

Taking technology advancement one step further, the powerhouse Google has added an earthquake alert system in California on Tuesday. This will turn Android smartphones as a tremor detector, which will eventually aid people by giving an alert or warning minutes before the mishappening nearby.

Google向技术进步迈进了一步,强大的Google周二在加利福尼亚增加了地震预警系统。 这将使Android智能手机成为震颤检测器,最终将在附近发生灾难之前发出警报或警告,从而最终帮助人们。

This isn’t something Google has tried on an amateur level, countries like Japan, Mexico, and California are already using land-based sensors to generate warnings to save human lives and property damage caused by the tremor.


“We saw an opportunity to use Android to provide people with timely, helpful earthquake information when they search, as well as a few seconds warning to get themselves and their loved ones to safety if needed,” principal software engineer Marc Stogaitis said in a blog post.

首席软件工程师马克·斯托加蒂阿蒂斯(Marc Stogaitis)在博客中说:“我们发现了使用Android的机会,他们可以在人们搜索时为他们提供及时,有用的地震信息,并在需要时提供几秒钟的警告,以确保自己和亲人的安全。”发布。

Earthquakes generally occur in regions where there are fault-lines in the earth. A sudden slip on a fault causes it. When the stress on the edge avoids friction, there is an earthquake that discharges energy in the form of waves that cause the shaking, which can be felt enormously.

地震通常发生在地球上有断层线的地区。 故障上的突然滑动会导致故障。 当边缘上的应力避免摩擦时,就会发生地震,地震以波的形式释放出能量,从而引起震动,这种震动可以极大地感受到。

California, where Google just launched the earthquake alert system, is more prone to this natural calamity. This is because California lies on the San Andreas Fault, which extends roughly to 800 miles through the US States.

Google刚刚推出地震预警系统的加利福尼亚州更容易遭受这种自然灾害。 这是因为加利福尼亚位于圣安德烈亚斯断层上,断层延伸到美国各地约800英里。

The fault is further divided into three segments, brimmed with different degrees of earthquake risks. The southern segment that passes within about 35 miles of Los Angeles is the most compelling one.

断层又分为三个部分,充满了不同程度的地震危险。 经过洛杉矶约35英里以内的南部地区是最吸引人的部分。

70 major earthquakes have hit California since records began to register in 1812. The largest of them all hit the state in 1857 named Fort Tejon earthquake, which had an estimated magnitude of 7.9.

自1812年记录开始记录以来,加利福尼亚发生了70场大地震。其中最大的一次地震发生在1857年的Fort Tejon地震中,估计震级为7.9。

This clearly states California was in dire need of something which could alert the people and prevention could be taken to some extent.


How will the Earthquake Alert System work in Android smartphones


Image for post
Earthquake Alert Application 地震预警应用

Google has targeted Android smartphones for this concept instead of creating any new gadget which is dedicated for earthquake detection. This was an obvious move because more than 2.5 billion devices globally (Both smartphones and tablets) run Android OS. The Android phones will receive warnings triggered by a “ShakeAlert” which is an earthquake early-warning system that was carried out on the West Coast by the US Geological Survey and partners.

Google已将Android智能手机定位为此概念,而不是创建任何专门用于地震检测的小工具。 这是一个明显的举措,因为全球有超过25亿台设备(智能手机和平板电脑)都运行Android操作系统。 Android手机将收到由美国地质调查局及其合作伙伴在西海岸实施的地震预警系统“ ShakeAlert”触发的警告。

The ShakeAlert uses signals from unnumbered seismometer across the region to prompt a warning message that quotes, “An earthquake has begun, and shaking is imminent.”


Talking about seismometers, it is a device that responds to ground motions which include, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tornados, and other related or non-related explosions. The seismometer works on the principle of generating graphs that were generated formerly on a paper, but now it is recorded and processed digitally.

谈到地震仪,它是一种对地面运动做出响应的设备,包括火山爆发,地震,龙卷风以及其他相关或不相关的爆炸。 地震仪的工作原理是生成图形,该图形以前是在纸上生成的,但现在已被记录和数字化处理。

“This Google program emerged from a week-long session 4–1/2 years ago which focused whether the accelerometers present in phones can detect, earthquakes, tornados, car crashes, etc.” quoted by software engineer Marc Stogaitis.

“这个Google计划是在4到1/2年前的为期一周的会议中提出的,该会议着重研究手机中的加速度计是否可以检测,地震,龙卷风,车祸等。” 由软件工程师Marc Stogaitis引用。

The accelerometers are different from seismometers. Accelerometers are heavy sensors that measure direction and force of motion. They are majorly used to actuate whether a user is holding a phone in portrait or landscape mode.

加速度计与地震仪不同。 加速度计是用于测量运动方向和力的重型传感器。 它们主要用于启动用户是纵向还是横向手持电话。

As of now, Google has launched this feature in its Android OS for the people in California; this is because the state has a pervasive seismometer network in place. However, once the phone-based detection network is well established, the ShakeAlert is expected to disperse to other locations as well at an overwhelming rate.

到目前为止,Google已在其Android操作系统中为加利福尼亚的人们推出了此功能; 这是因为该州拥有广泛的地震仪网络。 但是,一旦建立了基于电话的检测网络,预计ShakeAlert也会以压倒性的速度扩散到其他位置。

The system is not applicable to set its foot in China, where Google play services are already barred.

该系统不适用于进入已经禁止Google Play服务的中国。

The move to turn Android smartphones into mini seismometer could be tricky. Still, Google is working in the right direction to achieve the same, and Mark Stogaitias is hopeful that shortly the Android smartphones will evolve as one of the world’s largest earthquake detection network.

将Android智能手机变成迷你地震仪的举动可能很棘手。 尽管如此,谷歌仍在朝着正确的方向努力,马克·斯托加蒂亚斯(Mark Stogaitias)希望,Android智能手机将很快发展成为世界上最大的地震探测网络之一。

Stogaitias said, “We’re essentially racing the speed of light — which is roughly the speed at which signals from phone travel — against the speed of an earthquake.”


What magnitude will this earthquake detector trigger?


The alerts must trigger a magnitude that is generally encountered during an earthquake. The Google earthquake detector will trigger a magnitude of 4.5 or higher. This would be a build-in function in Android smartphones, which means no app download is necessary.

警报必须触发地震期间通常遇到的震级。 Google地震探测器将触发4.5或更高的震级。 这将是Android智能手机的内置功能,这意味着无需下载任何应用程序。

UC Berkeley Seismology Laboratory launches an Android app named ‘MyShake’ last year, which issues earthquake early warning alerts in California. Apart from providing earthquake alerts, the application emphasized on maps and earthquake-related safety tips to the user. The app has drawn over 1 million downloads so far.

加州大学伯克利分校地震学实验室去年启动了一个名为“ MyShake”的Android应用,该应用在加利福尼亚州发出地震预警警报。 除了提供地震警报外,该应用程序还向用户强调地图和与地震有关的安全提示。 到目前为止,该应用已吸引了超过100万次下载。


Google has drawn the first blood in this sector. Providing an in-built feature for earthquake detection is a step in the right direction. Their premier competitors Apple haven’t commented on the same, but in the future are expected to come up with a similar application of their own.

谷歌在这个领域吸取了第一批血。 为地震检测提供内置功能是朝正确方向迈出的一步。 苹果的主要竞争对手苹果对此未发表评论,但预计将来会提出类似的应用。

It remains interesting to see how successful this application is going to be, especially in a region like California, which is prone to earthquakes and has surfaced this natural calamity over and over again in the past. If Google gets the desired response they are looking for, the feature will be dispersed in the remaining parts of the globe at a high rate and could many many lives.

有趣的是,看到这种应用将有多么成功,尤其是在像加利福尼亚这样容易发生地震并在过去一遍又一遍地浮出水面的地区。 如果Google希望得到他们期望的响应,该功能将以很高的比例分散在全球其他地区,并可能有很多生命。



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