

By Josh Coon, Mike DiCaprio & Ken McVeagh

乔什·库恩(Josh Coon),迈克·迪卡普里奥(Mike DiCaprio)和肯·麦克维(Ken McVeagh)

Let’s face it, as marketers we’ve had our hands in the digital cookie jar for a long time. For far too long, if we’re being honest. We’ve had unfettered access to some problematic consumer data for years. We’ve been able to target, retarget and track consumers without their consent. This nearly unlimited data collection that third-party cookies has offered both marketers and brands has made us both fat and happy.

面对现实吧,作为营销人员,我们已经在数字饼干罐中使用了很长时间。 如果说实话,那么太久了。 多年来,我们一直可以不受限制地访问一些有问题的消费者数据。 我们能够针对,重新定位和跟踪消费者,而无需征得他们的同意。 第三方cookie为营销人员和品牌提供的几乎无限的数据收集使我们既胖又高兴。

The lid, however, is now snapping shut on the cookie jar, and we have to figure out what to do next.


Wait, what’s happening?


Google announced through its Chromium blog that it will be ending support for third-party cookies entirely in the Chrome web browser by the end of 2021, joining Apple’s Safari and Mozilla’s Firefox, which have already begun to block them. By some estimates this equals 85% to 90% of all internet traffic, so this is no small change. Before we dive into what this means and how things could change, let’s talk briefly about what a third-party cookie is.

谷歌通过其Chromium博客宣布,它将在2021年底之前完全停止对Chrome网络浏览器中的第三方Cookie的支持,而苹果的Safari和Mozilla的Firefox也已经开始对其进行阻止。 据估计,这相当于所有互联网流量的85%到90%,因此这并不是一个小数目的变化。 在深入研究这意味着什么以及如何改变之前,让我们先简要介绍一下第三方cookie是什么。

What’s in these things, anyway?


A third-party cookie is a small crumb of data left behind on your browser by tracking and measurement platforms with help from the websites you visit. These crumbs provide a trail for those third-party platforms to create a larger picture of a user’s web behavior, used to target them with advertisements and optimize their experience. This has allowed brands to place ads in front of consumers wherever they go and drive activity within their owned properties. Later, this data is often packaged and sold to help marketers more easily target you, based on your demographic or psychographic profile. You look at a pair of sneakers on a site, and suddenly, like a specter, they seem to materialize everywhere — on Instagram, Facebook in digital ads, everywhere you look. You’re also likely to see that sneaker brand’s competitors’ products in your feed, with the same data being used by both sides. It’s been a powerful tool but one that has caused privacy concerns all over the world, leading to major restrictions in some countries. That’s why we’re all going on a digital diet.

第三方Cookie是在您访问的网站的帮助下通过跟踪和衡量平台在浏览器上留下的一小部分数据。 这些碎屑为这些第三方平台提供了创建用户网络行为的更大画面的线索,用于通过广告定位目标用户并优化其体验。 这样一来,品牌就可以将广告投放到消费者所到之处的任何地方,并推动其自有物业的活动。 以后,通常会打包并出售这些数据,以帮助营销人员根据您的人口统计或心理特征更轻松地将您定位。 您在网站上看到一双运动鞋,突然间,就像幽灵一样,它们似乎无处不在-在Instagram,Facebook上的数字广告中,以及您所看到的任何地方。 您还可能会在Feed中看到运动鞋品牌竞争对手的产品,双方使用的数据相同。 它曾经是一种强大的工具,但是却引起了全世界的隐私问题,从而在某些国家/地区造成了重大限制。 这就是为什么我们都进行数字饮食。

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When does our digital diet start?


The specific timing is still unknown, but soon. Google’s plan is to transition away from third-party cookies by the end of 2021. That is not a lot of time to make a seismic adjustment to how we reach our audiences. We’ve become so dependent on third-party cookies that weaning us off those delicious morsels of data is a necessity, but like any meaningful diet, it’s gonna hurt. We need to start adapting without turning to seductive and difficult-to-enforce fingerprinting methods.

具体时机仍然未知,但很快。 Google的计划是在2021年底之前从第三方Cookie过渡。这不是很多时间来对我们的受众群体进行重大调整。 我们已经越来越依赖第三方Cookie,以至于断断续续从这些美味的数据中脱颖而出是必不可少的,但就像任何有意义的饮食一样,它也会很痛苦。 我们需要开始适应,而不要采用诱人且难以执行的指纹识别方法

Well, now what’s on the menu?!


Brands will need to start rethinking how they engage with consumers and what their goals are for marketing. There will still be advertising through a variety of different channels, but that advertising will likely be more splintered, with each platform having its own rules and its own tools. A value exchange will also be of greater importance. It’s time to rethink what we’re offering consumers and how we are engaging them. Brands need to decide what’s more important: a million, trillion impressions from strangers who aren’t that interested or 10,000 dedicated fans who have made you a part of their daily lives. Marketers will still have many options, but those options will be different and will need to work in new combinations to bring the parts and pieces into focus.

品牌将需要开始重新考虑如何与消费者互动以及他们的营销目标是什么。 仍然可以通过各种不同的渠道进行广告投放,但是广告投放可能会更加分散,每个平台都有自己的规则和工具。 价值交换也将更加重要。 现在该重新考虑我们为消费者提供的产品以及如何吸引他们。 品牌需要决定更重要的事情:不那么感兴趣的陌生人留下的一百万,万亿的印象,或者使您成为日常生活一部分的10,000忠实的粉丝。 营销人员仍将有很多选择,但是这些选择将有所不同,并且需要以新的组合进行操作以使各个部分成为重点。

Will there be a healthy option?


It’s unclear what comes next, but make no mistake that Google, Apple and all the other tech giants are looking for a replacement for third-party cookies. Google, for example, has started to share a new recipe for what the future may hold, called “Trust Tokens.” These tokens are meant to replace the third-party cookies, although there will be significant changes and limitations to what marketers are accustomed to.

目前尚不清楚下一步会发生什么,但毫无疑问,谷歌,苹果和所有其他科技巨头都在寻找替代第三方cookie的方法。 例如,谷歌已经开始就未来可能持有的新配方进行共享,称为“信任令牌”。 这些代币旨在替代第三方Cookie,尽管营销人员的习惯会有很大的变化和限制。

What little is known right now is that the Trust Tokens will verify human visitors (not a bot) and will let sites know who has come and if they clicked on ads. But they will not be able to track them across the web; all user data will remain anonymous.

现在鲜为人知的是,信任令牌将验证访问者(而不是机器人),并让站点知道谁来了以及他们是否点击了广告。 但是他们将无法在网上跟踪它们; 所有用户数据将保持匿名。

The value exchange between brands and consumers will be the critical linchpin to future success; useful, entertaining, delightful content will be the table stakes for success.

品牌与消费者之间的价值交换将是未来成功的关键。 有用,有趣,令人愉悦的内容将是成功的关键。

These tokens are in development, but specifically how they work or what happens next is still unclear. What is clear is that by the end of 2021, third-party cookies will no longer be supported by the three most important web browsers in the world; after that will likely be a tangle of confusion. Either way, it’s likely that technology will protect privacy to a greater degree and favor consumers over brands and advertisers. What we’ve come to rely on as a critical tool for digital marketing will likely no longer be in our toolbox.

这些令牌尚在开发中,但具体如何工作或下一步将如何仍不清楚。 什么显而易见的是,由2021年年底,第三方cookie将不再 由世界上三个最重要的Web浏览器支持; 之后,很可能会造成混乱。 无论哪种方式,技术都可能会在更大程度上保护隐私,并在品牌和广告客户方面更青睐消费者。 我们作为数字营销关键工具所依赖的工具可能不再存在于我们的工具箱中。

What should brands do now? We polled our team of specialists to get additional thoughts to help prepare your brand …

品牌现在应该做什么? 我们调查了我们的专家团队,以获取其他想法来帮助您准备品牌……

Joshua Coon, Experience & Content Director: We’re heading into a new era. Something different, something harder, but likely something better. Now more than ever, investing in your owned channels and building an audience is critical to the long-term health of a brand. It’s harder work to build an audience than to buy one, but it’s a better investment.

体验与内容总监Joshua Coon:我们正在迈入一个新时代。 有些不同,有些困难,但可能更好。 现在,比以往任何时候都更重要的是,对自己拥有的渠道进行投资并建立受众群体对于品牌的长期健康至关重要。 建立受众比购买受众更难,但这是更好的投资。

The value exchange between brands and consumers will be the critical linchpin to future success; useful, entertaining, delightful content will be the table stakes for success. Because it’s likely that people will have to self-select and will have to be part of your club, if you don’t make it worth their while, they’ll go somewhere else. It’s just that now you won’t know where they went. Now more than ever it’s important to focus on the audience and what your brand can uniquely deliver to that audience on its terms.

品牌与消费者之间的价值交换将是未来成功的关键。 有用,有趣,令人愉悦的内容将是成功的关键。 因为人们很可能必须进行自我选择,并且必须加入您的俱乐部,所以如果您不值得一辈子,他们会去别的地方。 只是现在您不知道他们去了哪里。 现在,比以往任何时候都重要的是,专注于受众,以及您的品牌可以按其条件独特地向受众交付的内容。

Ken McVeagh, Brand & Engagement Strategist: As marketers it’s in our blood to face change head-on, and as people we must protect and respect the privacy of others. These changes will force us to adapt to a more responsible method of delivering personalized experiences. Yes, with any change there comes a challenge, but each challenge has a solution! Google’s shift is just a tipping point, and one we should celebrate. We’re being afforded an opportunity to move to less invasive methods of interacting with consumers, methods that will ultimately contribute to more valuable interactions.

品牌和参与度策略师Ken McVeagh:作为营销人员,面对变革是我们的血液,而作为人们,我们必须保护和尊重他人的隐私。 这些变化将迫使我们适应提供个性化体验的更负责任的方法。 是的,进行任何更改都会带来挑战,但是每个挑战都有解决方案! Google的转变只是一个转折点,我们应该庆祝这一转变。 我们有机会转向与消费者互动的侵入性较小的方法,这些方法最终将促成更有价值的互动。

If Google’s Trust Tokens take a page from Brave’s book, we may be on the precipice of a mass opt-in scenario with a built-in value exchange. Brave’s solution gives users something akin to loyalty points, or frequent-flyer miles, in return for viewing privacy-respecting ads. Users are able to set the number of ads they see per hour — and only hear from brands and creators they want to hear from. This ensures that advertisers are reaching an audience with interest baked in. With a model like this, I can already think of fun and novel ways to reward and entice validated ad-viewers, nurturing them down to conversion while building brand loyalty and equity. The future of digital advertising might look different, but in my opinion it doesn’t look bleak.

如果Google的Trust Tokens摘自Brave的书,那么我们可能处于带有内置价值交换的大规模选择方案的边缘。 勇敢的解决方案为用户提供类似于忠诚度积分或飞行常客里程的东西,以换取查看尊重隐私的广告。 用户可以设置他们每小时看到的广告数量-只能听到他们想听的品牌和创作者的声音。 这样可以确保广告商吸引到更多感兴趣的受众。有了这样的模型,我已经可以想到一种有趣且新颖的方式来奖励和吸引经过验证的广告查看者,在建立品牌忠诚度和公平性的同时,培养他们进行转化。 数字广告的未来可能看起来有所不同,但在我看来,它看起来并不黯淡。

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Mike DiCaprio, Director of Comms Planning: While marketers are rightfully freaking out over Google’s announcement, the change may actually benefit them. In his book, How Brands Grow, Byron Sharp argues that brands experience growth when they market to the largest possible consumer base. With digital marketing, we are tempted to narrow our audience to the smallest possible segments because, well … we can. Cookies have enabled us to reach very narrow slices of the population. Whatever follows cookies may force us to take a broader approach to targeting in the digital space, which may in turn lead to more brand growth.

Comms计划总监Mike DiCaprio:虽然营销人员理所当然地对Google的公告感到惊讶,但这种改变实际上可能会使他们受益。 拜伦·夏普(Byron Sharp)在他的《品牌如何成长》一书中指出,品牌在向尽可能大的消费者群进行营销时会经历增长。 借助数字营销,我们很想将受众范围缩小到最小的细分受众群,因为……我们可以。 Cookies使我们能够覆盖非常狭窄的人群。 不管采取什么措施,cookie都可能迫使我们采取更广泛的方法来定位数字空间,这反过来可能会导致更多的品牌增长。

While Google and the other tech companies are playing down the ramifications of the coming changes, it’s impossible to predict the true outcome. But if the future behaves anything like the past, a technology shift like this, with change of this magnitude, will be messy and confusing and cause a level of disruption no one needs on top of a year of disruptions. Ask yourself if your brand is ready to lose this tool. Have you begun cultivating an alternative? If the answer is no, it’s time to get to work. Focus on your audience and give them a reason to do more than just engage, comment or like. Give them a reason to love. Because real emotion will always surpass the technology gimmick of the moment and give your brand a future built on a connection no digital platform can replicate.

尽管Google和其他科技公司淡化了即将发生的变化的后果,但无法预测出真正的结果。 但是,如果未来的行为像过去一样,那么技术的变化,以及如此巨大的变化,将是混乱而混乱的,并且会导致某种程度的破坏,而除了一年的破坏之外,没有人需要。 问问自己,您的品牌是否已准备好失去此工具。 您是否已开始培养替代品? 如果答案是否定的,那就该上班了。 专注于您的听众,并为他们提供更多的理由,而不仅仅是参与,评论或喜欢。 给他们一个爱的理由。 因为真正的情感将永远超过当下的技术诀窍,并为您的品牌带来建立在数字平台无法复制的连接基础上的未来。

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