the Surface Go 2, and the Lenovo Duet laying around the house- if I want a tablet experience, my laptop is most likely not going to be providing it to me. I get that Apple really wants iPads and MacBooks to be separate entities, but I still do feel like we deserve a touchscreen Mac in 2020… maybe one of those ARM MacBooks will have it.

我仍然讨厌它没有触摸屏。 但是,在另一方面,我从来没有真正使用过Surface Laptop 3的触摸屏,即使使用Surface Pen也是如此。 由于它不是可转换的笔记本电脑,因此没有最佳角度可以完成一些绘图。 与Windows提供的功能相比,我更喜欢iPad上提供的绘图应用程序。 在我尝试过的可转换笔记本电脑上,能够翻转屏幕并在平板电脑模式下使用它的能力非常棒,但这也是我很少使用的功能,因为我在房子周围放着iPad,Surface Go 2 Lenovo Duet,如果我想体验平板电脑,则很可能不会向我提供笔记本电脑。 我知道苹果公司确实希望iPad和MacBooks成为独立的实体,但我仍然觉得我们应该在2020年获得一台触摸屏Mac……也许那些ARM MacBooks会拥有它。

Speaking of, I am apprehensive about boarding Apple’s Intel ship so close to their ARM debut. But frankly, I have convinced myself that this is not something I need to worry about, not least because Apple will undoubtedly be supporting their Intel-based machines for years to come. Apple’s ARM chips are untested in MacBooks, so reasonably I would be waiting at least a year or two after the first ones get released to make sure it is something I want to have- I mean, just look at the Surface X and it’s many, many shortcomings. But I can’t deny that I’m a little worried that I’m buying the wrong MacBook in 2020.

谈到我,我对登上苹果公司的ARM舰船感到非常不安,因为它们接近ARM的首次亮相。 但坦率地说,我已经使自己确信,这不是我需要担心的事情,尤其是因为苹果无疑将在未来几年内支持其基于Intel的机器。 苹果的ARM芯片尚未在MacBooks中进行过测试,因此有理由我会在第一批ARM芯片发布至少等待一两年,以确保它是我想要的东西-我的意思是, 请看一下 Surface X,而且它很多,缺点很多。 但是我不能否认我有点担心我会在2020年购买错误的MacBook。

The last thing that I really don’t like about the MacBook Air is the port selection. Compared to some of the other computers I’ve looked at, the Air is simply lacking. I know that Apple reduces the number of ports to keep the machine thin and light, and I knew that before I ever picked it up. But still, it only has two USB-C ports and an obsolete headphone jack. Of course, I actually love the inclusion of the headphone jack, but I’m honestly surprised by it; since Apple has removed it from their iPhones and have pushed people to abandon cords for their AirPods and Beats, it is a little shocking that Apple hasn’t gone full tilt into their exclusion of this particular port and didn’t use this space for something more useful- another USB-C perhaps, or at the very least a Lightning port so that we could use the EarPods that come with our new iPhones. I’ll never complain about a headphone jack, but in 2020, it just feels like a strange inclusion for Apple to make.

我真的不喜欢MacBook Air的最后一件事是端口选择。 与我看过的其他一些计算机相比,Air确实缺乏。 我知道 Apple减少了使机器轻薄的端口数量,而且在我拿起它之前就知道了。 但仍然只有两个USB-C端口和一个过时的耳机插Kong。 当然,我实际上很喜欢将耳机插Kong包括在内,但实在让我感到惊讶。 自从苹果将其从iPhone上移除并迫使人们放弃其AirPods和Beats的电源线以来,令苹果感到震惊的是,苹果并未完全排除使用该特定端口,也没有将这个空间用于任何用途更有用-也许是另一个USB-C,或者至少是一个Lightning端口,以便我们可以使用新iPhone随附的EarPods。 我永远不会抱怨耳机插Kong,但是在2020年,对于苹果公司来说,感觉就像是一个奇怪的包容。

为什么我选择MacBook Air (Why I Settled on the MacBook Air)

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Enough with the airing of grievances. Despite those issues, I chose to come back to the MacBook Air, and I’m sticking with it this time. But why?

泛滥成灾。 尽管存在这些问题,我还是选择返回MacBook Air,这次我坚持使用它。 但为什么?

Frankly, it just made sense. It made sense because of the ecosystem. It isn’t for everyone- and I wasn’t even one hundred percent sure it was for me- but ultimately, I have an iPhone and an iPad and an Apple Watch, and the MacBook was the final piece to complete this ecosystem.

坦白说,这很有意义。 这是因为生态系统。 它并不适合所有人-我什至没有百分百地确定它适合我-但最终,我拥有iPhone,iPad和Apple Watch,而MacBook是完成这一生态系统的最后一块。

The desire to be all in on an ecosystem was twofold. If you’ve followed my recent Battle Royale series, you’ll know that I flip-flop a lot. And I mean, a lot. It isn’t just with computers; usually, it is with phones. But having the MacBook, I think (read: I hope) will keep my eyes from wandering to other phones. I’m not saying that I don’t like Android devices; I do, very much. But every time I switch to Android, within a year I always switch back to an iPhone, and that’s just not the best for my bank account. So, my hope is that by settling on the MacBook Air, I’ll be settling into that ecosystem fully and I won’t be tempted every time a new Pixel comes out.

完全融入一个生态系统的愿望是双重的。 如果您关注我最近的《皇家大逃杀》系列,您会知道我会经常玩牌。 我的意思是很多 。 不仅是计算机,还有计算机。 通常是手机。 但是,我认为拥有MacBook将使我的目光不再转向其他手机。 我并不是说我不喜欢Android设备; 我非常。 但是,每次我切换到Android时,一年之内总是切换回iPhone,这对我的银行帐户而言并不是最好的选择。 因此,我希望通过安装MacBook Air,我将完全融入该生态系统,并且不会在每次推出新Pixel时都被吸引住。

But beyond that, I do love when my tech works together. I like that my photos automatically appear on the MacBook without me having to use a third party program like Google Photos or OneDrive, both of which never seems to work as well on my phone as the native Photos app (primarily they don’t work as well in the background; OneDrive constantly notifies me that photo uploads have stopped and demands that I leave the app). And if for some reason a picture or file hasn’t transferred, it is simply an AirDrop away. I also like that my texts appear on my computer, and that I can use FaceTime, and that I can unlock my screen with my Apple Watch, and that I can use my iPad as a second screen (again, without having to install any additional software).

但是除此之外,当我的技术一起工作时,我的确很喜欢。 我喜欢我的照片自动显示在MacBook上,而无需使用第三方程序(例如Google Photos或OneDrive),这两种程序在我的手机上似乎都无法像本机“照片”应用程序一样正常工作(主要是它们不能像好在后台; OneDrive会不断通知我照片上传已停止,并要求我离开应用程序。 而且,由于某种原因,如果图片或文件没有传输,则只需通过AirDrop即可。 我也喜欢我的文本出现在我的计算机上,可以使用FaceTime,可以用Apple Watch解锁屏幕,也可以将iPad用作第二屏幕(同样,无需安装任何其他屏幕)软件)。

I also found that the MacBook gave me the most choices when it came to the programs that I wanted to use, especially in the realm of writing. You see, I prefer Google Docs to get my writing done, but sometimes I like Pages instead (even though Pages decidedly came in third place in a recent Battle Royale). And eventually, I’ll need Microsoft Word when I’m making final preparations to get my book published. Each program has its own strengths and weaknesses, certainly, but I’ve found that each has their own distinct uses in my workflow.

我还发现MacBook在我要使用的程序方面给了我最多的选择,尤其是在编写领域。 您会发现,我更喜欢Google Docs完成工作,但是有时候我更喜欢Pages(即使Pages 在最近的Battle Royale中绝对排名第三)。 最终,在进行最后准备以使书出版时,我将需要 Microsoft Word。 当然,每个程序都有其优点和缺点,但是我发现它们在工作流程中都有各自的用途。

Speaking of my workflow, the MacBook Air also has a stellar keyboard (about time). It isn’t the best keyboard that I’ve tried out- that honor probably falls on either the Pixelbook Go or the Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga- but it is a damn good one and very accurate. This should have been a telltale sign that I should stick with the MacBook, as with every other computer I tested out- even if I happened to like the keyboard more- I was prepared to drop $100 on Apple’s Magic Keyboard just to keep that writing experience in my workflow. And it is the littlest thing, but once I got used to pressing Command plus I or B to get italics or bold, I could not for the life of me get reacquainted with the positioning of the Control key on a Windows set up (for reference, Command is on either side of the Space Bar on a Mac, whereas Control is in the lowest left-hand corner of a Windows keyboard, and hitting Command with a thumb just works so much better than hitting Control with my pinky).

说到我的工作流程,MacBook Air也有一个恒星键盘(大约是时间)。 它不是我尝试过的最好的键盘-该荣誉可能落在Pixelbook Go或Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga上-但这是一个很好的键盘并且非常准确。 这本来是个好兆头,表明我应该坚持使用MacBook,就像我测试过的每台其他计算机一样,即使我碰巧更喜欢键盘,我也愿意在Apple的Magic Keyboard上投入100美元,以保持这种书写体验在我的工作流程中。 这是最不重要的事情,但是一旦我习惯按Command加IB以获得斜体或粗体,我就无法终生熟悉Windows设置上的Control键的位置(仅供参考) ,Command位于Mac上的空格键的两侧,而Control位于Windows键盘的左下角,用拇指敲击Command比用我的小指按Control更好。

While I’ve harped on Apple’s lack of imagination with the design of the 2020 MacBook Air in previous reviews, it is also one of the best laptops I’ve ever held in my hands. Despite having the same screen size as the Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga that I just reviewed, it is less than half its physical size. The Surface Laptop 3 definitely has a bigger screen, but that means it has a bigger body, too, and feels somewhat bulky by comparison. I may fault Apple for not redesigning their tech often enough (seriously, the iPhone 11 still has basically the same design as the iPhone 6, besides a larger screen and a bigger camera module), but hey, they found what works and are sticking with it.

在之前的评论中,我曾因2020年MacBook Air的设计而感到苹果缺乏想象力,但它也是我手握的最好的笔记本电脑之一。 尽管其屏幕尺寸与我刚刚评测过的Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga相同,但它还不到其物理尺寸的一半。 Surface Laptop 3绝对具有更大的屏幕,但这意味着它也具有更大的机身,相比之下感觉有些笨拙。 我可能错苹果不重新设计他们的技术往往不够(严重的是,iPhone 11仍然具有基本相同的设计iPhone 6,除了更大的屏幕和更大的相机模块),但是,嘿,他们发现了什么工作,并与被粘它。

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I am in absolute love with the thinness of the MacBook Air (even if it cheats a little to accomplish that thinness). It feels like nothing when set on my lap, and when it is closed, it looks barely bigger than my iPad. Portability is one of my biggest necessities with a laptop, and the MacBook Air provides it in spades.

我绝对喜欢MacBook Air的轻薄程度(即使为达到这种轻薄程度而作弊也很不错)。 当放在我的膝盖上时感觉什么都没有,而当它关闭时,它看起来几乎比我的iPad大。 便携性是我使用笔记本电脑最大的必需品之一,而MacBook Air则一应俱全。

And of course, I love macOS. Granted, Windows and macOS are so similar in many ways that I don’t think it matters as much, but I do love some of the small things that a Mac does, like showing notifications on a screen that is asleep, or automatically sending a program to a new desktop when I select full screen. I’m even more of a fan of the implementation of desktops on macOS than I am on Windows; more often than not, when I’ve shut down the computer, those desktops- with the full-screen programs open and ready to go- are there when I turn it back on again (Windows, by comparison, has a bad habit of opening all programs in the first desktop after a shut down, so I have to spend a few moments dragging apps around to put them back where I wanted them). I love that macOS automatically unzips folders when I download them, and that it asks if I want to trash an installer file once I’ve installed the software. And who can beat simply dragging a photo to the desktop to download it?

当然,我喜欢macOS。 诚然,Windows和macOS在许多方面是如此相似,以至于我认为它并不那么重要,但是我确实喜欢Mac所做的一些小事情,例如在Hibernate的屏幕上显示通知,或者自动发送通知。选择全屏显示时,将程序设置为新桌面。 我比Windows更热衷于在macOS上实施桌面。 通常,当我关闭计算机时,那些台式机(打开了全屏程序并可以使用)在我再次打开计算机后就存在了(相比之下,Windows的习惯是打开关闭后第一个桌面上的所有程序,因此我不得不花一些时间将应用拖到附近,以将它们放回我想要的位置。) 我喜欢macOS在下载文件夹时会自动将其解压缩,并且它询问我是否要在安装软件后丢弃安装程序文件。 谁能击败将照片拖到桌面进行下载的节奏呢?

I’m also in love with the MacBook’s screen. Sure, it wasn’t able to beat the Slow Mo Guys 8K Glitter test that I’ve thrown at other computers, but I’m not expecting this device to be playing that challenging of a video on any regular basis. The screen is adequately bright for my uses, has a nice anti-glare coating that all but the Lenovo ThinkPad were missing, and despite the MacBook having a 16:10 aspect ratio, it surprisingly holds up next to the more spaceous 3:2 aspect ratio of the Surface Laptop 3; compared directly, I couldn’t really see any major benefits in gaining that tiny extra bit of screen space (on Medium, that translated to being able to see about two extra lines of writing, but in Pages Vs Word, there was actually zero benefit from the extra real estate).

我也爱上了MacBook的屏幕。 当然,它无法击败我在其他计算机上扔过的Slow Mo Guys 8K Glitter测试,但是我不希望这款设备在任何时候都能播放如此具有挑战性的视频。 屏幕足够明亮,适合我的使用,并具有很好的防眩光涂层,几乎没有Lenovo ThinkPad,并且尽管MacBook的纵横比为16:10,但令人惊讶的是,它紧靠更宽敞的3:2纵横比。 Surface Laptop 3的比例; 直接比较一下,我并没有看到获得一点点屏幕空间的任何重大好处(在Medium上,这意味着能够看到多出大约两行文字,但是在Pages vs Word中,实际上却是收益)来自额外的房地产)。

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Plus, I love that Picture-in-Picture in Safari will let the video window appear on all desktops; using this same feature in Chrome or Firefox on a Windows laptop sees me having to drag the actual Chrome or Firefox browser tab to the other desktop and then initiate the PiP feature.

另外,我喜欢Safari中的画中画功能,可以使视频窗口出现在所有桌面上; 在Windows笔记本电脑的Chrome或Firefox中使用相同的功能,我不得不将实际的Chrome或Firefox浏览器选项卡拖动到另一个桌面,然后启动画中画功能。

Put simply, the MacBook Air, while not perfect, has a lot of things that work best for me. And that, dear exasperated reader, is why I’ve chosen to stick with the MacBook Air.

简而言之,MacBook Air虽然不完美,但有很多对我来说最有效的东西。 亲爱的读者,这就是为什么我选择坚持使用MacBook Air的原因。

第三回的魅力 (Third Time’s the Charm)

In my roller coaster ride of finding a new laptop, this is the third time I’ve come back to the MacBook Air. Both the first time and second time I returned it, I definitely felt that I was making a huge mistake as I drove away from Best Buy. That’s not a feeling exclusive to the MacBook, by the way; when I came home with this MacBook after having returned that excellent Lenovo ThinkPad, I almost immediately thought I’d made a big mistake.

在寻找新笔记本电脑的过程中,这是我第三次回到MacBook Air。 无论是第一次还是第二次退货,当我离开百思买的时候,我肯定都觉得自己犯了一个巨大的错误。 顺便说一下,这并不是MacBook独有的感觉。 当我返回出色的联想ThinkPad后带着这台MacBook回家时,我几乎立即以为自己犯了一个大错误。

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But after having used the MacBook Air again for a few days, I’ve realized that my mistake was second guessing myself in the first place.

但是,在再次使用MacBook Air几天之后,我意识到我的错误是第二次猜测自己。

There are still some issues; I can’t get Steam to work that well on my MacBook- and even once I did get it up and running, most of my games were sadly no longer supported. But hey, gaming isn’t what I’m using this computer for; not having easy access to those distractions on my main computer would probably benefit my productivity anyway. And I’m way more likely to play The Witcher on my Xbox than I ever am on my computer. And the one game I do play with any regularity (N++) works damn well on my Surface Go 2, which tends to be the device I game on more anyway (cause it’s a tablet, and it’s small). And for some reason my MacBook Air will not, under any circumstances, install the public beta of Big Sur; in retrospect, that’s probably a blessing in disguise, and I should just wait until the official release in the next month or two.

还有一些问题; 我不能让蒸汽工作那么好我MacBook-甚至一度我没有得到它运行起来,我的大部分游戏是可悲的是不再支持。 但是,嘿,游戏不是我在使用这台计算机的目的; 无论如何,无法轻松访问我的主计算机上的这些干扰因素可能会提高我的工作效率。 而且我比在计算机上玩Xbox上的《巫师》更有可能。 而且我可以以任何规律性(N ++)玩的一款游戏在我的Surface Go 2上都很好用,无论如何它往往是我在更多设备上玩的设备(因为它是平板电脑,而且体积很小)。 出于某种原因,我的MacBook Air在任何情况下都不会安装Big Sur的公开测试版; 回想起来,这可能是变相的祝福,我应该等到下一两个月的正式发布。

As I’ve said, there’s no such thing as a perfect computer. But more than any other computer I’ve tested in recent months, I love the MacBook Air. Flaws and all. It isn’t the fastest, and it isn’t the latest design, and it certainly isn’t the best. But it works for me. And at the end of the day, it gets the job done for me, and it does so with acceptable agility and performance. It doesn’t take up too much space on my desk, and as long as I’m paying attention and not horribly overtaxing the machine, it won’t overheat and turn into a jet engine. I think I can live with that.

正如我所说,没有完美的计算机。 但是,与我最近几个月测试过的任何其他计算机相比,我更喜欢 MacBook Air。 缺陷和所有。 它不是最快的,也不是最新的设计,当然也不是最好的。 但这对我有用。 最终,它为我完成了工作,并且以可接受的敏捷性和性能做到了这一点。 它不会占用我的桌子太多的空间,而且只要我注意并且不会使机器过度负担,它就不会过热并变成喷气发动机。 我想我可以接受。



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