

With the largest experiment in remote work in history temporarily interrupted, at least in the northern hemisphere, by the summer vacation, many people are already pondering what the return to work will mean.

至少在北半球,由于暑假, 有史以来最大的远程工作实验暂时中断,许多人已经在思考恢复工作的意义。

Anybody who works in a company should understand that the first stage of teleworking, which we were forced into as a result of the pandemic, has ended. At the same time, employers should not see this as a carte blanche to ask people to return to their offices. In fact, everything suggest that we will never return to the previous normal. For the time being, employers should keep one thought in mind: asking workers to return to their regular jobs would be, in the vast majority of cases, irresponsible.

在公司工作的任何人都应该了解,由于大流行而被迫进入的远程办公的第一阶段已经结束。 同时,雇主不应将其视为要求人们返回其办公室的大手笔。 实际上,一切都表明我们永远不会回到以前的常态。 暂时而言,雇主应该牢记一个主意:在大多数情况下,要求工人重返其正常工作是不负责任的。

On the other hand, employers should start considering another, much more interesting idea: the result of the weeks of distributed work during that first phase of the pandemic has been, in the vast majority of companies, increased productivity. Microsoft is a particularly striking example: its employees worked an average of four hours extra per week.

另一方面,雇主应该开始考虑另一个更有趣的想法:在大流行的第一阶段,分散工作数周的结果是,在大多数公司中,生产率提高了。 微软是一个特别引人注目的例子: 其员工平均每周多工作四个小时

The result of this kind of productive fever has much to do with the intensity of the moment and the poor choice of work methodologies. Driven by uncertainty and concern for results or the survival of their companies, many people decided to work longer hours, and tried, above all, to maintain the rituals they knew from their daily work, expressed via a particular mystique: the meeting. Basically, if I am in front of my computer working like a demon, my impression is that nobody sees it and nobody evaluates it, so what I have to do is “prove” that I am working by making others see it.

这种生产性发热的结果与当下的强度和工作方法的选择不当有关。 在不确定性和对结果或公司生存的担忧的驱动下,许多人决定延长工作时间,尤其是试图维持他们从日常工作中了解的仪式,这是通过一种特殊的秘诀表达的:会议。 基本上,如果我像恶魔一样在计算机前工作,我的印象是没有人看到它,也没有人对其进行评估,因此我要做的就是通过让其他人看到它来“证明”我在工作。

The result has been a pandemic of meetings. Every hour of the day, one after the other, some departmental, some strategic, some informative… and all of them exhausting. Having more meetings while working from home has become a meaningless indicator of professional prestige. Never have so many people spent so much time together as during the months of lockdown. The meeting became, in the absence of other indicators, the only way for bosses to show their teams that they were there, leading the way, proving that they were working, that they were as committed as ever… a kind of absurd simulation that upheld the worst characteristics of presenteeism.

结果导致会议大流行。 一天中的每一个小时,一个接一个的接一个,一个部门,一些战略性,一些信息性……全都精疲力尽。 在家工作时召开更多会议已成为专业声望的毫无意义的指标。 在封锁的几个月里,从来没有像这么多人在一起花费太多时间 。 在没有其他指标的情况下,会议成为老板向他们的团队展示他们在那里的唯一途径,带头证明他们在工作,他们一如既往地努力……这是一种荒谬的模拟,被坚持表现主义的最坏特征。

In the second phase of the experiment, once the summer break is over, we have to change. This meeting madness must end. Designating days off from meetings, for example, allows the workforce to get on with their work instead of being stuck in front of their screens all day listening or talking. In short, work isn’t about being on Zoom half the time.

在实验的第二阶段,暑假结束后,我们必须进行更改。 这种疯狂的聚会必须结束。 例如,指定会议休息日可以使工作人员继续工作,而不必整日坐在办公桌前听或说。 简而言之,工作并不是要有一半时间在Zoom上。

For distributed work to be productive, meetings must be kept to a minimum. They are a legacy of old methodologies, and as such, must be reduced to when they are really necessary, or even recognized simply as a way of keeping in touch socially with colleagues. Which is fine. But for real work issues, asynchronous methodologies work best: instant messaging like Slack or Teams, documents, spreadsheets or shared presentations to work on together, email (without going overboard and copying the whole damn company), and above all, trust, trust, trust. Trust in the workforce is the only way to build professional distributed environments that work properly.

为了使分布式工作富有成效,会议必须保持在最低限度。 它们是旧方法的遗留物,因此,必须减少到真正需要它们时,或者甚至将其简单地视为与同事保持社交联系的一种方式。 没关系 但是对于实际的工作问题,异步方法最有效:像Slack或Teams这样的即时消息传递,文档,电子表格或共享的演示文稿可以一起工作,发送电子邮件(不必费力并复制整个该死的公司),最重要的是,信任,信任,相信。 对员工的信任是建立正常工作的专业分布式环境的唯一方法。

All this will undoubtedly require many changes and a new mindset. New indicators, new policies, new methodologies, and many changes in the way we approach work. For many people this will mean structural changes, moving to a bigger home and other arrangements. The workforce is going to change a lot, and it’s not going to go back to what it was before February: when the pandemic is finally under control, the world it will leave behind will be very different. But most of all, hopefully, it will be one with far fewer meetings.

所有这些无疑将需要许多改变和新的思维方式。 新的指标 ,新的政策 ,新的方法论以及我们工作方式的许多变化。 对于许多人来说,这将意味着结构上的变化,搬到更大的房屋和其他安排。 劳动力将发生很大变化 ,并且不会回到2月份之前的状态:当大流行最终得到控制时,它将留下的世界将大不相同。 但最重要的是,希望它将是一次会议数量少得多的会议。

This article was previously published on Forbes.


(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )

翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/please-not-another-online-meeting-5ee0f3ff4b0e


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