surface pro_真正的问题是Surface Duo是下一代Surface Pro还是Surface Book

surface pro

Microsoft’s first smartphone in years comes with a plethora of surprising facts. First, it runs Android making it the very first Microsoft hardware device not running a Microsoft operating system. Second, it's a dual-screen device at a time when most manufacturers are trying to innovate with folding screens. Third, it comes with notable omissions such as lacking NFC, wireless charging and multi-camera setup. Lastly, it does all this for the price of $1,400. That’s a decidedly flagship price for a phone missing some crucial flagship specifications.

微软多年来的首款智能手机拥有众多令人惊讶的事实。 首先,它运行Android,使其成为第一个不运行Microsoft操作系统的Microsoft硬件设备。 其次,在大多数制造商试图通过折叠屏进行创新时,它是一种双屏设备。 第三,它缺少诸如NFC,无线充电和多机位设置等显着遗漏。 最后,它以1400美元的价格完成了所有这些工作。 对于某些缺少关键旗舰规格的手机,这绝对是旗舰价格。

Of course, the Duo is also no ordinary phone. Early reviews of the Surface Duo’s unique dual-screen hardware have been incredibly positive, with many reviewers noting its impressively thin design and smooth 360-degree hinge. However, reviewers have been instructed not to review the device turned on just yet and that’s understandable considering the Duo’s numerous limitations will become clear once it’s actually being used as a phone.

当然,Duo也不是普通的手机。 Surface Duo独特的双屏硬件的早期评论获得了令人难以置信的积极评价,许多评论家指出其惊人的超薄设计和光滑的360度铰链。 但是,已指示审阅者不要立即检查已打开的设备,这是可以理解的,因为考虑到Duo实际用作电话后,其众多限制将变得很明显。

Will Microsoft be able to continue evolving this form factor with better components like a better camera and bigger battery without making it significantly thicker? If you take the position that this first-generation Surface Duo is about laying out a vision that Microsoft will further refine, there are two existing Surface devices that can serve as examples of how this might play out. The Surface Pro and Surface Book, two devices that blur the lines between laptop and tablet, both represent some of Microsoft’s strongest innovation with new form factors and although one has gone on to achieve success, the other presents a cautionary tale.

Microsoft是否能够在不使其厚度显着增加的情况下,通过使用更好的组件(例如更好的相机和更大的电池)继续发展这种外形? 如果您认为第一代Surface Duo旨在提出微软将进一步完善的愿景,那么可以使用现有的两个Surface设备作为其运行方式的示例。 Surface Pro和Surface Book这两个使笔记本电脑和平板电脑之间的界限模糊的设备,都代表了Microsoft在采用新的外形尺寸方面最强大的创新,尽管其中一个已经取得了成功,但另一个却是一个警示。

Surface Pro:第三次是魅力 (Surface Pro: third time’s a charm)

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The first-generation Surface Pro. Photo courtesy of Microsoft.
第一代Surface Pro。 照片由Microsoft提供。

The Surface Pro was initially launched as a niche prosumer counterpart to Microsoft’s ill-fated ARM-based Surface RT tablet. Where the Surface RT was essentially designed to target the iPad and was restricted to running tablet-oriented apps from the Windows Store, the Surface Pro had a full Intel processor and ran Windows 8 Pro, meaning it could run any Windows app you could throw at it.

Surface Pro最初是作为Microsoft命运不佳的基于ARM的Surface RT平板电脑的利基消费产品而推出的。 Surface RT本质上是针对iPad设计的,并且仅限于运行Windows应用商店中面向平板电脑的应用程序,而Surface Pro具有完整的Intel处理器并运行Windows 8 Pro,这意味着它可以运行您可以抛弃的任何Windows应用程序它。

Of course, Microsoft’s big marketing push was with the Surface RT and at the time, the Pro quietly sat in the background as people tried to understand what this more expensive device was trying to be. Sure, it was much more powerful than the Surface RT but having full PC internals also meant the device was incredibly thick and heavy. It was therefore too uncomfortable to use as a tablet and despite being able to tackle anything a laptop could, its small screen and inability to be used comfortably on your lap meant it also didn’t handle being a laptop very well.

当然,微软最大的营销推动力是与Surface RT配合使用,当时,人们试图了解这款更昂贵的设备到底是什么,Pro悄悄地出现在后台。 当然,它比Surface RT功能强大得多,但具有完整的PC内部部件也意味着该设备的重量和重量都难以置信。 因此,用作平板电脑太不舒服了,尽管能够处理笔记本电脑所能解决的任何问题,但其小屏幕以及无法舒适地放在膝盖上的感觉也使它不能很好地用作笔记本电脑。

It wasn’t until the Surface Pro 3 that the entire vision of the Surface Pro-line became clear. Rather than the original Surface-line’s target of competing directly with the iPad, the Surface Pro would create its own category entirely of a tablet that could be your laptop. The Pro 3 brought a fully flexible kickstand that could be adjusted to any position, a larger screen, a magnetically angled keyboard and a much thinner form factor that more perfectly balanced the Pro’s tablet and laptop credentials. What resulted was a tablet that, with its optional (but necessary) Type Cover magnetic keyboard attachment, could transform into a credible laptop while retaining the full flexibility of being a tablet.

直到Surface Pro 3才使Surface Pro-line的整个视觉变得清晰。 Surface Pro不会像最初的Surface-line直接与iPad竞争的目标那样,而是创建自己的完全属于平板电脑(可能是您的笔记本电脑)的类别。 Pro 3带来了完全灵活的支架,可以调节到任何位置,更大的屏幕,带有磁性的键盘,以及更薄的外形,可以更完美地平衡Pro的平板电脑和笔记本电脑凭据。 最终产生了一种平板电脑,该平板电脑具有可选的(但必选)Type Cover磁性键盘附件,可以转变为可靠的笔记本电脑,同时保留平板电脑的全部灵活性。

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The Surface Pro 3 finally perfected the hybrid tablet-laptop form factor. Photo courtesy of Microsoft.
Surface Pro 3最终完善了混合式平板电脑-笔记本电脑的外形尺寸。 照片由Microsoft提供。

Seven years after the Surface Pro-line initially struggled to find its place in the market, the tablet market has now largely moved in its direction. Tablets now look more like the Surface Pro than ever with keyboard attachments of their own and some even with kickstands identical to Microsoft’s design. Even the iPad Pro has slowly evolved to look increasingly similar to the Surface Pro over the years. The iPad Pro now has a magnetic keyboard attachment of its own, a trackpad, a stylus and a fully adjustable hinge (with its keyboard attachment). While the iPad defined the modern tablet in 2010, the Surface Pro was arguably the biggest revolution since then by blurring the boundary between tablet and laptop.

在Surface Pro-line最初难以在市场上找到位置的七年后,平板电脑市场现在已朝着自己的方向发展。 平板电脑现在比以往任何时候都更像Surface Pro,带有自己的键盘附件,有些甚至具有与微软设计相同的支架。 多年来,甚至iPad Pro的演变也越来越类似于 Surface Pro。 iPad Pro现在具有自己的磁性键盘附件,触控板,手写笔和可完全调节的铰链(及其键盘附件)。 iPad在2010年定义了现代平板电脑,而Surface Pro无疑是自那时以来最大的革命,因为模糊了平板电脑和笔记本电脑之间的界限。

Just as the Surface Pro took multiple tries to perfect an entirely new category, supporters claim the Surface Duo, with its unique dual-screen 360-degree hinge form factor, will similarly take a few tries to get right. It's easy to see this perspective considering Microsoft themselves have said the priority for the first-generation Duo is to focus on the fundamentals of the vision.

正如Surface Pro进行了多次尝试来完善一个全新的类别一样,支持者声称Surface Duo具有其独特的双屏360度铰链外形,也同样会花费一些尝试。 考虑到Microsoft自己已经说过第一代Duo的优先级是着眼于愿景的基础,因此很容易看到这种观点。

However, although the Surface Pro’s legacy presents a sense of optimism about the Duo’s future, there is another less optimistic Surface story that could be more applicable to the Duo’s situation.

但是,尽管Surface Pro的遗产给人以对Duo未来的乐观情绪,但还有另一个不太乐观的Surface故事可能更适用于Duo的情况。

Surface Book的承诺 (The promise of the Surface Book)

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Photo courtesy of Microsoft.

Microsoft was riding high after fully realizing the vision of its Surface Pro line, now looking to take aim at the more powerful laptop market occupied by the MacBook Pro. While Surface head Panos Panay spent the better part of the Surface Book announcement making it seem as if it was just a standard pro-level laptop, he cleverly waited halfway through to reveal that this was indeed no ordinary laptop and that the screen could detach to be used as a standalone tablet. To this day I remember my sheer awe at realizing the absolute feat of engineering that Microsoft had pulled off with this form factor. This very revelation resulted in a standing ovation from the audience at the Surface Book’s announcement, enthusiasm more fitting for an Apple announcement rather than a Microsoft one.

微软在充分意识到其Surface Pro系列的愿景之后一路高歌猛进,现在希望瞄准MacBook Pro占领的更强大的笔记本电脑市场。 虽然Surface负责人Panos Panay在Surface Book公告中花费了大部分时间,似乎只不过是一台标准的专业级笔记本电脑,但他巧妙地等待了一半,以表明这确实不是普通的笔记本电脑,并且屏幕可能会分离出来。用作独立平板电脑。 直到今天,我还记得自己在实现Microsoft凭借这种外形设计而获得的绝对工程壮举时的敬畏精神。 这一真相使Surface Book的发布引起了观众的热烈鼓掌 ,对于苹果发布的发布而不是微软发布的发布,其热情更加高涨。

The initial reaction to the device was incredibly positive. Not only was the innovation that went into the device clear, but its vision was clear as well. You had a laptop that was just as powerful or more powerful than a MacBook Pro and could still offer the flexibility of a tablet. At the time, the consensus seemed to be that the initial design quirks such as the large gap when the laptop was closed, the wobbly top-heavy design and cumbersome latching mechanism were all things that would be refined in future generations.

对该设备的最初React令人难以置信。 不仅设备的创新很清晰,而且其愿景也很清晰。 您拥有一台与MacBook Pro一样强大或更强大的笔记本电脑,并且仍然可以提供平板电脑的灵活性。 当时,人们的共识似乎是,最初的设计古怪,例如关闭笔记本电脑时的巨大空隙,摇摆不定的重磅设计和笨拙的闩锁机制,这些都是以后世代可以改进的。

And yet, the Surface Book 2 came out two years later with the exact same design and just with updated internals. Three years after that in May of this year, the Surface Book 3 came out with the exact same design yet again and just with updated internals. The Surface Book has seen no substantial updates to its design since it first launched 5 years ago. While the Surface Book remains an incredibly unique and innovative form factor, it's also becoming increasingly dated by retaining all the quirks of its original design while not embracing new trends such as thin bezels. As the Surface Book has soldiered on without meaningful updates, it has become increasingly clear that Microsoft has hit the limits of the Surface Book’s form factor.

然而,两年后,Surface Book 2推出了完全相同的设计,只是内部部件有所更新。 在今年5月的三年后,Surface Book 3再次推出了完全相同的设计,只是内部部件有所更新。 自5年前首次发布以来,Surface Book的设计并未发生实质性更新。 虽然Surface Book仍然是一个非常独特和创新的外形,但它通过保留其原始设计的所有怪癖而又不接受诸如薄边框之类的新趋势,也变得越来越过时。 由于Surface Book坚持不做有意义的更新,因此越来越清楚的是,微软已经达到了Surface Book外形尺寸的极限。

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Photo courtesy of Microsoft.

What makes the device so special is that all of its main components are fit into the detachable tablet portion of the device, so that you can detach the screen and use it as a standalone tablet. Primarily, this means the CPU has to fit into the already space-constrained tablet-side of the device meaning there’s almost no room to fit in more powerful processors. Though the most recent Surface Book 3 comes with a very powerful GPU (which sits in the spacious keyboard base), it comes with a comparatively underpowered CPU. Where similarly priced pro-level laptops like the Dell XPS 15 and MacBook Pro have plenty of space to fit in powerful components with their traditional laptop designs, the Surface Book is often more expensive (because of its unique form factor) while being less powerful. The question remains whether enough people will be able to justify paying a premium for the form factor for a less powerful device.

该设备之所以如此特别,是因为其所有主要组件都适合该设备的可拆卸平板电脑部分,因此您可以卸下屏幕并将其用作独立的平板电脑。 首先,这意味着CPU必须适合已经受到空间限制的平板电脑一侧,这意味着几乎没有空间可以容纳功能更强大的处理器。 尽管最新的Surface Book 3配备了非常强大的GPU(位于宽敞的键盘底座中),但它配备了性能相对较弱的CPU。 在价格类似的专业级笔记本电脑(如Dell XPS 15和MacBook Pro)具有足够的空间来容纳其传统笔记本电脑设计中的强大组件时,Surface Book通常更昂贵(由于其独特的外形尺寸)而功能却不那么强大。 问题仍然在于,是否有足够多的人有理由为功能更弱的设备支付高昂的外形价格。

The very thing that makes the Surface Book unique is the thing holding it back and this in fact parallels a lot of the Duo’s present limitations and constraints. At $1,400 people are also paying a premium for the Duo’s form factor, for a less powerful device.

使Surface Book独树一帜的原因是使它受阻,实际上这与Duo当前存在的许多局限性和约束性相似。 人们还以1400美元的价格购买了Duo的外形尺寸,以换取功能更弱的设备。

Duo外形的妥协 (The compromises of the Duo’s form factor)

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The Surface Duo’s hinge and 4.8mm thickness. Photo courtesy of Microsoft.
Surface Duo的铰链和4.8mm的厚度。 照片由Microsoft提供。

So many of the Duo’s compromises stem from the very thing that makes it unique: its dual screen 360-degree hinge form factor. While folding phones such as the ones in the Samsung Galaxy Fold series can fit sizable cameras on their exteriors because they don’t have 360 degree hinges, the Surface Duo has to have a flat exterior so that the screens can fold all the way around. This leaves it with no room for the now-standard camera bump or multiple cameras meaning a paltry single 11-megapixel camera that doubles both as a front-facing and rear-facing camera. To make the Duo comfortable to hold and use even when folded, Microsoft had to make each side of the Duo incredibly (and impressively) thin. However, this thinness also likely contributed to its lack of NFC, wireless charging, 5G and it having a small battery.

Duo做出的许多折衷归因于其独特之处:其双屏幕360度铰链外形。 虽然折叠式手机(如Samsung Galaxy Fold系列中的手机)由于没有360度铰链而可以在其外部安装大型相机,但Surface Duo的外壳必须平坦,以便屏幕可以一直折叠。 这为现在的标准相机凸块或多个相机留出了空间,这意味着一个微不足道的单个11兆像素相机可以兼作前置和后置摄像头。 为了使Duo即使折叠起来也能舒适地握住和使用,Microsoft必须使Duo的每一面都令人难以置信(且令人印象深刻)薄。 但是,这种薄型也可能导致其缺少NFC,无线充电,5G以及电池电量不足。

This isn’t to say that it will be impossible for Microsoft to fix these issues in future iterations. But, similar to the constraints caused by the Surface Book’s form factor, it looks like the Duo’s form factor itself might hold it back from being a more competitive device. Microsoft has been smart to avoid calling the Duo a phone, to avoid these very direct comparisons and emphasize that they are trying to create a new category, similar to what the Surface Pro did for tablets. However, unless Microsoft is expecting people to carry two devices in their pockets, people are going to expect the Duo to do all the things they still expect from a flagship smartphone. The mediocre camera, lack of NFC and small battery alone threaten to make the Duo hard to use as a daily-driver, let alone the fact that you have to pay $1,400 to even get one.

这并不是说Microsoft在将来的迭代中不可能解决这些问题。 但是,类似于Surface Book外形尺寸引起的限制,看起来Duo的外形尺寸本身可能会使它不再是更具竞争力的设备。 微软一直聪明地避免给Duo打电话,避免进行这些非常直接的比较,并强调他们正在尝试创建一个新类别,类似于Surface Pro平板电脑所做的事情。 但是,除非微软期望人们将两个设备装在口袋里,否则人们会期望Duo能够完成旗舰智能手机仍然可以实现的所有功能。 普通的相机,缺乏NFC和仅小的电池就可能使Duo难以用作日常驾驶员,更不用说您必须支付1400美元才能买到这样的事实。

The point in saying any of this isn’t to say that the Duo will fail or that it has no future. There is a strong vision here that just needs refinement and if there’s any team that can pull off impressive new form factors like this, it's the Surface team. But, I think it’s important not to immediately look to the Surface Pro for evidence that the Duo will eventually succeed because it could also go in a very different direction. I for one applaud Microsoft for presenting a unique vision for smartphones rather than aimlessly competing with the Galaxy S’s and iPhones of the world. I want the Duo to pave the way for even better phones just as the Surface Pro did for tablets. I am rooting for the Duo and I hope Microsoft can pull it off, just with the understanding that it’s not a foregone conclusion.

说任何这句话的意思并不是说Duo将失败或没有未来。 这里有一个强大的愿景,只需要改进,如果有任何团队可以像这样推出令人印象深刻的新外形,那就是Surface团队。 但是,我认为重要的是不要立即向Surface Pro寻求证据,证明Duo最终会成功,因为它也可能朝着完全不同的方向发展。 我为微软为智能手机提供独特的愿景而不是与世界上的Galaxy S和iPhone漫无目的竞争而表示赞赏。 我希望Duo为更好的手机铺平道路,就像Surface Pro在平板电脑上一样。 我支持Duo,希望微软能够实现这一目标,只是要了解这并不是一个定局。


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