

You may have heard the saying that there are only two hard things in computer science, one of which is naming things. Some programming language names make a lot of sense, like Google naming their language Go(lang). Other names — like Python and Java — are not so obvious.

您可能已经听说过这样的说法: 计算机科学中只有两件困难的事情,其中一件是命名。 某些编程语言名称很有意义,例如Google命名其语言Go(lang)。 其他名称(例如Python和Java)不太明显。

Let’s explore the history of some of the most iconic programming languages and how they got their name.


Python (Python)

Python was created by Guido van Rossum as a “hobby” programming project to keep him occupied during the Christmas holidays. For his language, van Rossum wanted a name that was short, unique, and slightly mysterious. Given Python’s “two snakes” logo, you would think that Python is named after the enormous python snakes (capable of swallowing an entire alligator whole!).

Python由Guido van Rossum创建,是一个“爱好”编程项目,目的是在圣诞节期间让他忙碌起来 。 范·罗瑟姆(van Rossum)想要一个简短,独特且略带神秘色彩的名字。 给定Python的“两条蛇”徽标,您会认为Python以巨大的python蛇(能够吞下整个鳄鱼整体!)命名。

Rather, while in a “slightly irreverent mood”, Guido named it after Monty Python’s Flying Circus, a British comedy series from the 70s. It turns out he was a huge fan of the show and just happened to be reading the show’s scripts at the time.

相反,吉多(Guido)处于一种“ 略微不羁的情绪 ”中时,以蒙蒂·Python(Monty Python)的《飞行马戏团》(Flying Circus)命名,这是70年代的英国喜剧系列。 事实证明,他是该节目的忠实粉丝,而当时恰巧正在阅读该节目的剧本。

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Source. 资源。

Java (Java)

Java was developed in the early 1990s at Sun Microsystems as part of the Green Project. Creating a new language wasn’t even the point of the project: Java was developed because they needed a processor-independent language that could offer most of what C++ had while being easier to work with. The top-secret Green Team was formed to build the “next wave of computing” beyond the PC, which they believed to be interactive, digitally controlled consumer electronics (a precursor to “smart devices”).

Java是1990年代初期在Sun Microsystems开发的,属于Green Project的一部分。 创建一种新语言甚至都不是项目的重点 :开发Java是因为他们需要一种与处理器无关的语言,该语言可以提供C ++所拥有的大部分功能,并且更易于使用。 成立了最高机密的绿色团队 ,其目的是在PC之外构建“下一个计算浪潮”,他们认为PC是交互式的,数字控制的消费类电子产品(“智能设备”的前身)。

The result of the Green Project: a wireless, full-color, touchscreen controller known as the *7 (StarSeven).
Source. 来源

Java was initially named Oak after a tree outside one of the developer’s windows. However, when Sun’s lawyers determined that Oak was already trademarked, the Green Team convened for a caffeine-fueled brainstorming session and came up with the name Java. They wanted something that reflected the essence of their language: “dynamic, revolutionary, lively and fun”. From a meeting that was described as “fundamentally continuous wild craziness”, Java was a perfect choice.

Java最初以开发人员的一个窗口外的一棵树命名为Oak。 但是,当Sun的律师确定Oak已经是商标时, 绿色团队召集了一次咖啡因激发的头脑风暴会议,并提出了Java的名字。 他们想要某种能反映其语言本质的东西 :“充满活力,革命性,生动有趣”。 在一次被称为“从根本上持续疯狂的会议”的会议上,Java是一个完美的选择。

While the *7 was a bit ahead of its time and never really took off, the programming language it was built on did — and the rest is history.

虽然* 7领先于时代,但从未真正起飞过,但它所基于的编程语言却发挥了作用-其余就是历史。

JavaScript (JavaScript)

JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich in 1995 at Netscape — the company behind Navigator, the most popular web browser at the time. Back then, web pages were completely static, but Netscape envisioned the dynamic, interactive web that exists today. Feeling pressure from Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, they hired Eich to integrate a scripting language into their browser.

JavaScript由Brendan Eich于1995年在Netscape创立,Netscape是当时最流行的Web浏览器Navigator背后的公司。 那时,网页是完全静态的,但是Netscape设想了当今存在的动态,交互式网络。 由于受到Microsoft Internet Explorer的压力,他们聘请了Eich将脚本语言集成到他们的浏览器中。

Netscape wanted to create a language that was simple and easy to use. Riding off the booming popularity of Java, they pictured the language as the “scripting companion to Java”, similar to how Visual Basic was a complement to C/C++. With an emphasis on rapid development and simplicity, Eich inherited much of Java’s syntax and wrote the first version of JavaScript in only 10 days. It was fittingly named Mocha.

Netscape希望创建一种简单易用的语言。 借助Java的Swift普及,他们将语言描述为“ Java的脚本伴侣” ,类似于Visual Basic如何对C / C ++进行补充。 Eich着力于快速开发和简化,因此继承了Java的大部分语法,并仅用了10天时间就编写了JavaScript的第一个版本 。 它被恰当地命名为摩卡咖啡。

“I was under marketing orders to make it look like Java but not make it too big […] It’s just this sort of silly little brother language, right? The sidekick to Java.” — Brendan Eich

“我受到市场的命令,使它看起来像Java,但并没有使其变得太大[…]这只是这种愚蠢的弟弟语言,对吗? Java的伙伴。” — 布伦丹·艾希 ( Brendan Eich)

When the language was first integrated into Netscape, it was known as LiveScript. Shortly after, Netscape went all-in on the “Java companion” playbook. They partnered with Sun, renaming their language to JavaScript and touted it side-by-side with Java: JavaScript was advertised as a scripting language for small client-side tasks in the browser, while Java would be promoted as a bigger, professional tool to develop rich web components. Indeed, the origin of JavaScript’s name was a marketing ploy by Netscape to try and fend off Microsoft.

当该语言首次集成到Netscape中时,它被称为LiveScript。 不久之后,Netscape全面参与了“ Java同伴”剧本。 他们与Sun合作,将其语言重命名为JavaScript,并与Java并排宣传:JavaScript被宣传为一种脚本语言,用于浏览器中的小型客户端任务,而Java将被推广为更大,更专业的工具,开发丰富的Web组件。 确实,JavaScript名称的起源是Netscape试图抵御Microsoft的营销手段。

C系列(C,C ++,Objective-C,C#) (The C Family (C, C++, Objective-C, C#))

The first programming language ever is named Ada, credited to Ada Lovelace. Soon after there was a language named B, from which the name C is derived. C was developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs, considered by many to be the first high-level programming language.

有史以来第一种编程语言称为Ada,归功于Ada Lovelace 。 不久之后,出现了一种名为B的语言,由此衍生了名称C。 C语言是由贝尔实验室的Dennis Ritchie开发的,被许多人认为是第一种高级编程语言

C has many extensions, including C++, Objective-C, and C#. The names C++ and Objective-C are fairly self-explanatory, while C# is a bit less obvious. C# is musically inspired: a sharp (#) note means that it should be made a semitone higher in pitch. Even more interesting is that the # symbol is a ligature of 4 + symbols in a 2x2 square, perfectly fitting given that C# is an “increment” of C++!

C具有许多扩展,包括C ++,Objective-C和C#。 名称C ++和Objective-C相当不言自明,而C#则不太明显。 C#受音乐启发:尖锐的(#)音符表示应将其音调调高半音。 更加有趣的是,#符号是一个2x2正方形中的4个+符号的连字,考虑到C#是C ++的“增量”,这非常合适!

Swift (Swift)

Swift development at Apple in 2010 and was first released four years later. With its primary influence being Objective-C, Apple touts Swift as fast, easy to use, and safe by design. At first, Swift was named Shiny, as though you were building a “shiny new thing”. In fact, it even had the file extension .shiny.

苹果于2010年在Swift上进行了开发,并于四年后首次发布。 苹果公司以其主要影响力为Objective-C,因此吹嘘Swift既快速,易于使用又设计安全。 最初, Swift被命名为Shiny,就像您正在构建“闪亮的新事物”一样 。 实际上,它甚至具有文件扩展名.shiny

The name Swift was eventually chosen to reflect its speed — in regards to performance as well as development time. Swift’s logo is of a bird that goes by the same name: Swifts are a family of birds known for their speed and aerial prowess.

最终选择Swift这个名字来反映其速度-在性能和开发时间方面。 斯威夫特(Swift)的徽标上有个同名鸟: 斯威夫特(Swift)是一类以速度和空中技巧而著称的鸟。

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Source. 资源。

哈斯克尔 (Haskell)

Haskell is named after logician Haskell Brooks Curry, known for his work in combinatorial logic. In fact, there’s a programming language named after each one of his names: Haskell, Brook, and Curry! The concept of currying was also named after him.

Haskell以逻辑学家Haskell Brooks Curry的名字命名,他以组合逻辑方面的工作而闻名。 实际上,有一种编程语言以他的每个名字命名:Haskell, BrookCurry讽刺的概念也以他的名字命名。

A fascinating aspect of Haskell that’s seldom discussed is its logo. You might notice the λ symbol in the logo, an ode to lambda calculus. However, look a bit more carefully and you’ll see that the λ is sandwiched by a “>” and “=”. This comes from the infamous bind operator for Monads: >>=. Haskell’s logo is the bind operator interweaved with a λ.

很少讨论的Haskell迷人之处是其徽标。 您可能会注意到徽标中的λ符号,这是lambda演算的颂歌 但是,仔细观察一下,您会发现λ被“ > ”和“ =”夹在中间。 这来自臭名昭著的Monads 绑定操作符>>= 。 Haskell的徽标是与λ交织的绑定运算符。

The meaning of the Haskell logo is seldom discussed: It’s a lambda interweaved with the bind operator.
Source. 资源。

Hopefully, you enjoyed learning a bit about the history of programming languages. I had a ton of fun researching this story as I thought some of these origin stories were absolutely fascinating.

希望您喜欢学习一些编程语言的历史。 在研究这个故事时,我感到非常有趣,因为我认为其中一些起源故事绝对令人着迷。

If you have interesting origin stories of other programming languages that I didn’t cover, please do share! Thanks for reading!

如果您有其他我没有涉及的有趣编程语言起源故事,请分享! 谢谢阅读!

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/how-your-favorite-programming-languages-got-their-names-9916fe997f78


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